The Girl and The Outlaw (An A...

By LindsayBreanne

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Lindsay is a 18 year old girl who has left her hometown to live with her brother Jake in L.A California,while... More

Chapter 1: Moving In With Jake!
Chapter 2: The Perverted Roommate...
Chaper 3: A Good Nights sleep, And a Good morning, And a Tattoo?!
Chapter 4: Tattoos and kisses!
Chapter 5: I've seen Sparks Fly!
Chapter 6: Falling For You...
Chapter 7: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?!
Chapter 9: Another kiss & Another good day in LA!
Chapter 10: It's happening again...
Chapter 11: I Need a drink!
Chapter 12: Stolen Innocence...
Chapter 13: Touring With My Brother and my Boyfriend!
Chapter 14: The End Of Tour, And Meeting The Family!
Chapter 15: Back Home, And Happier Then Ever!
Chapter 16: The Doctors Office, And The Surprise.
Chapter 17: The Reveal!
Chapter 18: Boy Or Girl?
Chapter 19: The Birth Of A Little Outlaw!
Chapter 20: Going Home With A Baby.
Chapter 21: First Night At Home With The Baby.
Chapter 22: Diaper Changes, Bottles, And Another Baby!
Chapter 23: Weddings & Funerals.
Chapter 24: Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy
Chapter 25: I Said I Loved You And You Hurt Me...
Chapter 26: Getting Revenge, And Making Up.
Chapter 27: Growing Older. (Final Chapter)
Authors note! I started the Sequel!

Chapter 8: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?! (part two of chapter)

3K 64 18
By LindsayBreanne

Still Lindsay's POV*

I woke up from my nap and started to get ready I put on my makeup I put on my silver eyeshadow and my black eyeliner, I used just the pressed powder since my face wasn't to red today, I put on some nude lipstick and a light pink gloss just so my lips have a little bit of color. Then I used a little bit of blush and then I curled my hair a bit, the I clipped in my pink plaid hair bow with a silver skull in the middle of it on the right side of my hair (my hair is parted so my bangs are on the left) and I changed my shoes instead of the wedge sneakers I put on my shiny chrome 4 inch heels which almost make me taller then Ashley ( I'm 5ft 9in tall with no heels, and Ashley is around 6ft tall, so I'm his height in the heels) then I put on my gemstone tennis bracelet that Jake got me for my 16th birthday (it's a red Ruby bracelet) and I put in my ruby stud earrings and grabbed my phone and my clutch bag from my nightstand table then I heard a knock on the bedroom door, I walk over and answer the door and I see Ashley, he's wearing a black long sleeve button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows a light gray vest unbuttoned and his regular black skinny jeans, but these have no rips or tears, and his black cowboy boots, he cleans up pretty nice!

Ashley's POV*

I knocked on the bedroom door after I for dressed in the bathroom, I decided to dress my best so I had on my best black button up shirt, the only non-leather vest I owned, my jeans with no rips or tears and my boots! When she open the door all I could do was look at her, she looked so beautiful! Her dark hair slightly curled and pinned back on the right side with a bow, her dress hugged her body in such a way it was perfect, and she has on some cool shoes! Chrome! She was so beautiful, she was a fallen angel!

Lindsay's POV*

"Hey Ashley!" I said in a rather happy tone.

"Hey! Ready to leave gorgeous?" he asked as he extended his hand out to grab mine, I took his hand and held it.

"Yep! Let's go!" he smile and we walked down stairs, thank god all of the guys went shopping for groceries a few minutes ago! We walked out and got in his car, which was a flaming red 2013 Chevy Camero! V8 engine black leather interior! HELL YEAH!! This is an awesome car!

"Nice Car Ashley!" I said as we drove down the road.

"Thanks!" he said smiling, I reached over and turned on the radio I turned it to a pop station and the song that was playing was LoveGame by Lady GaGa I started singing along.

"Let's play a LoveGame play a LoveGame do you want love or you want fame are you tha game? Don le LoveGame!" I turned towards Ashley who was now stopped at a red light giving me a strange look.

"What?!" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Nothing... I just didn't know you liked her." he said turning back to the road as the light turned green.

"Who don't like GaGa?! Oh thats right idiots don't like her!" I said then there was an awkward silence.

"Well... I like her! She's a cool person!" he stated as we made a right turn

"Yup!" I said as we pulled into the parking lot of a very nice Italian restaurant! YAY!! I love italian food! We walked in and Ashley went over to that weird podium thingy

" Purdy reservation for two." the waiter was a short bleach blonde bimbo, yay.

"Booth or table?" she asked giving me a death glair.

"booth please." he said trying to avoid her eye contact.

"okay, right this way!" she said grabbing two menus and taking us to our table, this shall be interesting.... We sat down and she handed him his menu the basically threw mine at me.

"A waiter will be right with you!" she said walking off I swear I heard her call me a Slut... Whatever! I could care less!

"Thanks for bringing me here tonight Ashley" I said looking at my menu.

"Your welcome! I just figure we should eat somewhere where we don't have to listen to the guys eat like pigs and fight over who gets the last piece of pizza!" he said chuckling.

"Yeah it is nice isn't it?" I asked smiling over at him.

"Yeah, very nice!" he smiled, then our waiter came over another blonde.... Oh god!

"Hi! My names Brandy, and I'll be y'alls waiter tonight! Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" she said in a high pitch voice that hurts my ears.

"Uh yeah, I'll have a glass of red wine." Ashley said avoiding eye contact.

"And for you Miss?" she asked.

"I'll just have a glass of water." I said looking back to my menu.

"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks!" and then she sped off to the kitchen to get our drinks, we looked at our menus for about five minutes then she was back...

"Here are your drinks." she said sitting the glasses in front of us.

"Are you both ready to order?" she asked.

"Umm, yeah I'll have the chicken alfredo." Ashley said plainly.

"And I'll have the chicken parmesan pasta with extra sauce please?" I handed her my menu.

"Okay, your food will be out in a few minutes!" and with that she walked away.

"So...." Ashley said taking a sip of his wine.

"So..." I said taking a sip of my water.

"How ya going?" Ashley said.. I gave him a questioning look.

"You are a strange little man..." I stated, he laughed.

"True!" he said taking another sip of his wine.

"So, how's everything going with you're clothing line?" I asked.

"It's going good! The fans all like it a lot." he smiled.

"That's good!" I said looking down at the table.

"Yeah... So.. When you were singing in the car earlier..." he said smiling.

"Oh... I'm not very good.. Sorry..." I said looking at the floor.

"No.... Your not good... " he said, I felt a tear well up in my eye.

"Your amazing!" he said I fought back the tear and smiled.

"Really?" I asked happily.

"Yes! You know I have a talent management company, right?" he asked.

"Well... no I didn't.. " I said shaking my head.

"Well, I do... And I might have to talk to our record label to, cause I think you could make it!" he said smiling.

"Well, thank you Ash!" I said smiling then our food came out. We ate. We talked. We laughed, and then we left after he payed the check, we drove back home and the guys still weren't back.... None of the cars where there and nobody was home... Hmm weird!

"You think they went to a bar?" I asked "Probably.." Ashley said walking up stairs and into the bathroom, I walked into my room and took off my heels and my dress and my jewlery, then I wiped off most of my makeup leaving my mascara on so I still have lashes my eyelashes are almost blonde as are hardly noticeable... Then I put on my Hello Kitty sleep shorts and my Hello Kitty tank top, then I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and sat on the edge of my bed and looked at Ashley's empty bed... Where is he? I got up and looked for him he wasn't in the bathroom or the living room I walked into the kitchen and he was sitting on the counter in his boxers eating birthday cake flavored ice cream.

"Can I have some?" I asked.

"Sure! Grab a spoon!" he said, I got a spoon and stuck it into the half empty container and took a bite.

"I love this ice cream!" I said.

"Me to, it's really good" he said getting another spoon full, then my brother walked in with his new GF Ella Cole.

"Hey Jake!" I said hugging him.

"Hey sis!" he said hugging me back.

"Hey Ella!" I said and waved at her she waved back "Hello, Lindsay" she said hugging me, I hugged her back.

"We're going to bed. Night!" he said taking Ella upstairs.

"k night! " I said.

"I'm sleepy to..." I said walking towards the stairs.

"Okay let's go to bed!" Ashley said walking up behind me, picking me up bridal style and carrying me upstairs.... He's strong! He can carry me up 14 steps and not fall or break something... Wow! He brought me to our room and laid me in my bed "night!" he said turning off the light and getting in his bed.

"Night Ashley.." I said as I quickly drifted off to sleep.

4 hours later*

I woke up from a bad dream, apparently bad enough to scream in my sleep cause when I looked Ashley was getting out of bed walking the few steps there was between our beds.

"You okay?" he asked rubbing my back.

"Yeah... Just a bad dream.." I said.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked.

"No... I just want you to stay with me... Please?" he smiled.

"Of course I will.." he said I moved over and he got in bed with me I turned to face him and he wrapped his arms around me I snuggled into his bare chest and I remembered the song my mom use to sing to me when I'd have a bad dream and I started to mentally sing the song 'I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, when ever one door closes I hope one more opens, promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance and when you the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance, I hope you dance' I smiled when Ashley kissed my forehead and I fell back to sleep, this time peaceful!

Next morning*

I woke up in Ashley's arms I smiled, he looks adorable when he's asleep... I yawned into the covers and Ashley started to wake up.

"Hey Sleepy Head..." I said as he opened his eyes.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" he smiled, I stretched and got up.

"I'm gonna make food!" I said and I skipped down stairs and Andy was watching Batman and I decided to have some fun.... I spoke with my Harley Quinn voice.

"What's up, B-Man?" he jumped "HOLY BAT-BALLS!!" I laughed "HAHAAHHAHAHAhahahhaha! That reaction was priceless!" I statedas I walked into the kitchen I decided to make Biscuits, Fried eggs, gravy, and Sausage links! I put the biscuits in the oven and started to fry the eggs then when they where done I started the sausage, once the sausage links where done I made the gravy, an made everyone's plates and my own I sat them on the table, then I decided to take Ashley Breakfast, as a thanks for taking me to dinner! I took our plates and our drinks and went up stairs I sat mine in the nightstand and handed him his food and Coffee "aww, thank you! You didn't have to do this..." he said taking a bite of the sausage "Oh yes I did! This is my way of saying thanks for takin me to dinner!" I smiled and started to eat my food "well thank you Lindsay! Your one of the sweetest girls I've ever met!" he stated... I blushed lightly "Aww, thank you!" I took a sip of my orange juice, he smiled, once we where done I took our dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dish washer, them I looked there was a note on the table from the guys and it said "Dear Lindsay, Breakfast was great! We had to go to the studio and meet with our Manager, and Ella had to go to a photo shoot in west Hollywood, well be back soon!! - Jake and the Guys! 😊❤"

Well at least they left a note this time! I put they're dishes in the dish washer and started it, then I walked up stairs ad got back into bed with Ashley, "I'm gonna take a nap, and the guys had to go do something in the studio, they'll be later.." I said turning over "Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower!" he said going to the bathroom "okay..." then I fell asleep.

An hour later*

I woke up and had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach about what I would find when I went down stairs.... I walked down the stairs quietly and then I saw Ashley... And another girl! "What the Bloody FudgeBalls!?!!!" I yelled "Lindsay I can explain! I was ju-" "Just What? About to have sex with her on the couch?!" I yelled cutting him off mid sentence as Jake, Ella, and the guys walked in "wow!! Dude? On the couch?" Jake asked then he saw me crying "Lindsay are you okay?" he asked sincerely "I'm fine... just Freaking Perfect!" I whisper-Screamed as I ran upstairs crying my little Green eyes out... I heard light footsteps coming towards the room I knew it was Ella "hey, are you okay?" she asked in her kind voice "no... I'm not..." I sniffled grabbing a tissue "what's wrong?" she asked sitting next to me and hugging me "What's wrong is I fell for somebody who I should've never trusted, one day shy of me being here a week and I already want to leave..." I cried "it's okay... You want me to get jake? He'll know how to handle this.." she asked, I just shook my head she left to get him.. And few seconds later I heard boots, he stopped at the door I looked up and burst into tears "Come here Sweetie!" he said as he sat down and pulled me into his lap "Jake.. Why do I always fall for a guy who is Only gonna break my heart?" I ask as I dried my tears with my new tissue "Lindsay, listen... I think he really loves you... As soon as you ran up stairs he made that Slut leave! He sat down and started crying... Look.. He tends to let his little 'friend' over power his heart... He made a mistake! Plus you aren't dating yet.. I really don't want you to.... But your 18 and can pick who you wanna date, my point is the guy loves you... And he wants to date you! All I can say from here on out is... listen to your Heart, not your anger, And trust in the choice you make..." he said hugging me closely "you think I should give him another chance?" I asked looking at Jake "yeah, I think you should! Cause you already have him hook line and sinker, you just have to real him in!" he said, I laughed "your an amazing big brother Jake! I love you!" I kissed his cheek "love you too!" he said smiling I got up and went down stairs Ashley had his face in his hands I walked over and sat in front of him on the coffee table and lifted his face up out of his hands "stop crying Baby!" I said as I hugged him tightly "Lindsay... I'm so sorry about what happened! I love you and I never want to hurt you again!" he said holding me close to his Chest "I love you to Ashley!" I smiled, I really do love him who would've thought?! " Lindsay, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as we pulled out of the hug "Yes!" I grabbed him and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss, I knew right then that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life!

----------------------------------------------------(Authors note: hey! Hope you all liked this chapter!! It took me two hours to write this! Hope you all like it! Stick around to see what happens next! Later my Magical Rainbow Jellybeans!! ---------------------------------------------------------

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