Angels, Pop Stars, and...More...

By bellav173

47.2K 2.1K 113

Their relationship has been through terrorists and secrecy. What else could possibly happen? It's been six mo... More

Angels, Pop Stars, and...More Spies? Oh My!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note

Chapter 24

1.2K 56 4
By bellav173

Chapter 24

Later that evening, after one of the Secret Service men relieved me from guarding Ariana and her posse (I'll owe him big time later), I went downstairs into the living room. The TV was on, Joshua and Preston sitting on the couch in front of it. I glanced at the screen, sneaking up behind the boys. I chuckled inwardly. The movie they were watching: Spy Kids 4. Smiling, I climbed over the couch and plopped myself next to Joshua. He smiled, wrapping his arm around me and kissing the top of my head. 

"Hey, babe." he whispered in my ear.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, sighing. My mind waged war on how to break the news to Joshua about his mother. I don't want to see him upset, let alone heartbroken. Maybe I shouldn't tell him just yet.

"Hey, Josh. Of all the movie you could be watching, why?"

Joshua chuckled. Preston picked up Joshua's iPhone, his fingers flying over the screen as he opened the Angry Birds app. I sighed, kissing Joshua on the cheek.

"What? I thought you'd enjoy this."

I rolled my eyes, amused. 

"Are you kidding? They'd make the worst spies in the world!" I laughed.

"Hey!" Preston's tiny voice intoned.

We both glanced over at him, chuckling. Preston actually looked offended. Oops.

"I'm sorry, Preston. I didn't mean to make fun of it." I said.

Preston seemed happy with that answer because he nodded, smiling. His two front teeth were missing. Cute little boy. Suddenly, President McGallen walked into the living room. He wore a pair of flannel striped pajama pants and a gray cotton t-shirt. His glasses balanced on the bridge of his nose, a newspaper tucked under his arm. I sat up.

"What do you need, sir?" I asked.

President McGallen moved his newspaper from one arm to the next, glancing over at Preston.

"Preston, son, could I talk to Joshua and Ember alone for a few minutes?"

Preston looked up from the iPhone, nodding. He placed it in Joshua's lap and ran out of the living room. President McGallen watched his youngest son leave and didn't speak until he was gone. Joshua paused the movie, freezing on a scene with the actress mid-sentence. I held back at laugh at the ridiculous face she had. 

"What's going on, Dad?"

President McGallen sighed, pushing his glasses up. 

"Garret called. He said he had information for you two. Therefore, why don't you two tell me what's going on?"

Joshua furrowed his eyebrows, confused. I bit my lower lip. Oh, shit. I cleared my throat, answering for Joshua.

"It's CIA related. He must have mentioned Joshua by mistake."

President McGallen raised a blonde eyebrow. I tried not to look like a liar. Damn. Why did I get Joshua involved? And how did Garret find out? Did I say something to him the last time we talked? I don't even remember!

"I don't believe he did, Ember."

I looked down at my hands, clasped in my lap. President McGallen waited for an answer. Suddenly, Joshua spoke up.

"Fine! Ember and I are investigating something here in Los Angeles."

My head shot up. Joshua and President McGallen were staring at each other. President McGallen looked oddly surprised. Joshua looked just plain calm.

"Investigating what?"

Joshua glanced at me. I looked to President McGallen, opening my mouth to answer, closing it, rethinking my words, and then opening it again.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone. Even Margaret."

President McGallen nodded, placing his hand over his heart.

"You have my word. Now, explain."

I took a deep breath. I was afraid it would come to this if I let Joshua help. Yet, maybe this'll be a good thing. Maybe President McGallen can help us. I mean, he is the freaking President of the United States! Plus, I know he can keep a secret if I ask him to. He's trustworthy.  

"Okay. I got an assignment from the CIA a few days after we came here. Apparently, there's this secret spy organization called the ACE here in Los Angeles. None of the databases Langley scanned had any files on any such place. MI6, nothing. FBI, nothing. CSIS, nothing. Even the CIA's own database, nothing. They sent me to investigate. Do you remember when we went to the Grammy's? Well, we were attacked by a gunman who I later found out was an ACE agent. My mission now is to infiltrate the ACE and shut them down. But, I needed help. Therefore, I reached out to Garret and Joshua. We've been working on it."

President McGallen waited until I was done. Nodding, he had a thoughtful look in his blue eyes. He eventually snapped out of it and spoke.

"I would like to contribute to the cause."

I raised an eyebrow. He really would?

"Seriously?" I thought out loud.

He nodded.

"Yes, I would. Anybody who attacks my son, his girlfriend, and my daughter should be brought down. If you'll let me, I'd like to help in anyway I can."

I thought about it for a minute. It would be helpful having him. Helpful but dangerous. If what Archer said is true, then the ACE would have no problem killing the President. They'd kill me in a heartbeat. I glanced at Joshua. He gave a small nod. Glancing back at President McGallen, I caved.

"Fine. You can join. But, I'm warning you now, it's going to be dangerous."

He smiled, holding out his hand. I shook it firmly.

"Then I'm willing to face that danger."

I nodded, pulling my hand away. With one last nod at us, he left the living room. I slouched back into the chair, closing my eyes. I hope I made the right decision by letting him in on the "crew." Otherwise, I just signed the President's death note. Great. Just freaking great. 

(*drumroll* Hey guys! So, I've decided just to tell you guys the name of book #3. I couldn't wait! That and I have had three people message me already asking. So, here it is. The name of the next book is....Weddings, Frat Boys, and Sorority Spies, Oh My! You like? Hm? Vote and comment if you do! I spent all day trying to think of it. I literally had a list of thirty titles and I narrowed it down to my top three.That's all I've got to say for now! Bye-bye!) 

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