Panic is Perfect (COMPLETE)

By laurelynn98

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Oh Sehun should be dead. He should be spread out over the pavement and whatever they could salvage should be... More

Chapter 1
Hey yall
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Part One)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Final)

Chapter 11 (Part Two)

120 9 0
By laurelynn98

I fell backwards onto the ground, coughing from the pressure in my chest. Chanyeol stepped in front of me and shoved Sehun away from me.
"Don't ever fucking touch him again or I swear to god, I'll fuck you up boy," Chanyeol hissed staring down at Sehun.
(The one inch difference lolz)
"You don't fucking tell me what to do, I don't know who the hell you think you are, coming in here and taking whatever you want!" He screamed back at Chanyeol.
"Sehun! It's not what you think! He was just holding my hand!" I insisted, trying to calm things down.
"Ha, you're such a fucking liar. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about this!" He sneered, shoving his phone into my face.
There, on the little screen, depicted something that brought my entire world crashing down.
"Fuck Chanyeol, yes right there!" Spoke a voice that was distinctly mine. It was a sex tape of me and Chanyeol from last night.
"This had circulated through the entire school last night, I got about 30 fucking messages from different people sending me this fucking link!" Sehun shouted.
The video switched to a front-facing camera and Kai's face took over the screen. His mouth was dropped open wide and then he started speaking.
"Baekhyun, the cheating whore for Chanyeol," he said, smiling into his words.

I backed up from Sehun and buried my face in my hands. The entire school has seen this. Kai was in my house last night, that's the noise we heard. Oh my god. My life is so over.
"After everything I've given you!" Sehun yelled.
"You didn't give him shit! All you gave him was stress! He really liked you and all you did was use him to elevate yourself even further!" Chanyeol shouted back at him, stepping in front of me again.
"Don't you dare try to make this my fault! He's the one who cheated on their boyfriend, not me!" He yelled, pointing at me.
"Chanyeol, he's right. It's my fault, I messed up-AHHHH FUCKING SHIT," I cursed, doubling over.
"Baekhyun, what's wrong?" Chanyeol said immediately, kneeling down next to me.
"Ahh, God. Nothing, it's nothing. Just hurt for a second," I panted, clutching my chest.
Chanyeol rounded on Sehun.
"You better keep your fucking hands off of him," Chanyeol threatened.
"Why? So you can have your hands all over him? Go ahead, that slut is yours now," Sehun said icily, turning around and walking away.
I cried into my knees, my sobs growing more intense as Sehun's words settled into my mind.
"Stop crying Baekhyun. It's pathetic, you're in high school. We're at the high school for gods sake," Chanyeol droned on, standing up in front of me.
"Just shut up! Shut up Chanyeol! You're such a fucking jerk half the time! I don't understand you! One minute you're protecting me from Sehun and you're super possessive, like you should have seen yourself a minute ago. And then you're just an asshole the next minute!" I yelled at him, still holding my chest while sitting on the ground.
It still hurt a little.
"You're right Baekhyun. I am just an asshole and you're just the guy I have sex with. I can't believe you still haven't figured that out yet," he said coldly, then started walking away in the same direction that Sehun went.
I knew he didn't love me. I knew it the whole time, I just kept tricking myself into thinking otherwise. He's a playboy and that's all that Park Chanyeol will ever be. I'm so alone.

I walked up to my locker and opened it. Sure enough, there was my phone sitting inside of it. I opened it and saw a slew of messages from Sehun, Kyungsoo and a bunch of numbers I didn't recognise. Most of the messages just had the link in it. Why did I forget my phone at school yesterday? So stupid. At least I could've been prepared for all of this.
I slammed the door shut and made my way to my first class. I passed by a large group of students and saw that Sehun was at the centre of it all, crying. All the students were comforting him.
Shit, this is not the place I should be. One of them turned around and saw me. It was Tao.
Oh shit. I started high tailing it out of there.
"HEY! BAEKHYUN! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" Tao yelled from behind me.
I started running, but someone grabbed the back of my shirt and whirled me around. Screw this goddamn boot, I still can't run for shit. I gulped and stared up at Kai.
"Man, we aren't even close to done," he said smiling in a way that made me shudder.
His grip tightened on my collar and he hauled me back over to the group of people. God please let me be anywhere else. He shoved me into the crowd until I was face to face with Sehun. Everybody stood around us, waiting for something to happen. I started breaking down in front of all them.
"Sehun, I'm sorry!" I sobbed.
"I have nothing more to say to him," Sehun stated, turning around back to his locker.
"I never wanted to hurt you! Please believe me!" I pleaded to his back, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Just get away from me!" He yelled, turning back to face me, shoving me away from him and into the crowd behind me who promptly threw me to the ground.
"Don't fucking touch me," some girl hissed.
Everyone who was within reaching distance of me landed a foot in my side. I backed up against the lockers, hiding my head in my arms, deathly scared of the next blow. Out of the corner of my eye through a hole in my arms, I saw Sehun staring at me with, regret? He was definitely crying until he caught me looking at him then turned around and walked away.
Most of the students had dispersed, but Kai was still standing there. I looked up at him through blurry vision.
"Please just go away," I whispered weakly.
He smirked and walked up to me, grabbing my arms and hauling me up against the wall, my feet had long since left the ground. He had one arm under my chin pinning me to the wall. I was crying profusely now, just begging him to stop. Students passed by in the hallway without giving him a second glance. He was crushing my throat, I couldn't make a sound at this point.
"Man, I'm gonna make you wish that car hit you," he spat in my face.
"How dare you, you fucking piece of shit. How dare you cheat on Sehun when you know how damn much everyone wants to be with him. You think you're that good? You think you're above all of us? Well guess what fag, you're lower than you were before. And that Chanyeol guy is going down with you. I wouldn't be surprised if that fucktard Kyungsoo doesn't even want to be around you anymore. You're nothing to anyone, you get it?" He hissed into my face.
With that, he lifted me away from the wall and slammed me back against it hard, my head smacking the drywall behind me. He dropped me to the ground and walked away. Someone just end this for me.
"Oh my god, what the fuck," I heard someone sigh a few feet away.
I had my head back in my arms, I didn't want to see what hell awaited me next. I saw a pair of black Converse through a hole in my arms come to a stop in front of me. I just shuddered and buried my head further into my arms.
I felt one arm go under my knees and another around my back. I knew immediately that it was Chanyeol. I clutched his shirt, burying my face in it, not able to get enough of his security.
"I swear to god, I leave for two minutes," Chanyeol sighed, shifting me in his arms.
"I'm sorry Chanyeol. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me alone," I cried into his shirt.
He was carrying me towards the door. In a second, we were enveloped in sunlight. I shivered nonetheless. It was still late November, it just happened to be a relevantly warm day. He sat us down next to a tree pulling me into his lap. I had calmed down by this point and I silently rested my head against his shoulder.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who left you alone and I promise I'll never do that again," Chanyeol said quietly, staring at the grass.
Did I hear that correctly?
"Did the Park Chanyeol just apologise for something?" I half laughed, half sniffled.
"Yah, shut up," he groaned, shoving me off his lap.
"Come on, let's go to the nurse, you look like shit," he said, attempting to hide a hint of a smile.
I stood up and immediately doubled back over.
"Oh my god, fucking shit, oh my god. Chanyeol, it fucking hurts," I panted, clutching my chest again like this morning.
"Baek, you'll be fine. We just need to get you to the nu-"
"Chanyeol, ..--- I can't breathe! ... My chest hurts. There'," I gasped.
"Shit, here just hold on," Chanyeol said, quickly getting up and deftly lifting me off the ground.
My entire stomach and lungs were in absolute agony. I had lost the ability to speak through all the pain. The faces, the grass, the school, it all swirled together in a blur as Chanyeol started rushing me over to the parking lot.
"There's a hospital nearby, just hold on," he said in a calm tone.

But that's the thing, he's asking me to do the one thing that I just can't do. I can feel myself slipping from reality, I'm really not sure what's happening around me anymore. I honestly couldn't tell you how much time had passed. I feel, just gone.

Chanyeol's POV
He had closed his eyes by this point, I let him have his rest. I carefully arranged his small, delicate frame in the front seat so I could keep an eye on him.
"Hey, you still doing good over there?" I asked, blowing through a stop sign.
He just moaned in response.
"I'll take that as a yes," I sighed, rubbing his arm.
We finally pulled up in front of the emergency care section of the hospital complex.
"Hey Baekhyun, we're here," I announced to him.
He didn't respond, I looked over at him and saw that his face had started to turn blue.
"Oh shit, Baekhyun?" I asked frantically, my panic finally getting the better of me.
I've been remaining relevantly calm throughout most of this, but now I know something is seriously wrong.
"Holy shit, this is bad," I cursed, running over to his side and lifting him out of the car and bringing him inside. Several medical personnel met up with me almost immediately and took Baekhyun away from me.
I swear to god if he doesn't make it and those assholes at school are to blame, there is going to be some hell to pay.
I'm finding myself caring more and more about him with every passing second.
What the fuck is this.

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