Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me βœ“

By LonimiMeseko

8.1M 238K 233K

"So this was all just a game to you . . .this whole time, you pretended to like me in order to humiliate me i... More

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me
[ 1 ] So much for eating those tacos
[ 2 ] I am not the one to blame
[ 3 ] I should've known better
[ 4 ] Expectations vs. Reality
[ 5 ] This is going to be a long senior year
[ 6 ] So not how I had pictured my swagger walk
[ 7 ] You could cut our tension with a knife
[ 8 ] Operation sneak out of the house is on the roll
[ 9 ] Thank God I wore a black dress to the party
[ 10 ] Girlfight?
[ 11 ] One big soap opera coming to life
[ 12 ] Running away is what I usually do best
[ 13 ] I am doomed
[ 14 ] Unfinished Business
[ 15 ] The Sidam Touch
[ 16 ] You can't talk some sense into a senseless person
[ 17 ] Drunken words are sober thoughts
[ 18 ] Double-crossed Part One
[ 19 ] Double-crossed Part Two
[ 20 ] Mom of the year? I think not
[ 21 ] Halloween Night
[ 22 ] War has been declared
[ 23 ] I'll pick you up at six
[ 25 ] Birds of a feather flock together
[ 26 ] Revelations
[ 27 ] A B A P
[ 28 ] I n t e r m i s s i o n
[ 29 ] Monday, you're going to profess your undying love for me?
[ 30 ] Safe? The irony
[ 31 ] I'll officially walk out of your life
[ 32 ] New Year's Eve
[ 33 ] The Camp Trip - Part One
[ 34 ] The Camp Trip - Part Two
[ 35 ] Trouble in Paradise
[ 36 ] Boys vs. Girls
[ 37 ] Leave it to you guys to make me the third wheel
[ 38 ] The End
[ 39 ] DEAN - 1st Bonus Chapter
[ 40 ] ANTHONY - 2nd Bonus Chapter

[ 24 ] After 200 years . . . it was about time

183K 5.5K 8.5K
By LonimiMeseko

Dedicated to @CuteyCakess  for the gorgeous banner above. 

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T W E N T Y   F O U R  

I guess history is repeating itself.

Is having some peace for one day too much to ask?

As usual, Stacey manages to get inside my head in order to provoke me. The last time I rebuffed her plea to stay away from Anthony, she let me know that she had things left in store for me at Evangelina's party.

My ignorance resulted to her spilling her punch juice on my dress. She is definitely up to something bad and it'll be wise not to let her words slide.

Regardless of the innumerable chitter chatters and fingers pointing directed at me in the hallway, I maneuver myself in front of Stacey making her rear backwards.

"What the hell did you mean by that?" I demand in a moment of impatience.

She regards me patronizingly. "You're smart enough, figure it out."

I block her path as she attempts to stride to the other direction. "Stacey, I'm honestly getting tired of all your snide comments. If you want to make a point across then assure that it makes sense dammit."

She rolls her eyes before signing in defeat. "Fine since I enjoy tormenting you, might as well tell you.

"Evangelina has a thing for Noel, I mean it's pretty obvious – "

"Is that what she told you?" I interject, not believing her statement for a second.

Her face contorts with annoyance. "If you want me to explain what I meant earlier, don't interrupt me."

I fold my arms across my chest and choose to let her finish.

"You two have become friends lately. I know it, you know it, hell...everyone knows it. The fact that you're acting like you're oblivious of her crush on Noel is pretty fake to me. I'm sure she's going to screw you over in the end for going after the guy she likes.

"And once the story unfolds, I'll just be here to witness the whole thing with a bag of popcorn." she discloses brutally but I don't miss the hint of amusement evading her tone.

Vexed, I purse my lips. "You mean like the way you screwed me over back when we were best friends?"

Her nose crinkles. "See that's the thing, we were never best friends to begin with Emery. Sure we were friends, I'll admit that. But just so we're clear, you and I were never best friends. The thing about you is that once you become friends with someone, you get so attached to that person that you instantly categorize him or her as your best friend. First you did it with Anthony, me..."

She pauses for a few seconds before continuing. Her upcoming words cut deep.

"But have you ever stopped to think that the feeling might just not be mutual?"

A cruel chuckle escapes her throat before she takes retreating footsteps and I don't do anything to stop her. By the time she's formed a distance from me, I throw a glance over my shoulders to meet her gaze.

"I wouldn't get so attached to Evangelina if I were you." That's the last thing she tells me before heading to the opposite direction.

As I watch her retreating back, I can't help but think that she somewhat has a point. As much as I hate to admit it, I've always been quick to befriend people without thoroughly getting to know them first.

And look where that got me...

I always thought that I could rely on people but after contemplating Stacey's words, I realize that the only person I can rely on is myself.

Even if I have friends, it doesn't change the fact that I'm truly on my own and I'm the only person who can defend myself.

Getting attached to someone who can potentially betray you is hurtful a hell.

Evangelina genuinely seems to be nice... then again, is it all a show?

I don't want to doubt her loyalty for a second but I don't want to be naïve either. If she turns out to be the person Stacey claims her to be, it'll hurt me to the core.

Out of all the people I've met here, she's one of the few sane people I've acquainted with in this school. I guess I know what I'm going to have to do next...

I'll need to ask whether she likes Noel or not. If it turns out that she does, then I'll simply end things with him. In order to avoid all the drama and to secure my friendship with her, it must be done.

Albeit, what if Stacey was just trying to get inside my head?


Why can't a thing around here roll smoothly for once?

"Is it safe to talk to you or do you still want to be left alone?" a familiar voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

My eyes land on Natalie before rearranging my features to a blank look. After the Halloween party last Saturday night, we didn't even make the effort to communicate. Natalie chose to stay by Aaliyah's side and she hasn't attempted to talk until now.

Deep now, I know I can't really blame her for choosing to be on Aaliyah's side. I mean I straight up left a few years back and while I was gone, Aaliyah and Natalie were all they'd got.

Even if we exchanged messages and kept in touch, I wasn't there through their hardships.

A corner of her lips slightly lifts. "So you and Noel uh?"

It takes me a few seconds to comprehend her question.

"I don't really know where we stand at the moment."

Natalie's reaction is plain disbelief. "Please, he practically did a public display of affection for the entire school to see, which I might add is very unlikely of him to kiss a girl in front of the entire school. If anything, I'm pretty sure the kiss for him symbolizes the start of a beautiful relationship."

A lopsided grin creeps onto my face but it instantly vanishes, once Stacey's words come back to taunt me.

Evangelina has a thing for Noel.

A moment of silence surfaces between us.

"Look Em," she begins smoothly. "it pains me to see that my two best friends are not on speaking terms. I know you're mad at me but at least for my sake, don't throw away our years of friendship.

"Aaliyah can be stubborn sometimes and she won't admit to herself that she misses you but we both know deep down, she truly does."

I purse my lips. "The mistake I made was thinking that I could depend on my friends to defend me when I'm being attacked. So I guess, I have myself to blame in terms of raising the expectation I had of you guys. Right now, I'm just really hurt."

Natalie's forehead creases. "Emery, come on that's not can't just cut us off. I admit that we should've defended you all right? I'm sorry for not coming to your defence. Is that what you want to hear? But please don't let this issue tear us apart, we can get through this."

As she attempts to convince me in turning over a new leaf, a tear that is unable to hold back silently falls down my cheek.

Natalie and Aaliyah mean the world to me but with how things have transpired, I just think we need a break from each other. The way the latter didn't even hesitate to conclude the friendship we had really made me cry for days.

What hurt the most was how she demonstrated that a guy came before her friends.

"I think..." I trail off. "We need some time to figure things out on our own."

It feels like I'm reaping to shreds, saying those words.

A despondent look transforms her face. "I thought you didn't mean anything you said on Saturday due to your traumatized state. You're really doing this?"

"I know that you and I can get passed this but as for Aaliayah, not so much."

She sighs in a moment of discouragement. "I can't get stuck in the middle of two fighting friends, I just can – "

"Everyone, a fight is taking place. You guys do not want to miss this." We're suddenly interrupted by a random voice grabbing the attention of Roosevelt students. In synchronization, Natalie and I rotate our head to identify the source.

Some random blonde guy keeps spreading the announcement through the hallway. Anticipation and excitement is written all over the majority of students' faces.

A hustle and bustle takes place, loads of people rushing over to the other direction to so everyone can be a bystander.

Natalie and I are unflustered at the revelation. Nevertheless, we join the throng of people who are sprinting like their lives depend on it.

"What the hell is going on?" Natalie's question doesn't strike a response from me since I'm just as puzzled as she is. By the time we join the innumerable group of people gathered around the fight scene, I gasp in terror once I recognize the two opponents.

People's eyes are glued to the scene like they're in a movie theatre and neither of them attempts to put an end to the altercation. Everyone continues to chant while a dozen of punches are exchanged between Noel and Dean. It feels like I'm witnessing a boxing match as Dean who's succumbed to outrage, gives his opponent a fast roundhouse of kick in the ribs.

Unlike their previous fight scene during the night of the bonfire, Noel manages to have the upper hand in seconds as he dodges Dean's powerful strikes before retaliating with his fist colliding with to Dean's nose, immediately sending him to the ground.

He unsteadily arises from the ground before preparing to attack.

While the crowd goes completely wild, Natalie and I on the other hand are frozen on our spot. The fight is just so terror-stricken.

How did they end from buddies at the beginning of the semester to enemies? I just don't understand what caused this fight to happen. I thought that they would've let bygones be bygones and become friends again.

Apparently, their growing hatred for each other has been displayed for the entire school to see like never before. I spot Anthony and Luke's approaching figures as they shove people to the side before they obstruct the fight.

Anthony launches himself toward Dean while Luke uses the same technique with Noel. They both halt Noel and Dean from making any advances towards each other.

"Are you guys insane?" Luke hollers, causing the crowd to befall in hush. He throws Dean a glance as he still attempts to block Noel's path. "Dean, you know you can't afford to get in a fight within school property man. We're playing against the BlackLions soon and the team can't afford to lose their best shooters. Need I remind you that they are our biggest competitors?"

Anthony pipes in. "If the principal sees this, you're both going to get expelled. People are depending on us to win the match Dean. Why don't you sissies set aside your differences and get your shit together?"

Dean doesn't take their warning into consideration with blood flowing down his nostril. He throws Noel a look of indignation as he tries to hover Anthony but to no avail. "You piece of shit, if you don't tell her what's really going on, I will."

My forehead scrunches.

What the hell are they talking about?

Noel wears an arrogant look, breathing erratically. It really seems like they've been at it for some time now.

He suddenly spits blood on the floor before saying, "You're a fuckin' pussy. Going to the extent of threatening me just because you can't stand the sight of the two of us? It kills you to see that she's moving on?

"Newsflash: I'm still going to kiss her and there's nothing you can do about it."

Before I can even blink, Dean outsmarts Anthony by bolting to Noel's direction. Everything happens so fast that the next thing I see is the two of them wrestling on the ground. The witnesses revert to their chants.




My heartbeat accelerates as I gape at the scene. I want to stop them but I find myself unable to make a move. As Luke and Anthony try to break them off, all I can think about is how Dean always initiates his fights. I'm pretty sure he's the one who provoked Noel in the first place.

"Who is fighting within school property?" the strict tone of a teacher hushes the voice of many. Both guys freeze after hearing his voice before they break the contact and arise in unison. Luke and Anthony cuss under their breaths as they wear a look of frustration on their faces.

Once the teacher arrives at the centre of the fight scene, his face contorts to a menacing glare as soon as his eyes spot the fighters.

"Violence goes against this schools policies and regulations." He begins belligerently. "Both of you get up now. You're both acting like five year olds whereas you're heading to collage in a couple of months, bunch of pathetic jocks."

"Mr. Dawson will be waiting for you at his office." He motions them to head to principal's office right away. Both whose faces are pretty battered; make their way to said destination. Dean doesn't make eye contact with anyone as he trudges. Noel is unrecognizable as he wears an incensed expression and it's not a look I'm used too.

My face has worried written all over it once we hold each other's gaze. The eye contact breaks three seconds later. I wish I could accompany him to the nurse's office after his meeting with the principal but even if I could, based on his demeanour I don't even think he would've wanted some company.

My nostrils flare as I clench my fists. This is happening all because of him.

The teacher subsequently shoos the crowd away and threatens to give everyone a detention if we arrive late to class. With barely a minute left to spare before the beginning of third period, everyone rushes to their respected sessions with no time to collect their textbooks.

The one thing that Natalie tells me before we part ways is;

"You do realize that they were fighting over you right?"

I pay no heed to her words and make my way to class.

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It felt like Physics lasted a decade. It's funny how when you want time to operate faster, it ticks slowly like never before. But when you want time to operate slowly, it ticks faster like never before.

Throughout the period, it was challenging to concentrate considering my mind kept drifting off to the fight that transpired earlier. After class is dismissed, I make a beeline to the school's courtyard to meet up with Anthony to discuss a project arrangement.

Last week, our chemistry teacher assigned us with a laboratory report that is due Friday this week meaning; we only have two days to complete the assignment. We barely had time to consult the other in relation to the project due to Anthony's busy practice schedule.

By the time I arrive at the courtyard, I spot Anthony's figure from a distance and head his way. He's standing next to a tree as he chats with Dean who's sat under the tree.

My insides rage once my eyes dart to him. I'm extremely fed up with how he's always throwing punches at Noel and he thinks he can get away with it. And I'm going to let him know just how I feel.

Anthony acknowledges my presence before he squeezes his eyes shut, and I knit my eyebrows in confusion.

Is he that unhappy to see me?

I voice my thoughts once I'm in his earshot.

Anthony shakes his head in response. "No it's just. . . I would have preferred it if you waited for me at your locker."

"What difference does it make?" the question is left unanswered.

There's a strained silence before I decide to speak. "I just wanted to know if we could meet up tomorrow after school for the chemistry project."

His mouth sets in a hard line. "Ooh, no can do Em. There's this annual basketball appreciation party taking place at Dean's. All the athletes and cheerleaders are gonna be there."

Of course, how could I forget about the famous ABAP?

Every year, the annual appreciation party is held at the houses of different parents whose sons are in the school's basketball team. The purpose is to gather around the Red-hawks (Roosevelt's High basketball team) and celebrate their achievements and excellence. Of course, with this annual party comes the word chic, which entails that everyone is to dress sophisticatedly for the event.

Before I can open my mouth to speak, he interjects. "We could finish the project after school tonight at my house if that's convenient for you."

I nod my head in approval. "Sounds fine."

"Sorry Em," Anthony starts off in a sympathetic tone. "You know I usually would invite you to these events but it's a basket ball thing ya know?"

The annual basketball appreciation party never interested me to begin with so I don't even know why he's finding the need to apologize.

It's in that moment; I choose to regard Dean, a dejected look colouring his face.

"What the hell did Noel ever do to you?" I yell as I march up to him. "You're so fuckin' pathetic Dean, I hope for your sake that you got expelled."

Anthony halts me from making any advances towards Dean. "Emery, just walk away please. You don't want to do this right now."

"Why are you defending him exactly? Why are you on his side?" Anthony just sighs in response before replying with one of the stupidest answer in history.

"I have my reasons."

Dean who's been silent for the most part finally speaks up. "Just ignore it dude, it'll go away."

By this time I'm pretty sure that he's reenacted my ticking time bomb. "You seriously make me sick, it's like every time I think you're taking two steps forward to become a better person, you end up taking ten steps backwards."

An apathetic look dominates his features. "How did you even get here? Did someone leave your cage opened?"

All I want to do at this point is skin him alive but of course Anthony's restricting my movements.

"Emery," Anthony pleads, "Just walk away. He's just saying those things to purposely hurt you."

"And I hope it's working." Dean sneers.

I maneuver around Anthony just in time to come to an abrupt halt in front of Dean. He arises from the ground to intimidate me. "I'm so jealous of the people who haven't met you. Honestly, you act like you're this cold and uncaring guy, fooling everyone with your false personality but you don't have me fooled. What happened to the guy who saved me that night?

"One second you're completely sweet and the next..." I don't summon up the courage to finish my sentence but regain the courage to say;

"I hate you Dean. .  . I'm done with you."

Dean just releases a depraved snort. "Believe me, I was done with you the minute you decided to kiss him, for the whole world to see."

All the emotions I have find a way to express themselves through my eyes but they don't fall. "But how the hell should that affect you in any way? You don't have a claim on me so last time I checked, it shouldn't bother you."

The next words that escape his lips, completely take Anthony and I aback. Neither of us are prepared to hear what he's about to say next.

"WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT I'M JEALOUS. Would that stop you from seeing him?" He practically shouts the words.

Dean's face reddens afterwards and all I do is stare at him in complete shock.

Did he just admit to being jealous?

"Finally, after 200 years. . .it was about time dude." Anthony comments to ruin the moment, like he always does.

Dean and I hold each other's gaze for a while before he's the first to break the contact and exhales deeply. "That's what I thought."

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Poor Em, Dean just made things a whole lot complicated.

Who thinks Dean deserves a second chance?

Who do you guys ship more #Nomery (Noel & Emery) or #Nona (Noel & Evangelina) ?

Guys, I want to come up with a name for the fans of fmtsom. Ex: Foolers, Shamers...  

Suggest Here ------->

I've gotten so many covers for my story over the past few weeks. All of them are incredibly beautiful so I've decided to post every one of them made by extremely talented users. Hit them up if you want a book cover for your stories.

This beautiful cover was made by @samaraoverboard  Tysm :)

Made by @crybabylea. It's so gorgeous, thank you so much.

And last but not least, @AStoryWorthTellingfor the stunning bc above tysm. 

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