
By KuraiDansa

36 2 3

A war is going on between two powerful countries, and it seems like neither can win. After nearly a decade of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - 6 Years Later
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

9 2 3
By KuraiDansa

"Did you really just..."


"So you actually..."


"So that means..."

"Uh huh. I'm exposed." The skinny young girl laid back in the poofy recliner and rested her feet on the table. Her teal hair fell in front of her droopy, nearly black eyes.

"You're crazy! Why would you go and use magic at school! Your mom always told you to keep it on the down low!"

"Relax Alyssa," she blew her hair out of her face, "It's no big deal; tons of people at school have magic and use it all time time. Besides, it's not like my mom's around to complain. She's dead, in case you forgot."

Alyssa stood up from her wooden rocker and paced back and forth in front of the table that sat between them. "Vic, you have to be one of the chillest people I know, but to a fault. You get in trouble all the time without magic, but now who knows what you'll do now that people know you have it? We all know you don't care what happens to you anymore!"

"So you can go around using magic to sprout up plants whenever and wherever you feel like it but I can't use magic to refill my water bottle? It's really not fair you know. And I'm a lot smarter than you give me credit for Liz. Remember all those times I saved your butt when Kaylee was picking on you? Or when I got you out of a detention by sweet-talking the teacher? Or how about the time when-"

"Yeah, okay, I get it," Alyssa cut her off, "But you shouldn't go using your magic all the time."

"I'm not going to Liz. Why don't you trust me? You really should have more faith in me. Sure, I like to have fun, but I can be serious, and I understand how powerful water magic is. I'm not as dim-witted as you seem to think I am." Vic was getting agitated very quickly now.

"I don't think you're dim-witted Vic."

"Then why do you always treat me like I'm five?" Vic snapped and leaped up from her seat. "I'm actually capable of doing some pretty cool stuff! You'd know that if you gave me a chance! After six years of living together, you still don't trust me with my powers, even though I've demonstrated excellent control and I don't use them based on emotion." She stood with her head low and fists clenched. She took a deep breath, relaxed, then continued in a softer voice, "I'm not useless. I could help you guys. Please just give me a chance." 

"You know we can't risk it Vic. And what would the people think? You remember the last water mage we had. You know how that ended. I'm sorry, you can't join us."

"Fine then. I see how it is." Vic turned and began the trek to the other side of the mansion, where her room was located. 

Vic's mom had been killed in a war between two powerful countries, so she lived with her best friend's family. They were filthy rich. Alyssa's dad was high up in the government:he was in charge of the country's mage population, most of which was involved in the war because of their powers. 

Vic could have whatever she wanted, as long as she didn't cause trouble, but she couldn't help in the war. Water magic is the most potent kind, and it greatly feared throughout the entire world. It can nullify any other type of magic, destroy massive structures if enough water is nearby, and can be used with enough precision to poke a hole in a sewing pin, which Vic has done. She's known for causing trouble and breaking rules, so she's not supposed to use her magic outside of the mansion. 

Vic stormed into her room, flung the door shut, and flopped face first onto her bed. 

"Vic! Vic you know I didn't mean that!" Alyssa's muffled voice came through the door.

"Screw off Liz." 

There was no response. 

Vic groaned and rolled onto her back. She studied the ceiling of her room. It was painted with silver and gold designs--some in the shapes of flowers, others like small animals, and there were also many abstract designs. She found it all fascinating and often wondered how the designs got there. It's like they appeared naturally in the wood. 

She looked over at the piano in the far corner of her room. Vic had known how to play since she was little, but she was never very good at it. She just couldn't move her hands fast enough to play the notes in time. 

She picked up a glass of water that was laying on her nightstand and poured it all on the floor, then began to use magic to lift the water up and move it toward the piano. She let a small droplet touch a key, then another, and another, until her room was filled with a glorious melody that would leave even the greatest composers of the time awestruck. 

The song seemed as if it could go on for eternity, until it was interrupted by a heavy knock on her door. 

"Could you keep it down dear? As lovely as your playing is, it's far too loud, and my husband is having guests soon," cooed the sickeningly sweet voice of Mrs. Martin, Alyssa's mom. 

"Of course ma'am. I'll stop." Vic tried to sound as respectful as she could, but there was still some disdain in her tone. She couldn't help it. This was the woman who told Vic she'd be better off with her mother dead so she could learn how to be a "real lady," whatever that was supposed to mean. 

"You should learn to be more respectful of your elders, honey."

Vic bit her tongue to avoid making a nasty comment. 

She pulled her computer out from under her bed and decided to watch anime for a while. Aware of the fact the some teachers had pre-written detention slips for her when she would nap during class time, she set an alarm to keep herself from staying up too late.

Vic wasn't nearly as bad as the Martin family thought she was. Talking or sleeping in class was the most trouble she ever caused, and she was actually a responsible kid. 

After a couple hours, Vic put her computer away and went to sleep. She had to be prepared for tomorrow. Now that she'd exposed herself as a water mage, she would be treated a lot differently. 

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