Akatsuki One Shots

By kutekanimaa

2.2K 63 13

Satori x oc one shot More

The Beach

First Kiss

1.4K 28 5
By kutekanimaa


To say I was surprised was probably the understate of the year. I was baffled by the sight my eyes were taking in, and my jaw hung open slightly. My face immediately flushing with embarrassment. A quick 'I'm sorry' flew out of my mouth before I slammed the bathroom door shut.

I had just walked into my bathroom to find none other than Hidan. I had just seen him naked. I'd never felt so ashamed in my life! How had I not heard the water running? Why didn't I knock?..Hell, why wasn't the door locked?! And why was he in my room, he had a shower of his own. Damn bastard using up my hot water and destroying my innocence.

It was my bathroom after all, so I wasn't expecting someone to be occupying it. Especially him. That human sacrificing, religious freak. Not to mention he was a psychopath that loved pain, inflicting it on himself and others.

I'd been a member of the Akatsuki for about a year now. I was their personal medic. Not willingly of course, they had forced me in. Back in my village I was the best medic, so I went on many missions with my team. I just never would have expected that on one of those missions my team would be murdered, and I'd be abducted and forced to be a medic for a group of S-rank criminals. Oh and if you were wondering I actually get along quite well with Deidara. We have the whole being forced into the Akatsuki thing in common.

I wouldn't say that I "fit" in with the Akatsuki, but I get along with them fine, I guess. They were mostly off on missions, and when they weren't- they'd be in their rooms doing whatever criminals do in their free time. Every once in awhile one of them would come back from a mission and need some patching up. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. I have had a couple close calls with death around this place though. Sometimes we can all get sick of each other. Or all the time.

Hidan on the other hand was someone in the organization that I rarely talked to. On occasion I would get in a fight with him and it would go something like: "Jashin isn't real and I'm not a bitch so stop calling me that." Usually he'd just reply with another insulting come back, or I'd leave the room so I wouldn't have to listen to his annoying voice anymore. He wasn't exactly one of the quiet members. Actually all the members, expect for Hidan were quiet. Oh, besides Tobi. He was just as obnoxious as Hidan, but wasn't as vulgar.

When I really thought about it, there wasn't much to like about Hidan. He was a childish, rude, psychotic, perverted weirdo, that loved to swear and sacrifice people to his so called God Jashin. He fought and argued with just about everyone in the base too. Even going as far as disrespecting Leader-sama. I think it's his immortality that gives him such an ego.

But when you looked at Hidan's physical features, there was much more to like. He was very tall and lean, with muscles that could make a girl melt and at the same time, crush someone's skull. His silver hair was usually slicked back and very luscious looking. (I'd have to ask him what product he uses sometime.) His eyes were sharp, and an odd violet color. It was intriguing. Even though every other word that came out of his mouth was a swear, his voice was somewhat "sexy".

It was odd, cause just a year ago it was him, and his freaky partner Kakuzu who has slaughtered my team. They only really recognized me as some weak girl who had moderate medic skills. They could kill me in a second if they wanted to. But that hadn't been their mission apparently. Why is it so odd you might ask? Well that wad because I couldn't find it in me to hate Hidan, despite all the terrible things he'd done. He annoyed the ever living shit out of me and I have no clue how I dont despise him. He was just a good looking guy. On the other hand I was very average looking. I could not compare to hidan with my plain black hair that hung limply and my dull hazel eyes. I was also not blessed with the significant height that all the other Akatsuki members possessed l.

Coming back to the situation at hand, I backed away from the bathroom door, shocked and sat on the end of my bed. A moment after I heard the bathroom door open, and Hidan appeared in the door way. He had a towel wrapped around his waste, and he soaked silver hair was dripping wet, as he slicked it back.

Once again, my face was hot and I couldn't gather the courage to say anything. Hopefully if I stared at the ground hard enough he'd just leave. I was surprised when I heard him chuckle, and looked up to see him smirking.

"Like what ya fucking saw?" He asked.

My face was still flaming as I shouted "No way!"

"Hah, you don't gotta lie to me babe. How can you fucking not like this?" He gestured to all of him self. What an arrogant pig.

"I was shocked to see your ugly ass bathing in my bathroom! You have your own shower don't you? So what the hell were you doing in mine?" I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping to look intimidating. I most likely didn't.

I was cut off by his dark chuckling again. Then he began to walk towards me.

"You're pretty damn cute when you're angry, ya know?" Hidan told me with that shit eating grin of his. I can't believe he just said that.

"I don't care what I look like when I'm angry, so would you mind getting out of my room please?" Stay calm, I internally told myself. Because if I didn't I would probably pass out. I was nervous beyond belief, my heart was beating so loud and fast in my chest. I wondered if Hidan could hear it. It wouldn't have surprised me if he could.

Oh Jashin, when did he get this close? He was just on the other side of the room. I held my breath as he leaned his face close to mine. At the same time I leaned back.

"E-ever heard of this thing called personal space Hidan?" I stuttered

"Nope, what's that?" He practically purred in my ear. Suddenly he grabbed both my wrists and pushed me backwards, on to the bed all while hovering on top of me. I'd been trapped.

Gee I hope I don't shit my pants. In these types of situations I find it really hard to keep my mouth shuy.

"N-not my virginty, anything but my virginty please! I'm probably not even very good at sex. It wouldn't even be enjoyable or pleasing for you. Wouldn't you rather go sacrifice some innocent person instead? Burn and pillage some towns? We could even do that together, partners in crime! I'll do that with you, y-yeah that sounds better. You're good looking and all Hidan but really you don't want me-"

I was cut of when Hidan hastily pressed his lips to mine. Well this was nice. The warm, electric feeling only lasted a few more moments until Hidan pulled back. He'd released my wrists and stood up so he on me anymore. I was surprised that the kiss was so gentle, it's Hidan we're talking about here.

"Wha- what was that, you asshole!?" I yelled and stood up. Although it didn't make me appear any bigger because my head came up to about his shoulders. I also wasn't really expecting him to burst out laughing either.

"Y-you shoulda seen the look on your fucking face!" He laughed even more. My face was on fire with anger and embarrassment. I did the first thing that came to my mind, and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

He kneeled over appearing to be in pain, but let out a low moan proving that he had actually liked it. Damn it.

"Get out of my room!" I shouted again. His moan just added to my embarassment even more. I began to push him until we were right at the door.

"Alright alright, I'm fucking leaving." Hidan said, once he'd finally stoped laughing and realized how mad I was. Not that he really cared that he'd pissed me off. Just as he was leaving, and he poked his head through the door before I could close it and said "By the way you taste pretty good. Hope your first kiss wasn't that fucking bad." Smirking like the cheshire cat, he slipped out of the room.

I slammed the door with all the strength I could muster, and let out a scream of frustration. Why did he do that?! Why did he have kiss me? He'd sstolen something from me. I sat back on my bed, pouting and replaying the events that had just happened over in my head.

"That bastard. His dick was small anyways."


yo it's october of 2015 and i just edited this chapter, and i plan on editing the other's i've already posted. and then hopefully posting some more one shots. sorry for the long wait ya'll

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