Him and Me.

By yoyopay

20.4M 201K 33.5K

Kayla Johnson has lived a good high school life. She is relatively liked by everyone, and she tries to be nic... More

Him and Me.
Him and Me- One.
Him and Me- Two.
Him and Me- Three.
Him and Me- Four.
Him and Me- Five.
Him and Me- Six.
Him and Me- Seven.
Him and Me- Eight.
Him and Me- Nine.
Him and Me- Ten.
Him and Me- Eleven.
Him and Me- Twelve.
Him and Me- Thirteen.
Him and Me- Fourteen.
Him and Me- Fifteen.
Him and Me- Sixteen.
Him and Me- Seventeen.
Him and Me- Eighteen.
Him and Me- Nineteen.
Him and Me- Twenty.
Him and Me- Twenty One.
Him and Me- Twenty Two.
Him and Me- Twenty Three.
Him and Me- Twenty Four.
Him and Me- Twenty Five.
Him and Me- Twenty Six.
Him and Me- Twenty Seven.
Him and Me- Twenty Eight.
Him and Me- Twenty Nine.
Him and Me- Thirty.
Him and Me- Thirty One.
Him and Me- Thirty Two.
Him and Me- Thirty Three.
Him and Me- Thirty Four.
Him and Me- Thirty Five.
Him and Me- Thirty Six.
Him and Me- Thirty Seven.
Him and Me- Thirty Eight.
Him and Me- Thirty Nine.
Him and Me- Forty Part 1.
Him and Me- Forty Part 2.
Him and Me- Forty One.
Him and Me- Forty Two.
Him and Me- Forty Three.
Him and Me- Forty Four.
Him and Me- Forty Five.
Side Story- Colby and Kyle.
Him and Me- Forty Six.
Him and Me- Forty Seven.
Him and Me- Forty Eight.
Forty Nine.
Fifty Three.
Fifty Five.

Fifty four.

103K 3.1K 410
By yoyopay

You know what’s one of the best feelings in the world?

Being enveloped in a cocoon-like hug.

And when it was your boyfriend, who you love very much, that held you, the feeling was overwhelming and you’d wish it would never end.

I knew that he had to leave soon, given that it was early morning and I couldn’t have him be caught by my mom. We were sort of lucky since my mom got in incredibly late last night and was probably still zonked out, but then again, I wouldn’t want us to be placed in a very, very awkward situation.

His lips peppering light kisses on my shoulder made it so hard to kick him out, though.

“You have to sneak out soon,” I murmured, a sigh escaping my mouth when his lips landed on the crook of my neck.

“Just a few more minutes,” he whispered back as he tightened his hold around my waist.

I closed my eyes. Last night was incredible—I had never felt such sensations in my life. Sure, we had a few awkward moments, and they were mortifying, but Colby had made me feel comfortable despite being a little awkward himself. What made it more lovely was the fact that we shared our first time together and I knew that it would remain special forever.

“Do I have to sneak out your window?” Colby asked, his lips still grazing my skin.

“Probably,” I replied. I angled my head towards him and he quickly kissed me. I smiled, and added, “You think you’re athletic enough for that?”

He reared back and shot me a wry look. “Are you saying I can’t climb out your window?”

I bit back a laugh. He looked incredibly offended, it was funny. I shrugged, appearing nonchalant. “I don’t know, you tell me.”

“Of course I can!” Colby whisper-shouted. “It’s only what, a couple of feet down?”

Rolling my lips inside my mouth, I just nodded, but when I caught sight of Colby’s still wary expression, I barked a laugh and immediately clasped my hand over my mouth. His eyes narrowed.

“Don’t you ever question my athletic abilities,” he hissed, but a playful tone colored his voice. His lips then stretched to a smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You sure didn’t mind my abilities last night.”

My cheeks caught on fire and I felt my jaw drop open. Okay, so that was true, but that didn’t mean he could use it against me! Plus, it was his first time, too—I had no idea why he had to be so cocky about it.

“I..uh,” I stammered, much to my mortification. His smirk widened. Oh God.

There was nothing left to do, so I punched his arm that was wrapped around me.

He hissed, exaggeratedly, may I point out, and said, “I was just teasing!”

“Well, you shouldn’t tease about it, it’s not proper manners,” I retorted.

Colby raised his eyebrows. “And you’re an expert on proper manners after making love?”

A delicious warmth flooded my chest at his words, accompanied once again by a furious flush in my cheeks. Making love. That was what we did. We made love, and it was beautiful.

I shook my head, suddenly overcame with emotions. Did making love do this? Wreck your hormones and make your chest felt like there’s a weight—a good weight—tugging at your heart? Or maybe, or most probably, that was just what love, and love alone, did.

Colby’s face became soft, and pure tenderness radiated from his eyes. Then I knew, he felt that weight, too. His face inched closer to mine and I met his lips, and we shared a kiss.

“Okay,” he sighed. “I guess I have to climb out of your window now.”

I nodded, our foreheads touching. “I guess you have to.”

Reluctantly he removed his arms from my waist and got up. When I saw his shirtless torso, my breath caught in my throat. He was beautiful with clothes on, but without them… wow. I watched him get dressed, how his pants slid up his toned legs and how his shirt hugged his upper body. Simple movements, yet somehow they had my heart beating fast.

Colby ran his hands several times through his hair, and I had to smile at his attempt to control it somewhat. Of course it still came out as a messy bed head, but that didn’t make him any less attractive. Even with pillow creases on his cheek, his lips slightly chapped, and the makings of a pimple on his right temple.

He leaned forward, hovering above me. He smiled. I liked this—him standing over and casting his shadow over me. It was like an unspoken promise of shelter and protection.

Colby’s lips met mine once again in a slow, sweet kiss. When we parted, he whispered, “Happy birthday, Lala.”

I smiled. “Happy birthday, Beebee.”

“Three days from now, you mean.” He flicked my nose gently. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I watched him climb out of my window.

He made it.


I ran a hand through my curls. I fidgeted with my hands. I bit my lip. My tummy hurt.

I was stressing.

I was stressing because Colby’s birthday was in three days and I had not plan anything. I had not even gotten him a present yet! It was a bad girlfriend move, wasn’t it? Some girlfriends would already have something planned, and here I was, sitting on my bed, stressing.

Why was it that I couldn’t come up with decent ideas? Should I organize a surprise party, much like what he did for me? Or should I prepare something just for the two of us? I could do what he did—organize a small gathering with our family and closest friends, and then the two of us could do something…

Yeah, that was so original.

Holding my face in my hands, I groaned. Maybe I should get help. I sure needed it. My hand jutted out and reached for my phone. I hit a speed dial. Tyler answered on the second ring.

“Hey birthday girl!”

“My birthday was yesterday.”

“Birthday extensions are acceptable.”

The corners of my mouth curved up slightly at that one, but then I remembered why I called, and my lip jutted out in a pout.

“Colby’s birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to do for him, Ty,” I blurted out. “I mean, I can organize a party and invite some of his friends, but then I don’t really know how to party.”

“Well, that is true,” Tyler agreed, and I frowned. “I think you can plan a small dinner, just for the two of you, or maybe take him somewhere that means something to the both of you.”

I bit my lip. I could handle dinner, but then where could I take him? Racking my brain up, I thought of the places where we hung out, and almost immediately, a place popped up in my mind and I almost wacked myself for not thinking of it in the first place.

“You are an absolute genius,” I declared into the phone, strangely proud of Tyler.

“’Course I am,” Tyler drawled out. “My suggestions turned a switch on your mind, didn’t they?”

I almost rolled my eyes. Before I could retort, though, Tyler cleared his throat and then asked, “So, what’s the plan?”

As we came up with a plan, I felt the anxiety slipping away, replaced by excitement. For the first time since Colby left, I smiled.


School after prom was like a free pass, and everyone was buzzing about graduation. Announcements and posters lined up the walls, and if Colby Mariano had not entered my life, I would be thinking about exactly this at this time of the school year—graduation. But Colby’s birthday was tomorrow, and graduation was still a week away, so my mind was focused on The Plan. Ty insisted that we had to call what we were planning some name, and that was what he came up with. Creative, right?

“So, I think we should do something for my birthday,” Colby announced as we walked hand in hand to the parking lot.

I hummed in response, and Colby took that as a yes because then he started to talk about what he wanted to do—and that was just to spend time with me. My heart melted, and it was going to come true, we were going to spend time together on his birthday. It was just I was going to surprise him.

Colby took me home, and after a heated make out session against the tree in our front yard and me pointing out that we were going to spend the whole day on his birthday anyway, he reluctantly let me go and went home.

That night, I tossed in bed. I was acting like a freaking drama queen but I couldn’t help it. I was excited, I was nervous, I was anxious. Tomorrow better be perfect.

Finally, midnight rolled around and I hurriedly dialed Colby’s number. He answered immediately, and I smiled as I greeted him a happy birthday.

“Thank you, love.”

There was a smile to his voice.

Yes, later better be perfect.


We got him.

Jitters skittered up my spine when I got Tyler’s text message. He was right on time. I pushed the guilt away, telling myself that it had to be done in order for the plan to go smoothly. After talking for a bit on the phone last night, I managed to get a little bit of sleep in. I woke up and went over to Susan’s house. I didn’t tell Colby that I was picking him up for school today.

He was surprised, but pleasantly so. That lingering kiss he gave me the moment he slipped inside my truck set my whole body on fire. His hand cupping the back of my neck, pushing his fingers through my hair, while his other hand stroked my face. It made me not want to go ahead with the plan and just skip school and just be with him, but I really want to surprise him and do something for him.

We got to school, sit through our classes, and my heart was pounding when it was almost time to go home. I knew Colby would most likely be waiting for me at my locker. I’d have to pass by my locker to get to the front door, so I had to avoid going there. I wasn’t going home with my boyfriend beside me.

People flocked the halls, and I pushed pass them. I’d have to use the door near the back of the school if I wanted to get away without Colby seeing me, and I had to do it fast. The second bell rang five minutes ago, and Colby would come looking for me any minute.

I reached the back door and made my way to the parking lot, walking briskly to my truck. I sent a silent apology to Colby—he would probably be confused, maybe a little disappointed at me, and my heart hurt at the thought, but I had to cut our plans to spend time for today. Plus, he had to find a ride home. Tyler would take care of that, though.

I was going to disappear on my boyfriend.

Well, not exactly disappear, since I was going to make up some excuse to tell him.

Sitting on my truck, I sent a text Colby saying that my mom suddenly needed me at the museum, and she said it was urgent so I had to suddenly go. When the message sent, I turned my phone off and sent a text to Tyler using a spare phone of my mom’s. I drove, trying not to think at how Colby would be hurt at my sudden brushing off of him, especially during his birthday.

After a few minutes, I was standing at the first place where I thought that would be nice to take Colby, and put The Plan into action. How they managed to do that, I had no idea. Now, I put mom’s spare phone down the table and took a deep breath, began arranging that little corner at the second place I’ve thought of bringing Colby, and when I was finally satisfied, I decided to drive to the next destination.

Somehow, Tyler, together with Kyle and Cynthia, managed to convince Colby to go to the bowling alley with them, just as planned. Tyler informed me that Colby called my mom, and of course, my mom being my mom, she dodged Colby. My boyfriend was sulking, Ty said, but he was still playing with them. My heart clenched at the thought, but then again it would be worth it.

Hopefully, everything would go as planned.

After visiting the last place, I went home, got cleaned and dressed as quickly as I could, and made my way to the bowling alley. My heart was pounding in my chest as I pulled to the parking lot, and I took a few calming breaths. I hopped out of my truck, my hands smoothing out the front of my dress (yes, I wore a dress), and walked to the bowling alley.

Kyle’s huge frame, Ty’s blonde hair and Cynthia’s curls stood out, so my friends weren’t hard to spot. As if sensing I was there, Tyler turned and caught my eye. He winked and jutted his thumb over his shoulder. My eyes found Colby slumped in his seat, absentmindedly playing with the pen with which they use to write down their scores. I looked at the scoreboard and one corner of my mouth twitched.

My boyfriend was losing.

With a heart pounding so suddenly hard I thought my ribs were going to break, I stalked over to the group, and as I neared, Colby straightened up on his seat and looked my way. His eyebrows rose and a confused expression settled on his face. He began to stand up, but then Cynthia rushed over to me.

“Kayla, you’re here!” She gushed, and I swallowed the laughter building up my chest. Somehow, the whole thing seemed silly and the nervousness I felt calm down a little. Clearing my throat, I smirked at her.

“Sorry, I’m only here to talk to Colby.”

I saw Kyle looking down at his shoes, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter, while Tyler’s cheeks were puffed. When Cynthia let out an exaggerated gasp behind me, I almost lost it. I bit my lip.

Colby was still wearing that confused look, but there was a small smile to his face now.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

I tilted my head and glanced up at him. He looked so handsome. I smiled.

“Why don’t you come with me and find out?”


“Where are we going?” Colby asked for about the fiftieth time.

“Almost there,” I answered for about the fiftieth time.

Yes, I had him on my passenger seat. And yes, he was blindfolded. Finally, I pulled to a parking lot and when Colby started to take his blindfold off, I yelped, “No!”

He paused, seemingly genuinely surprised at my outburst. He held his hands up and said, “Okay, sorry. But how am I going to move about?”

“I’ll guide you,” I answered. And that was what I did. I helped him down the truck, and led him to the door. The moment we entered the building, sounds surrounded us—chatter, the clinking of plates and cutleries, laughter. Colby stopped in his tracks, his hands splayed out in front of him as if he was feeling for something in the air.

“Whoa,” he said, a smile on his lips. “Is it just me, or is it noisy in here?”

I rolled my eyes but a smile was on my lips, too. I began to guide him toward our little corner, earning strange glances from the crowd. I knew it was weird for a teenage girl dressed up to be leading a blindfolded, too good-looking guy in a place like this, but I ignored them. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Sommers, the manager. He flashed me a thumbs up, and I winked in return.

We finally reached our corner and I sat Colby down on his seat. I took a seat across from him and with a deep breath, I reached over and gently pushed his blindfold up away from his eyes, and his hands rested on top of mine as he helped me take his blindfold off. He blinked, blinded by the sudden rush of light, then he looked around and when he saw the assortment of food we had on the table, a huge smile lighted up his face.

It was breathtaking.

Without saying a word, I grabbed a fry and dipped it in the already melting chocolate sundae. Colby grabbed a chip and dipped it in his Coke.

Our first ever meal together at Lily’s Diner.

Our eyes met, his gaze soft. He put the chip in his mouth at the same time I put my fry in mine. We chewed, swallowed.

Then we smiled.

After we finished our food, I stood up, grabbed Colby’s hand and tugged him up. His eyes were questioning, but I just willed him to stand up. We made our way out of the diner, and as we got on my truck, I passed him the blindfold. He raised an eyebrow at me and I raised one back, and he sighed as he put the blindfold on. Feeling satisfied, I drove.

The truck came to a stop, and Colby turned to me and asked, “Can I take it off now?”

“I’ll help you get down first,” I said. When we were out of the truck, Colby took his blindfold off. His eyes swept across the scenery, and he shook his head.

“This is the exact spot, isn’t it?” He asked in wonder.

I hummed in response, and said, “Our first getting-to-know-you experience.” I felt his gaze on the side of my face.

“One of my favorite moments with you, though I hated seeing you cry that day,” he murmured. A silence passed and then Colby suddenly grabbed my hand as he pointed to the distance.

“I see the swings,” he declared. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Rotten egg,” I said, smirking.

“I let you win,” he shot back.


“Ready for the next destination?”

We ended up on the swings, watching as the sky turned to a canvas of colors. I had always loved it when it turned to a mix of purples and pinks and oranges.

“There’s more?” He asked. I nodded and took his hand, and together we walked back to the truck. Colby slipped on his blindfold without told this time, and I had to smile at that.

And then we were seated at our favorite booth on another diner as we shared a sundae. After all, it was his favorite on the menu of the diner we both loved, near Corwin’s. Collette greeted us when we got there, and she kept squealing, telling us how cute we looked together. My cheeks turned red, slightly embarrassed, but I loved it, too.

“This is the best sundae ever,” Colby swooned between bites. I had to agree, but I had to chuckle at how adorable he looked, too.

“First time I looked at you and my heart started doing weird things,” I blurted out. Heat spread through my face once again as Colby stared at me. He had a little bit of fudge on his upper lip, but his gaze was so intense, my eyes were glued to his.

“It was here, just after we made up,” I continued softly. “You were sleeping and I thought you looked so adorable and peaceful and so handsome.”

A shy smile appeared on my face. “I think I fell in love with you then, but it wasn’t until we slept in your room that I let myself realize it.”

He titled his head, his gaze never faltering. “You want to know when I know for sure that I’m in love with you?”

I nodded once, and he said, “When you hugged me after I sang at Corwin’s activity day.” One corner of his mouth lifted up in a lopsided smile.

“I knew I already felt something for you, but right then when you hugged me? I knew I got it bad.”

My breath caught in my throat. I didn’t think I’d ever get over the fact that this boy loved me.

“When you slept in my room, that was one of the best nights of my life,” Colby continued. “I woke up the next day with you there and I knew then that seeing your face first thing in the morning was the best way to wake up.”

I melted, and warmth was spreading throughout my whole body. I gave Colby a small smile and said, “It’s supposed to be your birthday, yet I feel like it’s still mine.”

My boyfriend just shrugged, grinned, and ate a spoonful of ice cream. I grinned back and pointed to the right side of my upper lip.

“You have fudge.”

His eyes sparkled. “You wipe it for me. it’s my birthday, after all.”

I shot him a look, but I did lean towards him, put the back of my thumb against my tongue, and used it to wipe the fudge off his lip. Colby’s eyes darkened, and he caught my wrist, pulling me closer. I wanted nothing but to kiss the heck out of him, but I put my fingers against his lips.

“One more place,” I whispered.

“Okay,” he whispered back. He pressed a quick kiss on my fingers.

We finished the sundae, said goodbye to Collette, and I drove once again a blindfolded cute guy who was my boyfriend to the final place I chose. I parked the truck and led Colby to the street. It was already dark, and the lampposts surrounding the area were already lighted. Behind us, the café bristled with people. The faint sound of a guitar and singing filled the air. It was an open mic night.

I laced my fingers around Colby’s neck and gently undid the knots of his blindfold. When it came off, Colby’s eyes met mine. His arms wound around my waist.

“Our first kiss,” I murmured, brushing my fingers through the hair touching the back of his neck.

Colby leaned close and ran his nose across my cheek, causing me to take a shuddering breath. Then he whispered in my ear, “First time I told you that I’m in love with you.”

“Our first date,” I whispered back, and I felt Colby smile against my cheek. He then pulled back a little and rested his forehead against mine.

People and cars passed by us, sounds surrounded us, but they were non-existent. There was only Colby, his eyes, the pressure of his hands around my waist, the feel of his forehead against my forehead, the ghost of his breath embracing my lips, the feel of his hair in my hands.

“Happy birthday, Colby,” I said, an incredible surge of affection attacking my senses.

He smiled softly, leaned in and said, his lips brushing mine, “Best birthday ever.”

And then we kissed under the light of the lamppost.


So sorry for the super late update. The past weeks were CRAZY. I finished this just this moment! I hope I still get your love, lovelies <3

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