By April06lily

53.1K 1.9K 397

There was a 19 years old girl Kaira. Who lived in her fantasy world and loved the stories of king and Queens... More

Chronicle of kingdom~Kaira~Introduction
Chapter 2 : Forest & nightmares
Chapter 3 : A hidden Mystery of the Birth of kaira in this world
Chapter 4 : Mystery of kaira
Chapter 5 : Mystry of kaira part ll
Chapter 6 : The old man
Chapter 7 : Sadness Ended
Chapter 8 : A secret of green necklace
Chapter 9 : Faded pictures
Chapter 10 : 19th birthday!
Chapter 11 : Missing link
Chapter 12 : The strange Guy and first attack
Chapter 13 : Who was He
Chapter 14 : It's the End or?
Chapter 15 : 2nd attack & the strange guy part I
Chapter 16: 2nd attack & the strange guy part II
Chapter 17 : 2nd attack and the strange guy part III
Chapter 19 : She is not meare human!
Chapter 20 : I'm here for you
Chapter 21 : I can make you smile
Chapter 22 : You are so different but still..
Chapter 23: Dreams are Mirror of our Life
Chapter 24 : Who was now?
Chapter 25 : My hand in his
Chapter 26 : Dwelling
Chapter 27 : She starts Affecting me
Chapter 28 : So good to believe
Chapter 29 : We should go back
Chapter 30 : Emotions!
Chapter 31: I have to go
Chapter 33: I was feeling so lost
Chapter 34: A good person
Chapter 35 : Like or Love?
Chapter 36 : Kingdom Aureliya
Chapter 37: What was that?
Chapter 38 : Love You all
Chapter 39: Feeling blessed
Chapter 40: Please don't go home..Soon
Chapter 41: It's her destiny
Chapter 42 : Warlocks!!
Chapter 43: Yes I Do
Chapter 44: I'm so sorry!!
Chapter 45 : We won!
Chapter 46 : I'm a pure Blooded.. Ancient Guardian
Chapter 47 : I'm Daylon!
Chapter 48 : Reincarnation
Chapter 49 : I lost her for forever
Chapter 50 : Shoking revelation
Chapter 51 : Fragmented memories of PAST!

Chapter 32 : Back to the Kingdom Kaira

748 36 21
By April06lily

Hello everyone! Have a nice day.
I'm so happy that my book ranked #6th in Fantasy.

I want to thank who voted for my story and who spent their time in reading.

I'll be happy when I'll get 1k votes. So vote for my story if you liked it.

You just have to touch the ⭐option. That's it, it's not difficult. :-)

Well when I started I didn't expect I would gain any viewer and wrote lightly, I did mistakes and not written in proper way but I'm working on them whenever I get time. So if you have any confusion you can go back read my chapters maybe I have corrected them

It's my very first book I haven't written not even an article publicly. So you can expect mistakes.

Also I write directly on my mobile because pc and laptop not really handy. So I did mistakes when I typed even I eat the whole word from a sentence. I'm really very bad at typing on mobile :-(

Well I'm trying not do mistakes but I'm so clumsy.

Please do read and share my story :-) :-D

Vote for my story because it is the only thing that can make a story teller HAPPY! As It shows you liked it.
:-D <3


Cloud was once again in his kingdom, he felt like he was out for a long time. Through portal he arrived in the forest nearby the castle. He felt so strange and lonesome.

He sighed. "So I back to the kingdom"

He closed his eyes and without thinking, Kaira's face just flashed behind his eyelids. He quickly opened, didn't believe now Kaira and he was in two different worlds. And he wasn't sure he would ever go back to see her. He was feeling a sharp pain running through his chest. It was all completely a new feeling to him. He really missed her presence next to him.

Suddenly his attention drawn by some harsh voices, he looked over the sky through the dense twigs of trees. He saw It was sky was filled with dragons.

Soldiers and patrolling gaurds were riding over them and rushing towards the border line.

He realized that the situation was really critical. He hurriedly crossed the forest with long strides. He walked through the street and soon standing in front of a huge entrance gate which was made of thick layers of wood and covered with thick metallic plate. Colourful metal flowers, leaves and circular designs decorated over it and enhancing the attraction.

"An army troop here" He squinted his eyes and said to himself.

That day an army troop assigned on the entrance gate for extra security and protection of the castle.

As they saw Cloud the head of that army troop came to him.

"My greeting prince Cloud" He placed his hand over his chest and bowed down.

Cloud nodded and asked.

"How far Demon army have reached"

"They have been reaching near the kingdom Aureliya". He said.

"That's bad" Cloud murmured.

"Be extra aware from warlocks"

"Because Demons or cruel but warlocks.. warlocks are cruel and cunning. They play dirty trick and schemes, lower than your imagination. So you just have to prepare for everything. If you find anything wrong and suspicious at once infromed to the headquarter or to your supervisor.Okey!" Cloud worned them.

He bowed down. "We'll be aware for everything. Prince Cloud".

Cloud passed by the entrance gate and now he was standing infront of castle of kingdom kaira. It was an huge castle built up at the top of the Hill. Its artitechture work was marvelous. And looked amazing when sun rays fell on it.

He hurriedly stepped the way leading him to the royal court.

Suddenly he was stopped in his way by a voice.

"Cloud hold down".

He knew that voice he looked back it was Zinta. There was worried look across her face. She ran to him and hugged him.

"How are you Cloud? We were so worried". She said, her eyes seemed moist with tears.

"Don't worry Zinta I'm fine". Cloud assured her.

"But why were you went on the earth it's not the place where we should go Cloud. Don't you know?" She asked him with a shoking expression.

He said nothing and dodged the question. Because now he didn't want to talk her at this topic.

"I missed a lot Cloud". She said looking at his face.

Zinta balfadien was a powerfull wizard and half elve. She was daughter of Earwin, who was sister of Elve king Amras and the princess of kingdom Noldor. Her father Ceril was an ancient gaurdian and killed during a war by Demons.

Zinta had sharp facial features and pale skin. She looked very beautiful with golden brown eyes and big lashes. Her straight blond hairs reached upto her knees and with beautiful hair accessories she looked more gorgeous than any other princess.

Cloud sighed. "I'm sorry Zinta I made you worried". 

"Please don't say so". Zinta pleaded.

"I missed you too". Cloud said.

He gently pulled back. "Are you alright " He asked her.

"Well now I'm alright. I'm relieved you came back safe and sound".

He pressed his lips in a straight line. I thought little and said.

"I have to go royal court and meet my father it's really urgent Zinta, I'll see you later".

"So you got to know that Demon army has attacked our neighboring kingdom Aureliya. Well I'll come with you". Zinta said.

He noded and they both together proceeded to the royal court.


When they reached the court. They met Alex and Archer outside it.

Alex was the commandant of north regiment in the army.

Army of kingdom kaira was divided into four regiments, south, north, east and west and Cloud was the cheif head of entire army.

Alex was few years younger than Cloud but he was a strong worrier and Cloud really liked him.

"Prince Cloud where were you? You know king Augustus is looking very angry now". Alex looked tensed.

"Ohhh no" Zinta flinched.

"Why?" Cloud asked and looked over Archer.

Alex excused and walked away for getting further position of kingdom Aureliya.

Archer explained him. "Sorry Cloud, I hid one thing from you because when I was summoned by King and crown prince they told me about the whole scheme of Warlocks".

"But It seemed like they didn't have any information about our mission and where we went". Archer said with baffling expression on his face.

"But I didn't tell you then because had already looked angry and frustrated".

"That's why I was waiting for you outside the court because I haven't complete information about our mission. I had just followed your orders as you said me".

"You shouldn't go there could". Zinta said worriedly holding his hand.

Cloud sighed. "I did not do anything wrong so why should I scare".


King Augustus was seated on the throne of kingdom kaira, It was in the middle of royal court. It was made out of solid gold and decorated with stones and gems.

King Augustus was in his late sixties but he was still very active and had good health. He actively took part in every issues and matter personally.

Royal court was huge and high supported with no. of long elongated pillars. It was decorated with crystal work and the unique sculptures which were glowing under the light of thousands of candles even in the night.

Inside the court air was totally tensed. People were discussing with king Augustus about how to deal with Demons and Warlocks. The representative of all eight kingdoms and representatives of littlecoy land was present there.

If they saw demographically or geographically all kingdoms on the map. Kingdom kaira was in the middle on dofla hills and had three big neighboring kingdoms.

Kingdom Aureliya was ruled by Queen Cara Aurelius. It was an elve's kingdom which was currently attacked by Demons. They had took control on some of their outer cities. They had demolished those cities badly and killed thousands of innocent people. But they were still far away from the capital Aru. Kingdom Aureliya was located farthest in the North West

Kingdom Noldor was an another elvian kingdom ruled by Amras balfadien king. He was the most powerful elve and close freind of Augustus. It was situated next to kingdom kaira in the North East direction.

Kingdom Barborad ruled by Eldred. They seemed like humans but they were not. Boradian have huge strong wings and can produce powerful waves. It was placed in the North West so it was in the middle of kingdom kaira and kingdom Aureliya.

And rest remaining three kingdom were far away in the southern region but they wanted to help them against Demon and Warlocks because in future they could be a big threat for them too if they were not stopped.

Kingdom Novara ruled by King Sulwen who was a wizard. Novara was a small kingdom and placed on the balkanian hills far in the South East.

Kingdom Rivendell situated far in South West under dense forest. It was ruled by king Daniel. People of kingdom Rivendell had upper part like human and lower part like horse. And from last decades their population kept declining. It was the smallest kingdom among eight. But they were the most honest and trustable people.

Kingdom Doriath was last elvian kingdom and ruled by Zephyr. It was not as much big as kingdom Noldor and Aureliya but strong enough. It was located farthest in the south on an island in the middle of sea.

Kingdom Dawson ruled by Alagos who was half elve and half wizard. Kingdom Dawson was established by an only ancient gaurdian king, Alester. In kingdom Dawson king were selected by people consent. It was positioned in South West between the mountains. And every kind of people lived there, it was open for everyone. it was a small kingdom but their heart was big like mountain.

Littlecoy land was kind of mystery nobody knew much about them because their land was not seen by others. It was hidden where dwarf lived, who were short in height and have big foot. They mainly collect gold and stones from mines.

In the Northern region there was huge Demon kingdom which was ruled by Demon king Zephroth Surrounded by warlock and krots.

Krots were red coloured gaints around 12 feet long. Their skin was extremely thick and wrinkled. Eyes were big complete black in colour with broad Jaws and sharp teeth.

All Nine representatives were talking about how to stop Demon army and saving themselves and kingdom Aureliya.

When Cloud, Zinta and Archer entered inside, everyone's eyes tuned on them and they were stopped discussing.

Cloud headed, Zinta and Archer was behind him. They stood before the throne and bowed down to the king.

Augustus looked over Cloud and raised an eyebrow.

He said. "Court dismissed".

"I'd like to have a words with my chief of army".

"We'll discusse later".

All were surprised, a minute ago they were with him in the middle of a serious issues and now he dismissed the court. But no one dared to ask him anything. He seemed heated.

Everyone left the court except Cloud, Zinta, Archer and Adam.

Adam was the crown prince of the kingdom kaira and elder step brother of Cloud.

"Where you have been Cloud". His father asked slowly but his voice filled with rage.

"I have been on a mission father". He said quietly.

"But you didn't feel it was necessary to get my permission first".

"Let me remind you if you have forgotten, I'm the king first after that I'm your father".

"I'm wrong or right".

"You are right father". Cloud said in his composed voice.

"Then why didn't you ask me" He asked in hard tone.

As Cloud was going to answer him Adam interrupted him.

Adam said. "Father I have to say something"


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