Mortal instruments: city of l...

By fanfictionyesplease

965 9 3

Emily Lightmen , a self-trained shadowhunter, comes to New York looking for vengeance. Jace, Izzy and Alec co... More

The apperance
The invite
The mentor
The festival and the truth
The birthday
The attack
The party in Idris
The realisation
The last dance
Light against dark: the beginning
Light against dark: the end
Sometimes to over come the dark you loose the light
The light is forever with you

The mission

47 1 0
By fanfictionyesplease

The next morning Emily woke up un-easy but she was trained to wake up at early hours. She walked to the bathroom mirror ,her mascara was smudged and she was covered in grass stains from the night before and she smelt like forest , sweat and weird faerie drinks. She ducked into the shower and used some grapefruit body wash. She let her hair air dry leaving her natural brown curls flow , got dressed and walked to the training room. Not remembering much from the night before she did remember kissing Jacob. Well he kissed her but still it was not something she was expecting. She shivered at the thought of it and started punching the single punching bag letting out all her confusion. She then heard foot steps. Jacob. She thought to herself still facing the punching bag she continued hitting it," about last night I don't know what happened and I don't care , there is only one boy I actually want and you are not him" she felt good about the sentence and turned quite chuffed. Jace stared at her gobsmacked. She hadn't seen Jace so shocked nothing really surprised him. She would of laughed if it were another situation but this was not the time. " Jace I meant Jaco-" Jace leaned forward ignoring her weak reply," do you always go around kissing random guys ?" The way he was standing he looked annoyed but his eyes , his golden eyes , said he was hurt, Emily could see that. " why do you care ?" She was suddenly angry at his rudeness. " I don't that is why I came to inform you that we are going on a mission today and I don't want you coming " his tone was unfamiliar ; cold and angry. " as if you could survive without me anyway " she said turning back to the punching bag. " Jace its your fault!" She turned back around ," she tried to hide the hurt in her voice. " you should have been there before Jacob kissed me , you should of held me like you always do, and kissed me !" His face flushed. " A lot of people have lost me in their lives Jace , you can make one move to prevent one of them being you " she sat cross armed. Emily had never been so annoyed at him. She was always so confident and beautiful. She still way anyway. Jace wanted to kiss her so bad. His body ached to be holding hers. But he just sat their staring at her bright green eyes that then seemed to drop. " goodbye Jace " she walked up to him as if to kiss him on the cheek or hug him but she didn't, she just walked off. Jace turned around , she wasn't skipping away as she usually did. Jace wanted to follow her as he usually would. But this time something told him he shouldn't.
* * *
Later on that day Alec , Izzy , Emily and Jace were sent off for a mission in Brooklyn- to go check out some new vampire gang- at a club much like Magnus's ; loud, full and fabulous. Jace and alec walked behind Izzy and Emily as the two linked arms talking about Izzy and mike. Emily was very good at not showing her real emotions. Or maybe she had forgotten. Or maybe she just didn't care. Jace was still regretful at that fact he didn't hold her and kiss her and tell her everything he loved about her. Emily and Izzy came to a stop making Alec and Jace hit into them. They barely noticed look up at the lighten sign " club lux " read Izzy. " club light " corrected Emily " Lux is light in Latin. " whatever " Izzy smiled carelessly at Emily. Emily laughed and walked inside. Jace following her, as usual. They stopped just outside the main doors before they actually went in. " we need a plan " Izzy whispered ," well obviously Iz " Emily whispered back. Izzy gave her a light punch they laughed. " Jace and I will go in and try and find the vampires , we need a distraction-" Izzy interrupted ," we've already got one " she pointed to Emily, emily laughed," Ok so  Iz and I will walk in you two will attack the vampires while they are caught off guard" Alec and Jace both nodded. " let's go get some boys ! " shouted Emily making eyes contact with Jace. Jace  and Alec walked in first and tried not to draw much attention to themselves by sitting quietly at the bar. The club was packed. The blue lights buzzed annoyingly in Jace's eyes. It was so bright but dark in here. " how long does it take them to walk in?" Said Alec resting sluggishly on the table. Jace then looked toward the door then appeared Emily , with Izzy behind her. Eyes moved toward her people froze still like statues. It was like the ball all over again; they either knew who she was or they wanted to find out.
The way they moved around people so smoothly. They then started to dance. Bringing attention to themselves. Emily made eye-contact with Jace, jace was staring right at her ," go now! " she mouthed directing her dancing head toward the group of pale faces. She was talking to Jace , she must be in mission mode. We can't he thought not now but just as that thought left his head Emily stood up on the DJ stand and danced amazingly along with all the bright lights. People gathered cheering and howling.

Jace watched her as she danced with the same easy gracefulness she had when fighting. Alec hit Jace on the shoulder as if to bring him back to reality ," come on let's go " Jace nodded and followed Alec through the crowd.
Emily was looking at Izzy beside her as she danced she almost forgot they were on a mission. She clicked back to reality and searched the packed crowd for the familiar golden blond hair. She didn't seem to see the familiar pale faced group in all black either. That meant Alec and Jace lead them somewhere. Emily nudged Izzy when she did it was like she threw cold water at her face. Her eyes alive and alert ," let's find them " they both climbed off the stand and pushed past people still dancing wildly.
Jace and Alec were now at the roof of the club to 'talk' to the vampires Alec said first to try and compromise with them. The leader of the group of about 9 was tall and muscular. Jace would of mistaken him for a shadow hunter if it weren't for the  life-less white skin and red blood-shot eyes. " we know you're a new vampire clan but we heard you were killing mundanes , that's against the accords "
Alec stared trying to be as polite as possible. The leader stepped closer to Alec ," we can do what we want" he replied with his mouth purposely open to show his needle sharp fangs. " do you really want to fight us ? " added Jace not able to stay behind Alec. The vampire broke eyes contact with Alec and glared at Jace he tilted his head looking at him up and down he laughed " you and what army? " Jace began to grip his weapon so tight his knuckles turned white when he heard a bang, like someone trying to kick the roof door. Emily. Then a yell of excitement as the door broke open. As Emily walked pass Jace the vampires stared at her ," Emily lightmen what an honour " he went to grab her hand to kiss it but she pulled it back making him stumble forward. " you have two choices , stop killing mundanes and stay out of trouble or the clave kills you". There was a pause then a chuckle he whistled and another 100 or so vampires came up to the roof ," Emily lightmen I heard you are fighting a greater-demon? We will help you fight if you come with us " she sounded less aggressive now she seemed more confused ," why would you want me to come with you ?" He shrugged ," if you come with us , no one will ever attack us , we will be safe " he gestured sound to all the other vampires around him. Emily laughed ," you have got to be joking ". " fine , if you don't " vampires surrounded Jace, Izzy and Alec ," we will kill your friends ". " it's ok em we can take them !" Yelled Izzy her voice shaking. " Izzy there is too many of them " she then made eye contact with Jace she then winked. Then Emily kicked the vampire at his heels knocking him to the ground. She too on several other vampires Jace , Izzy and Alec looked at each other then joined in.

They were doing fine as like 4 against 100. Emily glanced over at Jace , his movements were quick and impressive. Then she saw a dark figure appear behind him then all of a sudden his white shirt stained red and then his body was thrown down , he dropped like a rag doll. Emily screamed ," Jace ! " she ran over to him. He lay so still but his chest rose and fell , relief fell over Emily. The vampires retreated probably because of the figure. Alec dashed over to Emily and Jace along with Izzy. He looked at the wound on the Jace's chest ," greater-demon ".

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