Halloween Special:

By pjstringfellow

119 2 0


Halloween Special:

119 2 0
By pjstringfellow

Only had a quick edit , Sorry for any mistakes.

Halloween special :

"Hello and welcome to spook festival here in cliff ridge , That's right folks this small town has come alive to welcome the spirits of the dead"

Huh , That's enough of that .

I turn off the t.v After flicking through the hundreds of channels , There is never anything on around Halloween apart from stupid fake films about ghosts and monsters , Murderers who come and kill you on one night every year , Please .

Ive never actually ever been a Halloween sort of guy , Knocking on strangers doors to receive candy , Or if your one of those greedy children that knock for money , Bloody beggars , I thought the whole concept of Halloween was to welcome the spirits and shit ?

I have no idea where this whole candy thing came from , I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation.

"James , Are you ready ? "

My Mom , such a pain in the ass .

"Yes Mom" My enthusiasm seeping through to show my excitement to taking my little 9 year old sister out Trick or treating , We never get a trick , Does anyone do Tricks these days , There is one person , ME . I never give the greedy kids sweets , I actually do care for there cholesterol and stuff , OK that's a lie , I'm just too tight to give them anything.

"Well hurry up , Shantel is waiting"

"I'm coming" I yell , Still slouched on the couch , I was thinking about moving , that's a start right ?

"Oh come on James" My mom slaps me and may i say quite forcefully around the head .

"Why ?" I scream.

"Move yourself" Is the only answer i get .


I drag myself up Grabbing my jacket in the process, I'm really glad my mom bought me this jacket last winter , The cold almost burned my face off when i walked out side , I never liked the huge Parker coat she bought me, Every time i wore it it felt like a large ball of fluff was suffocating me , I didn't want to die like that ok , Imagine the headlines : Boy 16 Found dead in ugly Parker on Halloween.

I shudder at the thought.

"You know if you have somewhere else to be you can go , I am nine and i don't plan on trick or treating "

"Shantel" I chuckle " Like I'm gonna leave you to go down the park to drink with all the other Asbos , DO you want mom to kill me ? "

"Oh come on bro" She side swipes my arm " I know you don't want to go either" Puppy dog eyes don't work on this fella.

"And i don't want you to go get pissed either"

"Well then lets go do something , Make fun of Mrs Harris or something. " Are my ears deceiving me ? My Friendly Straight A Student sister wanting to get in to mischief ? Me likely.

"Mrs Harris ? C,Mon , Making fun of her on Halloween is an old wives tale , She doesn't really eat you , Silly."

"I know that " She flicks her hair And pouts her lips " I'm not stupid."

"Could have fooled me"

"harr harr , You know what , If you don't want to do anything then ill do it alone"

"OK OK " She stops ahead of me and turns slowly revealing a grin i have never seen on her face before , It scares the hell out of me.

"Well lets go then"

I place my head in my palms and think for a second , Think about the situation ive got myself in.

"James , James wait up. "

Jess ?

"Hey Jess" I was just about to give My friend Jess a wave before she squeezes me into a hug and squishes almost all the life i have in me .

"miss me? " I taunt.

"Are you kidding me ? ive been grounded all Week , Ive been so lonely man."

"C'Mon love birds, Get a move on will you ? its Halloween and i want to scare the living day lights out of Mrs Harris" shantel continues to blabber on as she walks a few feet in front of me and Jess.

"Whats got into her knickers?" Jess asks nudging my arm throughout her question.

"I have no idea" I nudge back. "Tell me this , Why are you out alone on Halloween ?wheres Ryan i thought you would have to take him Trick or treating?"

"Oh i was supposed to"

"But?" i raise my eyes brows.

"but i didn't want to go so i sent him with the Asbos down the park."


"What ? He could use some fun."

"Hes nine Jess , shantell wanted to do the same thing" i couldn't help but chuckle.

"So , We were wasted on vodka at nine , Remember your birthday" She raises her eyebrow and gives me a Huge Smile .

"How can i forget"

"HAR HAR James , You did forget, You were that wasted."

"I know , Grounded for a month , Stupid parents. i only had one."

"yea, One huge bottle."

"You forced me"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Guys , C'Mon" shantel Stands before us tapping her foot purposely to show her frustration.

"Shantel , This better be good , I'm not walking through the woods just so you can knock on Mrs Harris's Door and run off , I want something good. "

"Jeez Jess , Don't Egg her on will you, She's been acting strange lately it scares me , who knows what she might do.

"Oh grow a pair James , Its Halloween" yeah thanks Jess , I already knew that.

And grow a pair ? C'Mon , I place my hand over my crotch , Yup , Still have a pair.

"It's kinda dark out now huh ? " Shantel asks slowing her pace so she is to fall back and join me and Jess.

"Why , scared , You wanted to do this , There's no backing out now , besides , Its only dark because we are walking through the woods , No lights can get through.

"YEA , Your not helping bro"

"What , because i mentioned the woods ? its not like you didn't notice that's where we were"

"Your such a jerk sometimes you know that , You and your sarcasm. "

"Proud of it sis" I smile at her even though it is physically impossible to see , The darkness swallows Everything.

"You know , Come to think of it i have never been up this way before, nor have i ever been to Mrs Harris's place ,I'm sure you two haven't either , How do we know she actually exists ?"

"James , Of course she exists , people see her around town all the time " Jess seems super confident in her answer but i can bet one hundred Dollar's that shes never seen her.

"have you ever seen her >? Or have you just heard ? "

Jess Crunches up her face as she decides what the right answer will be , She should tell the truth if i know jess.

"Ok , So ive never seen her ok ? but that doesn't mean she doesn't exist why Else would there be a story about her ?"

"Why would they be a story about superman ? because someone tells the story , that's why.

"Guys "

"Superman could be real you never know"


"c,Mon Jess , Superman.... Really ?"

"GUYS !"

"WHAT" Both me and Jess answer in unison.

"Hate to break up your lovers tiff but look" Me and Jess look in the direction that Shantel is pointing , A dim Glowing lights peers out through the bushes , I squint my eyes a little while they adjust to the darkness , A Blurry Shadow becomes more clearer as it reveals what seems to be a little shed type thing ,The more my eyes adjust the more it becomes clear that its not a shed but a bungalow/wooden hut type thing , The one flicker of light seeping through what seems to be a boarded up window , The only window it has.

"How creepy is that ? " Jess whispers out.

"Tell me about it "

"Is that where she lives ? It cant be , that's not a place for someone to live"

The three of us all question each other without taking our eyes off the scary hut facing us, I hate to say it but its creeping me out , yes Me , The boy !

The wood that the hut is made out of looks all soggy and moist , Not one piece of wood is cleaned , the garden is , well , i don't think it does have a garden ,are we stood in the garden ? I don't know , Its that one flicker of light that freaks me out the most , Reminds me of one of those horror movies i hate on Halloween and yet here i am , Staring blankly at itand why ? that's right , So Shantel wouldn't go drinking down the park !! Me and my stupid over protectiveness !!

"Guys , i think we should reconsider my plan and head back , You know , Its kinda cold now ,"

OK , So my ears are deceiving me.

"Are you serious Shan ? You drag me the all the way up to this stupid place and now you want to back out ? " Anger towards my sister is slowing making its way through my pours and any minute I'm going to snap my little sister neck for doing this , metaphorically speaking that is.

"What ? Its creepy ok ? I wasn't really expecting anyone to actually live up here , i didn't know she really existed. "

I must admit , My sister really did look scared , But who wouldn't? , We have just hiked for thirty minutes through ridge wood's , In the dark may i add , On Halloween , Its the atmosphere , it really gets to you sometimes.

"Look , Shantel , All we have to do is go over to the house weather the freaky women who eats people lives there or not , Do some crazy ass prank and go ok ? " Very smooth Jess , What had gotten into people these days , First my sister wants to prank people and now Jess The , 'i never do anything but party ' Girl is egging my sister on , Something i thought she would never do , Simply because it doesn't involve alcohol.

"Ok" Shantel raises her hands and turns her back to the spooky Hut. " But you guys are going to do this with me ok ?" Pure fear spills out of her mouth as she asks us this question , But she seems adamant on not giving up .

"I'm in" I Yell , Quickly followed By a quick "Shit" And a slap against my own mouth by my own hand , " Jesus , i didn't mean to yell that loud."

My bad!

"Great James , now the woman is most certainly going to know were out here , i can hear her boiling her cauldron as we speak. " pacing up and down Profusely Shantel Waves her arms frantically in the air , I can honestly say she looks like a mad woman , Or mad girl rather , She far too young to be a women , shes only nine for Christ sake , But the way shes going on you would thing she was a mother of eight who cant find the tomatoes in a supermarket.

"Ok , Well lets go home then , Obviously you don't have the balls to go through with this. " Great words of wisdom from my best friend Jess , A round of applause , if you will .

"Oh Screw it lets just go" Finally , Way to go Jess.

"You know when i said i will never listen to a word you say" i gently tap Jess on the shoulder , " I take that back , those really were words of wisdom" I brush off the fact that Jess is now Blushing the colour of the 'Lost Tomatoes'

"Guys , C'Mon , lets do this already , I want to go." Shantel , So impatient , her change of moods are really starting to get to me though.

I turn to face Where shantel once was stood to find her already walking towards the little hut , a large stone in her hand.

"Shan" what the hell is she doing " Shan , What the Jesus is that for?"

"what" She turns around , Rock still in hand only now she has it raised above her ahead. " I'm not going any closer to that house , I may as well do something from a distance , throwing a rock through the window is my only option"

"Well make sure you actually hit it , there's only one window to aim for" Jess lets off a Huge laugh causing me to nudge her in the arm.

"Owie , what was that for ?" Jess pouts and rubs her arm repeatedly. "Your mean."

"Oh c'Mon , i didn't do it that hard , And the reason i did it was for egging her on , We are only supposed to play a prank not vandalise"

"Jeeeze , Sorry..."


At first i had no clue where the bone chilling scream came from until i noticed Shan was no where to be seen , Panic set in and i found my self calling her name only nothing came out , My mouth became dry and i did nothing but stand there , Mouth still moving silently , I can honestly say i look like a fish right now.

"SSSHAAN" Ahh , there you go .

"Where the hell is she?" Jess stammered.

"Oh god , YOU BETTER NOT BE PLAYING GAMES SHANTEL" My fear had now turned to anger , Simply because i had hoped she was playing a trick on me , on us .

"We got to go see where she is , We've got to find her !" angrily i pat my fist against my forehead , Why did i come here .

"she better not be playing a joke , if she jumps out on me I'm gonna punch her" Jess spits anger out , half of it landing on my face.

"Shan" We both call out repeatedly As we make our way closer and closer towards the wooden hut where Shan was last stood , How on earth she just disappeared i will never know , The grass is only up to my knees so if she is hiding she would have to lay down , there is nowhere to run and hide so quick as this space is kind of open .

"JAMES" The worried screech from Jess again gives me the chills , What did she find , Why the hell did she shout me if she has found my sister , is she dead? is she laid there laughing at her stupid prank.

"Please , Don't mess with me Jess " I order.

"Come here , Its shan , Shes not moving." Oh god , I stand still in my tracks , Jess crouches down to ground i find myself slowly starting to panic , Do i want to walk any further , Do i want to see my sisters lifeless body ? What happened to her, I want to know , The only way i will know is if i go.

"Damn ,Move yourself Damn it" i order my feet to move through the rough bramble , The carpet of nettles and dead grass crunching and stinging my legs as i trot through.

I get a few inches away from Jess's crouched body , She knelt down on one knee with her head hidden in the ground .

"What The" I squeeze out a confused and fast thought before Jess unburied her head to face me , Her eyes filled with fear and sadness , Oh My.

"what is it ? " I asked , not wanting to know the answer. ?

"She , She."

"SPIT IT OUT" Now I'm impatient , If she doesn't tell me soon I'm going to walk away and leave them both there , Its would be the only way to hide my fear right now.

"She fell through the ground , Its a long way down and i don't know why , How , Why"

"what ? what do you mean she fell through the ground ?"

"I don't know , The house must travel underground , Like a huge cellar or something , She fell through."

"Ohmyjesus" I start to head closer dreading what i may see , My sister with twisted legs? Head full of blood? Oh god please be alright.

"And she's Not moving ? You've got to be sure Jess"

"Will you just stop with the questions will you ? We have to figure something out , How do we get her out?"

Wait , how do we get her out ? Oh lord , Why did i do this ? I know why , but why did i ? Oh .

I edge closer to the small hole in the ground and sure enough there lays My sister , Head Resting upon the wall of the room she landed in , her arms Stretched across her body, her blue jeans all torn and full of dirt , i can t tell if it dirt on her face or blood.

"Shes To far down To reach" I Start to yet again panic , fanning my arms in the air , As if that helps.

"We have to knock on the door and get them to help" Jess stands up and starts to head for the door of the wooden hut.

"what ? Are you crazy ? who knows who lives there . They may may angry at us breaking there roof , We can't just knock on the door" I walked towards Jess as she Now stands just a few feet away from the old moss ridden Door. "Please , Ill lower you down and you can get down to her"

"Right , And once I'm down there ? How am i going to get her out then ?" that's a good question.

"I don't know , We will think of something when we get to it now please" I drag on her arm back towards the hole.

"Its too far down , You wont be able to lower me down there" Jess pleads as she rips from my grip.

"Look , My sister is down there" I point to hole in the ground " and we have to get her ou........"

Horror ... No words on this earth can explain the feeling i have right now , I feel sick , Vile rising up the back of my throat.

The look on my face seems to catch the eye of Jess as she quickly caresses my shoulder.

"What is it?" She breathes heavily and edges closer to my body. " James?"


"WHAT ? Maybe shes awake" Jess pushes past my shaken body and begins to shout. " SHANTEL , CAN YOU HEAR ME ? ARE YOU DOWN THERE"

Is she down there ? Of course shes down there.

"Move over , she maybe confused if shes hit her head , Shan , Its James , Can you hear me? "

She doesn't answer but a rustling sound appears from an unknown part of room.

"shantel , Is that you ? Its ok , Where going to get you out of there" How i don't know.

"Shan" Jess whispers. " Its going to be ok , Just stay right there ok , Are you hurt ? "

Oh god , Its starting to get late now and the winter cold is starting to pick up , If she is hurt she wont be able to handle the cold.

Maybe i should phone for help .

I grab my phone out of my pocket and angry punch my fingers on the dials , My fingers not been able to dial any numbers because my hands shake too much.

"J-James " Shan? "J-j-James , Help me , He's coming , please."

My sister crys out in pain , Some one is coming for her , Is she seeing things ? She must have bumped her head, "Its ok , Shan , Were here , You've bumped your head ok , No one is there."

I quickly regret the false words i give to my sister , A shadowy figure appears right below the hole , An ugly looking man peers right up at us , his face all disfigured ,One of his eyes covered with skin , facial lumps and scars cover up most of his features.

I freeze on the spot , My sister , Is down there with that , What the hell , The guy gives me one evil look before looking in a certain direction , I'm guessing the direction my sister is at.

"James , What is it ? Its so ugly , Shan is down there with him" Jess's words throw me into over drive and i instantly Turn from sucker to super hero.

"We have to help her Jess , Hes going to kill her ! " My own words shock me , ' Hes going to kill shan' Oh god.

Shan's screams grow faint and a door is heard before her screams cannot be heard , Hes taken her somewhere ,

"Jess , We have to go down there " The look on Jess's face told me she didn't have any intentions to go down there but as soon as i plopped my legs over side and dropped down she knew she had to follow , either that or she didn't want to be up there alone.

"Help me get down will you" I lift my head up and see Jess dangling wildly , useless.

"why couldn't we just phone for help" Jess whispers as she looks around and takes in her surroundings .

"He knows where here Jess , If we get help who knows what he will do to her. Its up to us two to get her out of this mess." I nearly trip over the large heap of dirt that fell through the floor with my sister " Look for a weapon ok , Anything"

HA , Look for a weapon , there was noting here but empty card board boxes and newspapers .

"there's nothing here J ,"

"just keep looking ok , Wait , Grab the rock Shan was holding , She must have fell with it"

We both spend the next couple of minutes searching through the pile of dirt , Finally i find what I'm looking for.

"Jesus , no wonder she fell through the floor , have you felt this thing , It weighs more than you"

"thanks , hey , Where did he take her ? They aren't any doors "

That's a thought , Where did he take her ? I too couldn't see any doors , But must be one right?

"Look" I point to floor where a wooden door matching the one to the entrenceof the hut is placed ,

"It goes down further? Jesus , How big is this place" Jess pulls her hair and ties it up into a tight bun , "Lets do this" She then begins to tuck her trousers into her socks.

"What the hell are you doing , Stop faffing around will you "

I pull at the door Several times before it starts to creak open , A stair case leading down is covered by miniature pumpkins , One placed on every three steps . not that I'm counting.

"Where does it go? Whats down there ? " I know shes scared , but seriously?

"I don't know , shut up will you."

All thats heard after that is the foot steps of our feet as they hit the wooden steps , The heavy breathing of me and Jess , The gasping of Jess everytime she see's the blood trail that we follow down the stairs , I just hope there are from either the creep that took Shantel or from a wound that Shan had from the fall , If hes hurt her i will kill The bast*d.

"when is it going to end , there is too many stairs , i cant hear anything , Maybe we should go back " All said in a hushed tone.

There is no way in hell i am going back now , not without my sister.

"Look , if you want to go back , you can ok , i wont judge you , but listen to me , i cannot go back without my sister , C'mon Jess , She's My sister for Christ sake , ive got to do this , who's knows whats happening to her."

The look on her face is all i needed to know that she agreed and that she wasn't going to let me down and leave me.

The further we descended the more a horrid stench grew up my nostrils , it was putrid , Vomit kind of stuff , ive been to the sewer works in the next town and Jesus , its nothing on this smell . how on earth this ugly human being lives here i will never know.

Jess was Gagging behind me Holding one arm up to her nose to hide the smell but holding on for dear life onto my Parker coat .

eventually we came to a halt as the wooden staircase ended , My breathing was now creating fogged pictures everytime i breathed out , It was freezing down here , We must have been walking down them things for over twenty minutes , How on earth anyone digs this far down under ground is beyond me.

"Does it still smell" Jess whispers. I give her a nod of the head , She keeps her arm upright over her face , Awesome decision.

"c'Mon , this way." I wave my hand in the forward position signaling Jess to follow me and stay close , if we have to come face to ugly face with this creep i want Jess by my side , Two is better than one right.

Soon enough we come to metal door , All rusted and boarded with massive bolts and screws, A handle placed just about up to my waistline is still shiny and looks like new , But it wasn't , It was shiny because of all the times it had been used , we have a garage door at home and the handle is the only shiny part on it , its because our hands are on it that many times it doesn't have the chance to go dirty or rusty, But who would use this door so many times, especially when you have to walk that many stairs.

"Wooa , Your going in there " Jess grabs my hand that ive just placed on the handle.

"er-rm, , You want me to just stand here ? no where else to go , of course I'm going in there. "

I'm surprised at how loud the door creaks when i open it , the sound seems to echo all the way back up the staircase , We can't have been that far behind the guy who took my sister , Why didn't we hear him open the door?

"OMG" Jess suddenly screams " The smell is seeping through my sleeve"

"Is that why you screamed . Jeez Jessie "

She shows me an apologetic look before were both back on alert mode , Our eyes looking at ever corner , Every shadow , every sound we hear , sounds that aren't the ones i want to hear ,faint screams and doors creaking. How many bloody doors can this place have.

We Need a map for this labyrinth , Who knows whats lurking around the corner , Although i must admit , If this Freak guy is a serial killer , Hes choose an awesome hide out , I mean who would think twice about a Humongous basement below a little shack, Not me , It must have taken years to do all this.

"Oh God " Jess whispers directly in my ear as she suddenly snuggles in to my back , Her arms wrapped around my waist and gripping tightly.

"Hooks from the ceiling, What is this place ?"

A slaughter house was the first thought that came into mind before i shook my head and got rid of anything like that from entering my head , If it was a slaughter house it certainly wasn't for any cattle.

"Lets just go "

We carry on snuggling to each other as we carry on throughout the maze of corridors , Until the sight in front of me takes all my breath , My heart sinks to floor , Along with the rest of my body.

Jess begins to weep uncontrollably as she too falls to the ground.

I lift up my sisters bloody head and rest it on my knees as her stroke her Davine brown hair, Her perky Rosie cheeks are nothing but bland and pale , Arms lifeless and drooped, She only has one shoe remaining on her feet and her clothes are torn.

"Shan" I mumble her name over and over as i rock the two of us , I knew before i even checked her pulse that she was gone , i could feel it as soon as i saw her , My sister.

"She shouldn't have died this way , She shouldn't be laid here , In a basement in the dirt , she didn't deserve this ." Tears continue to flow, i sort of hoped of some miracle that when my tears dropped on her face it would bring her back to life , Like it does in movies, Tears help everything , Not this time.

"James , We have to go" Jess prods my shoulder , Her knees creaking as she straightens her body as she rises from her sitting form.

"Ok" I weep " Get her legs , Lets go"

"No , We've got to go , now , We cant take her , James please"

What ? Like hell I'm leaving my sister here like this , she deserves to be buried like the rest , Properly and Peacefully.

"James , Hes here , Hes looking at me"

I Stopped stroking my sisters hair so i could clench my fist , That bastard!

I lifted my head and wiped my tears from my cheeks , Looking round the darkness for the Person that did this , I found my target sitting in the corner of the room we were in , He , He was crying?

"WHY" I shout , Not letting go of my sister , I didn't want to loose her again. "why did you do this?" I continue to scream , Meanwhile Jess is backing up towards one of the doors we came through.

"ANSWER ME" He doesn't , But some one else does.

"It Was accidental child" An old Voice echoes around the room . " HE doesn't have any clue what is right and what is wrong , He doesn't know how to handle a human being , He knows nothing of strangulation."

Strangulation , That's how my sister died, That monster wrapped his huge hands around my sister neck and took her last breath away from her , The thought that her last image was seeing his face hovered above her kills me , My beautiful sister.

"Where are you?"

"I'm right here child" The Lady's old voice becomes clear , Jess Then screams as she emerges from the darkness right next to her.

An old frail lady starts to wobble towards me and my lifeless sister ,Jess still stood petrified in the doorway.

"Lucas doesn't know how to handle people , Doesn't know his own strength and hasn't come face to face with another human other than myself before, He was just playing."


"That thing has a name? He should be locked away"

"I will not have that in my home , Lucas is my son" she snaps into madness as she whips the ground with her copper cane.

"Please, Just let us go , We wont tell anyone what you did , Please."

Jess kneels down and holds her hands together , I don't know if she was praying or begging .

"And how would you explain the nosey dead girl child ? Say she fell over ?" The old lady laughs which sends my emotions in over drive , I stand up and run with all my power and blast the bitch to the ground, Take that.

"That nosey Dead girl happens to be my sister you heart-less old hag" I repeatedly fist, punch and kick at the woman , I don't care anymore.

"Would your Freaky son like it if i killed his Stupid old wrinkled mother ? Huh ? you old " Whack "stupid "Whack "bitch"

"James , Stop , Please , hes coming" What ?

Before i even had a chance to say anything i was dragged back , Away from the old lady who was now laid sparko on the ground.

"NO No NO NO" Lucas ranted and ranted , he did nothing but hold me back , He was still crying.

"Get of me you ugly thing" I jerked and squirmed , It was hopeless , until finally his grip was loosened , A roaring sound coming from Jess's mouth , She had hit him , hit him with the rock.

"Jess , Thank you" I engulfed her into a hug while she still stood with her arms outstretched , A bloody rock Dripping between her fingers"

"take that you freak" She screamed.

"Jess , C'Mon before any other freak comes" I didn't know what i was doing , I was going to run out of the maze we were in without my sister , How could i , I burst into tears as i realised , I immediately ran back and began to wrap my sisters body around me and headed for the door.

We where only half way up the staircase when Jess who was following behind screamed , I turned to see Jess drop forward and see her face slam against the wooden steps , Blood pouring out as she was quickly dragged back down the stair case , Oh shit , I laid my sister down and began running down the steps , missing a few in the process.

"Jess , Hold on" I screamed , She had managed to grab hold of a broken step , I knew she couldn't last any longer , The huge Dirty man mounded underneath her was pulling and pulling to keep her from holding on.

"James" Jess squealed and i froze , impaled in her back was a copper cane , She had been staked right through her body , Jess looked up at me , Blood seeping from her mouth , She gargled as she tried to speak before her head lowed and rested against the step.

"NO " Jess , i quickly ran beside her , Chanting over and over for her to wake up forgetting the man that killed her was only a few feet away, All that mattered to me at that second was my dead best friend , My sister and my Friend,both dead , Why ?

Eventually i came to my senses as Lucas climbed over Jess and tugged on my jacket , I had to get out of there and get help, If i was to do that i would have to leave my sister and leave Jess, But i could come back for them right ?

I didn't dwell on the idea for too long as i began to descend down the steps and over Jess's Body , he was now dragging me , The Cane had been removed from Jess's body , I could only hope he wasn't going to use it on me.

"MY mom MY mom," Lucas Repeated this over and over , I dont think he could pull of a sentence but i was sure he was pissed at what i did to his mom .

"mom , Mom ,"

I had to get free , I swung my body around so i was laid on my back , Our eyes met and pure disgust rose in my body , I pulled my leg back and booted him in the head , Nothing , I repeated the process until finally his neck snapped , His body straightened and he slowly fell backwards leaving nothing but thuds and bangs , also a huge victory grin on my face.

"Happy Halloween ass hole" I spat .

I rolled over onto my body and kissed Jess on the back of her head , I then lifted her body and placed her side by side with Shantel , I told them i would come back for them before running up the steps to get help.

I thought the Stairs were gonna collapse beneath my feet with how hard i was running , The small flicker of light at the top seemed to be getting further and further in stead of closer , i was running out of breath by the time i reached the top but certainly relieved , Relieved until it dawned on me that there wasn't a flicker of light at the top of the stairs when we first descended down them .

I gently pushed open the door , what if they where more people like the others , Other people out to kill and hurt , To , To ......,

"Hello again child"

The old woman Stood before me , her face covered in blood from where i recently attacked her , How she survived the brutal attack i will never know.

"Going somewhere?" She raised her arm revealing a large blunt-rusted knife. "You think you can escape ? When you just murdered my son ? My poor helpless son"

"poor ? helpless ? He was a murderer , And shame on you for letting him , i should have finished you off" I gave her the look of distaste and hatred as i slowly backed away from the knife pointing at me .

"I too My child, am a murderer" She whispered , But what did she mean ?

"Or will be" she smiled before lunging forward , Her knife flying towards me "Happy Halloween Ass hole" she mimicked .

The End.... Or is it ?

Ok , So here is where you , The readers come into it .

I'm giving you the opportunity to write your own little ending :)

Just write your version of the ending in the comment box below .

There where so many ways i wanted to end this small story but i couldn't decide so I'm letting you do it for me :)

Have fun ! I hope you all take part , i cannot wait to read all the different endings :)

You dont even have to write a story version of it , you can simply just tell me in a quick brief sentence on how you would prefer the story to end :)


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