Forever Mine

By Kelsey23

7K 283 37

Sequel to Forever Mates And previously named Forever Free More

Forever Free
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Three

797 36 3
By Kelsey23

Helllllo people of wattpad!!! I know its really been forever, buuut I just now got internet at my house. But this is the next chappy and I really hope you like it.



I was running. Running so fast everything in the forest was a blur. The trees were nothing but green and yellows and everything else was brown from the soil. I could feel my legs and muscles working harder and harder to get to the speed I wanted. I was never going to get to that speed though. I'm not as fast as Jace or Ronny or even Kaden.

I havent seen Kaden in two days. I don't know where he is or if he even wants to see me. Personally I don't want to see him. I mean, mates are suppost to want to be with eachother 24/7 and I don't want to be around him like that. There's only so much of Kaden that you can take and being best friends and now "mates" we haven't grown closer, just farther apart. Neither of us want to be with the other.

I burst through the trees and into a clearing. I couldn't remember if I've ever been here, but it seems vaguely familure. I just shifted and put the clothes that were fastened to my ankel on. I don't know what I'm going to do, but it just felt right to be here at this moment.

I walked to the center of the field and plopped down waiting for . . . something. I couldn't pinpoint what it was I was doing here. I needed to get away from my parents and their lessons but why'd I run here? I've never run this far. I don't even know if I'm still in our territory.

What did it matter though? I don't have a mate. So what if they catch me? They'll either kill me or take me hostage. I don't see the point in going on with a fake mate. So really what if they catch me?

I was just laying there, contemplating this when the warmest, tingling feeling consumed me. I sat straight up and looked around. Something was suppost to happen, but what? What am I doing here? Why am I staying here?

I heard rustling from behind me and I jumped to my feet and spun around. It was him. That guy from before. His brown hair hugged his forhead right above his eyes. He wasn't smiling, his whole face was hard and rough looking. He looked like he really didn't want to be here right now. He had a tight black t-shirt on that hugged all his muscles and had on loose jeans around his hips and nikes.

" You can't be here " he said. His voice was deep and smooth. But when he said that it felt like a punch to my stomache. Why was he effecting me like this. Tears pricked my eyes even though I was trying so hard to keep them inside.

" Why not? " of course my voice cracked. My head felt dizzy. Oh, this is how I'm suppost to feel with Kaden.

" You just can't be here. Go home. " he turned to go.

" Wait! " I said. I watched his whole body tense up. He turned back around, his eyes slicing into mine.

" Emily, you need to go home, back to Kaden. Please? "

I stared at him. " How do you know my name? "

" What's it matter? " he asked, his eyes narrowing. How did he know that though? I never told him. I never told him about Kaden either. I never even talked to him before today!

" What's your name? "

" Whats it matter? "

" Is that the only thing you know how to say?! " I snapped at him then immeditatly regretted it.

" Cross " he said and then he was gone. I didn't see him shift and run away or anything. He just disappeared.


Today we were going home. Unfortunately. I mean, I can't wait to see Emily and Kaden, but I really don't want to leave Rome. Its so beautiful here and me and Jace had an amazing time. I picked up my bag and then was swooped up into Jace's arms bridal style. The entire movement made me feel sick to my stomache though. Usually its fine, but I really feel about ready to throw up.

" You okay? " Jace asked, smirking down at me.

I shook my head " I don't know. I don't feel good "

" Wasn't all that wine you drank last night at dinner was it? " Okay so I drank a little too much, but it was amazing wine. Whats a girl to do? I just rolled my eyes. " Well, glad you feel like yourself enough to do that " he smiled, setting me down on my own two feet.

" Lets go, we're gonna miss our flight " I muttered.

" Yeah, cuz I know you just can't wait to get home "

" Whatever, you know your excited to get to training again "

" Only because I'm stronger now, and you get to go with me " he grinned.

" I don't think we should train together " I said, waiting to see his response. He narrowed his eyes at me, then looked me up and down.

" You're right " he said surprising me. " You're too much of a distraction to get any work done. "

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