The Night Time Racer: A Fourt...

By joshsthetic

51.9K 1.4K 365

First day of school, I, Tris Pedrad, walk in, blending in with everyone. Then, I accidently bump into Four, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias :)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2.
Bonus Chapters: 01

Chapter 18

970 42 30
By joshsthetic

I look out the window and see...

Uriah, Marlene, Christina and Shauna sitting on the cow Uriah got a while back, Dauntless. The cow hangs by a string from the roof.

Then Lynn, Tobias and Zeke come walking up the side of the building, guns in hand, all of them wearing black.

They break the glass and they all come running in and Dauntless goes down. I eye it suspiciously. Where's Will?

"TRIS!!!!" Chris yells.

I smile when I see her. Then Peter attempts to shoot the glass.

I roll my eyes and say, "Chris un buckle me."

She nods and comes over to me. And just as I'm about to stand up something grabs my ankle. I look down and see that Jeanine created a machine arm in the chair so that I don't leave.

"CALL FOR BACKUP!" Jeanine yells.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Uriah asks cockily, smirking.

She huffs and presses the alarm. The the door opens. And there a bunch of guys in blue with guns in the hands.
I look out the window and find that they surrounded the whole room.

"It's either you give up now or die trying." Jeanine says through the microphone.

"Fine." Chris says. I look at her and she looks at me, a sign telling me she has a plan.

"Wow okay. Boys take them all into one room." Jeanine tells them.

Her men take us harshly by the arms and walk us to the room where I was staying. By now the arm on my ankle has let go.

One of dudes open the door and stands right next to it, taking everyone's guns as he lets us walk in.

When were all in the room, one of the dudes take a remote and make the room bigger with more beds and two bathrooms.

"Sweet Dreams." Peter says sickly while slamming the door shut. I hear the door being locked and footsteps, indicating that he left.


I stay quiet and sit on the bed, hugging my knees.

"Beatrice what were you thinking when you decided not to tell us?" Zeke asks, angrily.

"Tris why'd you leave?" Tobias asks, half angry, half confused.

"Tris you should've told us!" Marlene yells.

"Tris why didn't you kick butt instead?" Shauna asks.

"You should've packed some Dauntless cake." Uriah says, disappointed.

I close my eyes and bury my face into my arms. I feel the bed dip and I look up. Christina sits next to me and puts her arm around my shoulders.

"It's okay." She says quietly.


A tear escapes my eye and I don't even bother wiping it.


More tears run down my face as everyone is dead silent.

He grabs my shirt and yells in my face, "DAD WOULDNT WANT YOU OF HE KNEW HOW YOU TURNED OUT NOW!" He lets go and shoves me back onto the bed.

I close my eyes and start to cry even harder. I feel the bed dip again and everyone sits on the bed with me they give me a group hug and all rub circles on my back, letting me cry into their shirts.

Then Christina stands up.

Oh no.

"Alright alright." She pauses and looks him dead in the eye, "Why are you being so mean?" She takes a breath and yells, "SHE MESSES UP AND YOU GET ALL DRAMATIC OVER IT. YOU SHOULD BE HELPING THROUGH THIS! WE NEVER KNOW IF TOMORROW JEANINE GIVES HER DEATH SERUM! YOU ON THE OTHER HAND ACT LIKE HER FATHER! YOU MESS UP ALL THE TIME AND SHE DOESNT CRITICIZE YOUR EVERY MOVE, UNLIKE YOU!" By now she was pulling his shirt and he looked really guilty.

She lets go takes a breath and sits back on the bed.

"Tris I am sorry. For everything. Really, truly sorry. I apologize from the bottom of my heart." He looks me in the eyes. "Forgive me?" He asks like a lost puppy.

There's a short silence. Until I break it.

"Someone's on their man period." I say and smile. Everyone laughs. I stand up. "I forgive you Bitch." I say to him and give him a hug.

Everyone claps and we all have a group hug.

When we break apart the first thing Uriah says is, "I haveta pee." We giggle and he runs to the bathroom.

"Okay so how are we gonna share beds?" Shauna asks.

I look around and see that there was four beds. Perfect.

"Okay so how about girls split two beds and guys split two beds?" I ask.

Everyone nods.

I go to the bed I was sleeping on when I got here and sit down. Chris sits with me and we watch as everyone splits a bed. Shauna and Lynn are on one bed, Zeke and Tobias on another. And of course, Marlene and Uriah on one.

"Shall we take turns using the bathrooms?" Marlene asks. Everyone agrees and we all take turns using the bathrooms.

"Who wants to stay up talking?" Lynn asks. Everyone raises their hands. So we sit in a circle just talking.

I sit next to Tobias and he picks me up and puts me on his lap. He kisses my cheek and I feel tingles as his lips leave my skin.

I smile and he rubs circles on my back as we watch everyone talk about The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and soon enough, we all fall asleep.


Hey guys. So I didn't leave you hanging this time! :)

Where's Will?

So who else thinks there should be a Bonus chapter about the guys getting Dauntless?






Next Update: Sunday.

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