The Vampire Love (On Hold)

By eivor_teiwaz

22.9K 419 135

A Little Vampire Fanfiction~ It involves the teenage edgy vampire, Gregory and another female vampire~ Hope y... More

~Before We Start This~
~The Meeting~
~The Family~
~The Couple~
~ The Families Meet ~
!Authors Note!

~ The Feast ~

2.6K 60 3
By eivor_teiwaz

Been awhile! Sorry! Also, kinda ran out of pics of Gregory! :( and that's what Momo wears/ looks like exactly.

Gregory's POV~

I woke from my sleep to see the sleeping face of the Scottish girl laying there, balling her hands into fists and then relaxing them over and over. She had a soft gentle expression painted upon her pale face. I smiled at her peaceful body and just as I did, my little brother walked in and leaned on the wall, smiling. I smiled back,
"What do you need?"
I asked him, he looked at the female, she had my arm draped over her waist, holding her to my chest.
"I wanted to check up on you, and your 'friend'.."
He smirked playfully, she stirred in her sleep and my eyes widened slightly, hoping she wouldn't awake. In her sleep, she balled her hand into a fist, with the other, she gripped my arm tightly then relaxed, her hand going limp on my shoulder. I looked back at my brother.
"Are you friends...? Or.....?"
He remarked,I tried to cover my joy, and he smirked. I smiled, and I felt her stir again and yawn, as she opened her eyes slowly,
"O-oh, good morning Gregory!"
She turned and saw Rudolph,
"Good morning, Rudolph!"
She cheerfully said. He smiled and waved,
"Hello, my lady.."
I chuckled, she was so cheerful at times. We stood up and stretch, yawning a little.
"Rudolph, do you mind leaving us for right now?"
I asked him, he obliged and left. I carefully grabbed my beloveds wrist, pulling her arm around my neck, causing her to let out a small kitten like gasp of surprise. I smirked, pulling her by the waist into my chest. She blushed as I smiled, with my other hand, I pulled her chin up to close my face and gently press my cold lips to her chapped ones. She placed a gentle hand on my cheek, running her thumb over my cheekbone softly.

Momo's POV~

'He makes me so happy!!'
I think to myself as we kiss softly,
"Oh how romantic!!"
We hear a squeal and break apart, embarrassed that we were caught. I peeked up and saw the blonde girl from before.
"Hello! I never got a proper meeting! I am Anna! Pleasure to meet you!"
She smiled and curtsied, then smirked at the teenage boy.
"I see you've met my brother..."
She giggled as Gregory stumbled for words.
"I.. We... U-um... Alright. I am courting her...."
He mumbled, Anna squealed as I stood up.
"Oh!! That's just lovely!!"
The young girl hugged around my waist tightly.
"Oof!! Oh, th-thank you.."
I blushed a little and then softly placed my hands on her back she jolted up and jumped up and down squealing.
"Yay! Oh this is perfect! You can be with child and you are going be a perfect couple!"
I blushed and hid my face,
"W-well, um, you see... I... Uh..."
Gregory got up and held my hand gently.
"Anna, we are not of age to have a child...."
He said, awkwardly.
We heard Freda's voice say, she came around the corner and smiled.
"Oh! Hello, children! You're awake!"
She said softly, we all nodded. Rudolph walked in with Fredrick close behind him.
"Hello, everyone!"
Rudolph cheerfully remarked, Fredrick nodded to us.
"Alright, children, it's time to go feast."
Fredrick said, then Freda placed a soft hand on her husbands cheek and held Anna's hand.
"Gregory, you can take Morgana with you on a feast. It is only proper to treat such a young lady with respect, is it not..?"
The woman said, Gregory smiled and tightened his grip on my hand, thanked his mother and began to lead me outside.
"Oh! And don't let that horrid man capture either of you! You must stay in the shadows as we always have! Is that absolutely clear?"
Fredrick snapped
"Yes, father."
Gregory replied, pulling me outside fully. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and let it out.
"Oh, how I love the night!"
I squeaked and smiled as joy filled my pale face. Gregory smiled and we looked up at the moon.
"I've always loved the moon... It's so calming... Whenever I'm alone, or am sad or angry, I come out here and gaze at it... It's one of the few things I like about being a monster..."
He spoke, softly. I hugged around his waist.
"Don't worry we don't always have to be, remember..?"
He smiled softly,
"I know. It's good too. I don't want to be like this forever..."
We stared up a little more, then decided to walk out of the cemetery to get food. I felt him hold me close as we walked. We eventually got to a village.
"Damn, I think we have to walk through... Just keep your head down and we should be safe from harm."
He gripped my hand tightly and pulled me along the dirt road.
"Hello, lad, what are you doing outside so late..?"
A man walked up asking, I whimpered and tightened my grip on his hand.
"Oh, I am walking my sister home. We must've stayed in our studies to long and gone astray, don't let us bother you, we shall be home before you can worry to much..."
Gregory replied, the man looked at me and smiled,
"Hello, lass, no need to be scared of the dark, your brother here will have you home soon."
I smiled back and nodded,
"Oh! Of course! I have great trust in him! He's never failed me before, ahem, we will be going now. Our mother must be worried sick."
I replied, the man smiles and nodded, then walked off. We sped up our pace the second he turned his back and we looked at each other, relieved that we weren't caught.
He took me in his arms and took off into the black sky. We soon spotted two boys a little older than him and we swooped down onto the ground. He hid himself and I walked up to them.
I made it sound like I was without breath as if I was running and went up to them.
"B-boys! Excuse me! I need help! My friend is injured! She needs medical help! I beg you! Help me take her to somewhere she can seek aid!"
I yelped, the three boys turned to me,
"Alright where is she??"
Boy number one said,
"She's this way! Please help!"
I said leading them to a dark alley, boy number two said,
"Wait, what happened to her??"
Sadly, they couldn't see my smirk, and I replied,
"Oh... You'll see..."
Just then, Gregory jumped out behind them to block the entrance to the alley. He was smirking too.
Boy number three yelled, Gregory slammed one into a stone wall and hissed then viciously ripped into his neck.
(I know that they drink cow blood but remember, this is centuries before the movie!)
The boy gurgled on his blood and I jumped on one as I scratched the boys face and bite his neck, pinning his arms down roughly. The other boy booked it. I hissed and ran after him. I tackled him to the ground, he started to scream and ripped his jugular out as blood violently poured out of his throat I sank my fangs into his ruined neck. I shivered with immense enjoyment of my prays state.
I finished and liked my lips, then casually strode back to the alley. I saw the bloody teenage vampire leaning on the wall, smirking in delight.
"Hello, love..."
He chuckled as I licked my fingers and I innocently waved with some red liquid goodness on my nails and fingers and my eyes squeezed shut.
I announced happily, he walked over and hugged my tightly then pulled my hand up by the wrist and licked my fingers clean. I blushed and we heard women's screams, most likely from the dead body of the boy. I smiled and he took my hand and launched into the sky.

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