Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

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Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author

Chapter 36

681 27 19
By TheGayAteMySoul

Troye's POV
(Oh look! I wrote smut again! Yay me!)
(Ps this is a long ass fucking chapter, the longest in the story, that's for sure.)
I was sat on a bench with Tyler next to me. Currently we were waiting for the rest of our friends to arrive at the airport. The flight to Sydney was at 5:45am so that when wed arrive we would still have the whole day to do something fun.

Tyler leaned into me and sighed, he's been doing that for the past ten minutes. I took his glasses off and put them on, he groaned and tried to take the glasses back but I held him back.

"Give them back you strange looking handsome potato." He managed to take them back and put them on.


"You might as well be one, without my glasses I can't see a difference."

"Ouch, that hurt me." I faked hurt and wiped away a pretend tear. Tyler softly pressed his lips the corner of my mouth.

"Baby feels better?"

"I'll live." Tyler smiled putting me in a happy mood. He joined our hands together and stood up, pulling me up with him.

I saw our four friends approach so I grabbed my small luggage and walked over to them with Tyler by my side. Zoe looked extatic, she was holding onto Alfie's arm tightly and she had the largest smile plastered across her face. Alfie looked less excited than her, but he still seemed happy.

Joe and Caspar were laughing and bumping into each other as they made their way towards us. The four of them and the two of us met in the middle, just infront of the entrance.

"You sure took your time." Tyler joked as he went to hug Zoe.

"Technically we're on time, you're just early."

We greeted each other and went for the routine airport checks before boarding our aeroplane.


Tyler and I slept through most of the flight and when we didn't sleep we spent our time on our phones. Luckily the flight had wifi so I was able to finally go on twitter.

I took random photos of Tyler, the view outside and a few selfies. My favourite photo would have to be the one of me and Tyler holding hands in between our seats.

When the flight was finally coming to an end I was beyond excited. Tyler had drifted off into his dream land half an hour ago so I decided it would be best if I woke him up now.

I gently shook Tyler's shoulder until he woke up. He groaned a bit before sitting up right.


We arrived at exactly 12am at the hotel. All three of the rooms were on the same floor and next to each other. Mine and Tyler's room was the one in the middle, Joe and Caspar were in the room on the right and Zoe and Alfie were in the room on the left.

Everyone decided to unpack before heading out.

Tyler threw himself on the hotel bed, the springs didn't make a single noise.

"This bed is perfect! This bed is so fucking amazing!" Tyler laughed a little, then he rolled onto his back. He patted the space next to him for me to lay next to him. I gladly took his offer, however instead of laying next to him I crawled up his body, then I straddled him.

"How about we test that out? We'll test how amazing this bed is, later. What do you think?" I slowly moved my hands up Tyler's chest. Softly I attached my lips to his neck, leaving a trail of kisses along Tyler's neck.

"That sounds g-great!" Tyler's breath hitched when I experimentally rolled my hips, rubbing my crotch against his. I smirked at the way I could affect Tyler with the slightest touch, I'm so looking forward to tonight, just the thought of it making me feel slightly uncomfortable in my pants.

"Good, now let's unpack!"

Tyler stayed on the bed for a few more moments before starting to unpack his bag.


Day 1

"The Sydney Opera House is our first stop!" Zoe chirped as she gently pushed me into the taxi with Tyler, then she got in as well. Alfie's, Joe's and Caspar's taxi was already leaving and I was able to see them waving at us through the window.

"And then the harbour bridge?" Tyler asked in a tone that made him sound as if he already knew the answer, then again, Zoe had been going on about the day plan ever since we saw each other at the airport back in Perth.

"Yes! And then we can go eat together and from then we separate." Zoe continued to explain what we already knew, I listened to her anyway.

The drive was short since our hotel was in the perfect location, meaning that the longest we would spend traveling to our planned destinations was roughly thirty minutes.

We arrived at the Opera House five past one. Suprisingly there wasn't that many people, I would have guessed it would have been packed full of people. I guess I was wrong.

"This is awesome!" Caspar exclaimed after he got out of his taxi.

"We need at least one photo together!" Zoe pulled out her phone and huddled us all together. She tried taking a few selfies but she couldn't fit all of us in. It was quiet funny to watch her struggle but in the end I decided to end her struggles.

I took my phone out and asked a person walking by to take a picture of the six of us. The lady gladly took my phone and took pictures of us, she smiled and carried on with her day.

"I could have managed." Zoe looked down at the ground with her arms crossed.

"I know, but I prefer a proper group photo." Zoe's frown slowly turned upwards into a meek smile. She then quickly took Alfie's hand and pulled him away.

"We'll meet here in around two hours!" Zoe shouted before she disappeared with Alfie.

Joe and Caspar went in the opposite direction to Zoe and Alfie, that left me and Tyler to go straight forward.

Tyler surprised me by taking a photo of me. I'm usually the one to take photos so it was a pleasant change.

"You look like a statue in the picture, a very handsome statue." Tyler held on tightly to my hand, he looked up at me then smiled, his eyes glistened and that moment I realised that I'll never let him go. We stopped moving, we stood next to a fence with people walking past.

"I love you-" We both said at the same time. Tyler and I laughed at how much it felt we were in a book or movie, how cliché it was for us to say the same thing at the same time.

"That was strange, but cute, and very cheesy." Tyler laughed under his breath.

I felt as if I needed to make the moment seem even more like it was from a movie. A wave of confidence rushed through my body. I looped one arm around Tyler's middle and I cupped his cheek with my other hand. Then in one swift motion I pressed my lips to his for a passionate kiss.

I leaned my body forward so that Tyler was leaning back. My hold around him was the only thing keeping him from falling to the floor.

Quickly I pulled Tyler back up, our lips still stayed connected. Tyler held on to my face, not eager to pull away. Unfortunately we couldn't stand in the middle of a public area just kissing, I feel like I've already crossed some type of line by displaying PDA.

When I moved away Tyler took a deep breath in. He chuckled, looking down at the space between us.

"I got a bit carried away right then, but we can carry on with that later." I said not even trying to be discreet about how much I wanted to carry on.

Tyler smiled, then he turned around to lean against the fence that was next to us and look at the view. I was about to do the same before I was greeted with the sight of three people walking toward us.

"You're Troye Sivan! I'm sorry for interrupting but can we take some pictures with you?" A girl with beautiful dyed blue hair asked, pointing to her friends.

"Sure! Yeah, no problem!" The blue haired girl hugged me and took a picture with me. The two other friends did the same.

"Can we have a group photo? Your boyfriend can take it." The blue haired girl asked (she seemed to be the more confident one out of the group) as she pointed to Tyler. Tyler seemed oblivious to what was going on.

"Ty? Tilly? Tyler! Can you take the photo?" I finally managed to get his attention after what felt like ages. Tyler seemed slightly embarrassed when he turned around.

The group also seemed surprised, the again they probably thought I was still dating Connor since neither of us ever mentioned anything about a breakup.

Fuck that dude.

"Sorry, I totally zoned out. Yeah, I can take the picture." Tyler took the camera out of the girl's hand and took some photos before handing the camera back. The group waved goodbye and then they hurried off.

"I was expecting more squeals... but I'm glad that didn't happen."

"I bet you their gonna tell everyone you're dating me."

"How much?"

"A date at a fancy restaurant."



"Opera House and Harbour Bridge done, let's eat and then we can go our separate ways for tonight." Alfie led us to some diner near where we spent most of our day.

The dinner was styled like a 1950's American diner. There were red leather seats with pictures of classic cars and a few music album covers.

The six of us took a seat in a booth in the far corner of the diner.

"I wish I lived in the 1950's!" Zoe excitedly squealed as she observed the decorations.

"Would you really though? Just really think about it Zoe." Tyler said.

"Yeah I know, sexism and racism and all that stuff, but I'd just want to see how different it was, the music and style! Just for one day!"

"I'm sure it's as exciting as it is now." Joe said as he read through the menu.

The waitress come over and offered us some coffee before taking out a notepad and taking our orders. Tyler and I ordered a burger with fries and a cola, Joe and Alfie ordered hotdogs, Caspar took a pizza and Zoe got large fries and a strawberry milkshake.

The food arrived and it looked glorious! Everybody's jaws dropped and I could feel myself start to drool.

"Have I died and gone to heaven?" I licked my lips at the sight and smell of my food. If the food tastes as good as it smells and looks then I might as well live here.

"I don't want to ruin how it looks." Tyler said.

"This is tasty!" Caspar exclaimed. All heads turned to look at him since he was the only one actually eating his food.

"Let's eat then!" Alfie picked up his hot dog and soon everyone was digging into their food.


"I feel like I've just ate a whole cow." I poked my belly, slightly regretting my decision of stealing some of Tyler's fries.

"I'm carrying a food baby." Zoe groaned as she tried to pick herself up in the seat.

"I don't have any energy to do anything." Tyler lay his head against my arm, laughing slightly.

"Maybe we should get back to the hotel? Later we could go to the pool so we don't spend the rest of the day inside?" Joe offered his idea being slightly unsure of himself.

"I personally think that that's a good plan. I'll order us a taxi." I took my phone out being ready to get back to the hotel, my main reason wasn't to get some rest, it was quite the opposite.


(This part of the story contains smexy butt penetration (aka smut) so enjoy)

We parted ways to our separate rooms. Tyler immediately collapsed on the bed face first. He sighed in relief. I laughed at the sight of him.

"How you feeling?" I asked as I took my shoes off.

"It feels nice, although I'm sure we were supposed to test this baby out. Am I correct?" Tyler rolled over to lay on his back, he then patted the bed whilst looking me in the eyes.

"You are in fact correct."

"So what are you waiting for?"

Tonight I was planning on fucking the life out of him, but the earlier today I felt like I needed to show him how much he really means to me and how much I love him.

I took my t-shirt off quickly, throwing it on the floor without a care. Tyler swiftly did the same. As he let the clothing fall to the floor I reached him and pressed our bare chests together.

Tyler let out a small noise of pleasure, the sound making my length press tighter to my pants, the feeling making me moan quietly.

The feeling of Tyler's warm body moving against my bare skin caused my whole mind to be completely taken over with a blissful sensation. I could feel his chest moving steadily as well as his fast heartbeat.

I slowly bobbed up and down, my hardening length rubbing with Tyler's. My lips were gently pressed to Tyler's neck. I left an array of soft kisses on Tyler's skin. These simple acts were enough to make Tyler breathing become unsteady, the warm air washed over my ear and cheek.

I let my hands wander down Tyler's back. They travelled and explored every little part of it, every dip, every muscle, all of it. I stopped just above his pants. Tyler suddenly rolled his hips, making me let out a sultry moan.

When the noise came out Tyler took my earlobe between his teeth and gently nipped it as well as sucked. Just that one small action was enough for me to loose myself for a moment.

I finally let my hands drift further down. I hooked my fingers inside Tyler's pants and then began to pull them off. After a little struggle I dropped the pants to the floor, leaving Tyler fully exposed to me. My mouth felt dry and there was a swarm of butterflies fluttering in my stomach, it was like I was doing this for the first time.

Everything with Tyler feels like the first time.

I smiled then licked my lips after raking my eyes all over Tyler's body. I then proceeded to take my own pants off. I kicked the last article of clothing onto the floor and then I moved slowly towards Tyler.

Tyler moved back on the bed as I crawled towards him. He stopped and laid fully on his back. I was now hovering over his body. Tyler smiled shyly as he pulled me in for a sweet and slow kiss.

I began to roll my hips to the slow rhythm of the kiss. The friction caused made Tyler squirm underneath me.

Tyler's needy hands traveled down to the middle of my back. He then began to pull my body down towards his. I let our chests collide and Tyler sighed in pleasure of the contact.

I hesitantly disconnected out lips, only to kiss down Tyler's body until I reached his belly button. When I got that low I looked up at Tyler, he was looking back at me, his breathing becoming heavier. He nodded and let his head fall back.

I carried on moving lower. When I reached down to his length I teasingly let my finger walk his thigh. I saw Tyler clench his fist, knowing what I was going to do next.

I gently spread his legs apart a tiny bit for an even better access. I slowly moved my face towards Tyler's length, letting my hot breaths wash over it, this made Tyler writhe.

I licked up the bottom of his length. A chocked moan came from Tyler, the noise making my dick twitch. I continued licking up and down his length until I noticed how inpatient Tyler was getting.

I wrapped my lips around his shaft, licking over his tip before moving down on him. Tyler moaned loudly when I began to move up whilst hollowing my cheeks. He suddenly jerked forward, making his dick hit the back of my throat, I didn't care though.

I wasn't going to spend the whole night sucking him off, that's why after covering his length in my spit I wrapped my hand around it, leaving my mouth completely free. I leaned in to softly whisper into Tyler's ear.

"Wanna try something... different?"

"Wha-what would th-that be?" Tyler tried speaking but the obvious pleasure he was feeling was getting the better of him.

"You choose the pace..." I kissed the skin just bellow his ear, slowing down the movements of my hand.

"Ride you?"

"Mhmm..." I bit down on the skin of his neck, loving the way his body wriggled under me.


"Good." I reached for the plastic bottle from the bedside table I put it in earlier today. As well as taking the bottle I took out a condom packet. I left the packet on the table but I opened the bottle and poured some of the lubricant on my hand. I covered my fingers in it before spreading Tyler's legs even further.

I kissed down his inner thigh before easing one finger into his hole. Tyler's lewd moan filled the room, the noise was like music to my ears. I kissed further up his thigh, gently skimming past his lengths base.

The movement of my digit was slow, almost nonexistent. I pulled it out, then when I went to push in I added another finger. Tyler's bawdy moans made a strong wave of lust fill my abdomen.

I continued to spread Tyler out. Tyler's breathing became ragged and unsteady, his body kept tensing up and then going limp.

"Are you ready?" My voice came out gruff and coarse, filled with pure lust.

"Yes..." Tyler's wanton voice sent shivers down my body. I pulled the two digits out, a sigh escaping past Tyler's lips.

"Flip over." I gripped his hips and then flipped us so that Tyler was now on top of me. He started placing soft kisses to my chest, they felt like butterfly wings fluttering against my skin.

I fumbled to grab the packet from the bedside table. When I finally reached it and got a hold of it I brought the little plastic packet towards me to rip it open with my teeth.

Tyler took the condom from me and slowly rolled it onto my hard member. The slow movements of his hand was making my breathing speed up. I handed Tyler the bottle of lubricant. He popped the cap off and then applied the lube onto my length.

I held onto Tyler's waist as he lifted himself up slightly. He positioned himself above my length, then he began to lower himself down on me.

He had lowered himself down enough for the half of my member to be inside him. Tyler bit down hard on his bottom lip and his eyes were closed. When finally the whole of my length was inside him he moaned loudly. Tyle then splayed his hands on my chest for some extra support.

Our ragged breaths and the gentle sound of the blowing wind outside were the only things I could hear.

The warm and tight feeling of Tyler around my length made my hips buck up slightly. Tyler made a noise similar to a whimper, probably because he was still getting used to the feeling.

"Sorry baby." I removed my hand from his waist and took one of his hands from my chest, then brought it to my lips, pressing a delicate kiss to it.

"It's okay, I'm fine, just getting used it." I continued to press my lips to Tyler's hand as he got comfortable.

Tyler started to gradually move up, only to fall back down. Both he and I moaned from the undeniably amazing friction caused.

"Oh god!" Tyler cried out as he repeated the movement, only slightly faster this time. He then clenched around my throbbing member, earning a chocked cry from me.

Tyler pushed himself up, the heavy press down on my chest took away my ability to breathe for a short second. As Tyler then began to move down I bucked my hips up, hitting his sweet spot. A carnal cry filled the room, it bounced of the walls and rang in my ears.

I gripped on tightly to Tyler's hips, pushing him down on my pulsating member. I bit down harshly on my bottom lip when Tyler forced himself down so that I filled all of him. His eyes rolled back as he forced back a moan.

The air around us felt hot and heavy. Our humid breaths clashed together. Everything was beginning to feel unbearable, the heat, and most importantly my straining length.

"I-I'm c-close!" I moaned when Tyler slammed his body down with full force. The lascivious cries coming from Tyler indicated the nearing of his high.

"Me to- ooh!" Tyler dropped down as my hips jolted upwards, making his eyes to roll back in pleasure.

My hold on Tyler's hips became stronger, it was bound to leave a mark. I dug my nails into his skin, causing Tyler to hiss.

The movement of my hips became rapid. I would hit Tyler's prostate repeatedly whilst he steadied himself down on me.

The loud sound of skin hitting skin and erotic cries mixed with the slight ringing in my ears. I could feel my high approaching.

Tyler cried out my name in the most sensual way as he came, he then clenched around me, helping me to near my own orgasm. The white liquid covered a large part of my chest.

I continued to desperately slam into Tyler, trying to reach my climax. Finally when Tyler dropped himself down on me I achieved my high, filling the condom. I cried out Tyler's name as I was overtaken by ecstasy. My body felt limp and light, I was on cloud nine.

Tyler collapsed on top of me. He chocked up a quiet laugh, his warm breath washing over my skin. I placed my hands on his back, tracing circles on his spine.

"I'm going to be so sore tomorrow." Tyler laughed as he began to lift himself up. When he got off of me it felt strange for a moment as I tried to get used to the feeling of not having him around me.

I sat up right and rolled the full condom off, tied it and then went to throw it in the bin in the bathroom. Whilst in the bathroom I also wiped myself clean.

"That's what usually happens after sex like that." I walked back to the bed where Tyler was sat. I climbed on the bed and then wrapped my legs around Tyler's waist.

Tyler joined our lips together, it didn't take longer than two seconds before our tongues eagerly met. I hummed in approval and Tyler's hands roamed my back. I reluctantly pulled away from our kiss, knowing that we should get a bit cleaned up before going out with our friends.

"We should get cleaned up. Care to join me in the shower?"


After a fun shower with Tyler we dried out, got dressed, kissed a bit more and then relaxed until Zoe came to pick us up.

When there was a knock on the door I quickly went to answer it. Zoe, Alfie, Joe and Caspar were stood at our hotel room door. They all seemed a bit uncomfortable, that could have been because of me and Tyler being a tiny little bit too loud.

"So are you ready for some fun pool time!?" Zoe was the first one to speak, thankfully breaking the awkward vibe.

"Yup!" Tyler found himself standing behind me.

"Good! Let's go then boys!"

We followed Zoe out to the hotel swimming pool. The area was lit up by hidden lights and a few torches, as well as the lights from the little bar.

Zoe took off her maxi dress leaving her in her swimming costume. She then ran to the edge of the pool and did a cannonball into the water. Alfie took his t-shirt off and then did the same as Zoe.

Joe and Caspar headed over to the mini bar and ordered themselves a drink.

Tyler threw his t-shirt onto the floor, the simple movement reminded me of our earlier activities. Joe called Tyler over, distracting him for a moment. I made my move and pushed Tyler into the pool, however he managed to get hold of my arm, pulling me into the water with him.

We surfaced to get some air and everyone was laughing, including Tyler and I.

"You dick!" Tyler laughed as he splashed water in my face.

"You were gonna get wet anyway, I just speeded up the process." I splashed him back, starting a splash war with Tyler, Zoe and Alfie.

Whilst the splash war was going on, Caspar jumped into the pool splashing all of us and nearly hitting Alfie when he landed in the water.

We cooled down after a while. Zoe, Ty and I did laps of the pool whilst the boys ordered themselves some drinks.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" I asked Zoe. She was on her back, slowly swimming forward.

"The zoo and probably sea life. Then we're going to Bondi beach the day after that, as well as some monuments."

"Okay, thanks for the reminder."


We spent quite a long time at the pool as well as the bar. I could hardly feel my legs and Tyler had to help me get to our room. Tyler laid me down on the bed and then helped me out of my clothes.

"Thanks Ty, I love you."

"I love you too. Now budge up and let me get into bed."

I moved up to give Tyler some space. He laid down next to me and rested his head on my chest, pressing a delicate kiss to it.

"I love you." I whispered after we stayed silent for a few minutes. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Day 2

"Good morning sleepy head! Get up and get ready for a day full of adventures!" Tyler straddled me and hopped up and down on my chest.

"I don't wanna!" I groaned and burrowed my face into the pillow. Tyler laughed and leaned closer to my ear.

"C'mon Troye, get your precious little butt out of bed and get ready."

"You can kiss my ass, I'm not getting up."

"Maybe later... now get out of bed!"

After getting ready Tyler and I went to Zoe and Alfie's room to meet up with the group. We ordered breakfast, ate it and then called for a taxi.

Our first destination was sea life. I was more excited than I probably should have been, you don't usually see a twenty one year old man getting excited about fish. At least I wasn't the only one who was acting like a twelve year old girl going to see one direction for the first time, Zoe was also really goofy and extatic.

"I wanna see the shark! Oh and the dolphins!"

"I wonder if their gonna act like this when we get to the zoo." Alfie said to Tyler, trying to be as quiet as he could be.

"They might faint when they see a lion." Tyler and Alfie laughed as we approached the entrance to the building.

"Fishes!" Zoe and I squealed before going inside.


"Sharks! Sharks everywhere!" I sat down on a bench, Tyler sitting next to me. We've spent at least an hour and a half looking at the vast range of colourful fish and other sea creatures.

"I got one thing from the gift shop for you." Tyler put his hand in the sea life plastic bag, then he pulled out a little blue and purple plushie fish.

"It's so adorable!"

"It reminded me of you."

"I shall name it blurple, it's cute, sounds like a fish and it's a mix of blue and purple."


We left the building and decided on going somewhere to eat before heading over to the zoo. Joe looked up nearby restaurants on his phone.

"There's a four star restaurant ten minutes from here, it looks better than most places around the area."

"Let's go then!" Zoe was once again the leader of the group.

We reached a modern looking restaurant called 'Shane's'. From looking through the window it was clear that this was a popular place, luckily I could see a few empty tables.

We were greeted by a man with his ginger hair styled neatly in a quiff, a stubble, elegant suit with a rose pin and a clearly expensive watch. After looking at him more carefully he seemed similar.

"Shane? Shane Dawson?" Joe asked, the man looked at him and then smiled widely.

"Oh, my God! I can't believe this! Hello, oh my goodness, hello!" Shane was overjoyed.

"What happened? Where did you go? We have so much to catch up on!" Tyler hugged Shane. The three of us used to be somewhat friends, although I and Shane didn't really talk much.

"Drew, table for seven." Shane ordered a waiter to find us all a place. We followed after him to a large table, nicely decorated with candles, flowers and folded napkins.

We were handed a menu, I quickly scanned through it and chose a random dish, Shane said that it was a good choice.

"So tell us Shane, what happened? And how did you manage to get to this point?" Tyler asked as he placed his menu down.

"Long story."

"We have a lot of time." Joe said.

"Well, okay, if you really wanna know. In school I wasn't the most liked person, apart from occasionally talking to Tyler and Troye I never really hung out with anyone. Later during the school year I started to question my sexuality. I kissed a boy and someone saw, they bullied me for it. I was close to killing myself. Luckily my mum stopped me and moved us to Sydney."

"Oh my God! I never knew, I'm so sorry. I should have done something." Tyler looked like he was on the verge of tears. I was pretty shocked myself.

"Who would do that to you?"


"You mean trash Grier?" Joe asked and Shane nodded.

"He also moved away, I remember so many people celebrating. I remember that day because I also came out to my friends. I can't believe he did something that horrible to you."

"I'm fine, trust me. I started my own restaurant, I've met some amazing people, dated, trust me, I'm better than ever."

"That's good to hear."


We said our farewells and exchanged numbers with Shane, hopefully we would see and talk to him soon.

The food was delicious and we even got a discount from Shane, just because we're sort of friends. He's a really cool guy, I wish I could have gotten to know him better.

Our next stop was the zoo and I wasn't feeling as excited as I thought I would be. Zoe also seemed to calm down. Everyone seemed to be more relaxed and happy than before, maybe it was because of the food or from talking to Shane. Whatever it was, it definitely improved the day.

The zoo was on the other side of the Sydney Opera House so when we got there we had a stunning view of it.

There was quiet music playing in the zoo, I recognised the current song as 'Grace Kelly'. I sang along to it, not caring to even try and sound good. Tyler also joined with me. At the end we were in a fits of laughter and giggles.

"Boys, have some dignity! At least let me join you!" Zoe laughed.

"Next time you can sing along with us, like now for example."

Elle King's song Ex's and Oh's started to play and Zoe, Ty and I tried to sing. Alfie and Joe pretended to not know us whilst Caspar joined along with us.

"We don't know these people!" Alfie shouted when Zoe pulled him close to him and we held on to him until he also began to sing with us. Caspar then did the same to Joe. We became a massive group of horribly singing people. People gave us weird looks but we didn't care, well, we didn't care until a worker at the zoo told us to shut up. Being scared of being kicked out we shut up.

We split into two groups since we all had different ideas of what to do. Zoe, Tyler and I were one group and the remaining three formed the other group.

Firstly we went to see the smaller animals, saving the more impressive animals for last. The boys did the opposite, seeing the large animals leaving the smaller ones until the end.

"Eww, you can see the mouse in is stomach." Zoe pointed to a snake that clearly just had its lunch and was in the process of digestion.

"Don't be rude to the snake, it's conscious about how it looks." I said, tapping lightly on the glass.

"Sorry mist-miss snake. I truly apologies."


"These birds mate for life and even go through a grieving period if the other bird dies. And people say that only humans are capable of true love." Tyler read the little plaque infront of the massive bird cage.

"That's adorable!" Zoe looked at the birds flying around with a large smile spread on her face.

"We mate for life, ain't that right?" I snaked my arms around Tyler's waist from behind. I rested my head on his shoulder and observed the birds.

"Yup. We'll hatch our eggs and raise the little birds together in our cozy nest." Tyler chuckled, taking hold of my hand from his front.

"There's nothing to joke about, I'm being serious. I don't see my life without you." I could see Zoe look back at us with an even larger smile than before. Tyler chuckled a bit but then stopped.

"You're serious?"

"A hundred percent." I kissed his neck and burrowed my face into his jacket.

"You're not proposing right now, right? Because if you are I'm not ready for that." I laughed that time.

"No you doofus! I'm not proposing, I'm just saying that I'm not letting go of what we have. So you better get used to me."

"I'm gonna throw up, you're just so fucking adorable! Just elope already!" Zoe exclaimed.

"One day."

I started to imagine that. I mean we practically live together since I spend most of my time at his house with him, I wait for him to get back home from work, I'll occasionally cook dinner, we sleep together. We're practically married!

I began to stress about what would happen when I have to go back to L.A, then go on tour, spend my day in the studio, and so on. Tyler and I would struggle to talk.

What if... what if I asked him to come with me?


We saw the reptiles, birds, most of the larger animals and we were now heading to the lions. On our way we went to the koala exhibit and had pictures taken with the koalas.

"I'm gonna start a scrapbook just to add this photo in it." Zoe showed me and Ty the photo of us three holding a koala each, we were hysterically laughing then so the photo looked like we were evil people holding poor innocent animals.

"I wonder where the boys are." Tyler looked around the place as if he thought he might spot them if he tried hard enough.

"They might also be getting to the end of their visit if they didn't stop for food on the way." Zoe explained whilst she looked down at her phone. She typed out a quick message, getting a reply almost instantly.

"What is it?" Tyler asked.

"Their gonna meet us at the lion exhibit in ten minutes." And they did. Ten minutes later we were observing the lions when the others joined us. They seemed to have stopped at the gift shop since Alfie handed Zoe a soft key chain of parrot.

"I'm gonna get you a lemur key chain since you look like one." Tyler said to me, taking hold of my hand to go to the shop with him.

"Are they the ones with the huge cute eyes? Because if they are then I will take that as a compliment, you meerkat."

"Meerkats are cute! So I will also take that as a compliment."


Altogether today we spent nearly six hours looking at animals, water and land. Since we had no better idea of what to do we planned on going shopping and then having a coffee together.

Our first stop was a clothe shop were Zoe tried on dozens of out its whilst I and Tyler messed around by trying to make tent most horrible outfit. Tyler won. He managed to find a puke green shirt with bright pink vertical lines, yellow flip-flops, red fedora, beaded necklace, tight yellow shorts and orange polka dot socks.

Secondly we went to a music store where everyone went completely crazy trying to find something to buy. I left the store with 'Froot', 'Vessel' and 'Oh Wonder'. Tyler bought a Lady Gaga album as well as a Sia one.

We also spent a long time in a furniture store, not really planning on being anything large since we had to fit our luggage on the plane. However we did find a few cute nick-nacks. I got my mum a little dog statue that looked like our old dog (just a bit more fit) as well as a wooden heart that would fit Sage's room.

After a long time of wandering around stores we stopped by a café for a drink and slice of cake each.

"Hitting the beach tomorrow! Lucky for us Australian winters aren't freezing cold, plus the water is still fairly warm." Zoe looked out the window to observe the people passing by.

"We really should have planned this trip for warmer weather." Joe muttered whilst taking a sip of his drink.

"It's not that bad! At least it's not a freezing winter like in England or somewhere else. We're very lucky here."

"How about we do this again in December when it's hot?" Alfie suggested the idea. Personally I would love that but I knew I wasn't going to be here in December.

"That's a no from me, as much as I would love to I have to do all the music stuff. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it! Hey! You could invite us over to America for a few days, right?" Zoe seemed to get more excited.

"Yeah, that would be awesome. We could enjoy the L.A weather." Caspar joined it.

"Maybe even make a trip to Disney land! Or six flags!"

"Disney is in Florida." Joe corrected his sister.

"Then we can go there too!"


"Goodnight! See you in the morning." I and Tyler waved our friends goodbye and went into our room. Tyler locked the door behind us.

"That was nice." Tyler said as he sat down on the small couch in the room. He turned the tv on and the Captain America movie was currently playing.

"Tyler? Can I ask you something?" I hesitated to ask him this but it's been sitting at the back of my mind for most of the day.

"Yeah, sure."

"I need you to really, really think about this... okay?" I had no idea how he would react to this, hopefully he won't freak out.

"Okay. Go on, what is it?" I took a deep breath in.

"Would you consider going to L.A with me? Like, to move there? With me..."

Tyler didn't say anything.

"I know this is so sudden but I love you and I don't want to leave you and I know that I'm leaving in-" I started rambling on, thankfully Tyler interrupted me.

"-Troye! Calm down, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting you to ask me something like that. Just a little bit shocked."

"I know that this is moving too fast, but I don't want to loose you. I already lost you once, I don't want that again. I don't want to leave and forget about you." My breathing was becoming slightly harder and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

Tyler hurriedly stood up from the couch to embrace me. I let the tears pour out whilst I repeated 'I don't want to loose you' quietly into Tyler's ear.

"It's okay baby, you won't loose me, I promise. In fact, I was hoping you would ask sooner or later. I'll go with you."

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent." Tyler ran his thumb over my cheek to wipe away my tear before softly pressing his lips to mine.


"Yes really. Plus, we still have time to figure all this out, by December-"

"-I actually have to leave around November."

"November then. We'll have this all figured out for November."

"I love you." I whispered, tightening the embrace.

"I love you more."


Day 3 (Last day)

I woke up first with Tyler wrapped up in my arms. I smiled when I looked down at him, his messy hair pointing out in different ways and his chest steadily moving up and down.

Carefully I got out of bed, trying my hardest not to wake Tyler up since we still had two hours before having to get ready.

I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a brisk shower and then got dressed.

I got my phone out after sitting down on the couch. I opened up twitter to see I had tons of notifications. Then I remember the first day of the trip and how the group of three saw me and Ty. I guess I owed him a fancy dinner date.

I scrolled through most of the tweets, even replying to some. One asked me if I was dating someone, I simply responded with a short and sweet 'yes'.

I stumbled onto a photo in which clearly I was dip kissing Tyler. I saved the photo because why not!? We look hella cute.

"Well that's enough social media for today!" I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. Quickly I grabbed the tv remote and turned the tv on.

I was on my second episode of 'How To Get Away With Murder' when I heard the shuffling of feet on the wooden floor. Tyler walked in when Connor and Oliver were currently getting it on on top of a desk.

"Morning... what are you watching?"

"How to get away with murder."

"Okay then... did you order breakfast yet?" Tyler yawned and rubbed his eye. I took his hand and pulled him towards me so that he sat on my lap.

"I was waiting for you to wake up. We can order it now if you want to."

"That would be nice." I gently pushed him off me so that I could call room service and order breakfast.

"Waffles for you and pancakes for me?" I asked whilst ordering the food, Tyler hummed in agreement so that's what I ordered.

"Why are they having sex on a desk?" Tyler observed the tv, looking quite confused.

"Because it's a sex montage with the characters, apart from Wes, he isn't getting any tonight."

"Interesting. Very interesting." He stroked his imagery beard and relaxed into the couch.

I sat down next to Tyler until the food arrived (which wasn't that long). I gladly took the food and set it out on the small round table in the corner of the room. I turned the music channel on the tv for the duration of our meal. It all felt like we've already done this a million times. It felt so... normal. Not the boring normal, it was the good type of normal. The type you enjoy and look forward to. I want every day to be like this, and probably that will happen soon. That is, if Tyler actually comes with me back to L.A. hopefully he will.

"That was delicious! I could eat these every day." Tyler finished his last waffle and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I'm full! These are definitely the best pancakes I ever had. I kinda regret not having them yesterday."

"Hey, what time is the flight?"

"It's at ten but Zoe said that we should be there by nine." I put the dirty dishes onto the provided tray so that the room service could take it later.

"Okay then. I'll go get ready for today, Zoe might show up pretty soon." Tyler went to the bathroom, kissing my cheek on the way there.


"I was expecting less people, you know, since it's winter. Guess I was wrong!" I scanned the quite filled beach. There were few people splashing in the water but most people were laying on the sand.

"How cold do you think the water is?" Zoe asked.

"Not that cold, probably room temperature." Alfie laid down his towel on the sand and threw his shoes off.

"That's good enough for me! Who want to go in with me?" Everyone seemed pretty uninterested, that was until Tyler offered to go. Zoe squealed and pulled him away from us to the water.

I placed my towel down and pulled my shades on to block out the sun. Caspar took out his phone and started to play some music so only we could hear, we definitely didn't want to be the people who play their music way too loud.

I could faintly hear Tyler and Zoe splashing around and squealing (probably from the not so warm water). I was tempted to go and join them but after thinking about it some more I decided that I was better of staying on my towel, away from the water.

The Sound by The 1975 started to play. I started to sing along.

"Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

I can't believe I forgot your name
Oh baby won't you cum again?
She said 'I've got a problem with your shoes
And your tunes, but I might move in
And I thought you were straight, now I'm wondering'

You're so conceited, I said 'I love you'
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it!'
Cause I know you do"

At this point of the song Tyler and Zoe got back. Tyler sat down next to me on the towel and hummed along to the song with me.

"Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart

It's not about reciprocation, it's just all about me
A sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe
There's so much skin to see
A simple Epicurean philosophy
And you say I'm such a cliché
I can't see the difference in it either way
And we left things to protect my mental health
But you call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself

You're so conceited, I said 'I love you'
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it'
Cause I know you do

Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart
Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound
I know the sound, of your heart"

The guitar solo started and we all played our imaginary guitars. We looked like complete idiots, but that's what friends are for, to look like idiots... together.

Then we all sang the last chorus, probably annoying some of the people around us. We ended up in fits of laughter after the song came to its end.


At four we left the beach to get some food. We considered going to Shane's again but in the end we decided to find something cheaper.

That's how we ended up sharing three medium pizzas between all of us at Pizza Hut. It still wasn't the cheapest way out but it was satisfying and filling so nobody complained.

We still had three hours before having to book out of our hotel. Caspar suggested the idea of going to the Sydney Tower. We thought it was a good idea so we quickly took a taxi there.

The view from the tower was spectacular! It took my breath away. Tyler seemed taken back with awe at the sight.

"I don't want to leave." Tyler breathed out, looking out through the glass at the Sydney Opera House.

"We'll come back soon. And we can stay as long as you want. We'll go to the beach and lay in the sun. We'll come back as soon as we can."


It's was time to leave. Tyler was just finishing off packing his bag whilst I watched him. He was currently trying to fit blurple into his bag since mine ran out of room.

"I'm gonna miss this bed. We've made some good memories on it."

"I can still feel the memories in my ass." Tyler zipped his bad and threw it on the ground next to my bag.

"I have no idea what you mean by that." Tyler straddled me and burrowed his head in the crook of my neck.

"Sure. But yeah, I'll miss this place too. We have to visit Sydney again some day."

"Next year, we'll come when it's warmer."

"We better, I actually want to swim without freezing my dick off!" I laughed at that, softly kissing Tyler's neck.

"We wouldn't want that! What would we do without your dick?"

"We'd manage."

"Okay, get off me. I really need to use the bathroom and you're just making me more uncomfortable." Tyler laughed and rolled off me. I hurried over to use the toilet. I was washing my hands when there was a knock on the door which meant it was time to go.

"Time to go back to our lovely little Perth! C'mon and grab your bags, we have a plane to get on!"


The boarding procedure took longer than usual, which was kind of surprising. Other than that everything was fine. We did come a bit early though so we waited an extra hour or so, luckily there were enough distractions to help pass the time.

I took the window seat, Tyler was sat in the middle and Zoe was on the end. The other boys were infront of us so it wasn't hard trying to talk to them.

The plane started and I waved goodbye to Sydney. I watched the buildings grow smaller as we went up higher into the sky. Soon enough we were flying above the clouds and our amazing holiday was over.

"Hey Troye? I was wondering, do you have an apartment or house in L.A?" Tyler turned to face me, he looked quite tired but he still had enough strength to talk.

"Yeah, I have an apartment. Although I kind of really want to get my own house."

"Oh, okay."

"Is this about earlier? Are you having second guesses? I mean I totally understand and respect your choices-"

"-Don't panic Troye, I was just asking. And no, I'm not having second guesses, I want to come with you, I wanna move in with you."

"Did I hear correctly? Are you two moving in together? Because if you are I want to help decorate!" Zoe attached herself onto Tyler's arm. She squealed quietly and started suggesting what I presume were baby names.

"We're moving in together, not adopting twenty kids! Plus who would name their kid Bethanaia?" Tyler struggled to pronounce the name Zoe had suggested earlier.

"It's an inside joke." Zoe explained.

"I don't want my kids name to be an inside joke! My child is going to have a normal human name that isn't a joke."

"Like what? What would you call your kid?"

"I like the name Levi. Maybe Alex, or Sam. I'll think about that when the time comes."

"I want a little girl called Rebecca. It's such a pretty name." Zoe got carried away into her land of day dreams.

Soon after that conversation Tyler fell asleep. Zoe had her arm looked through his and she was leaning against his shoulder in the same way Tyler was leaning against me.

I didn't see a point in staying up so I went to sleep as well. I layed my head on top of Tyler's. I hair tickled my nose slightly but it was comfortable so I wasn't complaining.

When I woke up Tyler was already awake. He was flipping through his phone and looking at photos he took during the trip. He set a cute photo of us two as his lock screen. I smiled remembering when he took the photo. It was on the second day when we went to sea life. It was near the exotic fish tank and the lighting looked amazing. I was kissing Tyler's cheek and he had his face scrunched up.

"How long did I sleep?" I rubbed my eyes trying to get my vision cleared.

"Two hours I think."

"How long have you been awake?"

"An hour."

"You should have woken me up."

"Nah, plus you looked to cute to wake up, so I didn't. You deserve your beauty sleep, even though you clearly don't need it."


When we landed I was greeted by the sight of my dad even though I told him not to come. Yet there he was, a large smile plastered on his face.

Tyler and I said goodbye to our friends who had to order a taxi and we headed towards my dad.

"How was it boys?"

"Best holiday I've ever had!" Tyler exclaimed, latching onto my arm.

"Let's go home them, you have a lot to tell us. You better have photos!"

Well this is fucking long! 9264 words! This was an absolute pain in the asshole! I started this chapter 2 weeks agon, wrote 1k, stopped, started the smut, finished the smut on Friday and then wrote the rest in 2/3 days! Don't expect any more of these long ass chapters.

Oh and I explained what happened to Shane so enjoy that!


That's hopefully my fangirling for today.

So I was thinking of changing my twitter user. Which one do you think is better:


Okay so I better get ready to go school! Oh no next chapter might be a time skip depending on whether I make a filler chap or not.

I love y'all!

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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