Chapter Eight

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Stupid Cross. Stupid mate and that stupid fluttering feeling I have everytime I see him, which alot lately because Jace has him around all the time. He seems to trust him a lot more then he should for a new member. I didn't get it. He doesn't trust his best friend any more but he'll trust this new rogue that's only been here for a week? That makes alot of sense. 

I chopped up some vegtables and threw them into the fryer. Jace wanted to have a good dinner for me, him, Ronny, and Cross for some god awful reason and since I'm the only one out of the four of us that can cook, I got appointed the job. 

I threw seasoning into it angrily. He gives me mixed messages that I cannot stand. One day he's telling me to stay away form him, the next he's telling me we need to talk about US. Whatever that means. It's one way or the other. I don't get him. I don't get why he even came here. It's not like we exactly need more members, I think our pack is perfect. But no, Jace wants to have more fighters in case Alexander decides to attack again. Whatever to that too. We can handle ourselves. 

I put the meat into the oven, coating it with a glaze. I was so mad! And now he has the room right across from mine and for some reason he likes to come out of his room right when I do and he ALWAYS lets me go first so he can walk behind me. It's just ridiculous. I can't stand it. I can't stand him. I don't know why I had to be matched up with him, but we are not a good pair. 

After a while the ham was done and so was everything else and I had some of the little kids help set the  table as I brought the food out and put on the table. I then went to get Jace, Ronny and Cross. They were all sitting in Jace's office, not really talking, just sitting there waiting.

" Dinner's ready. " I muttered, angrily. Why did I have to make the dinner? Yes, I'm a good cook, but that doesn't mean I like to cook. Especially not for my ungrateful, uncaring, jerk of a mate.

I followed them out, that way I could see where Cross was sitting and then sit myself. I don't want to sit anywhere near him, which is kind of a lie, but I don't care.  I do not want to sit near him. Being near him distracts me. And right now, when I'm dining with my alpha and bestfriend, I do not need to be distracted. 

Cross sat down near Jace, and I sat further down the table, so I wasn't very close. He rolled his eyes at me and smirked and Jace cleared his throat. 

" Okay, I called this meeting technically, for us because I have some things I need to discuss with you both. " Jace started. I looked at him. He looked nervous, like he didn't know how to go on. I was kind of nervous too because who knows what Jace is going to come out with saying. 

" Spit it out Jace. " I snapped. 

He raised an eyebrow at me, but continued. " I'm making Cross the Second in command. " he said quickly. I felt my eyes go wide with disbelief. 

" Are you serious right now?! You're giving MY position to this new guy that you know nothing about?! " I yelled, standing up. This is the last straw. Who does that? It's not like I did anything wrong. I do my job. I do everything I'm suppost to that Kaden never did. I work hard. 

" It's nothing against you Em. I swear it's not. It's just he has more exprience and he can fight. No offence but you aren't the toughest wolf in the pack. " 

I felt my cheeks heat up. What a douche! " I can't believe this is happening right now. What do you want me to do Jace? Go kill someone so I can be Second? Am just nothing now? " 

" No, you're third again. I just want you to get some fighting training. I know you never went when our parents were in charge. But you need it. "

" I handled myself perfectly fine in the battle against Alexanders pack. " I snapped.

" I know, but your skill isn't the best. " 

" Um, " Cross said cutting into our little spat. " I'll train her. It's not problem to me. " 

I glared over at him then looked at Jace, shaking my head definantly. 

" That is a great idea. If you're going to learn, might as well learn from the best. When can you start? " Jace asked. I looked at Ronny, trying to get her to help me out here. She knows the situation. She just smiled and nodded like this was the perfect thing for us.

" I don't think this is a good idea. At all. " I snapped. They didn't even ask my thoughts on this.

" Why not? You two can get to know eachother and then there won't be so much tension. " Jace said. 

" Because. We just don't get along. " I got out.

" Learn to. Cross, when can you two start? "

Cross looked at me, then looked back at Jace. " As soon as possible is fine. " 

" Perfect. " Jace said, digging into his food. " This is really good Emily. " he added smiling up at me. I glared at him and accidently broke my cup. Why is he doing this to me? I have done nothing but been good to him for forever. Since we all started being friends I always did what he told me to do. But this is taking it too far. I'm doing this. If I lose my command as third then that's fine, but there is no way I'm training with my jerk of a mate. No way. 


After dinner I had to leave and go to town to make a phone call. I wasn't sure where exactly there was a pay phone but my boss told me to make calls from an outside line so we weren't caught. I drove around for a while until finally I decided to just go into a restuarant and ask to use a private phone. The people weren't werewolves, so I wasn't worried about being snitched on.

I dialed the number he gave me quickly and waited as it rang.

" Hello. " 

" Hey, it's Cross. Alexander there? " 

" One second please. " 

I waited for a few seconds actually before he finally came onto the phone. " Cross. Do you have any news for me? "

I rolled my eyes. He told me to call as soon as I had news about Jace's pack. This guy really must be stupid. " He's made me Second, so he trusts me now. And I have to train the Third. " I couldn't say her name. Not outloud. I'm not only betraying Jace, who I actually don't mind, but also my mate and she's going to hate me after everything is said and done. That's why I told her to stay away from me, but I'm having a hard time sticking to staying away from her. She's so beautiful and accomplished. Being Second before me is pretty amazing. But I know she hates me being around there. I just can't leave yet. I have a job to do and my little sister isn't going to be free unless I do what I need to.

" That's great. Are you going to kill the third? I know she's a pretty little thing, but she's sneaky. " He said.  I had to keep a growl back. 

" No, I'm not going to kill her. There's no need to. " I snapped. Okay, yeah, killing people for money is technically my job, but there was no way I was going to physically hurt Emily. I know emotionally I am, but I can't help that. If I could, I wouldn't be doing this, but my sisters life is on the line and she's the only family I have left. 

" Well, you're the expert so do what you need to. By the way, when are you going to get Jace somewhere that I can take him out? I'm getting impatient. "

" I have to get him to trust me more, Alexander. This stuff takes time, so why don't you get patient because it's not going to be tomorrow or the next day or next. " I snapped. 

" Whoa, Cross, now Krista is here, in the basement waiting for you to get this done so she isn't murdered. I could just speed that up if you want me to. "

" Give me a little more time. " I snapped. 

" Not more then a month. Got it? " 

" Yeah, I got it. " I hung up and got out of that place. I was pissed. I ran my hands through my hair. I can't believe I got my little sister into this mess because I found Emily. Now look what we have to do. We were only suppost to be passing through and now she sitting there waiting for me and I'm not concentration on what I really have to do because Emily is there. I didn't even know she was in this pack and now I have to get rid of her alpha, her friend and she's going to hate me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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