A Road Trip to Remember (Katn...

By HannahVorhees

188K 5.7K 1.5K

So when Katniss is only 20 minutes into her drive and her car get struck by a dodge pick up truck, what does... More

A Road Trip To Remember (Katniss and Peeta Story)
Part One: The Accident
Part Two: On The Road
Part Three: Learning
Part Four: An Early Start
Part Five: Kings Island
Part Six: Singing
Part Eight: Leaving Cincinnati
Part Nine: Change of Plans.
Part Ten: A Party Gone Wrong
Part Eleven: Find Katniss
Part Twelve: Awkward
Part Thirteen: Hanging Out
Part Fourteen: Hospital
Part Fifteen: The Storm
Part Sixteen: In The Truck
Part Seventeen: Hospital Again
Part Eighteen: Talking With Gale
Part Nineteen: Explaining
Part Twenty: Taking Him Off
Part Twenty One: Staying With Him
Part Twenty Two: Peeta Goes Home
Part Twenty Three: Gale
Part Twenty Four: First Date
Part Twenty Five: Going Back To College
Part Twenty Six: Talking to Prim
Part Twenty Seven: Leavin
Part Twenty Eight: Step Father
Part Twenty Nine: Robbed
Part Thirty: Girls Night
Part Thirty One: Calling Her
Part Thirty Two: Taken
Part Thirty Three: Help
Part Thirty Four: Black Ops
Part Thirty Five: He's Mine
Part Thirty Six: Telling Gale
Part Thirty Seven: Christmas
Authors Note!!!

Part Seven: Kiss Cam

5K 162 46
By HannahVorhees

***Peeta's POV***

"Prim, she is about to start singing. I will talk to you later." I say.

"Okay, we'll everyone is here and we are waiting. Talk to you guys when you get here." She says.

"Alright goodbye Prim." I say and I hang up the phone. The game is about to start and Katniss is right in front of me at home plate and she looks nervous. She is scanning the crowed that quickly filled up and she stops on me. I give her a reassuring smile and she looks like she is shaking. I put two thumbs up ad she smiles a little. She shakes her head up and down and then turns around.

"And now, for the singing of our National Anthem. Please welcome Katniss Everdeen." Says and announcer and Katniss takes the microphone to her mouth.

"Oh say can you see. By the dawns early light. What so proudly we hail'd. At the twilights last gleaming." She sings perfectly and I'm lost in her voice. All I can do is watch as she sings the notes perfectly and see as she slowly is growing a very silent crowd. Not even a baby is crying.

"And the rocket red glare. The bombs bursting in air. Gave proof through the night. That our flag was still there. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wwwaaavvveee. For the land of the freeeeee." She sings free in such a high, yet beautiful note.

"And the home. Of the, brave." Se sings and all is silent. Little by little, section by section, everyone in the stands erupts with cheers for Katniss. And why shouldn't they? Her voice is amazing. She smiles and waves as she gets guided off the field. I keep cheering along with everyone else until we here the traditional "play ball." I take Katniss's phone and put in Prim's number.

Me: Prim, this is Peeta. Did you see that! It was amazing!

Prim: she is a great singer. I wish she would sing more often!!!

Me: I completely agree! Anyways she is coming back I see her. I will talk to you soon Prim.

Prim: okay! Bye!

Katniss is walking up with the president.

"Here is my card. Anytime you want to sing for us just give us a call. And here is your check." He says handing her the money and then walking away.

"Katniss. That was Great." I say as she sits down.

"Thanks Peeta." She says but it's obvious she doesn't mean it.

"Look, I'm sorry I put you out there. But you had fun right?" I ask.

"It's not that. I did enjoy it I really did. But, tonight is out last night here and then we leave tomorrow." She says.

"Oh." I say. "I know I feel the same way. We could come back sometime though. And bring Prim with us." I suggest. I feel she is very close to her sister and she would like to have her here.

"That sounds great." She says and I can tell she is happy again. Then, we hear the crowed cheer and both look up. Reds hit a home run.

"What Did I tell you. Votto got good at bat." I smirk.

"Just wait. It's ow home run." She says. I love her smile. We watch the game and its kin of back and forth with hits. Reds score, mets score. Back and forth. By the 8th inning, the score is tied, two outs and chapman is up. Why the pitcher now?

"Pitchers can't hit worth crap. You are done for." Katniss says.

"Hey, it's not our fault Stubbs got hurt and he has to bat for him." I point out.

"Either way you are going to lose." She smirks. That face she makes when she tries to prove me wrong is so cute. I should have talked to her when she first came to the college. I as just so shy. I felt like a stalker watching her walk from class to class.

"So what are you going to college for?" I ask.

"Trying to change the subject eh?" She says

"What are we in Canada?"

"Close enough. I'm not really sure I just, had the chance to go for free early so I took it. I'm getting my bachelors degree I hope." She says.

"I'm sure you will. You are smart enough." I say.

"I would usually argue, but I can't be completely stupid if I'm in college at the age of 16." She says.

"I agree." We keep watching the game and when this inning ends, they show pictures I people on the big screen.

"And now." The announcer says "it's time for the eighth inning kids cam!" He says and I watch the screen. The first two people look to be about 30 or so. They kiss very quickly as if embarrassed. The next two are an old couple in their 70's and they take a medium kiss. Then, I see a dark haired girl and a blonde haired boy sitting behind home plate. When i move, so does the person on screen. It's me and Katniss. We just stare at each other until I lean in and kiss her cheek. She smiles a little. But that wasn't enough for anyone else in the stands. They all start booing and chanting "KISS, KISS, KISS." They scream and its kind of hard to just sit there when they won't take the camera off of us. "KISS, KISS, KISS!" They keep screaming.

"One time?" I ask her getting excited. I don't want her to know I like her yet so I add, "for the cameras?" She nods slightly. I move some hair from her face and lean in. When our lips touch, I hear screaming from everyone in the stands. I get this feeling in my stomach. I lean in a little more as they clap. I keep my hands on her face and close my eyes. And when I see the camera man that was recording right in front of us move, I slowly pull away. Unwillingly of course. If I could have it my way, I would ignore the entire game and just hold her in my arms. Just kiss her at random and hold her hand. A bit cheesy, I know. But it's what I would like to do. I finally open my eyes and look at Katniss who still has her eyes close.

"Still think the Reds are going to lose?" I say. Stupid! Why would you say that? Thats just like me though. Always having to say something. She opens her eyes and I see a tear. I would honestly love to wipe it away but I can't. I pretend to ignore it but that's the only thing I can see.

"Um, yeah. Yeah totally." She stutters. She leans back in her chair and we finish the game in almost complete silence. I wonder if she is mad that I kissed her. She agreed, but maybe I didn't do it right. I have never kissed a girl before so I don't know what I was doing. All I knew when I kissed her was I enjoyed it, but now I have to worry if she did. I can't ask her either, so I finish watching the game with her by my side because lord knows how long I will have her next to me.

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