Stockholm Syndrome//H.S

By dorkaliciousdama13

150K 3.4K 3.9K

As I leave, the cold British wind greets me. I zip up my sweater, and start walking home. Thanks to my paren... More

✕p r o l o g u e✕
♚o n e♚
♛t w o♛
♛f o u r♛
♚f i v e♚
♛s i x♛
♚s e v e n♚
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♛t e n♛
♚e l e v e n♚
♛t w e l v e♛
♚t h i r t e e n♚
♛t h e e n d♛
new book

♚t h r e e♚

13K 257 644
By dorkaliciousdama13


Here's what happened in the last chapter:

I remember my reason of being here, and run around, looking for a door.

I gasp, and notice one. I try opening it, but it won't budge.

"Crap!" I exclaim, noticing a keyhole.

"Looking for a key?" Harry asks.

I turn around, and notice him holding a key.

I gasp, and trip clumsily over my feet, causing me to fall to the ground.


Courtney's POV

I groan, and open my eyes, waking up in the same old room.

I mutter a few profanities under my breath.

"Excuse you, Courtney..." a deep voice growls, and chuckles.

Harry slowly comes into view, and I scoff.

"It's you again. What a pleasure to see you," I sarcastically chirp.

Harry laughs. "I say the same, sweetie."

I roll my eyes. "Look, Harry, ca-"

"How do you know my name?" he demands.

I smirk. "Why am I here?"

He scowls. "I think you need to be alone for a while."

"Whatever. Can I have my phone back? I would really love listening to music!" I beg, knowing what his answer would be.

"And you expect me to give you back your phone?" he asks, narrowing his eyes. "What if you call the police?"

"Why would I call the police?" I innocently ask.

He answers my question by slamming the door.

I sigh, looking out the window.

"I want my life back."

I was gonna be entering Yale in just a couple more months, meaning that I'd be leaving that crazy madhouse that I called "home".

As for my boyfriend Zayn...well we'd be moving in , and we'd be attending the university.

"Zayn..." I whimper, missing his warm hugs and delicate kisses.

I look down, and cry.

"I HATE YOU, HARRY STYLES! I HATE YOU!" I scream, punching the walls.

I slump down, sobbing.

I hate him, and I will always.


"Come on! You have to eat! I made the best food in the world, Courtney!" Harry attempts to convince me.

I look down at my hands.

It's been 2 days...

"No, Harry. I'm not in the mood for chicken alfredo," I reply.

"Courtney..." he warns, his mood instantly changing.

I roll my eyes, and pick up the fork. I start eating, sneaking a few glances at Harry.

His green eyes...His curly hair...His lips...

"Why are you looking at me, Courtney?" Harry asks, a smirk plastered on his face.

I ignore him, and move my food around with my fork.

"Stop playing with your food, unless you're 3 years old. Are you 3 years old?" he asks.

I sigh, and push the plate away from me.

"I really don't want to eat, Harry. I really don't," I cry out. "The food is great; not kidding. It's just that I'm not in the mood to eat."

Harry sighs, and picks up the tray, and walks out the door.

I bring my legs up to my chest.

"I miss my dad," I croak out. "And my stepmother. And my brother."

I let the tears roll down my cheeks.

"Why? Why did he have to kidnap me?" I cry out loud.

The door creaks open, and in comes Harry.

"What're you doing on the ground?" he questions.

"Thinking about life..." I reply, wiping the tears with my sweater.

"Well guess what? Your family is searching for you! You're all over the TV, newspapers, and social media!" he exclaims happily, picking me up from the ground.

I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth. "Does this mean you're gonna let me go?!"

He frowns. "No. You're mine. Mine."

I shudder, feeling a bit frightened.

"What do you want from me, Harry?" I ask curiously. "Do you want money, because I'm sure my dad would pay any price to get me back."

He comes closer to me, and leans his face into mine. His soft breathing hits my face.

He looks deep into my eyes, making me look back at him shyly.

"I don't want money," he scoffs. "I want you."

I back up from him.

"Why me? There are millions of girls out there! I have a boyfriend, for Pete's sake!" I shriek anxiously.

He walks slowly to me, the light from the window hitting him.

His beautiful green eyes shine brighter, and his lips form into a smirk.

"You don't need need a man like me. I've tried getting your attention in the past, but you don't see me," he creeps up closer. "You forced me to take this to the next level."

I squeal in surprise when his hand goes up to my cheek.

I look at him, and our eyes lock.

"I know this is rather strange, but I've liked you ever since I first saw you, many years ago," he whispers.

He starts leaning in, and I don't know what to do.

Maybe I should....

Kick him in the forbidden kingdom? Nah...too violent.

Punch him in the face? Too harsh.

Move away? A bit weird...

Kiss him back? Yes! Wait a second...NO!

Before I can do anything, I sneeze.

Geez...I'm such a party-pooper...

Harry immediately pulls away, and clears his throat.

"I've got to go..." he bellows, and rushes out the door.

I stand there in shock.

Harry's POV

I rush out the door, and go into my room.

I look at all the pictures I've taken of her.


She makes me feel something...

Something strange....almost like butterflies in me... can't be this way...

I tug on my curls, feeling frustrated.

"No!" I exclaim. "I can't hurt her...I CAN'T..."

I slump down on the wall.

"But I can treat her so much better than the other piece of crap that calls himself her boyfriend..." I murmur.


I watch her from where I'm standing. She laughs, and drags her boyfriend with her, and they both get on the Ferris Wheel.

I take out my camera, and secretly snap a few pictures.

I grin, enjoying her happiness. She looks at her boyfriend, and presses her lips to his.

My eyes widen, and my grin disappears.

Don't worry...that'll be you in a few years...


An hour later, I spotted her as she walked into the women's bathroom.

I put down my camera on the table, and picked up my water bottle.

I saw a young, petite girl stride over to Zayn, Courtney's boyfriend.

I gasp, almost choking on the water.

The girl sits on Zayn's lap, and they start making out, there and then. They pull away, and Zayn takes her by the hand, and they start walking away.

I quietly get up and start following them both.

I find them behind a food stand, and I hide.

"Babe! Why are you still with her? Am I your side chick, or what?" the girl whines.

"Of course not, you are mine, and I love you," he purrs, and I'm guessing that they're kissing because all I hear is silence.

"When are you gonna break up with her, Zayn? If you love me, than you will break up with her!" the girl groaned.

"Shut up, and kiss me, Gigi! I'm sure she'll be out of the loo in a few minutes," he grumbled harshly.

I took my camera out, and snapped a few pictures of them making out.

Zayn opens his eyes and looks straight my at me, his eyes widening as he noticed the camera.

I don't hesitate, and start sprinting.

I look behind me, watching out for those two, when I suddenly bump into someone.


"Um, sorry," I manage to croak out, and help her up.

She brushes the dust off her jeans. She glances at me and gives me a huge smile.

"It's alright," she replies. "I should've paid more attention."

Her eyes. Her smile. Her face.

This was the first time I had an actual conversation with her.

"No need to apologize." I mutter, not knowing what to say.

I had imagined all these conversations I would have with her, but now they seemed too flirty.

"Um, have you seen my boyfriend? He's got dark brown hair, and-" she begins to explain.

"Yes. I actually did see him," I mutter.

Her eyes shine, and she gives me a bigger smile.

"Where did you see him?" she asks, moving a strand of her hair.

I need to tell her the truth, but I'm afraid it'll hurt her.

But on the other hand, she needs to know.

I'm battling with myself, when I see Zayn run over to Courtney.

"Hey babe," he whispers, and kisses her.
He looks at me, and gives me a glare.

"You..." he hisses, pulling Courtney away, and leaving me all alone.

Courtney stops, and turns around. "Nice camera. I'm guessing you take great pictures."

If only she knew...


I look at the pictures on my wall and smile.

"She looks so beautiful in all of them," I confess.


So, you saw a little portion of him.

Wouldn't we ALL die to be kidnapped by him?


Well, I've gotta Zayn! (That hurts...)


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