Mr. Brightside


500 14 9

Fred Weasley was never interested in Andelynn Beckett as more than a friend. To him, she was just one of the... More

Mr. Brightside

500 14 9

A/N: Okay, so, this chapter is dedicated to xHelloWorldx for making me this awesome cover. I apologize if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. Please tell me if there are and I will fix them immediately. I apologize if any details are not by the book - I'm basically just following the main events in the story as closely as I can while adding in a little extra. So I apologize if details (like sleeping arrangements) are a little off.

Anyways, please go ahead and read and comment telling me what you think and how I can improve my next chapter. (:


I hurriedly ate my egg sandwich, washing it down with milk straight from the carton. I was running late, unfortunately. I pulled on my shoes and dug through the closet in the living room for a raincoat. I finally found a green one and grabbed my wand and my wallet. I pulled the coat on and made sure it covered as much of my body as possible before stepping into the fireplace with a handful of Floo Powder and announcing "The Burrow!"

I was engulfed by green flames, and when they died down I was standing in the Weasley's fireplace. "Good morning, Mr. Weasley." I greeted, stepping out of his fireplace. "May I leave my coat here?" I asked, reaching for the zipper of my soot covered raincoat.

"Good morning to you too, Andelynn!" Mr. Weasley smiled. "And yes, go right ahead." I thanked him and took my coat off, setting it on a hook of a nearby coat rack. I was pleased to see that there was very little soot on my clothes. I started dusting off my legs when Mr. Weasley informed me of the soot on my face.

I rushed up the stairs, headed for the bathroom, when I ran right into one of the twins. I almost fell back down the stairs, but he quickly caught me by the arm and pulled me up.

"Thanks, Fred." I smiled. I was one of the few people who could tell Fred and George apart from one another. Usually, I could tell just by looking at them. However, when I couldn't, I asked them to tell me a joke. If he talks about puns or uses a pick-up line on me, its Fred. If not, it's George.

Fred's the only one who knows I love puns and pick-up lines.

"You've got soot all over your face." Fred pointed out. "And your hands."

"Yeah, well, that happens when you decide to stick your face in someone's fireplace." I joked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, your bathroom sink is calling my name."

Fred sidestepped to the left, allowing me to pass. "Hurry up, Ande. We'll leave without you if you take too long." I was sure he was teasing, but I hurriedly washed the soot off my face and hands just in case.

I made my way back downstairs when I was soot-free to see Mr. Weasley, Fred and George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione waiting in the living room. I was informed that Percy, Bill, and Charlie were going to apparate to the tournament later. Once we were all completely ready, we set off for the Portkey.

"Hey, Ande." George grinned, linking his left arm with my right.

"Want to make a bet?" Fred asked, linking his right arm with my left.

"Oh no, I am not making bets with you guys." I chuckled.

"Why not?" Fred asked.

"Afraid you'll lose?" George teased.

"No." I pouted. "But in the event that I lose, I don't want to have to empty my wallet."

"Fair enough." Fred and George shrugged, unlinking our arms.

After a little while, we met up with Cedric Diggory and his father and we all walked to the Portkey together. I was nervous to travel by Portkey. The last time I did, I threw up on my father's shoes. We all held onto the boot, which was our Portkey, and waited. Suddenly, I felt that familiar hook behind my belly button pulling me toward our destination.

We finally landed, and I fell backwards into Cedric, who caught me. "Are you okay, Andelynn?" He asked worriedly, helping me stay steady while I fought down my egg sandwich I had for breakfast. I nodded and once everyone knew I was okay, we walked towards the tents.

I glanced back at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were talking to each other, and I felt a little left out. I figured I probably felt that way because they were always pulled into fun adventures. I wanted a piece of the action every once in a while.

Fred and George stopped walking until I caught up. "So, where's your father?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, I thought he was supposed to come." George added.

"That man's a bloody brilliant prankster." Fred commented with a smile.

"And a great Beater." George added.

Sometimes I felt like my wacky father was the twin's hero. My father played on a Professional Quidditch team as a Beater for two years, then quit to work with the ministry and take care of me. In his free time, he enjoys pranks.

"He couldn't make it." I shrugged. "I think he's going to see my mum, but you never know with my dad."

"Is she still in France?" Fred asked. I nodded. "I don't see why he bothers with her. She was so rude when we came to visit you last summer."

"I know." I frowned. "She hates magic."

Fred, George and I talked about my mother for a little while longer, before switching the topic to the Quidditch Cup. We were all so excited, and when we finally made it to the tents I realized I didn't have mine.

"Who wants to share a tent with Andelynn?" Mr. Weasley asked. Fred and George immediately offered, only to be shot down. "Let's try this again." He cleared his throat. "Who wants to share a tent with Andelynn?"

"We will." Hermione offered with a smile.

"Alright, now that Andelynn has a tent, lets set them up."

"Thanks, Hermione." I smiled, watching as Mr. Weasley sets up the tent.

"It's no problem." Hermione smiled as well, in a friendly manner. "Are you excited for the match?" It was obvious she was trying to make conversation.

"I am. I really hope Ireland wins."

Hermione, I figured, wasn't very knowledgeable when it came to Quidditch. Sure, she probably knew everything the books told her, but I doubted she knew much else.

"Hey, Ron, who do you think will win?" I asked. I knew he and Harry both loved Quidditch, and that Ron's idol was Viktor Krum. Immediately Harry and Ron got into a deep debate over which team will win and over which players were better.

I headed towards Fred and George's tent, poking my head in. "Hey guys, can I come in?"

We hung around the tent for awhile while we waited for Percy, Bill, and Charlie to get here. Fred and George came up with plans for the joke shop they really wanted to start, while I told them which pranks I'd be willing to test out.

That's me, one of the guys. They'll never see me as more than the Quidditch playing test dummy with a feminine figure.

And apparently my figure wasn't feminine enough.

We all finally went to the Quidditch Pitch, stopping for souvenirs along the way, heading for the top box. "No one told me we would be sitting all the way up here." I mumbled under my breath.

George, who sat beside me, chuckled. "You can fly around on a broom without a care in the world, but you're terrified of sitting up here?"

I was about to respond when the Malfoy's made their way into the box with us. Lucius glared down at me, and I quickly hid my face behind my hair. I knew the Malfoy's and their relatives hated me. I was the daughter of a "blood traitor" and a Muggle. In their eyes, I may possibly be worse than a Mudblood.

However, my worries all faded away when the game began. The mascots came out onto the field, Bulgaria's first. Veela. Why did it have to be Veela?

Fred and George were about to jump out of the box for the Veelas when I grabbed onto their shoulders and kept them in their seats. Apparently, Harry and Ron wanted to do something similar because Mr. Weasley was holding them down with the help of an annoyed Hermione. The Veela finally left and Ireland's mascots came flying around the Pitch and tossing gold coins everywhere. I snatched up as much as I could and stuffed them in my wallet, deciding I now loved Leprechauns. Best mascots ever.

And with that, the game began. We cheered Ireland on like crazy, while I also hoped the twin's would win their bet with Bagman. The points were racking up, and the snitch was in Krum's view. He reached for it and

"He caught it!" Fred and George yelled excitedly. They won the bet, and Ireland won the tournament. Could this day get any better? I held onto my Omnioculars I had bought and followed the Weasley's out of the box.

We went back to our tents and spent the rest of the night celebrating Ireland's victory. It was a lot of fun, but I was getting really tired. I congratulated the twin's on the money they won from Bagman for their shop when Mr. Weasley wasnt paying attention before heading off to the tent I shared with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Get up!" A frantic voice called. I could hear yelling and screams, but I didn't want to wake up. "Get up, Ande!" I sighed and opened my eyes slightly. George and Fred grabbed one of my wrists and pulled me out of bed. "Grab your wand, we have to go." We rushed out of the tent the moment I grabbed my wand with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"What's going on?!" I cried, suddenly awake at the sight of Muggles suspended in air. Mr. Weasley demanded we go hide in the woods while he, Percy, Bill, and Charlie helped to break up the crowd. We quickly did as we were told, though we ran into trouble.

At some point, we had lost Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Where could they be?" I asked, glancing around. We all proceeded in calling their names, though they never answered. I kept my wand at the ready, in case we ran into the culprits.

I'm sure the sick wizards suspending the Muggles in air wouldn't be afraid to attack "blood traitors" like the Weasley's or a Half-Blood like myself.

That was the first time in a long time I had said that I wanted my father. Fred, George and Ginny didn't mock me. I'm sure they were feeling similarly. Or, Ginny was at least.

We somehow find ourselves back at the tent, and that the scene that had been caused had also been taken care of. I crawled back into bed, almost passing out from exhaustion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the morning, we packed everything up and took an early Portkey back to The Burrow, where Mrs. Weasley and my father were waiting.

"I'm proud of you for staying strong out there, Andelynn." My father smiled, pulling me into a hug. This was the first time since the Chamber of Secrets incident that I had actually seen my father act his age. He glanced over my shoulder at the twins. "I'm sure you guys made sure she was okay as well, right?"

"Of course, Mr. Beckett!" They smiled.

"Guys, I've told you before to just call me Nathanyel." He smiled back. He pulled away from our embrace, but kept his hands around my shoulders and held me at arm's length.

"I've spoken with Mrs. Weasley, and she says it's okay for you to stay here with them until school starts up again. I brought your stuff from home, and Mrs. Weasley bought your school supplies for you." I glanced at Mrs. Weasley and thanked her before turning back to my dad and giving him another hug. "Have fun, if you need me send the owls to your mother's."

"Will do, dad." My father then went to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and I sat with Ginny on the couch. "Well, that was a crazy night, huh?"

She chuckled.

We spent the day relaxing, and Mrs. Weasley showed me most of the house since I had only been on the first two floors and in the yard. She told me Ginny, Hermione, and I were to share a room. I thanked her for the tour and knocked on Ginny's door. She opened it and smiled, allowing me in.

My things were set near the air mattress my dad must have brought for me, because it had my sheets and my favorite pillow on it. I noticed my new things, as well.

"Uh, what's this for?" I asked Ginny, pulling a sea-blue colored robe out of my bag.

"I'm not completely sure, mom bought everyone dress robes." She pulled her's out and held it up for me to see. "She said everyone needs it for formal school events or something like that."

"Huh, strange." I mumbled, holding my dress robes to my body.

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