Strain without desire (Yata...

By Akira_Soul_Energy

3.2K 135 21

After K: return of kings everybody lost their powers. What if there is a strain that somehow kept her abiliti... More

Chapter 1: Unbelievable
Chapter 2: Beanie & glasses
Chapter 3: Just a little jealous

Chapter 4: Red

763 36 11
By Akira_Soul_Energy

~Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Your POV

You where some meters away from Yata and Fushimi. I'm really pissed off, Izumo insisted that I meet the blue king. I growled a little by the thought of meeting him, I bet he's annoying well that's what the red king told me before I left. I walked over to Yata and Fushimi as Fushimi was talking to a woman with a scepter 4 uniform, "Munakata is waiting in his office," she stated, "Okay," Fushimi grunted. Fushimi and Yata walked towards the front door as I followed. I looked in the corners of my eyes at the woman as she watched my every step. I sent death glares to her but it seemed that she didn't care. Fushimi knocked on the door of the blue king, "Come in," a voice spoke. I followed the boys into the office as the blue king sat behind his desk with a puzzle and a smirk placed on his face, "So I assume you're (Y/N)," he spoke, "No, I'm just the pizza delivery," I joked. Reisi's smile disappeared as he let out a sigh, "I'm Reisi Munakata, the blue king," he stated, "I didn't know that, even though it's Reisi Munakata's office," I sneered. I may be harsh on him but what the hell, I don't really care, "Yata, come," I spoke and dragged him out of Munakata's office.

Yata's POV

She dragged me outside scepter 4 and brought me to the park, "Why are we here?" I asked her. She giggled and looked at the sky, "Because Reisi pissed me off and being with you makes me happy plus the view is really nice here," she explained. I felt heat risen in my cheeks and quickly looked away so she wouldn't see me blushing, "Yata, I heard from Fushimi that you can't talk to ladies," she said, "No, not true, lie lie!" I yelled. She chuckled and tried to hold back her laughter, "What's so damn funny?" I angrily asked her, "You're just cute when you're angry, little hothead," she spoke, "Don't use the word little nor hothead," I grunted. "I bet you never had a girlfriend, am I right?" she spoke. I looked confusedly at her and didn't knew what to answer, "Does that matter?" I barked. She laughed and looked in my eyes, "I knew it," she said in between laughter, "You're annoying," I mumbled. I looked away from her and just hoped she would stop laughing. She suddenly grabbed me by the collar and pushed me towards her. She captured my lips, I kissed back but of course was confused and in shock by the sudden move. She pulled back and had a huge smirk placed on her face, "Mi~sa~ki I just stole your first kiss," she smirked, "W-W-Why do you c-call me t-that?," I stuttered, "Learned form Saruhiko," she explained. I bet my face is red like a tomato, "Anyway let's get to the point," she spoke. I confusedly looked at her and waited for her to continue, "Do you want to be my boyfriend, Misaki?" she asked me. I gasped, even though I could have expected that, "O-Of course," I stuttered. She smiled widely, "Let's go back to Homra," I proposed. She nodded and followed me back to the bar.

Your POV

On our way to the bar I saw Yata blush, "Why are you blushing?" I asked him. He turned to me and his blush seem to become a deeper red, "I-I-I love y-you," he stuttered. I smiled and spoke, "I love you too," he smiled back and I grabbed him collar again and kissed him. This time he didn't seem to be in such shock and kissed back.

"Yata Misaki," I thought of name again and again, "Now that I think of it where have I heard it before?" I asked myself.

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