The One Who Was Forgotten

By lizzylizard02

824 117 11


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Ending #2
Emily's Story
new stories!!

Chapter 13

27 6 0
By lizzylizard02

// ok first off, thank yall so much for reading this and sticking with me since the beginning. I need to stop babbling. Enjoy this chapter. \\

《Emily's POV》

I couldn't trust them anymore. I couldn't trust anyone. I can trust my family, even though they don't even care or would worry. Like they would care anyway.

It had only been a week since Jake went to jail. He hasn't called me at all. I'm getting worried.


Dammit. I don't wanna talk to him right now. I run to the girls bathroom and lock myself in. I plug my ear buds. I put my music on full blast and ignored the bell.

"If you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say........"

I'm not okay. It's true. I never was and never will be. I'm worse now that Dan and Jake are in my life. I'm stressing over Jake and Dan is just being annoying. It's just aweful.

I know I never wanted attention but now I just want someone to sit by me and hug me while I cry in there shoulder. But now it just seems to be the shadows thay ate by my side.

Day or night. It doesn't matter cause they are always whispering to me. Telling me things that I will never not believe. Day is the worst. They say things that make me want to burst into tears. Sadly, I can feel everyone silently judging me. I can't imagine what they would say to me if they saw be burst into tears.

Just let go Emily. They don't need you. See that car right there. You could easily just jump in front of it and then die. No one would care. Dan is to busy worrying about his popularity while Jake is just being greedy for attention. That's all they want. Attention. They are going to get you then ditch you when you are happy so that you are so hurt that you will have to get rid of the pain. Just do it. They are jerks. We are your real friends. We give you the right advice. The right choices. We have given you the opportunity to come live with us so many times. All you have to do is run in front of it...........


I hadn't realized that I was now standing in front a car crying. I quickly apologized and ran home. What is happening to me. The voices have never been this bad.

"Emily, we need to talk."

I turned around to see, not only my mother, but my whole family standing in front of me. I nodded and gulped silently not knowing what was about to come.

I followed them into the living room. What was so important that they finally noticed me after so many years.

"So we wanted to tell you that we are...........uh..........s-sorry for....uh.....ignoring y-you all these years and......uh......not seeing that you were.......uh...... depressed and that you were very de-"

"What your father is trying to say is that we are sorry for not being there for you and for pretending that you never existed. I mean, after your affair with..........him.........uh, we just couldn't bare to see you."

I nod slowly not knowing what else to exactly do. This was my family. They now notice me with what is now happening at school and the voices.......the voices.......they are gonna be worse than ever now that my family has noticed me.

"We realized how hurt you were when Jake went to jail and we saw you cry-"

"H-how d-do you k-know ab-bout that?"

I can't believe they were doing this to me. Walking back into my life just like that. I was not in the mood for this. I guess I'll just make it my job to avoid them.

"The police filled us in through e-mail. We know what you have went through, sort off."

I didn't wait to hear the rest. I just ran.

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