Haikyuu!! Crack

By sugadorable

234K 10.6K 4K

For all your Haikyuu!! needs, be them funny, angsty, happy, indecent, etc. More

Basic Info about Writer-chan
Tsukki X Reader
Team Moms
Christmas Play
Vampire AU (Karasuno)
Vampire AU (Nekoma)
Vampire AU (AobaJohsai)
Vampire AU (Fukurodani)
Vampire AU (Date Tech)
Vampire AU (Shiratorizawa)
Foreigner AU (Karasuno First Years)
Height challenges
Random Akaashi hc
KageHina One-Shot
How Each Couple Tells the Team They're Dating
Ennoshita just got friendzoned
Music #1
Music #2
Cooking #1
Cooking #2
Cooking #3
Random conversation #1
Cooking #4
DaiSuga Fluff (one-shot?)
Cooking #5
Carrying (Karasuno and Nekoma)
Carrying (Aoba Johsai and Dateko)
Captain Song hc's
You know who's beautiful?
I don't have a problem
(Sad-ish) Tsukki One-shot
Suga One-shot
Kenma One-shot
Kenma One-shot
Akaashi Drabble
Next One-shot Poll
Bokuto One-shot
Lev One-shot
AsaNoya Texts
KuroKen Texts
Yamaguchi One-shot
Yaku One-shot
Saeko One-shot
Motivational Letter - Bokuto
Love Letter - Akaashi
Kiyoko Drabble
Haikyuu!! Season 3
Random headcanons
What to expect
KuroKen Awareness Chapter
During Nekoma Practice
AsaNoya Headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Kouji x Izumi Headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Haikyuu Pick Up Lines
Lev Headcanons (SFW)
Oikawa Mini One-shot (NSFW ish)
Akaashi Headcanons (SFW)
Random Nekoma Headcanon
SPECIAL CHAPTER (&thank you)
Kenma Headcanons (NSFW)
BokuAka Headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Tsukishima Headcanons (SFW)
S2 Ep25
BokuAka Songfic
QuizUp Karasuno Headcanons
BoKuro One-shot
Bokuto One-shot
Mini Kuroo One-shot
smol karasuno cheerleader
OiHina Headcanons (SFW)
KuroYaku Headcanons (SFW)
another smol karasuno cheerleader
Suga One-shot
the volleydorks' fav LL! girls
TsukkiYachi Headcanons (SFW)
Important Questions
How they confess their feelings
AkaSuga Headcanons (NSFW)
Daishou One-shot (sin)
Random Bokuto Headcanon
Tendou One-shot
DaiSuga (not) One-shot
Naming (Kageyama Headcanon)
DAN (KenHina Headcanon)
When You're Sick (Karasuno)
Kenma One-shot (sin)
Oikawa Songfic
OiHina Headcanons (NSFW)
Captains as Vocaloid Songs
TsukkiYama One-shot
Cooking #6
Love Live/Haikyuu AU (hc)
tfw ideas (upcoming things: update)
KuroKen One-shot
Blueberry ♡ Train
Natsu does your hair
Akaashi One-shot
Bokuto Crack
DaiSuga One-shot
Kageyama One-shot (sin)
Tsukki One-shot
Suga One-shot
Kuroo One-shot
Suga (special) One-shot
Karasuno's talents
Nekoma's talents
pet names (Suga and Akaashi)
pet names (Bokuto and Oikawa)
Hinata Songfic
Oikawa One-shot (pt. 1/2)
Oikawa One-shot (pt. 2/2)
Tsukki One-Shot
YamaYachi One-shot
Suga One-shot
OiHina One-shot
KiyoSae poly relationship headcanons
AsaNoya One-shot
MattsuHana Reader Poly (songfic)
TeruShou Headcanons
Tsukishima One-shot (sin)
things to think about when you're sad
KuroKen Fluff
things to think about when you're sad pt.2
scent headcanons
Karasuno Reader Poly One-shot
Karasuno Reader Poly One-shot (alternate ending)
Cross Ship Poly One-shot
volleydorks and pet play
Kuroo One-shot
KageHina One-shot
KageKen One-shot
Suga ships
Kiyoko One-shot
how to get people to watch Haikyuu
KuroTsuki Poly One-shot (songfic)
more cracks
Kuroo One-shot
sleeping headcanons
cliché zodiac chapter
TsukiYama Not-shot
Alisa One-shot
UshiTen Reader Poly One-shot
IwaOi One-shot
TsukkiYama Drabble
OiYama One-shot
i could not help myself
Random Imagines
Yes Boy (BokuAka)
How Long Will I Love You? (DaiSuga)
'No homo' (crack)
KuroKen (crack?)
random crack
fluffy imagines
KuroKen One-shot (pt.1)
KuroKen One-shot (pt.2)
Kenma Crack
He Was Looking For a Princess (IwaOi)
Sugawara Birthday Special
grand finale crack

YakuLev One-shot

501 31 15
By sugadorable

welcome to 'Ema is sad and needs to cheer herself up'
   "I call upon my best knight, Lev."

   The said knight sauntered up to the throne, atop of which sat the royal prince, Yaku Morisuke. Quickly he bowed in the presence of someone with such power, but the young royalty stopped him.

   "I do not need you to bow, for I want you to stay with me," the prince said firmly. Only seconds later did he realize that what he said was suggestive. He corrected himself immediately. "As a bodyguard of course."

   "Yes, my prince. I will protect you with my life," Lev promised.


   Their lives went on in peace, traveling to other kingdoms and going in short vacations, nothing more than a prince with his honored knight. Lev never lead Yaku on, though there were times when he was overly tempted. And Yaku never put too much strain on Lev, though there were times that he should have. They cared for each other as family would.

   One day however, there was a royal banquet being held in the next kingdom over, only a short carriage ride away. Halfway through their travel the passengers were attacked though.

   Lev rushed into action, sword in hand. He would protect Yaku with his life, just as promised.

   "Lev!" the sandy-haired prince yelled as he jumped onto one of the robbers. He was not going down without a fight, even if he had a bodyguard. Yaku was not one to just sit back and watch, especially with the life of one of his closest friends on the line.

   The fought for what felt like hours when it was actually just five short minutes. The royal crew easily made it out on top, but not without a major issue.

   Lev had a giant gash on his leg, and he couldn't treat it himself. It was accustomed in Yaku's family to leave your knight if he was unfit for the job, and certainly Lev was as of late. But no.

   "Driver," Yaku commanded. "To the nearest apothecary."

   The whole ride Yaku pet Lev's head, worrying that they would arrive too late.


   "He should be perfectly okay," the magistra chirped, earning a sigh of relief from Yaku.

   Quietly, the prince snuck into his knight's room to check for himself. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you..."

   "You'd probably die," Lev giggled, turning over to face the other male.

   "I should have left you to die," Yaku growled, flicking Lev's forehead.


   "Do you, Yaku Morisuke, take Lev Haiba to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

   "I do."

   "And do you, Lev Haiba, take Yaku Morisuke to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

   "I do."

   "You may now kiss the groom."

   The wedding had been approved and proceeded to take place just a month after Lev's initial recovery. It happened in the Spring, flowers all throughout the venue and even some in the groomsmens' hair. But it was lovely, and so was the couple.

   Lev was still Yaku's knight in shining armor, but now he was also his husband. And neither would change it if they got the chance.

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