Teacher's Pet

By lovewriteread

629K 15.5K 2.8K

It's the last year for Alex Reid. The last year for the soccer player to make here mark at the high school l... More

Twenty-two Part 1
Twenty-two Part 2
Not an Update
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thrity seven
Thirty nine
Epilogue: The Wedding
Too Much Hope (Sequel)

Thirty eight

6.4K 204 37
By lovewriteread

I'm back, please don't hate me!!
I know it has been a while since I updated and I'm sorry about that. I am under so much stress lately with my gradual action coming up and the stupid IB Exams I am taking all month.
Are any of my readers in the IB Program or know someone in it?? It's hell isn't it?
Okay well I hope you enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.


"Look at her little hands. They are so tiny, you could eat them in like one bite."

"Seth that is called cannibalism and is highly frowned upon in our society." Lucy calmly explains to her boyfriend as if this isn't the first time they have had this conversation.

"I'm not really going to eat her, she is too cute." Seth says, his voice going up a few octaves at the end of his sentence.

"So are you implying that you would eat a person if they weren't cute?" Jaime asks sarcastically.

"Well depending on the circumstances.." Seth isn't able to finish his sentence due to the chorus of groans that erupted in the room.

"Don't even finish that sentence man. There is something wrong with you." Jacob says a little too loud and his voice causes Amelia to wiggle in her crib.

"Shut up Jacob," Seth whisper yells at his friend before hitting him on the back of the head. "Don't wake up my godchild."

"Your godchild?! Oh no Seth you are not the godfather! We talked about this, you don't deserve such an awesome title." Jacob whisper yells back at his friend.

"We didn't talk about this. You blabbed on and on about how cute the baby was going to look as long as it didn't have any of Ben's beastly features while I just shook my head cause your voice was annoying me."

"Okay okay." I finally decided to speak up. Standing up from my rocking chair in the corner of the room I stood between the feuding friends in hopes that their voices would go back to their normal volume and not wake up the baby. "How about we continue this conversation downstairs because if you two wake up that baby, I will kill you both." Seth and Jacob looked at my serious expression and knew I wasn't kidding about committing murder. They dropped their shoulders in defeat and walked out of the nursery. Soon everyone followed after them, Ben being the last one out because he had to turn on the baby monitor.

The six of us went downstairs to the living room where they could get as loud as they want. Lucy, Seth, and Jaime sat down on the large ivory couch while Jacob sat on the arm chair closest to Jaime and Ben in the arm chair opposite of Jacob. Before I could sit down next to Lucy, Ben wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I am still just as heavy as I was right before I gave birth but he didn't seem to mind. Ben pulled our bodies as close as they could get before resting his chin on my shoulder occasionally resting his head in the crook of my neck while leaving light feathered kisses. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to silence my thoughts, and for that I was grateful.

"So how is being parents? Do you guys feel old yet?" Jaime asked childishly.

"We don't feel old, just tired." I agreed a hundred and ten percent with Ben's statement. It has only been a week since Amelia was born and three days since we left the hospital. We stayed at the hospital longer than I thought we would because the doctor wanted to monitor Amelia's lungs and my heart. I almost had a heart attack when they took Amelia to do a few tests on her lungs because she was a few weeks premature but the doctors concluded that she was fine. And after Michael's surprise pop up at the hospital I had a panic attack. Because I was already weak from giving birth it took a large toll on my physical health. Once I was feeling a little stronger the doctor let us go and we came home.

I didn't want too many people over on the day that we brought Amelia home. A lot of people meant a lot of germs and I wasn't taking my chances, so Sadia and my dad were the only ones allowed to come near the baby. Joey spent a few hours with her before catching the next flight back to Florida. Sadia fell head over heels for the little girl at first glance, despite being the only other person besides myself and Ben that knew that Ben wasn't the biological father she promised to be the best aunt and spoil her niece in the most fashionable baby clothes to ever hit the runway. My dad, on the other hand, started to talk about all the games he would take her to, and all the sports she would be good at. He really didn't know how to handle girls which is part of the reason why I am a horror movie loving sports fanatic like him but he was trying and that was all I cared about.

The principal gave Ben some excused absences from school, not as many as I had but enough for him to help me get used to life with the baby. Ben doesn't have school for the next week, only going for after school basketball practices to prepare for the upcoming state championships. I, on the other hand, don't have school for the rest of the month only having to go in for my final exams and a few graduation rehearsals.

Jaime and Lucy had been calling and texting me since Ben and I left prom after my water broke. They had been dying to see my little girl so I told them to wait until Saturday and then the four of them could come over.

"Is she sleeping through the night?" Jacob asked. Every since they found out about my pregnancy whenever Ben would read one of those 'what to expect' books, Jacob would read one too. He surprisingly knew a lot about infants and pregnancy, even sharing disturbing facts with Seth at lunch so he would loose his appetite.

"No not really. She will sleep for about three hours straight but she wakes up in the middle of the night because she is hungry and it takes forever to put her back down." Last night was by far the worse I have experienced. She woke up at three in the morning and after I fed her she cried for half an hour before finally falling asleep.

"And it is so hard to be mad at her for keeping us awake because she is so damn cute." Ben said in the highest pitch voice he could.

"Agreed! You two made an adorable baby." Lucy squealed.

"Just don't go making more adorable babies, at least not yet." Seth commented making Ben chock on thin air.

"I just pushed one out, I don't even want to think of the idea of another one." The thought allow sent a shiver down my spine.

"Besides they would have to wait at least six weeks before doing anything so Alex's body can go back to normal." Jacob adds his tidbit of information.

"Six weeks huh?" Ben whispered in my ear making my cheeks flush red.

"Don't worry. A few of Coach Wyatt's intense work outs and your body will be back to how it was before the baby." Lucy said optimistically.

"I hope so. I'm still upset that I gave birth to a 7 lb baby but only lost 4 lb, how is that even possible?" I still can't wrap my head around it and all my nurse said was that it's normal. "Anyways, how's everything with you guys?"

"Well now that the both of you have ditched me in history, I have no one to hide behind while I take a nap. Mrs. Lawrence throw an orange at me yesterday and that old, frail lady has good aim." Seth says rubbing his shoulder that probably holds a circular shaped bruise. Lucy leaned over at her boyfriends discomfort and planted a light kiss on his hurt shoulder. He smiled down at her and I had to bite down on my lip so I wouldn't shout awww.

"We have a permanent substitute in English now." Jaime said a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Yea we walked in to class on Monday and all of Mr. Adams's stuff was gone." Jacob added.

"No one knows why he left but there are a few rumors going around saying he got discovered and moved to France to be a male model." Lucy almost swooned just thinking about Michael as a model. That didn't go unnoticed by Seth and he reacted by playfully elbowing his girlfriend's side.

I turned towards Ben after hearing about Michael's absence and I noticed that his jaw was tightly clenched. I brushed my hand on his stubbly chin trying to relax him before his anger was noticed and we had to answer a shit ton of questions.

Ben was able to pull a few strings with the police chief so that this entire thing stayed quiet so if the town thought that the good looking English teacher left to pursue a career as a model that was fine by me. No one in our small town beside me, Ben, and the police chief would know that Michael was really sentence to 5 years with the possibility of parole for trespassing, attempted kidnapping, and sex with a minor. Ben and I took restraining orders out on Michael. He can't come within 100 yards of me, Ben, or Amelia without violating the restraining order and his parole which would land him right back in prison.

I feel like there was a burden lifted from my shoulders after I knew he would never be near me again. After he was arrest, I just finally felt like my strings had been cut, like he wasn't in control of me anymore. I was no longer his puppet, his pet. I could breath again but that didn't stop my mind from thinking about the what ifs and the things that he could try to do even after getting out of prison. The fact that we were moving to Florida shortly after graduation did help a little to clear my mind but those thoughts would forever lurk in my mind.


*Wah Wah Wahhhh *

"Come on Amelia. Please go back to sleep." My soothing voice and gentle rocking didn't seem to faze the little girl as she continued to scream and cry. It was almost four in the morning and I have been rocking this screaming child for about 45 minutes. She woke up at her normal time of 3 am hungry like she is every night, so I got out of the bed, fed her until she was full but once I tried to put her in her crib she started to scream and has yet to stop.

At this point I didn't know what to do. I knew she wasn't hungry I mean for Christ sake I just fed her. I already changed her diaper. I was running out of options and to be quite honest her scream was about to give me another panic attack.

"Just tell me what it is that you want, please I beg of you." I said to her almost in tears my self.

"Hand her to me." A shirtless Ben waltzes into the nursery still half asleep. If I wasn't in such a panicked and dazed state I would have admired how he looked with his pajama bottoms hanging dangerously low on his hips and the way his hair was sticking up in several different directions. But instead all I could do was meet him half way and hand him the crying child.

"Go lay down, I got this." He kissed my forehead before walking towards the rocking chair and beginning to calm our daughter down.

Not having to be told twice, I walked back to our bedroom and laid down on my side of the bed. About 10 minutes later when my eyes were finally feeling too heavy to keep open, I felt the other side of the bed dip down and a pair of strong arms grab my waist and pull me into a hard yet comfortable chest.

"How the hell did you get her to sleep so fast?" I whispered as if she could hear me and start crying again.

"To be honest, I don't know. She just seemed to calm down in my arms." I could see why, I was on the verge of a deep slumber already and he has only been holding me for about 30 seconds.

"Well I hope you know that now when she wakes up and after I fed her, I'm handing her over to you."

"I have absolutely no problem with that." He said sincerely before resting his head in the crook of my neck. Ben and I really did make a great team.

Family goals!!!!!!

So what do you think??

Does Michael's punishment sound reasonable or should he have gotten more time?

Isn't Ben just the best??

Don't forget to vote and comment.

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