Chapter 3

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Paetyn POV

I was retrieving Brianna from Her daddy she was only five months yeah I know your glad I lived to have my baby, well my sister did but didn't she has been in a coma for the last eleven months when she was ready to have the baby since she was in the coma they gave her an emergency c section and Patrick has two beautiful babies a boy and a girl...

Patrick Owen Breeding Jr.

Patricia Paetyn Breeding

Bryan POV

I handed bri to Paetyn so I can help Pat change the twins so he could go to the hospital today was the day we all never wanted to come around but it has so we have to except it

Patrick POV

It's been 11 long months since everything has happen my brothers and the girls have talked me into pulling the plug on shiahh life support machine so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I don't want to but I don't want her to suffer so today was the day I signed the papers that ended my girlfriend's life. I leave the twins with dustin and kelly while I make my way to the hospital, I get into the roon.and sit there with tears falling for hours until I finally spoke words to her still body. "Baby if you want me to wait raise two fingers if not show no reaction I waited a few hours still no response so I pulled myself together and left with so much pain inside"

2 years later...

It's 2014 B5 is going strong and doing great we haven't seen or heard from them in the last two years so let's check in...

Bryan POV...

Paetyn and I were just doing our last finishing touches on ourselves and Bri before heading out. P and I have been through alot these last couple of years, she lost a sister, couldn't even speak to Patrick after he moved on so quick, and worst of all she refused to see her niece and nephew saying they remind her of how she couldn't do anything to save her big sister. She was so devastated she probably wouldn't have showed up to her funeral if I wouldn't have forced her but she has gotten alot better with time she is the strong lady/woman I met, knew, liked, fell in love with, dated, and married so I couldn't complain at all I swept my daughter of her feet in safely into the car after opening the door for P I got in myself and off we went.

Carnell POV...

Me and Telia were happy with eachother we were engaged to be married no kids yet not untill after marriage is what we agreed on and we can do it we were at my mom's house helping her set up the kitchen and table for a family dinner I couldn't wait the crew back together again well everyone but one. it's been two years since we gained two beautiful kids and lost a beautiful sister to all of us but "Life Goes On" I was playing our Recent single "Cookie" in the background when the front door open to see Kelly walking in with Zee. I spoke to each one and stole Kelly into the kitchen while Zee and Telia stayed in the dinning room probably going some girl gossip.

Patrick POV...

I was running after my son, who was running around the house naked as a two year old it's normal so it was funny but than he fell and hurt his arm I rush to him and pick him up. It was just a scratch but he still wanted his mommy so I called her in. Sophie! I screamed through the house sophie was my wife and step mother of my kids and also carrying a surprise herself she came waddling in the hallway with Patricia on her side. Yes? She answered then with me answering she looked at PJ and put Pae down and grabbed him. Is my baby okay? She asked in a mommy baby voice which made him hug her and say yes softly in her neck. We were trying to get dressed for our family dinner at My mom's house in a few hours for the first time in a long time I will see everyone together. I see my brothers all the time but not the girls I'm pretty sure you know why.

Dustin POV...

We pull and alredy I see Bryan,Kelly,And Carnell car, I sit in the car for a second and look at Jayla. Are you ready? Is all I ask. Yeah babe. She answered back smiling this crazy this was the last house her sister was in this was house that the ambulance took her from two years ago, the house that, a fan pissed her off and her and Pat blew up at each other, the last house she stepped a foot in, we go in where Jayla rushes to see P, and just hugs her, and Paetyn returns the favor to her oldest sister. And I just go find my lil brothers in the kicthen after I sent my son to the play room...

@Author Note...


▶▶▶(Dustin's Son Name Will Be Dustin Jr. IIGHT GOOD)◀◀◀


...with his cousins Brie, Pae, and PJ.


We were at the table right after Mommy A led us in prayer for dinner we began passing around food not really much talking going on untill momma Adrian started a topic that brung a sharp pain to people's heart but a small smile on their faces...

Adrian: Do you guys remember when you all slept over one night and Shiahh, Paetyn, Jayla, Zee, And Telia released an all out prank war and Dustin ended up with an broken arm and Patrick with and Fractured Ankle.

Patrick: Yeah

_I say softly with a small chuckle

Patrick: Shy push down the stairs thinking I was Kelly.

_I finished up laughing a lil louder

Dustin:Paetyn twisted my arm beginf me because I punched Bryan in the mouth for selling us out to the girls

_I added to the conversation making everyone laugh except Bry who was starring at me with a glare like brung up an revenge scheme in his head he had forgot about

The dinner went on and on even having Sophia chime in to there a few times it was going pleasantly well considering. Meanwhile the kids were upstairs playing and eating in the kid's area...

Paetyn gets a call from her mom and excuses herself but only stands up and staps back she never left the room only turned around.

Yes ma'am?

_I answer the call from my mom

Hey it's urgent come quick!

_She says loudly l, you can tell she was crying or just got done.

Where mom are you okay?

_I asked now concerned

Yes! The hospital, it's Yahh'Shiahh. She's alive!

_After that last line I drop my phone and faint....

Too Be Continued!

"Sorry so short updating alot of stories to catch up"

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