Charmaine (Serial Novel)

By DanielWhyteIII

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Charmaine (Serial Novel)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 13

Episode 12

49 2 2
By DanielWhyteIII

Chapter 33

Mr. Carrington and three immigration officers arrived at eight o’ clock in the morning at the All Peoples Non-Denominational Church. Pastor Gillespie met them and they hit it off immediately. The group went over a few preliminaries before starting their two-day tour of the Ethiopian community. Their first stop was the Queen of Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant. They found everyone and everything in place and in accordance with city and state laws. Without hesitation, the workers produced the proper documents for legal status in the United States. Sentayhu served the men a late breakfast before they returned to the church.

Sister Mona, Charmaine, and a few of the deacons were directing the Ethiopians who were already at the church waiting to show their paperwork to Mr. Carrington and the other INS officers. Pastor Gillespie introduced them to his staff. “And this young lady,” he added, “is Charmaine Ayana, my future wife.”

Mr. Carrington was amazed at how willingly the Ethiopians cooperated. Whatever frustration they felt at the disruption of their daily routine was dissipated by laughter. Their light-hearted spirit confirmed for Mr. Carrington that Mrs. Martin was against these people for no reason. The INS officers returned the following day to finish their job. Pastor Gillespie, Sister Mona, and Charmaine took them on a tour of the Ethiopian community on Friday afternoon.

“All of their permits and papers appear to be in order,” Mr. Carrington said to Pastor Gillespie after they settled down in his office at the end of the tour.

“They do, Mr. Carrington,” Pastor Gillespie agreed, “and they have been a blessing to us ever since they have been here.”

Mr. Carrington shared with Pastor Gillespie the telephone conversation he had with Zelda Martin on Monday after they spoke.

“You know, Mr. Carrington, you’d believe as Christians, we would just love each other and look out for each other, but sadly that’s not the case. What Mrs. Martin and her husband are doing to these dear people is evil. Only a person filled with hatred and selfishness could concoct such a scheme.”

Mr. Carrington agreed. He shared with Pastor Gillespie the e-book he received from Mrs. Martin.

“They sent me a copy without the negative information at the back of the book,” Pastor Gillespie said. “I gave them permission to send it out to the church members. Apparently they added the negative part then sent it out. We had a heated discussion about it after prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Some walked out angrily. They thought I had been deceiving them; others voiced their opinion without holding back. I managed to get in enough words to explain what took place. As you can imagine this is a stressful time for us.”

“Why don’t you just ask the Martins to leave? You have some key evidence that they are in the wrong,” Mr. Carrington stated.

“I do,” Pastor Gillespie said. “But I want them to hang around for the wedding. Brother Martin especially knows that once God gives me the okay on something, and once my mind is set to doing something, I let nothing stand in my way.” Then he added with a chuckle, “I am waiting them out just as they are waiting me out. Not only do they want to get rid of the Ethiopians, but they also want me to resign as pastor.”

“Why would they want you to resign?”

“So Brother Martin can take my place as the pastor. You see, they are treading carefully because Brother Martin knows I won’t go down without a fight. ‘I am for peace,’ Mr. Carrington, but, as David said, ‘they are for war.’”

Both men laughed, then Mr. Carrington added, “You let me know what your plans are and we will work with you. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are messing with the work of the federal government; that can land them in jail for many years.”

“I don’t even think they are thinking along those lines,” Pastor Gillespie said.

“How are the Ethiopians taking all this?” Mr. Carrington asked.

“I work through Sentayhu, the owner of the restaurant who is somewhat the leader of the community, and they see the bigger picture. They are very cooperative and they are on my side. They have tried to worship at other churches around here, but those churches let them know up front that they are not welcome there. I have opened up our doors to them because if we don’t love them as true Christians then who will?”

Mr. Carrington, Pastor Gillespie, and the other INS officers chatted a while longer as Pastor Gillespie shared with them what Emmitt and his wife told him and also how his staff and others suspected Brother and Sister Martin to be the culprits behind everything.

Mr. Carrington said, “Let’s stay in touch until we get this completely resolved.”


While riding home after Wednesday night prayer meeting, and having sat through the heated discussion regarding the ebook with much anxiety, Brother Martin said to his wife, “Do you think anyone’s figured out what is going on?”

“Oh, no,” Zelda Martin assured him, “and even if they did, what could they do? It would be a ‘he say, she say’ situation.”

“Pastor Gillespie gave me the rest of the week off. What do you think about that?”

“Oh, you deserve it,” his wife said. “You should have the rest of the year off as far as I’m concerned.”

“Zelda, I don’t know. It seems like lately he’s been giving me too many days off.”

“You worry too much,” his wife told him. “I got it under control. Mr. Carrington is on our side. In fact, I’ll be calling him tomorrow to share with him our plans for the Ethiopian pickup.”


While on his way back to his office late Friday evening, Mr. Carrington returned Zelda Martin’s phone call.

“Mrs. Martin, I’ve been out of the office the past two days. Sorry I missed your calls. What news do you have for me?”

“Great news,” Zelda Martin said. “I have a plan that should work. We could actually schedule to have all the Ethiopians picked up on the day of the wedding at the church. I know they will all be there for sure.”

“Now why would you want to mess up your own pastor’s wedding day? Couldn’t we do it another day? You could even befriend them, find out their place of employment and we could, over the next few weeks, pick them up one at a time.”

“I think the wedding day would be best because they will all be in one place, and they won’t have time to pass the word around risking some of them escaping,” Zelda Martin said. “My husband and I and a few others could help escort them quietly out the auditorium, and…”

Mr. Carrington could not believe Zelda’s wicked scheme.

Chapter 34

There was a contagious excitement at All Peoples Non-Denominational Church as plans were falling into place for the upcoming wedding between Pastor Gillespie and Charmaine. Thousands of invitations were sent out, not only to the church family, but also to pastors all over the country including Canada and other countries. Under the direction of Appiah, the Ethiopian women went about the business of sewing the native Ethiopian wedding dress for Charmaine. It was a glistening white gown with ivory embroidery. They employed the services of Freeda’s Wedding Planners Boutique and the Pictures of Silver Photographers Studio to help them with the wedding preparations.

“I think we ought to combine the two cultures,” Sister Mona said. “That should make a beautiful and unique wedding.”

Although Charmaine was excited she remained sober-minded throughout the planning process. She rehearsed over and over in her mind her plan for getting Sister Gillespie back to her husband. After much prayer and some fasting throughout the week, she shared her plan with her uncle, Sentayhu.

“Uncle, I have a change of plans regarding the wedding.”

Sentayhu looked surprised. “What do you mean, Charmaine?” he asked.

“I met Pastor Gillespie’s wife recently. I had met her before, but I did not know who she was. Anyway, on Saturday I went to the Bible study with Mother Louise and Mona, and Sister Gillespie was there; they were having a study on what it means to be a wife. Sister Gillespie is still hurting over the divorce and deep down she desires to reconcile with her husband. Now, I don’t want to stand in the way of them getting back together, plus to remain true to my culture, as you know, I don’t need to get entangled in that. After much prayer and fasting throughout the week, here’s what I propose…”

After listening to Charmaine’s proposal, Sentayhu asked, “Why don’t you just go to Pastor Gillespie and tell him what you just told me, and give him all the reasons you just gave me?”

“That would be easier no doubt, but I just feel we ought to go about it the way I have in mind.”

“What if he does not fall for that?” Sentayhu asked.

“I’m trusting God for it all to work out, and I need for you to pray and fast with me about it,” Charmaine said. “One thing I am sure of and that is Sister Gillespie still loves her husband, and I have no doubt that he still loves her. In God’s eyes, they are still husband and wife, and if she’s willing and ready to reconcile, then I don’t think I should stand in the way.”

Sentayhu thought for a few minutes. “Okay, Charmaine. It’s your decision and I’ll stand by you no matter what.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” Charmaine said giving him a hug. “Please tell no one and pray and fast with me that it will all work out.”


Charmaine shared with Mother Louise and Sister Mona her plan for getting everyone out of the awkward situation they were in. “Do you think it will work?”

“Do we think it will work? Of course it will work!” Mother Louise said with a smile.

“Yes. It definitely will,” Sister Mona agreed with a sigh of relief. “This is going to be good, better than the movies.”

Charmaine remained quiet as Mother Louise and Sister Mona shared more biblical principles on how to be a godly wife. She could not wait to share their plan with Sister Gillespie.

Sister Gillespie had waited anxiously all week for this meeting. Charmaine’s last words — “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do” — had remained in her thoughts all week long. “What do you think she meant by that?” she asked Regina.

“Beats me, but whatever it is, I believe it will be worth the wait,” Regina said. “I’ll be at the meeting this Saturday. This month, I’ll be on a new weekend rotation at my nursing job from three to eleven.”

“Well, I was hoping she would call me and say, ‘Hey, Gloria, you can have your man back. I just told him I couldn’t marry him’,” Sister Gillespie said.

Regina laughed as her sister continued.

“She gave this wonderful speech about not wanting to come between me and my husband, yet she hasn’t said anything — not to me, not to Sis. Mona. You watch and see; she’s going to go ahead with the wedding.” Gloria Gillespie let out a long sigh.

“I would not worry about anything,” Regina said. “I don’t detect deception in Charmaine. I’m sure she has a good heart.”


The ladies had a memorable study — one they would never forget. It marked the beginning of a turning point in Sister Gillespie’s life.

“In today’s meeting, we want to tie up some loose ends and solidify some things,” Mother Louise said as Sister Mona nodded in agreement. “Sister Charmaine, you have been very patient and gracious in your attitude and spirit ever since we’ve known you. I know it’s been uncomfortable for you this past week, but I thank you for putting others ahead of yourself.”

All heads nodded. Sister Gillespie knew this to be true of Charmaine knowing her husband would not settle for less. Charmaine had been a source of conviction to her ever since she heard of her. After finally meeting her in person, she surprisingly developed respect for Charmaine because of the godly, meek and quiet, mature way she carried herself. I wish I could do this marriage thing all over again. Lord, if only I had a second chance. But I accept it. I blew it, I blew it, she thought over and over again.

Turning to Sister Gillespie, Mother Louise continued. “Sister Gillespie, it has been a pleasure meeting with you and fellowshipping with you over these past several months. I know Sister Mona and I have been hard on you at times, but we only were because we love you, and we want the best for you.”

“I love all of you too,” Sister Gillespie said.

“We just have one more area of business to take care of,” Mother Louise said. “As you might recall, we’ve been emphasizing the importance of humbling yourself and asking for forgiveness from your husband for the wrong that you have done. And, then, once you do that, you need to forgive yourself as well and not worry about what you think he has done. Oftentimes, we as wives get so wrapped up with what we think our husbands have done wrong that we cannot see the evil that we are doing wrong. The truth of the matter is, it is not your job to correct him. Let God deal with him. You deal with you.”

Charmaine smiled as her eyes met Sister Gillespie’s. If you only knew the plan that God and we have for you, Charmaine thought.

“Sister Gillespie, just one question before we end this session,” Mother Louise said. “If you could get back with your husband, what is the first thing you would do or say to him?”

The question caught Sister Gillespie by surprise. After gathering her thoughts together she answered slowly but deliberately. “As embarrassing as it may be, I would have to apologize to him and ask for his forgiveness. I would have to apologize for my ungodly behaviour and attitude throughout the marriage…I may even have to apologize to some of our church members…maybe the entire church for not setting a good example before them.” Taking a deep breath, she continued. “That’s the only way I could feel comfortable in becoming Roland’s wife again.” But, of course, that will never happen now, she thought glancing at Charmaine.

Regina, Mother Louise, and Sister Mona began to smile. Before them sat a broken and humble sister in Christ. Her next statement confirmed her brokenness.

“Mother Louise, Sister Mona, I want to thank you both for not condemning me. Thank you for helping me to see the error of my ways, and Charmaine, I wish you and Roland all the best. I could not ask for a better replacement; you’re just the wife he needs.”

Regina sniffled. She knew her sister would come around. There was not a dry eye in the room.

Clearing her throat, Charmaine spoke up. “This is a very touching time, and I wish to add to this memorable day. I’ve already shared this with Mother Louise and Sister Mona. Sister Gillespie and Regina, here is what I propose we do to remedy this situation.”

Regina and Sister Gillespie were in awe as Charmaine shared her plan with them.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sister Gillespie asked.

“Yes, I’m very sure,” Charmaine assured her. “Just pray and fast with me that everything would go as planned. Do not discuss this with anyone. As of right now only one other person knows, and that is my uncle, Sentayhu. He is fasting and praying with us too.”

“Well, what do you think?” Mother Louise asked Sister Mona and Charmaine on their way home.

“Things are falling right into place,” Sister Mona said, “and I thank God for that. Now that that’s squared away, I can send a letter to the officiating pastor, Pastor Marshall Alexander, and let him know about it.”

Charmaine nodded thoughtfully.

Chapter 35

Wednesday night prayer meeting was directed by the Ethiopian brothers and sisters. It was a time of jubilee, especially in anticipation of the upcoming wedding only three days away. Gifts were already pouring in from all over the country. Of course, a few voiced their disappointment at Pastor Gillespie over his divorce and choice to remarry, but regardless, it was a time of rejoicing. Sentayhu led the services and after giving a mini-sermon on the importance of prayer in the Christian’s life, he gave a challenge to Pastor Gillespie and Charmaine on the new life they were about to embark on.

“Pastor Gillespie, don’t think I am disrespecting you. I know that you are fully aware of your role as a minister, as a man, and as a husband, but if you would allow me, I humbly and respectfully offer you and Charmaine this challenge.”

“Go ahead, my brother,” Pastor Gillespie said.

“I do not doubt that you two love and respect each other, but I want to kindly remind you both of the power of choice. Each morning you wake up, you’re going to be faced with new challenges, and in tackling those challenges, you will have to make the choice whether or not you’re going to do the right thing; whether or not you’re going to please God or please yourself.” Sentayhu turned to Pastor Gillespie and said, “Pastor, as you know, God wants you to do the right thing, not based upon your feelings and emotions, but based on biblical principles.”

Pastor Gillespie nodded.

Addressing Charmaine, Sentayhu said, “Charmaine, let me encourage you, my daughter, to choose to do the right thing as well throughout your life not based upon your feelings and emotions, but based upon what is right. God will bless you, my daughter.”

Charmaine nodded and smiled at her uncle who had indeed been more like a father to her.

Brother Martin and his wife sat close to the back of the auditorium listening with disdain as Sentayhu spoke.

This will be your last sermon preached in this church, Brother Martin thought, so challenge and preach with all of your might — up there looking like who-dun-it.

Those deportation buses will be rolling in soon, Zelda Martin thought with a smug smile. She congratulated herself for having come up with such a ‘workable plan’, as Mr. Carrington called it, to get rid of the Ethiopians. I will be at this wedding with bells on.

She slipped her hand into her husband’s and gave it a tight squeeze; they both smiled as if reading each other’s thoughts.

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