true love a zendaya and trevo...

By Zevor_lover

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True love Z+T love story *Editing*
love at first sight
chapter two fun times
chapter 3 together
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16(Final chapter)

chapter 7

1.8K 26 3
By Zevor_lover

Author note- not going to be updating anything over the weekend and new book coming out this fall thanks guy!!

Zendaya POV*

really I said Bella was trying on all my clothes. sorry I look so good in them I rolled my eyes and lean back on my bed and checking my twitter on my phone. Bella sat on my bed and stare at me I slowly looked up from my phone. yes Bella oh how is trevor I paused then I said he should be fine. should be fine what that means he should be fine I don't know haven't talked to him in a week. what Bella took my phone out my hand hey give me my phone back. no z this is crazy she looked in my contacts and called trevor like she was my mom bella got some nerves.

Bella- hello

trevor- hello who is this

Bella- bella zendaya bestfriend

trevor- ok what you want

Bella- zendaya coming over your home tonight

Trevor- ok

Bella hung up on trevor and turn and looked at zendaya and said your welcome daya and handed her phone back to zendaya. really Bella really what yall relationship is weird. got to go bye daya bye Bella. (2 hours later) I got off the couch and told my mom and dad that I was going to trevor house. they like trevor. I wasn't dressing up for him because I still a little mad at him. I put some skinny jeans on and a pink half shirt and pull my hair in a messy bun. I hoped in my range rover and drove to his house.

Trevor POV*

I waiting for zendaya. I heard knocking at the door and I opened it and it was zendaya hey babe hey she said I let her in. she sat on the couch her perfume smelled good. i sat on the couch next to her and she got on her phone and i took it hey why is everyone taking my phone today. well you not paying attention to me i just got here she said. whatever I said I turned on the TV she jumped on me and took her phone. thank you she said and got on her phone again really. what it my phone she said.

Zendaya POV*

He took my phone can't believe that. I stared at him as he yelled at the football game on TV he looked over what you looking at. noting trevor noting at all. he looked at me confused. Then he sneak a kiss. Stop I said. you never want me to kiss you he said. well sorry babe. he sneak another kiss this time i kissed him back and jerked back. really daya babe we are a teenager couple not a married couple I think that made him mad because he went to get a root beer for me and him and sat at the other side of the couch. I laughed and looked at my phone and turned my phone off. I looked at him and he didn't look back. I stretched out on the couch and put my feet on him. This time he looked at he and laugh. I checked my phone and the time said 10:59 oh I got to get home. bye I kissed his cheek and he pulled me down and kissed me on the lips. I rolled my eyes and left. when I got in the car my messy bun was really messy so I fixed it so my parents wont think something happen. I got home and got in the shower I rest my body on the back of the shower wall and almost when to sleep.

I got out of the shower and put my towel on. I dried my self off and I was so sleepy I put my shorts on and tank and when to sleep my hair was so wet. Wake up wake up it was bella was waking me up. really bella really. I am bored and- her phone start ringing. she hung the phone up and she said I got to go what you just got here. Something just came up. I got up and brush my teeth and wash my face and flat iron my hair. I walked downstairs and there was a note on the counter.


Zendaya me and her mother is going to South Africa for a week hope you can take care of yourself.

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