iMessage » Matthew Daddario

By arianaftnamjoon

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❝Sweet like candy, but he's such a man...❞ Ariana: Scott??? I really hope I got it right this tim... More

:love yourself tag:


1.9K 61 7
By arianaftnamjoon

Playlist song(s): Superlove by Tinashe, Greedy by Ariana Grande, Work by Rihanna and Drake, Say It by Tory Lanez & Get On Your Knees bye Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande

Ariana had just done (pre) recording her appearance and interview on the Alan Carr Chatty Man late night talk show. She was there to promote her new music and upcoming album. She walked through the big halls of the building looking for her friends, family and Matt. She was accompanied by Daniel and they were both laughing about the fact that she embarrassed herself multiple times during their "spin the Chatty Man roulette wheel" game.

She was still wearing the onesie she was wearing during the whole interview because she loved being comfortable. Knowing Ariana, she would wear her onesie with her signature black high heels. When she finally found them a big smile appeared on her face because she saw Frankie and Matt laughing which made her so happy. Her brother and Matt were one of the most important people to her, so to see them becoming friends made her overjoyed.

"Hi baby" Matt said with a big smile on his face when he noticed that Ariana had entered the room. Ariana walked up to him and he wrapped his arms around her to hug her. He leaned his head down to kiss her forehead. He tilted his head to the side with a small smile on his face "I saw you having fun up there. I love to see how happy you always are, it makes me just as happy."

"Yeah I was, it was so much fun. I didn't like when one of the men said something sexual to me but other than that yeah it was nice." she rolled her eyes but then smiled back at him. He sighed "I know but be happy you don't have to stand next to him again." She closed her eyes and then scoffed "It's not like it's a big deal or anything, but it wasn't very appropriate." she shrugged her shoulders "Whatever I'm over it, let's talk about something else".

He shook his head and chuckled "Whatever you want baby." Her eyes widened "Oh yeah I forgot, I still have my onesie on. Let me get out of this real quick" he kissed the top of her head and let her go. Ariana grabbed a long black jumpsuit from her bag and went into another room to change.

Later that night they decided to go to a restaurant and to a club all together to have some fun. They had a nice evening that was filled with dumb jokes, red wine, weird laughs, anecdotes and life experiences. Ariana was sipping on her red wine as Scott and Brian were telling one of their hilarious infamous jokes. She was leaning against him when she grabbed her phone to see that she had tons of messages from their group chat.


*dangerous MATTRIANA shippers™*


*Domidick shared an image with dangerous MATTRIANA shippers™*

baby girl: lmao what did I miss

domidick: that boy is me, because I'm cool. and trendy.

the biggest shadows trash™ stan: sure dom.

señorita awesome: ^

domidick: I am!!!

the wizard: ^

domidick: see!!! Harry agrees with me

star wars bitch™: lol

the wizard: actually, I was agreeing with Isaiah his sarcasm

kitty kat: YEET

domidick: yikes NICE. good friend.

the wizard: haha NEXT.

baby girl: lmao

kitty kat: oh yeah!! you missed nothing special, we just spammed the gc with dumb and funny memes

the biggest shadows trash™ stan: including Matt's memes. since he is just the definition of meme.

star wars bitch™: as much as I love Matt, I have to disagree. Gavin is THE living meme.

señorita awesome: facts!!!!

baby girl: lmao Gavin?

domidick: OH god Ari doesn't know who Gavin is!

the wizard: how... do you not know... who Gavin is...

star wars bitch™:  oh lord

kitty kat: *gasps*

señorita awesome: how do you not know a Gavin? a living meme.

*señorita awesome shared an image with dangerous MATTRIANA shippers™*

kitty kat: that's Gavin ^

the wizard: ^

baby girl: oh yeah HIM

señorita awesome: yeah him!

the biggest shadows trash™ stan: speaking of memes, where is Matt?

baby girl: next to me 😌

kitty kat: ah cute

baby girl: but he's reading everything smh


*Domidick shared an image with dangerous MATTRIANA shippers™*

domidick: can't loverboy text himself?

baby girl: lmao Dom, I know who Gavin is now 

domidick: that's not why I've sent it lol 

star wars bitch™: Dom likes Gavin the living meme™

domidick: I

baby girl: haha 

daddy: no domidick, I actually can text myself

domidick: excuse you?

daddy: no excuse YOU

star wars bitch™: guys, come on 💀 I thought y'all were parabrotai

baby girl: parabrotai... cute 

daddy: yeah it's nice

the wizard: you were just too busy being all snuggled up to your girly

baby girl: that's true 😜

señorita awesome: adorable

daddy: oh well

kitty kat: how is London so far love birds?

baby girl: haha, good! I always enjoy and love being here. It's often very cloudy and rainy here which is my favorite weather so yeah.

señorita awesome: wait you LOVE the rain?? 

baby girl: yeah, I love it

daddy: yeah it's nice, I'm glad she has the evening free so we could hang out with everyone.

baby girl: hmmm

baby girl: I embarrassed myself on a talk show so much omg

domidick: oh really?

baby girl: yeah!! I'll send y'all the video when I find it on youtube after it was on the TV

the wizard: I can't wait lol

daddy: I'm gonna get off the phone, because it's weird to talk in this gc when I'm next to you, Ari.

baby girl: haha yeah sure babe 

star wars bitch™: random, but true: we still need to do our Star Wars marathon Ari 

baby girl: you really never forgot about that huh

star wars bitch™:  of course not!!

señorita awesome: yeah!!! we need to do it soon girly

kitty kat: YEEES

domidick: ^

daddy: yes we need to watch it together!!

domidick: I thought you were gonna go?

daddy: smh dom shut up

baby girl: lmao 😩

domidick: never!

baby girl: we'll do it when we get back okay?

the wizard: that's perfect for me

star wars bitch™: it better!!!

baby girl: 😼 we will Al!

baby girl: but I'm gonna go now, because I don't want to seem uninterested here!

kitty kat: bye angel! ❤️

señorita awesome: bye bean xxx

the wizard: bye guys

Ariana slid her phone into her little bag and closed it. She leaned back into Matt and he smiled down at her while she was trying to pay back attention to the conversation. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head and started playing a little bit with her hair. It made her smile and look up at him.

When they finally left the restaurant at 22:30 pm they all headed towards the Cirque Du Soir night club. The club was a very famous night club in London. Her mom and Nonna all went back to the hotel because they knew that they wouldn't be able to hang out there too long. They were all excited to go and dance their asses off that night. Daniel decided to be random "You remember when we were in Paris last year, and you told the car next to ours to scooch a mooch so you could talk and sing with one of your fans?" 

Ariana snorted and started to laugh "yeah oh my god, I still can't believe myself for saying that. It was so random and weird like??? it didn't make any sense." She couldn't stop laughing which made the others laugh along with them because her laughter was very contagious. Ariana and Daniel kept repeating "schooch a mooch" while laughing. 

They finally arrived at their destination and all hopped out of the car walking towards the Night Club. The car couldn't stop right in front of the club because it was a forbidden area for cars. You could hear the loud music from the club from where they were. Ariana grabbed Matt his arm and said "I have to show my face and tell them that I reserved two tables for us first before we can get in."  He nodded his head and smiled at her "So we'll be able to get inside without doing the whole queue there" he motioned to the queue that was next to them. Ariana smiled and nodded her head "yep" she said popping the 'p'.

She smiled at the two security guard and told them that she had reserved two tables for their group. They both recognized her and let them through. The loud music in the club was coming towards them together with sweat and liquor. The music consumed them and they were all ready to dance right away. Ariana grabbed Matthew his hand and dragged him towards the two tables that she had reserved for them. Thankfully there weren't that many people around them because most of them were around the bar and on the dance floor. 

Ariana asked everyone around the table what they would like to drink so she could get them all some drinks. Let's say, to start the night with a banger. She wrote all the drinks on her notes app and went straight away to the bar together with Frankie. When they got all the drinks, she asked for a shot. She drank it up immediately, asking for another one. After the second one she grabbed all the drinks together with Frankie. Thankfully the group only consisted of ten people. Nekai, Gracie (two dancers and great friends), Alexa, Dalina, Daniel, Brian, Scott, Frankie, Matt and of course Ariana herself. They all cheered and thanked them when the two Grande siblings came over with their drinks.

Ariana sat next to Alexa and Matt and the moment she sat down he sneaked his arm around her shoulder which made her smile. She was sipping on her Sex On The Beach as she winked at him.
He smiled down at her and brought his drink to his lips. They picked up their conversation they had in the car until Nekai invited everyone on the dance floor. Nekai grabbed Ariana her hand and dragged her to the floor which made her chuckle and shake her head. "You're something else Nekai" Ariana laughed. Nekai turned around with a smile on her face "What?!" she screamed "could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you." Nekai lowered her head a little bit down to hear what she was gonna say.

Ariana shook her head once again and screamed back at her "I said, you're something else Nekai" . Nekai winked at her and then smiled "Oh I know" she screamed. This made Ariana laugh and turn around when she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Alexa and she saw that Gracie and Frankie were dancing next to them as well. She let her hips move to the rhythm of the music losing herself to it. She closed her eyes and smiled as she heard Work come on.
"That's my god damn song" Alexa yelled which made her reopen her eyes and she laughed at her best friend.

Soon everyone from the group joined the 5 five dorks on the dance floor. But Ariana didn't really notice because she was too lost in the moment. Soon she felt two hands on her hips. A smirk appeared on her lips and she turned around expecting Matt. Ariana smiled even more when she saw him smirking at her too. She didn't stop dancing and screamed "Come on baby, dance with me" she winked at him sticking her tongue at him. It was playful yet sexy. He grabbed her hand and turned her around so his chest was against her back. 

He placed his hands on her hips while she was dancing. She began dancing and grinding onto him to the rhythm of the song and bit her lip. She could hear him groan and grab onto her hips even harder than before. "You're gonna be the death of me" he spoke into her ear. His voice made her shiver which made him smile and chuckle. "I love the way your body reacts to my voice" he brought one hand to her neck and caressed her skin "or to my touch" and leaned in to kiss the spot he touched a couple of seconds ago. "Or to my lips." he said as his lips were still attached to her skin. Ariana bit her lip again to restrain herself from moaning.

She still felt his hot breath on her neck, his hands moving towards her thighs, grabbing them. She started grinding her ass against his crotch as Say It came on. Ariana sang along to the song with a smile on her face. She knew how much he enjoyed that she was grinding on him and she loved it just as much as he did. She never stopped dancing to the rhythm. He moaned into her ear and she giggled softly, feeling his lips brush against her jawline. 

Shawty I promise the truth, and when I come down on it, yeah.
You love when I'm down on it, yeah
Fuck around, spend time on it, yeah
That's why I came back top down

She turned around and wrapped her arms around him and opened her mouth to sing along to the song. She kept looking him in the eyes as she sang. 

You gon have to do more than just (say it). You gon have to do less when you (do it).
Lil mama you know I (show it). Always want you to (prove it).
You gon have to do more than just (say it). You gon have to do less when you (do it).
Lil mama you know I (show it). So you gon need to more than just (prove it).

His eyes widened when she closed the gap between their bodies by dancing against him again. His wrapped his arms around her as well and he groaned as she moved her lower body against his. He soon closed his eyes and licked his lips. He reopened his eyes when she leaned in to kiss his neck. She guided his body to the music because she saw that he was not dancing to the rhythm. Ariana smiled as she sucked on the skin just below his ear, because she knew how he loved it when she kissed him there.

Ariana could hear that Get On Your Knees came on and a devilish grin came on her face. She saw that Daniel winked at her as she was still dancing against Matt. Ari winked back and fluttered his neck full with open mouth kisses. "Fuck, this song. What a coincidence." He groaned against her head. 

Got a bow on my panties, because my ass is a present. She rapped the little lyric along with Nicki.

She laughed loudly "How is this a coincidence?" and detached her lips from his neck to look at him. A smirk appeared on his face "Well, it's not just one it's two." "Oh really?" she questioned with an amusing smile on her face. "Yeah. One because, you're here." "hmmm true, and two?" she questioned as her eyes dropped to his lips and she parted her lips. 

He swallowed slightly and stared down at her "Well, I wasn't finished" he said chuckling. He became slightly flustered and his cheeks became pink as he spoke again "and two because I want to go down on you so badly" Ariana's eyes widened and she looked him in the eyes again. A smirk soon appeared on her face "Oh really?" she said as she caressed his face. She opened her mouth again to sing along to her own verse. She detached herself from him and danced in front of him as she sang along.

I don't need a dozen roses. You ain't gotta wine and dine me, no.
I don't need a pretty poet, Oooh, gettin' all emotional.
You gotta beg for it, beg for it. I wanna see you lookin' up.
Baby I'ma need you to beg for it.

He moaned loudly as she danced and squatted down to look up at him. She smiled innocently up at him as she got up again. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. His face was so close to hers and she breathed softly against his lips. He groaned and licked his lips "Are you gonna kiss me now or what" Ariana said with a smile on her face. He grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. He licked her lips asking to enter her mouth. She opened her mouth and smiled when he slid his tongue in her mouth. They started making out, he placed his hands on her ass and squeezed it. She moaned against his lips and moved slowly to the music.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers and because she loved getting lost in the music. She broke the kiss and a smug smile appeared on her face. She turned around and began grinding on his crotch again which made him groan into her ear. "Let's go and get back to our hotel, I can't take it anymore." Ariana shivered and bit her lip. "Yeah sure" she winked and searched for anyone from their group. She finally found Alexa talking to Scott and whisper yelled in her ear that she was gonna go home with Matt. The moment she finished her sentence a big smirk appeared on her face "Go sis" she yelled and slapped her ass as Matt grabbed her hand to find the entrance of the club. 

I. am. dying.

anyways if you like it or enjoy reading it please vote, comment or whatever you like! would mean a lot to me.

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