The Dragon Knight; The Awaken...

De Emskie-Wings

296K 7.7K 435

{Busy rewriting} ** Book One ** Blanchefleur isn't exactly a perfect Princess; she knows it, her parents... Mais

The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 1)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 2)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 3)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 4)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 5)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 6)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 7)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 8)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 9)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 10)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 11)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 12)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 13)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 14)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 15)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 16)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 17)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 18)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 19)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 20)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 21)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 22)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 23)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 24)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 25)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 26)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 27)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 29)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 30)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 31)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 32)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 33)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 34)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 35)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 36)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 37)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 38)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 39)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 40)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 41)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 42)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 43)
The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 44)
Editing Note 1

The Awakening of the Legend (Chapter 28)

5.6K 152 7
De Emskie-Wings

So before you read, just give me a moment... less than five minutes...

First, look at the map (-->) I made it a while ago, mostly for myself..... it was actually a quick draft but I'm too lazy to make another one at it's pretty good don't you think? Anyway, now you see where all the kingdoms are and such. The little circle in each kingdon is the capital, then the lakes ( dark spots without any words on them), mermaid lakes...more about those later in the story ;) and also, between the Fairy Meadow, Elfique Forest and the biggest lake, the thing line was suppose to be a magical barrier, later about that too xD

Secondly... three words of vocabulary...
1) Stammene av Åsene, Norwegian for Tribes of the Hills
2) Taragménos, Greek for agitated (thought I'd take it because it sounds Spanish xD)
3) Perlog, Welsh for Pearl (anybody speak Welsh??)

And now, ENJOY!!


Three days later, before dawn had even dared approach, I walked through the long cold hallways of the castle. I wish I could push the sun even further away, lengthen the night, stretch it out for a few more days. I didn’t want to go already, I wanted to stay. But I couldn’t, I knew I couldn’t and I tried not to complain to anyone but myself.

The knights had returned two days ago, in the middle of the night. The next day was a day of celebration. A banquet in the evening, music and dancing, a lot of cherry blossom wine had been drunk. It had been a happy lot, and the fires in the courtyard hadn’t been extinguished before the middle of the night, just a few hours ago.

Vadmin had spent two days teaching me how to send a magic wave out in front of me. That was what I called it; a magic wave. In real it wasn’t; I projected my own conscience out of my body, which would send back vibrations to my body and those would shape, in my thoughts, whatever it was that was in front of me.

He had me practicing it with all kinds of objects. Blindfolded, I would have to send my conscience out in front of me to see what it was. He even had me try with people but that was harder since they moved. He had been satisfied by what I had been able to do in such a short time. I had just been glad to learn some real magic.

But right now, I just wanted to be in bed and not think of everything that I should have packed, trying to remember if I actually did pack it. Not have to think about anything other than making sure the covers didn’t fall of the bed.

“Come on sleepy. If you fall asleep on Bruin’s back and fall off I won’t be able to catch you.” Robin said as he walked by. He looked wide awake, fresh and well rested. At what time did he go to bed last night? “Just before the last fire went out. I think you forgot to lock your door.” He said to me as he walked outside.

“Than don’t sneak in, I wouldn’t have to lock it.” I snapped before yawning. I focused on the mental door I had created in my thoughts and made sure the lock was closed and would not open again. “Why are you in such a good mood? I thought you didn’t want to go back.”

“I don’t. I am just looking forward to the trip. Would you mind if we make a little stop in Teixeira? There is something I need to check on.”

“Why are you even asking me? I don’t have a choice but follow you since I have no idea where we are going.” I yawned again as I attached something to Bruin’s saddle. The horses, Bruin and Forest, seemed to be eager to leave.

Zjarr had gone of to the Salji Mountains for a quick hunt. I wished be could at least have stayed until the cold season came from the ocean. I just wanted to see the mountain in their snow coat. It felt like I was leaving for a couple of months, maybe years, instead of days. Then again, Robin never told me how long we would be gone.

Would it be to early to check on Daniel? Probably. He must still be sleeping because he too had been at the banquet last night. He looked pale but better already. I had seen him for just ten minutes. Just long enough to tell him would be leaving again and didn’t know when I would come back. He had taken it in silence, like I thought he would. Afterwards, he smiled and told me to bring home a nicer present than last time. That could be too hard.

We couldn’t wait for the King and Queen to come and wave us goodbye; my father was still against the idea of me leaving again. My mother had said her goodbyes last night and now, in the courtyard with me and Robin, were only Sir Jamshid and Vadmin. Vernon had gone back to bed after he made us some fresh bread for the road.

The two of them just watched us without saying a thing. Sir Jamshid didn’t seem worried at all about his son but again, this wasn’t the first time Robin left without his father. And he was going home after all. Vadmin didn’t seem worried either.

There was no reason for any of us to worry and yet there was one thought that wouldn’t leave my mind. I promised myself to tell Robin as soon as we were out of the courtyard and into Fullmåne.

I got on Bruin and waited for Robin to do the same. We left the castle in silence and galloped to the city. In Fullmåne we slowed down and I took my chance to talk to him about what had been bugging me.

“Robin? Are we going to the same forest again as last time?”

“Yes. Why?” He looked at me over his shoulder. Could he already have forgotten? But he never felt it in the first place, I reminded myself.

“I’m just afraid that whatever was in there last time will still be there. You told me it was better not to be in those woods in the dark.”

“Whatever was in those woods, I don’t think it is still there. Or do you still feel it?”

Robin was right. Last time I had felt something was wrong from miles away, and now, I did not feel a thing. But if it was no longer hidden in the trees, than where was it now? I knew I would still be on my guard until we exited that small part of the forest, but I tried not to show Robin.

He was right though. The entire way through the woods was calm and not once did I have a bad feeling about being there. Because of it, we didn’t need to slow the horses down and where out of the trees in no time.

We didn’t follow the path we had a few days ago. But we weren’t going to the same place this time. We followed a path that went straight to the heart of the kingdom. We passed through several small villages but never stopped in any of them. We would let the horses drink and rest somewhere in the middle of nowhere, mostly hidden places.

But as night fell I began to worry. We were in the middle of an open field with no trees for miles. I didn’t mind camping outside under the starry night sky but a few trees would make me feel a lot safer. I didn’t say anything though. Nevertheless, I noticed that Robin had sped up a little. Why?

Soon I got my answer. A village. It seemed a bit larger than the other ones but still nothing compared to Fullmåne. Once we made it to the market place in the middle of the village, Robin stopped Forest and looked around.

“We’re staying here for the night if you don’t mind. I don’t like camping outside without any trees around.”

I smiled at him. “It’s as though you read my mind. You didn’t, did you?”

“Your door is locked and you would have noticed if I used a side door.” Again with the side door. What did that even mean? I looked at Robin and he seemed to be debating whether or not to add anything.

“Go on. What is it?”

“Just put on you’re cape and hide your face under the hood. The last thing we need is to be held back because anyone recognizes their princess.” I wanted to comment on it but thought better of it. I just pulled the cape out of the bag and flung it over my shoulders. With the hood over my head, I felt like nobody could see me anymore. It was a great feeling but it also made me feel like I was up to something that wasn’t good.

As Robin got of Forest, I did the same and followed him into the tavern. Inside it was warm and loud. The music was barely audible over the singing off drunken people. Some danced, some laughed, some just talked or watched it all happen. The smell of alcohol was strong but it could overpower the smell of food. It made my stomach rumble.

Was this what all taverns looked like in the evening? I had never been to the one in Fullmåne after sunset. The heat made me what to take of my cape but I forced my hands to stay by my side. While Robin went of to the bartender I stayed right there, next to the door. It was great to see it like this but the smell of food wasn’t helping my stomach.

To take my mind of it I tried to speak to Zjarr. “Where are you now?” All day long she had been flying ahead of us and back, making detours and had had several naps. Horses were really slow, that was her excuse for everything.

“Close to the village but still not too close. Somewhere in the fields.” She replied almost instantly.

“Okay.” With that the conversation ended and I went back to people watching inside the tavern. Robin came back not too long after that holding a key.

“We can put the horses in the stables at the back. And then I suggest we go to bed because we have a long way to go tomorrow.”

“I want to eat before going to bed though. I’m starving.” I must have sounded pretty desperate; Robin laughed as he pushed me out the door. Let me just say that the food we had for dinner was delicious. On the other hand, the bed was hard and too small for us both and the noise had kept me up for a few hours. Robin probably as well but he just lay next to me in silence without moving.


The next day, we kept on following the sandy road further into the kingdom. I knew for my geography lessons that the heart of the kingdom was mostly covered with forests. The fields were rare and people lived more of the hunt than from agriculture. The trade of merchandises between that forested area and the villages just outside it was one of the most actives ones in the kingdom.

Most people for the forest villages knew how to use swords and daggers. They had to. The trees hid more than only animals.

And yet Robin decided we would spent the night in the forest. The horses didn’t seem to happy about it but nothing could happen to them; Zjarr stayed with us for the entire night. Nobody would be stupid enough to attack with her around.

The next day we had to stop even before the sun set on the horizon because I just couldn’t stay on Bruin for a minute longer. My legs were hurting because I wasn’t used to staying on a saddle for so long. We stopped at some trees, a pond hidden between them. I really needed my legs to heal so I could ride again tomorrow but I was afraid to ask for Water’s help. Last time it hadn’t ended so well for me.

So while I built up the courage to ask her, I let my legs hang in the cold water. Once I was used to the cold and it had numbed the pain in my legs I turned to look at Robin. I had noticed that as soon as he could he always climbed into a tree. He just sat on a low branch, one leg stretched out on the branch, the other one hanging next to it. His hands were playing with a leaf with he seemed to be lost in thoughts.

I whistled softly hoping to wake him up. I had to repeat it several times before I got a reaction. I kept on going, smiling at the thought that I could just call him but that I actually chose to do something more difficult. Eventually he turned his head and faced me.

“Finally.” I smiled. “Will you tell me what you were thinking about?”

He looked at me for a while, just looked at me. “We’re not far enough. We’re not close enough to the borders yet.”

“So?” I asked, not getting what the problem was.

“It means we will have to ride the entire day, tomorrow, and during the night as well.”

“Why? Isn't there was a place where we can stop for the night?”

He simply shook his head as if it was answer enough. It wasn’t thought. I started whistling again to get his attention. “Stop that. It’s just that we better shouldn’t stop anywhere in a twenty mile radius around the Three Point Border.”

“The Three Point Border?” It was the point where the borders of Tanah Bulan, Sable Sucré and Teixeira. There was a reason why nobody like that point but I had never found it in the library; it was as though the page had been ripped out every time it was mention. I looked at the water, wondering what could be at the Three Point Border.

When I looked back at Robin but he was lost in thought again. Later that night, Zjarr landed just outside the trees so she wouldn’t scare the horses but she didn’t quite succeed. When we lit a fire, I lend against Zjarr’s claw and just looked at the flames.

“Zjarr, do you know what is at the Three Point Border?” I asked her.

“No, I wouldn’t know. I haven’t seen much over the human part of the land. I spent my childhood on and around the Dragon Mountains.”

It was sort of funny to hear Zjarr say the word childhood because I couldn’t exactly picture her as a little dragon. But I didn’t say anything about because I was afraid I would offend her. I had hoped Robin would tell me some more without forcing me to bring it up. He didn’t though. And I just thought it was better if I didn’t force it out of him.


The night was long, mostly because I went to bed, so to speak, just after sundown. I didn’t know for sure if it had been a cold one since I had spent the night under Zjarr’s wing. I had tried to convince Robin to do the same but one look at Zjarr made him choose a tree branch instead. I still didn’t know what was going on between the two of them and every time I thought was a good time to bring it up, something else caught my attention.

The next day was very long as well. The wind blew softly in our direction, it was warm, considering it came from the east, meaning the Desert even if it was probably still a week riding away. But the breeze seemed to carry something that unsettled the horses. I didn’t know what it was, I didn’t notice anything suspicious. Robin did seem to tense a little, and forced Forest to go faster, not caring the horse didn’t quite agree.

I had no choice but to force Bruin to speed up as well just to keep close to Robin. The ground was flat and I could look out for miles and miles. A village on the horizon, to the north of where we were, but it was so small, I doubted anyone from there could possible see us. After that one villages, it seemed like the country had been deserted.

Un the early evening Robin came to a halt, somewhere close to a water source and got of Forest. “We let the horse drink one last time and than we go further.”

“Can’t we rest here for the night?” I asked as I got of Bruin and let the horse drink and rest a bit. I checked the water, which was all muddy and dirty.

“We’re too close now to make camp.” Robin said. “So better take care of your legs quickly.”

I grumbled something about the water being dirty but I didn’t really have a choice. I took of the pants I was wearing, they were covered with dust, mud and were ripped just under my left knee, and got into the water. The mud on the bottom off the pond was warm but it was still disgusting under my feet. I asked Water, as nicely as I could, just like the day before, to work her magic on my legs which really hurt. The water glowed with a soft sky blue tinge around my legs.

“Too close to what? What is there at the Three Point Border?” I looked away from my legs, to look at Robin’s face. He looked ahead of the road before looking at the ground and finally at me. I took that as the perfect opportunity to make a pleading face.

He sighed, “Fine. But aren’t you suppose to know this? Since it’s your kingdom and all.”

“How am I suppose to know if it is not in any of the books in the library and my father avoids my questions about it?” I shot back at him. “Come on, just tell me already. What is at and around Three Point Border?”

“Stammene av Åsene, that is was we call them. It means Tribes of the Hills.”

“Of the hills? But everything is flat for as far as the eye can reach!” I cut him off, surprised.

“And beyond the eye’s reach there are hills.” Robin simply said. “The Tribes of the hills are a small race that had lived on this earth for as long as the elves can remember, but they were once part of the Ørken Folk, the Desert People. They are little in number but anybody who attacks them would be a fool. They are quite small, just around three feet. We think they live in small villages but we´re not sure.

“When we travel through their land, we can’t go to quick, they will think of us as a threat. But we cant go to slow either, which would make a pray out of us.”

“But if they attacked, Zjarr could…” I began but he cut me of.

“They would attack Zjarr first and I don’t think she would win. Fierce creatures they are, the Stammene av Åsene.” Robin was silent for a few seconds and I tried to think of what kind of small creatures would take on Zjarr in a fight. “If we are being followed, just act as if you haven’t noticed. The only way to outrun them is to leave their territory; they are nomads and can travel a long way without stopping.”

“With what you are telling me, I’m guessing they create quite some trouble. Why hasn’t the King tried to do anything about it?”

“They are not only in your kingdom, but also in Sable Sucré and in Teixeira. And like I said, they are fierce creature. Your father, along with the other kings, is probably waiting for them to move on, like they do every few hundred years.” He turned around again, to there where the hills were supposedly. I looked at well, but I could see no hill.

As soon as the sky colored glow in the water stopped, Robin said it was time to go. I quickly asked Air for a gently breeze to blow me dry. I asked it extra nicely because I knew it was one of the things she didn’t particularly liked. Putting the pants back on, I climbed onto Bruin’s back and followed Robin on the dusty road in a slow gallop. After a few miles, I guess we reached the ground that was beyond the eye’s reach because there were hills forming.

Immediately Robin slowed down to a pace. I mimicked him. As we kept on walking, the sky got darker and darker until eventually the stars and the moon were high in the sky. They barely provided enough light for me to see Robin properly. At first I could only hear the wind blowing softly through the bushes, the hooves of the horses and the singing of crickets.

Only when I listened closer did I hear voices. Low grumbling voices that spoke in a strange language I couldn’t quite make out. I got the strange feeling they were following us and when I looked around I saw, coming from the other side of the hills, the soft orange light of a fire. Behind several hills I noticed it and I also noticed that, even if we had been followed by these creatures for the Tribes of the Hills, they did not move away from their fire.

It gave me a safe feeling inside.

I had no idea if Robin noticed and I was too afraid to break the silence to tell in. I just followed him for the forty miles it took to cross the land of the Tribes. Half way, we had to cross a river and I think that, if I’m correct, it was Taragménos, the river that partially formed the natural border between Sable Sucré and Tanah Bulan.

I could see that we had changed kingdoms soon enough, the air was dryer the closer we got to the Desert, which caused all kinds of different plants to grow. But in the dark I could barely make out their shape. I was getting tired and it was really cold, I just wanted to stop somewhere for the night and I think if the horses could talk they would agree. But the horses knew, just as well as I did that something was watching us from behind the hills.

I think it was just before dawn when the hills turned into what looked more like piles of earth. Not even five minutes later, Robin galloped ahead without giving a warning. I was really tired so it took me a few seconds to realize he was almost gone out of sight. It took even longer before I did the same.

He had noticed though, and was waiting for me. He knew how tired I was, I could read it of his face but he still didn’t stop yet. I didn’t know for how much long I could keep in this saddle but I just followed him without complaining. He would stop eventually. Wouldn’t he?

Just as the sun rose behind the horizon, Robin stopped close to a group of trees. He got of Forest and led the horse between the trees guiding it by hand. I did the same and followed him to a small clearing.

“Just go to sleep. I’ll take care of the horses.” He said softly as if he was afraid he might wake me up. Normally I would have protested I could do it myself but right now, all I could do was nod. I took the bag from Bruin’s saddle, pulled out the cape, which I folded as a pillow, shot out the covers as well and just laid down on the grass. I fell asleep instantly.


What woke me up was the shaking, my body was shaking. As I opened my eyes, I saw Robin, at bit too close, hovering over me, but barely looking at my face though. As I followed his gaze to something behind me, I lend my head back to see. Doing so, my body pressed against Robin’s which made his eyes turn to my face. I was about to say something but Robin covered my mouth with his hand, brought a finger against his own lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded and he took his and away, sitting down next to me.

He didn’t say a thing, just gestured to the tree under which I had fallen asleep. He got up and climbed in, swiftly and silently, the only noise he made sounded like the wind through the leaves. Halfway up, he gestured for me to come up as well. And so I did.

He perched on a thick branch from where he could see the clearing. I sat down on the same branch as him but rested my back against the trunk.

“Ask Air to bring your stuff up here.” Robin’s voice said in my head suddenly, taking me off guard. I hadn’t expected to hear his voice, much less in my head. Almost losing my balance on the branch, I recomposed myself.

In my mind I asked the element to bring my stuff up on the branch and I caught them easily. After that I looked down at the clearing again. Something was missing, but what? Oh dragon! Where were the horses? Robin’s hand went over my mouth again and I shot him an annoyed look. I hadn’t said a thing?

“They can hear the quietest noise so don’t make a sound.” His voice said again in my head. How was he doing that? “Side door. Might want to keep your thoughts quiet as well because I can hear them now.”

“What?! Would you mind explaining what is going on to me? Where are the horses?” I thought, hoping he would hear.

“The horses are right there, hidden just like we did with the traps.” Robin pointed over to a tree. “And as to what is going on, we have been followed for a good part of the night. I had hoped that they would leave us alone once we left the hills, but they didn’t, which was why I insisted on riding for a bit longer. Turns out we have been followed all the way here.”

“I thought we couldn’t outrun them or attack.”

“Outrun them, no, hence why we are hiding in the trees. Attacking them would be foolish, hence again why we are hiding.” He hadn’t been looking at me at all while he told me this but I had been watching him, his eyes kept moving from bush to bush, and suddenly looking in an entirely different direction. I looked in the same direction but didn’t see a thing. Maybe he did but I surely didn’t?

Then I heard the rustle of leaves, a twig snapping and then nothing. I hadn’t known where the noise came from but I knew who had made it. In the clearing, standing almost directly under the trees where Robin and I were hiding, we standing three little, I didn’t know how to describe them.

They were small and dirty, covered in mud and sand, their skin was black by the ash. They all had long hair which almost reach the ground, it was tangled, and leaves and branches and other things I could make out we stuck in it. The one who turned around gave me a look of his face. His rough features made it hard to give him an age but I was sure that he must have been old, as in a few hundred years old clearly. His clothes were a brown black color, which could also have been the dirt on it, and were covered with leaves as well. A belt around his hips held a small knife and a larger one. Just the look of them made me sure that I didn’t want to get near them.

I pressed myself further again the trunk but kept looking at them. Suddenly, when one of them spoke, the silence in the clearing was filled with growling noises. It was unintelligible for me. Another one replied in the same snarling language. I shifted myself on the branch to get a better look of them, when a smaller branch, which I had been holding, snapped.

The sound made the little creatures on the ground turn around, looking for its origin, and it made myself gasp. For the third time, Robin’s hand covered my mouth in a second as he looked from me to the ground and back. I gave him a look that was suppose to say sorry.

“Now they know that they are being watched. You have to help me out, scaring them away.” His voice said in my thoughts.


“You noticed, just as I did last night that they don’t like darkness. I’ll fire and arrow close to them, you ask Dark to light it, so to speak.”

I nodded before I could even wonder how he knew I noticed that they stayed close to the fire. I hadn’t even noticed that Robin had his bow and arrows but I guess that it was logical since he always kept them within reach. He picked up an arrow and waited for me.

“Dark, can you please light the arrow. Just like setting it on fire but instead with darkness.” I hoped that I made sense but the element understood me; Robin’s arrow looked suddenly as if it was on fire, a black flame, but there was no heat coming from it, no cold either. It was as though it wasn’t even there.

Robin nodded to me as he lowered himself slowly, backwards of the branch. At first I thought he was going to jump onto the ground but instead he was hanging, upside down, on the branch. Okay, now I understood why elves dressed in green and brown. He was almost unnoticeable.

“Help me up as soon as I let go of the arrow.”

I moved on the branch so that I was closer to him. He drew back the arrow and aimed. As soon as his fingers let go of the arrow, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back on the branch. It caused me to almost fall of myself but we kept each other steady.

As the arrow landed just a feet away from the group of little creatures, they all jumped around, pulling out both of the knives attached to their belt. When they saw the arrow there was a movement of horror as they all took a few steps back.

“You think another arrow might help?” Robin asked in my thoughts again. I turned to look at him but he was really close and to see his face I basically had to squint, which didn’t make things easier. Instead I looked back to the ground.

“Yes.” I replied sure that it would help.

Robin nodded and took out another arrow. I asked Dark to light it again before Robin went back to hanging upside down. He let go of the arrow which planted itself in the middle of the group. I pulled him back up and together we watched as panic took over the group and they all ran in different directions, all back into the bushes.

I wanted to get out of the tree but Robin grabbed my arm and kept me from moving. “Wait another minute, they are still too close.” I nodded and waited for Robin to give me a sign. “When you get out of the tree, get Bruin and follow the path to the nearest village.” I nodded again, and as Robin nodded for me to get out of the tree, I took my stuff and jumped out. The horses were visible again so I rushed over to Bruin and got on.

The horse seemed eager to get out of there and made its way through the trees as fast as possible. “Zjarr? Where are you?”

“I have been circling above you for almost an hour. The both of you should hurry up before they decide to come back.” She replied almost instantly. As Bruin kept going I looked up to the sky. There were no birds, only high in the sky could I make out the shadow of a beast you did not want to hunt you. Zjarr kept on circling above me, and when I looked behind me, Robin was really far. He was gaining quickly though.

The nearest town was far but the horses could take it. Once we made it there, we let the horses rest outside the tavern and went in ourselves. I was still tired from the night without rest; I had no idea how long I had slept before Robin had waken me up.

“About three hours.” Robin replied.

“We can talk again now, can’t we?” I asked him and he nodded. “Then stay out of my thoughts.”

“You should keep your thoughts to yourself and keep them out of the side entrance.” He simply shrugged as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Explain that to me. We have plenty of time because I refuse to get on that horse again before I’ve had a good night sleep.” He sighed in defeat while I heard Zjarr laugh a little in my head.

“When I use the side entrance I come in some sort of waiting room, if you want. But if you aren’t careful your thoughts drift from the protected part to the not protected one. It’s as simple as that.”

I rolled my eyes at him, because for me it was not that simple. The tavern was a lot quieter than the one three days ago. I put my head down on the table, forcing myself to stay awake but it was hard.

“Why did they follow us so far?” I suddenly asked.

“I don’t know. Believe me, if we hadn’t been in such a hurry than I would have gone around the Three Point Border.”

“Why are we in such a hurry again?” I growled, I was really tired.

“Because traveling with royalty leaves less space to make mistakes.” I looked up at him, I was slightly aware that my jaw had dropped. Did he really just say that?

“Fine than don’t tell me.” I sighed, defeated. For a while the both of us were quiet. Through the window I could see the sky but Zjarr had disappeared from my view a moment ago. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep but I couldn’t. my stomach rumbled and I needed to eat something before I could sleep.

“Tomorrow, if we leave before dawn, we will make it to Perlog in just a few minutes, and following the river upstream, we’ll be at the Elfique Forest before noon. And hopefully, we’ll reach Álfar before nightfall.”

Robin had said it without looking up from the table. Without knowing why, I felt a bit guilty for snapping at him earlier. He probably had his reasons for being in such a hurry.

“I thought Álfar was in the heart of the Elfique Forest.” I said just as quietly as he had.

“It is the heart of the Forest. Good thing you have an elf who knows shortcuts to guide you.” I raised an eyebrow at him before laughing at his serious face. After a while he laughed too.


So, like I said, I'm sooner... will try to keep it up but the holidays are almost over and I'm going back to school this thursday...

So anyway, I don't have a lot to say, just that I think the ending sucked a bit (a lot!!) so sorry about that but I didn't feel like changing it. I hoped you liked it nevertheless =)

~~ Bye ~~

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