Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

189K 1.2K 172

Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
Dreams or Visions
Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
Angels Wings
Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

Back to New York

4K 25 3
By ScriptStories13


Back to New York.

Back to New York. Sigh. Back to feeling like im living in a cage being circled by a blood thirsty shark. Back to hell.

We'd bid a teary eyed - on my behalf- farewell to my family standing out-front Lyla didn't forget to warn me one last time I convinced her 10 times after our talk 5 times before bed and 5 times the next morning but even though I told her id be fine I had Leon.

But even I doubted myself I couldn't help the little bit of doubt deep inside I just had that feeling something was going to happen.
She obviously knew too but was keeping quiet, I wondered if she like me and mother had the ability to see into the past and future, was she a clairvoyant/ psychic but was keeping it from me.

If so. Why?

In the taxi to the airport I faught to stay awake with my head lent on his shoulder after a rough night of no sleep, and no it's not because of Leon but because of what id seen the last time I slept. The dream didn't stop replaying in my head even with leons touch it never dimmed from my mind. Not the gore not the screams.

Im getting a taste of the cursed side of my ability. As Lyla would say.

Sitting on the plane in my seat with Leon beside me I cringed at the thought. My eyes felt dry and droopy. I was so dead tired but I made myself stay awake.

My hand laced with his I jerked as he squeezed lightly averting my eyes from the puffy white clouds stretching endlessly on the sea of blue so peaceful so quiet, unlike my life I looked to him.

He smiled but I noticed the concern behind it but not because of my hand lying in my lap wrapped in white gauze. After he noticed my hand he acted like my mother would act he took off the bandage examined it himself obviously not trusting my judgment of it being fine and rewrapped it his way.
And after that hed ask me how it was I think a total of 25 times, till he got the hint.
I wanted to kick myself for being so stupid and hurting myself I never have a had a bad temper but seeing my vision imagining the pain and suffering made my blood boil. It pushed me over the edge and brought out this other side of me Id never seen.

"Are you sure you're okay?" his thumb ran over my knuckles tenderly almost relaxing me.

I nodded mastering up a small smile to assure him. "Peachy"

"Your lying. I already told you I know when you're lying" he frowns.

"Im not lying" I denied even though I knew that he knew that that was a lie.

He chuckles "Yes. Yes you are, you heart skips a little every time you lie"

I pull my hand from his crossing my arms looking forward at the back of the head in front of us glaring and pouting. It wasn't fair he could tell when I was lying and I couldn't tell when he was. And im also part vampire I should have that super hearing, but nooo I don't. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't.

"Please" he pulled on my arm pulling my hand free and forcefully linking it with his. As stubborn as a child I laugh in my head. "Please don't be mad with me, im just worried."

sighing I slunk back into my seat closing my eyes for a moment. "I know. Im just tired is all"

"I know you didn't sleep last night. Are you feeling sick?" he felt my forehead.


"then what's up? You can tell me"

"it's nothing"

"obviously not since you're not sleeping and you're tense. Seriously what's wrong"

letting my eyes open I locked them with his "its nothing, really. Im just tired."

"Fine. When your ready to talk about it let me no." I felt bad as I watched him look away clearly annoyed and a little hurt by my rejection.
But this was his best friend and my mother it wasn't exactly the best conversation to have on a plane in public. And to me at the moment the subject felt too taboo. Too sensitive to talk about aloud, even though they say it's healthier to talk about it rather then keep it bottled in, I chose to be quiet. For now. It was way too fresh in my mind.

after a long flight we landed the whole plane ride was silent we didn't talk after that but we did still hold hands and hed give me the occasional worried glance thinking I didn't notice because I was so busy looking out the window but I saw him in the corner of my eye.

"Welcome to New York have a nice day" the lady at the door said as we walked out of the plane on our way to our luggage.

Walking into his apartment I slipped off my shoes, black pumps I held them in one hand heading for the stairs towards my bedroom. While Leon locked the front door unset the alarm and started a fire.

I fell back onto my bed after putting my suitcase aside and stare up at the ceiling with the modern chandelier hanging down. It was silver with little crystals.

After awhile the bed dipped beside me and my hair was swept aside from my face his hand lingered on my neck. "You sure you're okay" he pressed again.

I nodded wordlessly answering feeling to tired to form words I could feel my body slowly giving in and my mind soon following right behind I could fight much longer, I need sleep.

I felt his lips press against the nape of my neck just as my eyes drew closed. Traveling with soft kissed up to my ear he nibbled on the lobe all the while his hands traveled from my waist up brushing over my chest and cupping my face either side.

All tired thoughts vanished I began to wake with his touch every press and glide of his finger tips which danced cross my skin waking my senses with every second, this was good I had to remind my self to thank him later.
His lips captured mine softly distracted I lift my arms wrapping them round his neck pulling him onto me kissing back roughly our lips molded together.

"Mm it's just us now. No family" he hinted smiling into the kiss.

Giggling when his hands trailed up my back under my shirt and back down.
"Something tells me you've been waiting for this"

"no!" he said sarcastically waving his hand dismissively with a devilish grin. His blue eyes smoldering under his gaze I slightly squirmed feeling self conscious blushing even though wed done this more than once I still get nervous and giddy.

"Sleep in my bed tonight." He suddenly asked "now that we're official"

I nodded biting my lip, it did seem abit fast to be living here and now sleeping in the same bed but I weighed my options either sleep alone and be scared of not only my dreams but the fact that now im back in New York back phoenix could easily sneak in my window and attack me while I sleep, and I mean attack in either way.

So lost in thought, something im commonly doing these days, I felt my self suddenly being lifted into the air. Leon slung me over his shoulder now standing and began to walk out the room laughing at my startled scream. Dragging my luggage and me over his shoulder he walked out of the room "what are you doing?" I yelped watching the floor boards move bellow me like watching the white lines on the road while you're driving.

"Im taking you to my bed" he slapped my ass i yelped and in return slapping his rock hard ass. But I did more damage to my hand than his ass.

"What the hell is your ass prosthetic?"

suddenly without a word I was flung into the air I screamed feeling only air around me and only air to cling to but then I fell into a soft pile of pillows bouncing on top the black quilted king sized bed.

"No it's all me baby all me" he jumped onto the bed beside me sending me bouncing into the middle crushing into him giggling. Lifted his head from his face down position he smiled at me from the side.

Tucking a hair behind my ear he lent his top half over pressing his lips firmly to mine
a few seconds later we were tangled together above the sheets, my legs around his while he lay above me but not crushing me his arms resting on his elbows on either side of my head his fingers tangled in my wavy locks.

But then just every time I come here and we have a moment it's ruined by the echo of his front door being banged on. Grunting in annoyance swearing under his breath he reluctantly pulled away "I swear we get no peace" he grumbled I laughed covering it with a cough when he sent a playful glare but half serious one my way.

Getting up with his hand we walked out down the stairs and over to the constantly banged on big wooden front door.

Instead of peeping through the hole like I thought Leon would have being the ever so careful person he surprised me when he yanked it open.

Just when he was about to yell in or rudely greet the person who'd interrupted us his jaw snapped shut while mine fell to the floor.


making this quick :p

so haha its not even novemver and ive put up my tree :p eager beaver i havnt decorated it yet waiting til november hahha pathetic i no haha but whatever.

so tomorrows halloween in aus ... we dont really do much here afew trick or treats not much which sucks and my dads catholic and doesnt like it he says ' it belongs in america' 'its worshiping the devil' all that bs... no offense to catholics or christians. im not sure what he is hes either one. ive been to church but im not soley anything. but yer so yer happy halloween hope yall have a good one!

im not doing anything probably steal candy from the bowl haah.
anyways so yer this isnt a big chap ... left it a cliffy haha just u no wanted to put somethingup . hope its okay needing some feed back ppl. some love!

im getting back into writing :) yaaay. slowly though. sorry for the looong wait.

love yas

ohhh and im just gonna start randomly dedicating my chaps to my fans :) showing some love back :) thanks for everything guys and galls

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