Loki's Daughter

By can_i_just_not

89.7K 2.4K 846

Read and find out more! Loki's punishment is that his daughter is to be banished to live on earth. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 20

1.7K 63 14
By can_i_just_not

Chapter 20

We walk in and the Avengers are all assembled (Ha see what I did there!? Sorry couldn't help myself.) my dad wasn't in the room through so I figured they were going to break the news then he would come in to meet everyone.

"Hello everyone thanks for coming here on such short notice," Steve says always being so polite. "We wanted to get everyone together at once to announce that Luna would be leaving to Tony's house in California till this media stuff has blown over and there is something else we thought you should know since you work so closely with her."

"Wait is she still going to be able to work with the Smithsonian?" Booth asks.

"Yes we can set up links to the lab and I have the best equipment that will make it easier for her to help along with the cases. Also if she manages to get her suit fixed where it can fly long distance before this all blows over, for important cases she can always fly back and assist. It'd be loads quicker than flying in a jet back and forth when needed," Tony says giving me a look that said he doubted I would get it done as I've been working on that thing forever but keep getting distracted from finishing it.

"You know what Tony challenge fucking accepted. I'll have that suit finished within the two first weeks!" I say.

"Language Luna," My father reprimanded, as he walked into the room, but with a face and tone of voice that said he was clearly amused with me so I wasn't really in trouble.

"Wait a second, that's Loki! What's he doing here?" Booth said sounded very angry about seeing my father.

"Loki was found innocent of his crimes, his mind was being controlled just like Clint's was." Steve says cautiously.

"That still doesn't explain why he is here!"

"Loki is here to repent for what he has done, and to be with his daughter who has been banned from Asgard and is still currently banned," Thor replies.

"And who is his...Oh," Booth cuts off in the middle of what he was saying and turns to me in silence for a moment before asking, "Why are you banned from Asgard?"

"I was banned when my father returned from earth, Odin used that as punishment for my father along with his imprisonment," I say quietly not looking at them anymore for fear of seeing revulsion in the eyes of the only people outside of the Avengers I could call my friends.

"That's horrible sending a little girl out to fend for herself in a world she doesn't know!" Bones exclaims.

"That is how Odin works, he knew he was sending her here with no guarantee that she would be able to make it, he certainly didn't know that the Avengers would take her in and take care of her as they have. I am truly grateful and in their debt for their kindness to my daughter. He meant to use that to hurt me, which of course it did." My father says coming up behind me and laying a hand on my shoulder.

"That's horrible, and Odin is the king of your people? Why does your planet allow itself to be ruled by such a cruel man? In our society any time a ruler has done something excessively cruel or outstayed their welcome on their throne they are killed or forcefully removed from their throne in other ways. Why don't your people do the same?" Brennon asks.

"Because they saw no fault with what the Allfather commanded. They do not particularly like Loki, and they all see him as a criminal who deserves whatever punishment that Odin decides for him," Thor tells her solemnly.

"But to bring an innocent girl and send her away to what might be her death for the sins of her father is wrong."

"She is my daughter and she carries many of the same habits as me that are undesirable within our culture. They think she will end up making the same mistakes that I have." Loki says.

"I don't care what they think I have made a new and better home here, I'm accepted with the Avengers and I like it here." I say looking up at Booth and the others to see how they were reacting to everything.

Booth and Brennon had looks of outrage on their faces but from what I couldn't tell, it wasn't towards me or my father, most likely to Odin. The others had varying degrees of neutral and interested faces like they wanted to hear more. Sweets was very interested in hearing more I could tell. I wasn't surprised there really him being a shrink and all he probably would try and get me to start having sessions with him, might even try to rope my dad in to having some too.

"I would like for Luna and Loki too if he wouldn't mind to start having sessions with me, I think it would be very helpful," Sweats says. Bingo right on the money.

"Luna may do as she likes, but I will decline your invitation to speak with you," Dad says politely.

"I may thing upon it," I reply quietly.

"I think if I have to go for work she should too that's not fair that she gets a choice and I don't," Booth says like a little child.

"Shut up Booth, quit being a little baby," Brennon tells him.

"Just saying it's only fair," He mumbles back.

"Sir the food you ordered earlier has arrived," Jarvis announced to Tony.

"Ah great who wants Chinese?" Tony says rubbing his hands together, "you're all welcome to stay."

Everyone agrees to stay for dinner and Tony, Steve, and Clint go to get the food from downstairs. We all file into the kitchen; Natasha, Bruce, and Pepper sit at the bar with a spot for Tony and Clint; while me, my dad and the others sit at the table. My dad begins a conversation with Brennon and Sweets about the culture of Asgard.

Tony arrived and we dug into the food, the conversation turned happy when my dad started to embarrass me by reciting some of his favorite memories of me from my chikdhood.

"There was this time when Luna had decided she wanted to go to earth for her birthday. She wormed her way into going by going to Frigga first, she used to have the best puppy dog face in the world, then Frigga made sure she got to go. When we got there the whole Nazi thing was going on. She decided that she wanted to sneak into the lab where Tony's dad was working at the time, so of course we did. The first thing she did was go through his files and change everything. She insisted that it was wrong and she had to fix it. Well she did and look at you now, still here breathing." My dad said the last part to Steve.

"So wait Luna, is the one that came up with the super soldier serum?!" Booth exclaims.

"Well the serum was already there I just improved it. What he had down would have just made Steve really strong and fast. I made him way harder to kill and also made the effects permanent. The whole not aging thing was an accident." I say with a shrug.

"How old was you?" Tony buts in from across the room.

"About three? I think."

"Okay, that's amazing." Booth says looking at me in awe.

Dad launched into another story of when I stole Thor's hammer and used it to lock the weapons room closed from the inside. After dinner the others left and I finished packing a few things before going to bed. The next day I would be leaving for California.

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