
By cityofswift

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Her pack, her family. All gone. She gets captured by the very same pack that kills her loved ones. There she... More

Chapter 1 - Mate
Chapter 2 - He's not my mate
Chapter 3 - The Escape
Chapter 4 - Why
Chapter 5 - The Marking
Chapter 6 - The date with Austin
Chapter 7 - Heat
Chapter 8 - Death
Chapter 9 - Fainting
Chapter 10 - Us?
Chapter 11 - Just friends...
Chapter 12 - The tour
HELP - title ideas :)
Chapter 13 - Rogues
Chapter 14 - Love
Chapter 15 - Gemma
Chapter 17 - The Note
Chapter 18 - Attacked
Chapter 19 - The Vision
Chapter 20 - Discussion
Chapter 21 - Panama
Chapter 22 - The Light Dawn Pack
Chapter 23 - Taylor?
Chapter 24 - Grief

Chapter 16 - Witch

3K 106 5
By cityofswift

Brooke's POV

"Jace, who's Gemma? Jace, tell me who Gemma is!" I had to know. But the problem was that, he wasn't telling me. Not even a clue as to who she is. It was all like this big mystery I want to solve, but I had no lead at all. Needless to say, it was frustrating.

"We need to talk." He said. At first, I thought this sentence was directed at me, and I couldn't stop the smile that broke onto my face. But then when I looked again, I realized he was looking straight at Cayden, which meant he was most definitely not, talking to me.

Cayden nodded, yet seemed reluctant to go, as if he didn't want to talk, about that particular topic very much. He went anyway. I wanted to follow them, for I really wanted to find out about Gemma. But Jace had other plans for me. He looked at me, giving me a look that said, 'Don't you dare.' Me being the weak person I am, listened to him.

He looked at the servant that was standing at the door. "Bring her to Remy," he said, "She will know what to do." Okay. There were way too many people that I didn't know. First Gemma, then Remy.

I opened my mouth to protest against going, before Jace cut me off with a hard glare.

(A/N: Congrats to @honeekday for winning the 'competition'! )

The servant merely nodded, and walked away, gesturing for me to follow. She brought me to a large room, that I have never been in before. Looking at the sofas and television set, I guessed that we were in the living room.

"Stay here please, Luna, while I go get Remy." By the time I opened my mouth to ask who Remy was, the servant had already left the living room. I plopped myself on the sofa, making myself comfortable.

It wasn't long before somebody entered the room. The first thing I noticed was her hair. It was flaming red, and fell in waves against her back. The next thing I noticed, were her eyes. Blue, the same shade and colour as the sky.

She smiled at me, walked over, and sat down beside me. "Hi Brooke! I'm Remy Watson, but you can call me Remy. I'm Jace's sister. I'm 17, just a year younger than you. I'm also the pack's assassin. Cool, huh. Jace told me so much about you! We can totally be best friends. Oh, you are probably wondering what I'm doing here. Well, you see, Jace mind linked the whole pack, asking for somebody to look after you, with the rogues and Gemma and stuff. So I don't know, I just randomly decided to volunteer. It's gonna be so fun! I- "

"STOP." I had to stop her, or who knows when she'll stop rambling. Also, something about her 'speech' seemed off, but of course I didn't tell her that. Why would she randomly decided to volunteer? Doesn't she have, I don't know, assassin duties to do or something? I brushed that thought away. It was probably nothing.

"Sorry, I ramble when I'm excited." She genuinely looked apologetic.

"It's okay. I just wanted to ask you something." I truly did want to ask her something. Something that has been bugging me ever since just now.

"Yea, sure. What is it?" She asked.

"Who's Gemma?" Her eyes widened at my question.

"It's not in my place to tell you, and Jace wouldn't want me to tell you, in case you worry. I'm sorry, I really can't tell you. I would, if I could." I sighed. Why won't anybody tell me? This was so frustrating.

The only way to find out who Gemma was now, was to spy on Jace and Cayden. Unfortunately, that will be hard to do, because I have Remy here, watching my every move closely, like a hawk.

I knew exactly what I had to do. I always used the same plan, because it was easy and very effective. The plan was simple. It was distraction. That was how I distracted the guard and ran away, when I was held prisoner here.

"Remy? Can you please go make me a sandwich? I'm hungry, and I really need to use the washroom." I stared at her, with pleading eyes.

She narrowed her eyes at me, a little suspicious. She gave in, in the end.

"Fine, but don't go running anywhere. If I don't see you in five minutes, I'm going to find you, and tell Jace." She threatened sternly.

I murmured an 'okay' in response.

As soon as she was out of sight, I ran. Usually, I would've gotten lost in the huge house, but I didn't this time. It was easy. All I had to do, was follow the scent of my mate.

I ran, as fast as I could. I only had five minutes, before Remy came to look for me.

I followed the woodsy scent, then stopped in front of a brown, wooden door. This was where Jace and Cayden were. I could feel it. And I could hear their voices through the door, though they were in hushed whispers.

"I think she has something to do with the rogue attack." I recognized that as Jace's voice. I pressed my ear closer on the door and listened carefully.

"It could be two different things though." Cayden's voice, definitely.

"No, it's too coincidental."

"True, but why would Gemma work together with the rogues? She hates werewolves." Cayden growled at the last sentence.

"I don't know... But I don't like this. A witch working with a huge rogue pack? That surely can not be good."

As soon as those words left the lips of Jace, I nearly gasped in shock.


I've heard of them before. My father mentioned something vaguely about them years ago, when we were reading Hansel And Gretel together.

"Never trust a witch," he had said, "They're cunning, evil people. They will find ways to trick you, curse you or use you in some way that will benefit them. Be careful of witches, alright Brooke?"

This was bad. I didn't know who Gemma is or how Jace knows her, but I knew she was bad news.

Suddenly, my train of thought was interrupted by the door being flung open. I raised my head up, only to find Jace looking at me, pissed off. I cursed under my breath. He wasn't supposed to find me here.

Then I remembered that due to him being a werewolf and my mate, he had probably sniffed me out. How stupid was I, to forget that?

"Brooke. I told you not to come. Where is Remy? She should be looking after you." His voice was stern, and angry. I nearly bowed my head in submission at his tone of voice, but I resisted, and tried my best to act tough and strong.

"I don't need anybody to look after me. I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own. And I don't care what you say, I want to know who Gemma is!" I knew I was being stubborn. I didn't care anymore. I want to find out who Gemma is, now.


"NO I WILL NOT. YOU WILL TELL ME WHO GEMMA IS, RIGHT NOW!" I raised my voice a little. I knew what I was doing had to be the most stupid move ever. Talking back to an Alpha, isn't really the smartest choice.

"You don't need to know. I will take care of everything. There is nothing you have to worry about." With that, he left, leaving me no time to protest.

I groaned. I really wanted to find out who Gemma was. I hated being kept in suspense.

"He will tell you, you know. Not now, but soon." Cayden's voice rang through my ears, scaring me a little. I had forgotten he was there.

I sent him a small smile. "Thanks Cayden."

Then, I walked away, and joined Remy in the kitchen.


Sooooo.... Did you like it? :)

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Thanks so much for reading! I love you all :)

~Claudia xx

P.S. Congrats again to Remy (@honeekday) :))

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