N'importe Quoi

By RedHare

3.7K 479 314

bits and pieces and this and that More

1) The Last Stage
2) Flood
3) The Universe
4) Time
5) Tea Trees
6) Illusions
7) Desert
8) Slumbers
9) The Mermaid
11) Perhaps
12) In Passing
13) Price of Desire
14) Sloanranger
15) Diamonds Are Forever
16) Rant
17) What's With That?
18) Piano Chord
19) Another Apology to You
20) an about me
21) just thought

10) Left Behind

117 26 18
By RedHare

My beloved man is lost at sea

It has been a while since I have seen thee

The children have cried so, but I refuse to believe he has died

like all the sailors say, oh the tales they talk of!

They speak of a fair maiden, with a fish’s tail

who sings upon the rocks, her eyes so blue and lips so pale

She lures men away with her, with her beautiful voice

The men love her so dearly; they do not even have a choice!

“This is where your man has gone,” they tell me, “far out to sea.”

“But I know my man!” I cry, “he would not swap me for a fish,

he loves only me, he says it all with a tender kiss!

It was to this woman of earth that he fell down on one knee.”

“Ah, but she is no mere fish,” they answer. “She is the mermaid of the sea,

all the men who have seen her, are rendered besotted with thee,

so seductive is her voice, so divine is her beauty

no woman of earth could compare with a woman of the sea!”

Could it be true, that he has left me for a mermaid?

Abandoned me during the night, he is not now where he used to lay

by my side, he promised me he’d stay, there till the day I died

It cannot be true, for if so, to me he has lied!

Looking out to sea, I wait for him still

For the day where he will stand by my side once more.

Stood by the shore, I will wait

Till my man of earth stands by me once more

Where he belongs, where he is rooted deep,

where he lays by my side, whilst we sleep

Where the ground is still beneath us

and no sinful mermaid shall he ever trust

Sometimes, I see a great fish’s tail

in the water with silver and green and blue scales

she waves to me from far out to sea

She is mocking, and I scream, “how I hate thee!

Bring me back my beloved man of earth

Set him free of the waves and surf

He is not yours to keep

for on my finger, is the ring he gave me.

“He’s mine now,” a divine voice whispers

“Never again shall he return to horse and plough

With me he shall forever live

It is to me and only me, his love he gives.”


(25th May 2013)

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