All for You (Harry Styles Fan...

By deathstarstyles

302K 6.6K 350

Sometimes the one person you want to forget, is the one person that you need. More

All for You (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 28

5.4K 116 4
By deathstarstyles

Addison's P.O.V ~

The drive to the theatre wasn't that long, only about ten minutes during which we made small talk about how the after party would be like and what we would do tomorrow. Natalie and I had to leave in two days and I honestly didn't want to. After spending a week in a fairytale, I have to go back to reality. But right now, all I tried to focus on was supporting Harry during the premiere.

I was nervous of how it would go. Would I stand there in silence as they interviewed Harry and the lads? Would they want to interview me? Will people shout nasty things at me? No matter how hard I tried, those questions kept popping back into my mind.

When we got to the premiere, Harry's grip on my hand tightened before someone opened the limo door open so all of us could get out. By the way we were seated, Louis, Niall and Zayn exited first followed by Natalie and Liam. I could see the flashes from the cameras immediately and I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach. I looked at Harry who gave me a small smile before he led the way out to the red carpet.

As soon as we got out of the limo, I was almost blinded by all of the lights coming from the cameras. Both of us ignored the shouts from the paparazzi as we made our way over to the others who were already doing interviews. I saw Natalie standing very close to Liam and I was about to walk over to her when I saw that their hands were entwined together and Natalie looked like she had seen a ghost. I guess she didn't expect all of... this.

"Harry! How nice of you to join us!" The lady interviewer exclaimed when she saw Harry, completely ignoring the fact that I was right there.

"Happy to be here." Harry replied with a smirk before he gently squeezed my hand in assurance.

"It's Addison, right?" She asked me, catching me off guard.

"Uh, yeah. Addison." I said quietly and forced a smile towards the slightly too happy girl.

"Well you look beautiful Addison. I'm in love with your dress!" She said sweetly.

"Thank you." I replied and went back to staying silent as she continued to interview the boys.

I looked over at Natalie and our eyes met, and at that point Natalie mouthed "help me" before a smile formed on her face. I rolled my eyes at her before I felt Harry tug at my hand causing me to turn back towards him.

"I'm going to go to the carpet and take some pictures with the lads. Are you alright here?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Yeah, I'll just stay with Natalie." I told him and he quickly kissed me before joining the others for their photo op. I walked over to Natalie and we both looked lost to be honest.

"Well what the hell do we do now?" She asked before she messed with her hair.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "We could take pictures." I suggested and Natalie scrunched up her nose. She hated being photographed but I felt like we had to considering who we came with. I decided to drop the subject and move onto the more important one.

"So I saw you and Liam were uh.. holding hands." I said and tried my hardest to suppress a laugh. Natalie's green eyes widened and her cheeks turned bright red before she playfully slapped my arm.

"Shut up! He was just helping me get through the crowd!" She defended herself, even though it was a complete lie.

"When will you admit that you like him?" I asked and took a step back so she wouldn't smack me again.

"Oh look! They're coming back!" Natalie said, conveniently changing the subject as the boys made their way back over to us.

"That was fast." I said as Harry joined my side again.

"Yeah, we just had to take a couple." He explained before he left a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Do you want to take pictures? I mean.. uh with the two of us?" Harry asked, suddenly becoming nervous.

"Sure." I said and smiled up at him. Harry took my hand and led me to the carpet again before we stood in one spot in front of the cameras.

"So we just smile?" I asked, clueless as to what the hell I was supposed to be doing.

"Yeah, basically." He muttered as I felt his arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I placed my arm on his chest and smiled to the best of my ability as the cameras went off hundreds of times. Within a minute or so, Harry quickly took my hand again and we started walking back over to the others.

I spotted Natalie's red hair and standing right next to her was Liam, and they were holding hands again.

I knew it, I thought to myself as we rejoined them. To my surprise, I looked over to Zayn and Louis and saw that Perrie and Eleanor were now here. They both looked absolutely flawless, as they always did.

"Hey guys!" I said and leaned forward to give both of them a hug. "You two look so beautiful!" I complimented and went back to leaning against Harry.

"Thank you love! You look amazing as well!" Perrie told me with a sweet smile.

"Agreed!" Eleanor piped in. "And so do you Natalie! I love your dress!"

"Thanks Eleanor." Natalie said and her cheeks turned pink again as she leaned into Liam.

"Okay, we get it. You all look great!" Louis said and threw his hands in the air. "Now if you excuse us, the lads and I have some more interviews to do. We'll be back in a little bit!" He said before kissing Eleanor on the cheek and dragging Niall to the next interviewer.

"I'll be back." Harry whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek as well before joining the others. Zayn and Liam quickly followed after them, leaving me, Nat, Eleanor and Perrie in our own little group.

"This is insane." Natalie breathed out as the boys walked away. "I've never seen this many people before in my life."

"You get used to it. Well, you should try to anyway since you're with Liam now." Perrie told her. I looked over at Natalie and for the hundredth time today, her cheeks were a bright red color. At least I wasn't the only one who saw them.

"Um, we're not, uh.. we're not together." She stuttered before she scratched the back of her neck. Perrie's mouth formed a small "o" after she realized what was going on, or not going on for that matter.

"Oh I'm sorry! It just looked like it since.. well never mind." She said quickly. "I should get back to my girls. It was nice seeing all of you! I'll see you inside!" She said in a rush before she joined the members of her band to get away from this awkward situation.

"Well that wasn't awkward." Eleanor said after a couple seconds of silence.

"You can say that again." Natalie muttered to herself. I rolled my eyes at her and looked out of the corner of my eye to see Harry and the others talking to another interviewer. They were all laughing and Harry seemed genuinely happy.

I loved to see him happy, and I knew it was because of all of this. This has been his dream ever since I knew him, and who knew he would be able to achieve it. Not like I didn't believe in him, it was just so unlikely. But I knew this is what he wanted, that's why he left in the first place. He wanted to get to where he is now and I couldn't be more proud of him.

I just wish I was there for the whole journey.

"Addison Miller!" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around to see a man with a microphone followed by a cameraman running towards me with frantic looks on their faces.

"How can I help you?" I tried to ask as sweetly as possible.

"Would you mind if we interviewed you and your friend here?" He asked and motioned towards Natalie. I was about to ask him if Eleanor could be a part of it when I saw she had found her other friends, so it was just me and Nat.

"Why not!" I said and tried to sound excited. I grabbed Natalie by the elbow and pulled her closer to me so we were both in the view of the camera.

"Awesome! Well, I'm Doug and I'm from E! News. It's lovely to meet you two, I've heard a lot about you." He started off.

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too." I told him and Natalie stayed quiet.

"Before we get started I just want to say how beautiful you two look tonight. I love your dresses!"

"Thanks." Natalie said coldly and put on a fake smile. I knew she hated this, but the least she could do was pretend not to be so annoyed.

"Are you excited to see the movie?" He asked.

"Yeah actually! The lads haven't stopped talking about it, I'm excited to finally be able to see it." I told him.

"What about you Natalie?" Doug asked my best friend.

"Uh, yeah. Like Addison said, the boys haven't shut up about it so I can't wait to see it." She said, sounding not as harsh as before.

"Now you two are visiting while you're on break from school. When do you have to go back?"

"We leave the day after tomorrow, unfortunately." I said and forced a tight smile.

"Aw, that must be hard on your relationship with Harry! And yours with Liam!" Doug said towards Natalie.

"Liam and I.. uh we're not- we're not a couple." Natalie struggled to get out. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle since Nat thought I was crazy for thinking she had a thing with Liam.

Doug was about to say something when the boys came back over to us and his attention immediately went to them.

"Hey boys!" He exclaimed and the smile on his face grew bigger. The boys muttered hellos and shook his hand before Harry went to my side and Liam stood by Natalie.

"I was just talking to your lovely girlfriend here Harry, and your uh.. friend Liam!" He said, careful to not call Natalie his girlfriend.

"That's awesome. Hopefully they didn't say anything too bad about us." Harry joked as he slipped his hand into mine and entwined our fingers.

"No, not at all! I have to say, I think you have a keeper here!" Doug said. Harry looked down at me and a warm smile formed on his face.

"Yeah, I think I do too." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as Harry kissed the top of my head and looked back at Doug.

"It was nice talking to you, but I think it's time for me and the lads to meet some fans!" He told Doug and shook his hand again before Doug ran off to interview someone else.

"Well he was.. interesting." Niall commented before he burst into laughter, causing all of us to laugh along with him.

"Stop it! He was nice!" I tried to say in between my laughter.

"He was kind of.. odd." Zayn said with a small smile. I rolled my eyes at the both of them before I looked over at Natalie and Liam who were having their own conversation.

"Hey, why don't you and Natalie head into the theatre while the lads and I meet some fans? We'll meet you in there." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good. C'mon Nat!" I yelled at her to get her out of her own little world.

"Coming!" She said and joined me by my side.

"Alright, we won't be too long. They should have our seats reserved so they'll show you where we're sitting. I love you." Harry said before quickly kissing my lips.

"I love you." I told him before he walked over to where the fans were waiting, leaving me and Nat to find our way into the theatre.

AN: Sorry this chapter's so boring! It's more of a filler chapter.. But i hope you liked it anyway!

And someone made a trailer for this fanfic, and it's on the sidebar if you wanna check it out!

Please keep reading, commenting & voting :)

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