Hydrolics (Bryan Breeding Lov...

By JBabiiee

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☆Bryan Breeding Works to Save His Relationship And Career★ ☆Patrick Goes Through A Tragedy And Is Left Alone... More

Hydrolics (Bryan Breeding Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Reality Check!!

Chapter 2

225 6 4
By JBabiiee


Patrick:Your Upset With Me Cause Of A Fan

Shiahh:Damn Right You Think It's Funny

Patrick:This Is My Life

Shiahh: Well Maybe I Don't Fit In This Life

Patrick: Tf Yes You Do

Shiahh: I Think We Should Take A Break From This

Patrick:Me Too This Conversation Is Crazy

Shiahh:Not The Conversation Our Relationship

End Of Recap...

Patrick POV

I don't know what came over me but when she said that you can hear my heart shatter in pieces but I did nothing wrong so I was stuck in shock and something just came over me and I snapped

Patrick: Wtf You Mean From This Relationship Your Acting Like A Selfish Inconsistent Inconsiderate Mindless Oblivious Stupid Bitch To Break Up With Me... (continues)

Meanwhile The Gang Heard Him And Ran In There

Patrick:Your A Spoiled Little Bitch If It's Not Perfect You Don't Want It I Laughed At The Ustream Comments I Never Answered Her And You Repay Me By Dumping Me Wtf Kind Of Shit Is That?

Bryan POV

I just had to grab my brother he was in her face like he was tempted to hit her and we couldn't let that happen as I go to grab him he yanks away and balls his fist up at me and her so as I was about to stand in front of shiahh Paetyn jumped in front of her as Patrick and Paetyn starred Eachother down I stood in front of her and pointed towards the door at Patrick yeah I know im the youngest but I actually stand my ground as kelly dustin and carnell literally dragged Patrick out the livingroom and upstairs kicking and cursing I hugged and kissed Paetyn and followed behind

Paetyn POV

By this time shiahh was down to the floor in tears she was crying hard and mumbling about how she screwed up and it was all her fault we hated seeing her like this and what made it worse was that it was Thursday and we didn't plan on leaving till Monday morning so we we're stuck then something caught my attention there was a purple bruise spreading across her head (that's a symptom of her brain tumor coming back she begins stuttering and her eyes roll and blink open and close)

Shiahh POV

I was in complete shock I couldn't think straight my brain stopped functioning properly and I started tripping... Shit My Tumor Is Coming Back And Spreading As I Was Blacking Out I Can't See Telia Running To Get The Guys Or Maybe It was Zee I Coul Tell Honestly Then Out Of No Where I Hear Wheezing And Coughing Like Someone Couldn't Breathe It Was Paetyn She Was So Emotional That I was Dying She Was Goinh In To A apanic Attack Or Asthma Attack

Jayla POV

I sent telia and zee to get the guys paetyn had collapsed I checked her purse and her crazy ass had forgotten to bring her pump so as she collapsed I was holding up shiahh

Dustin:Paetyn Probably Was Stressing

Bryan:She Ain't Supposed To Stress

Dustin:Tf Why Not?

Bryan:She's Pregnant Man

Telia:Woah What

Dustin:Wow well congratulations

Jayla:My Sister Is Pregnant?

Patrick:But Why Is Shiahh Tripping Out

Bryan:I Wasn't Supposed To Say None But Her And Paetyn Both Pregnant

Jayla:Oh They Ass Is Mine


Zee:Well We got 2 pregnant Cortez

Carnell:Oooo Ya'll Be Having Sex

Patrick:OMG I Was Such A Dick To Her She Was Just Moody Cause She's Having My Baby I'm An Asshole -sits Shiahh in between his legs and tries to keep her talking

Patrick:So Shiahh I Found Your Pregnant Girl -trying to get her to keep a steady conversation-

Shiahh:I... I... I... Ww... Was Go...Gonna Te... Tell Y... You

Patrick:I Know Baby Im Not Upset So What You Thinking For Names

Shiahh:Iiif Ittts A A A... -couldnt finish her sentence-

Patrick:Come On Baby You Can Do It What Name's

Shiahh:Ta...TaJeanna Paetyn Bre...Breeding Or P... P...Patri...ck Owen B... B... Breeding Jr.

Patrick:Those Are Pretty Baby Keep Talking Please

Jayla POV

then everyone rushed to us Patrick rushed to shiahh as bryan rushed to Paetyn

Bryan POV

I was keeping Paetyn stable while waiting on the ambulance I know I'm not a doctor but she taught me how to do things in emergencies like this with her or her sisters so I was keeping her talking and breathing

Bryan:So I Guess You Gotta Get An Early Doctor Visit

Paetyn: -tries to laugh a little-Y...yea

Bryan:So I Can't Wait Till We find Out What We Having

Paetyn:Me Either It's A Countdown

Bryan:Yeah Two More Months

Paetyn:Actually Two Months Three Weeks And Five Days

Bryan:Damn Baby That's Specific

Paetyn:I... I... -coughing up blood-

Bryan:-kelly jands me a towel-Sshh Take A Deep Breath

Paetyn:-breaths deeply than smiles at him-

Bryan:Omg The Ambulance Is Taking Forever

Paetyn:I...It's Okay

Bryan:No It's Not

Paetyn:C...Calm D...Down Baby

Bryan:Okay Sorry

Paetyn:It's Sound They Here -went unconscious-

Bryan:Yeah Their Here -tries waking up-

Telia POV

at that moment zee let the medics in they immediately took the girls out on stretchers patr Rode With shiahh and Bryan Rode With Paetyn They Told Us To Calm Down And Come later on so we did

-8 Hours Later-

Dustin POV

Jayla was getting impatient so we drove or actually she made me speed to the hospital but were told to wait in the waiting room we waiting for about an hour...

Patrick & Bryan POV

We come out and see whole gang there waiting they all walk to us literally anxious for the results of our girlfriends we were both still pretty emotional seeing how...

Bryan:Well I Guess I'll Start...

Bryan:Paetyn cough up at least a pint of blood which is way to much blood to lose while pregnant

Jayla:So.. Bryan How Is She???

Bryan:They Stopped The Bleeding And She Is Stable Their Gonna Keep Her Over Night For Observations But She's Fine

Jayla:And My Sister Yahh'Shiahh?? -I Said Turning To Patrick-

Patrick:She's Still In Surgery She's Been In Surgery For At Least Seven Hours They Say It -lets tears fall- It Doesn't Look Good... She Might Not Make It.. It Would Take A Miracle

Jayla:-drops in Dustin arms crying-No NO! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN

Telia:-i immediately cry after Patrick says that-


We Are All Crying We Just Couldn't Help It We Were All A Big Family It Was Painful To Think That One Us Might Not Make It

Narrative POV

Their All Very Emotional At This Point Patrick Pulls Himself Together And Sterilized Himself Put Back On His Suit And Went Back Inside As Did Bryan He Went Back With Paetyn And Sat There And Watched Her Sleep


Read Description For A Few Spoilers

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