The Book of Lost Stories

By EA3112

900 47 57

This book is a collection of short stories formed from the mind of a teenage girl (a.k.a me). It consists of... More

Twice as Innocent*
Mystery Boy
The Shadow*
Missing Cookie Dough and Smiling Orphans
The Bummer of Being a Presidents Daughter
A Soundless Battle ~ Not Another Fairy Tale
Murder of My Beloved
The Reunion
Deaths Impact
The Unseen
Animal War
Can't Handle The Beauty
Writing Contest
What Do You Think?
Aisha Bint Abu Abkr
Living in the Country
The Mystery in The Big Apple
Finishing Up
Alternative Ending: Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

A Soundless Battle ~ Twice as Shattered

21 1 0
By EA3112

A/N: This is part two of A Soundless Battle.

If you have not read part one which is 'Not Another Fairy Tale' Then I suggest you go back to the previous chapter. 


Back? Great! Enjoy the chapter!


              Tyson stares at Carla, challenging her to stop him.  Her face remains void of an emotion. The sound of rubber hitting concrete went in unison with the thumping of their hearts. Tyson looks towards his target, then to his sister. Carla was the best seventh-grade basketball player he'd ever seen. Sure she wasn't on a team, but the passion for the sport was enormous. 

              Just then, a car pulls into the driveway. The distraction effectively takes his head out of the game. The ball is snatched from his grasp. He whips around so fast that he gets a crick in his neck. His eyes watch in amazement as the ball catches nothing but net before falling into his little sister's hands. The car door slamming drew both Carla and Tyson's attention. 

                David glances at his children and smiles tiredly. On his way inside he kisses Carla's forehead and then ruffles Tyson's hair. Once he enters the house, he follows the delicious aroma into the kitchen. There stood his beautiful flower. He pecks his wife on the lips before heading upstairs to shower. 

                Carla sat on the edge of her parent's bed, waiting patiently for her father to exit the bathroom. She has always been a daddy's girl. She also made many observations other people tend to miss. Usually, her dad was tired after work, this she knew. The reason she was waiting for him was the sadness that he was obviously trying to conceal. She had noticed it even more as of late. 

               She watches as the door opens and her father came out, wiping his hair with a towel. He lowers the towel, smiling when his eyes make contact with hers. She, however, frowns. He sighs, taking a seat beside her. He knows that nothing escapes the watchful eye of his little girl. 

              "My boss was criticizing me again. We didn't have the ingredients for a soup a customer ordered, so I improvised. I used a few different seasonings and some different meat cuts. This was yesterday afternoon right before my shift was over. i didn't think anyone would mind, I just wanted to satisfy the customer."

              "When I came this morning my boss was livid. Apparently, people started asking for the new soup someone had said to have eaten. This was after I left for the day. A lot of people we disappointed and walked away when my boss had no clue what they were talking about. Somehow he found out I made it and told me that if I ever made something that wasn't on the menu again; he'd fire me." David sighs heavily as he finishes telling his daughter about his problems. 

"He's just jealous Dad. You are a way better chef than him. He simply feels threatened." Carla comforts her dad. 

"I know sweetheart. I know."

"One more month, one more until you have enough money to have your own restaurant."

          David smiles, hugging his daughter tightly. Lilly, his wife, called them down for dinner as they pulled out of the hug. He stands, taking Carla's hand in his. As they ascend the stairs, a grin appears on his face. His spirit had been lifted once again. All thanks to his little angel.


           After dinner, it was family game night. Someone had to go to the store to get snacks. Each time a parent-child duo was chosen. This week, it was Lilly and Carla. They each put their shoes on and head out the door. It was a beautiful night and the store wasn't too far, so they decided to walk. 

           When they walked into the store, the owner greeted them. This was the only convenient store they bought their snacks from. Once they had picked out all the snacks, Carla helped her mother put them on the conveyer belt. Lilly looks at the total before reaching to grab her wallet. The problem was, It wasn't there. She hated being a forgetful person. 

"Come on Carla. It seems I've forgotten my wallet again," Lilly sighs. 

"Actually, I'm closing up, so why don't you just pay me back tomorrow."

"That would be great Mrs.Robin!" Carla says excitedly. 

"Are you sure Sara? We could always go to a different store," Lilly answers.

"Nonsense," Mrs.Robin exclaims, "I've known you for four years. I trust that you will pay me back."

             Lilly agreed to pay for everything the next day. She and Carla grab the bags and began to make their way outside. As they were walking through the parking lot, an arm wraps itself around Carla's neck. The arm was followed by cold metal on her temple. Lilly's face pales as she stared at the man threatening her daughter. Usually, she got to see the effectiveness of putting Carla in self-defense lessons. The gun, however, stopped her from trying anything. 

"Please, let my daughter go! What do you want from us?" Lilly begged.

"I just want you to give me all you money." He smiles sickly. 

        Lilly sobs, it was the one thing she didn't have. Forgetting her wallet had set her child up for death. She couldn't have predicted this, yet she felt that it was all her fault. "I don't have any money, I swear to you!" Her voice is filled with desperation.

"So what, you shoplifted all that food?"

"Of course not, you ignoramus. We have to pay the owner back tomorrow," Carla resorts.

          "I probably would have let you be if not for the first part," he says as he shakes his head. She freezes. Terrified of what he meant by that. Seconds later the loudest sound she ever heard hit her ears. She watched her mother fall to the ground. She broke into sobs and fell as the man released his grip on her neck. 

           As the man looks at the blood flowing through the cracks in the concrete, he smiles. The sound of sirens makes him snap his head towards the store. Through the window, he could see an older woman talking on the phone. He glared and began stalking towards the store. Just then, multiple police cars pull into the parking lot. 

          He quickly changes his mind, not wanting to get caught. He runs to the car he had parked on the side of the building. Half the police cars began chasing him. The other half of police cars, and the ambulance stay behind. The words that rang in Carla's mind before she passed out would give her nightmares for the rest of her life.

   "I probably would have let you be if not for the first part," he had said. Which meant, it was all her fault. 


         When Carla woke up she noticed two things. The hand that was so desperately gripping hers, and the silence. As her eyes adjust to the light, she see's a doctor conversing with her father. She looks to her right and recognizes the owner of the hand as her brother. 

         She watches as Tyson breaks into a smile and begins talking animatedly. She frowns at him. He stops talking and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. They look towards their father in sync, a questioning look on they're faces. Both him and the doctor have a grave look on their faces. 

          Carla watches as the doctor speaks to them. She feels Tyson's hand fall from hers. She watches as Tyson falls into a chair, putting his faces in his hands. As she watches these things, she realizes that she is now within a silent movie. She can't hear a single sound. 

         She smiles sadly and reaches over to comfort her brother. As her hand rests on his shoulder, Tyson looks up at her. She motions for him to hug her. He lets out a laugh, shocked that she is trying to comfort him. He gets up and wraps  his arms around her body. Encasing her in warmth and love. He lays his head on her shoulder and sobs. When Carla feels the sobs racking through his body, she begins to whisper in his ear. Trying to sooth him.

         Soon, their father joins their hug. While the David and Tyson cry, they fail to notice the slight satisfaction pass over Carla's face. Although Carla will miss her mother dearly, at least she was given the punishment of being deaf. It eased the pain of knowing that her mother was gone because of her. 

The doctor leaves the room and allows the family to grieve over their daughter's loss. As well as the loss of their mother and wife. 


A/N: Well, that's it. The last chapter. I hope you enjoyed all of the short stories. 




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