State of Grace {A Taylor Swif...

By TreacherousSwift

3.8K 72 28

Taylor Swift, 23, is a famous country/pop singer/songwriter. The tour for her fourth album, Red, has just kic... More

Chapter 1- Unexpected Guest
Chapter 2- Getting Back Together?
Chapter 3- Fights and Friendships Lost
Chapter 4- Revenge
Chapter 6- Dèja Vu
Chapter 7- Suspicious..
Chapter 8- Heartbroken
Chapter 9- Advice
Chapter 10- Caught

Chapter 5- Trouble

221 6 3
By TreacherousSwift

Taylor's POV:

"Ed? Selena?"

What were they doing here? Apparently they're here for "revenge?"

"Taylor.. it's not what it looks like-"

"Ed!" I interrupted him. "I don't want to hear it. I'm not taking to you after.. what you said."

"Taylor! I promise we didn't mean to-" Selena started.

"I don't want to hear it either, Selena. Why would you guys do that? Can't you trust Joe?" I got angry.

"Ed made me do it. I-" Selena explained.

"No," Ed cut in, "you agreed that you would help me make sure Joe and Taylor break up- never mind.." He trailed off.

"Why? How could you? Joe's the best boyfriend ever! You're just jealous! Both of you! If you got us to break up, I'd be crazy upset with you! So, what were you going for there?" I yelled. We were all silent. "What?" A tear streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry, Taylor, for being a terrible friend. I don't deserve you as a friend," Selena sighed before running out.

"Me neither, even though you don't like me anymore. I'll always love you," Ed looked at the ground before walking out, too.

His words broke my heart. I've never realized it before, but I loved him back. Even after what happened. I'm still mad at him, though. Also, what did I do to Selena? I just made her think I hate her.

"This was the worst week ever," I whispered to myself before running out the door to catch them. It was too late, they had driven away, going on with their lives.

I shed a tear again and walked back up to our lane, "Joe, why is it so hard to be me?"

He shook his head a couple of times, looked at the ground, and replied, "I don't know, but it will get better. I promise."

I didn't waste time responding, "How do you know? How do you know there will be a perfect fairy tale ending? I've lost one of my best friends, and my fellow band mate. The Red Tour won't be right with him. Nothing is right!"

"Good things are always around the corner. You just have to wait," Joe said, staring right into my eyes.

"Ok, I trust you. I'll wait, I'll wait for luck to come. I'll try my hardest for you, Joe," I stated.

"That's my Taylor," Joe smiled before he hugged me and waved before I left the bowling arena.


On my way home, I stared out the window. What a pretty day, I thought. If only this day was happy. "Hey, I could make it happy!" I exclaimed to myself, grabbing my phone.


"Taylor!" Dianna exclaimed through the phone.

"I need you at my house. ASAP."

"Can do. See you there."

I then called my other friend, Ashley.


"I'll be right over," she said before hanging up.

Then I called Claire.

"Claire I need you here. Emergency."

"On my way!" Claire exclaimed.

"This night is going to be.. perfect!" I sang to myself as I drove up my driveway to find 3 familiar cars. "This is why I love them so much," I sighed to myself as I walked in my house.


"Step 1: Go to that cute little cafe for dinner, whatever it's called," I explained as the three girls nodded. We were all on the couch, planning our girl's night.

"Step 2: Grab smoothies at that smoothie place. Step 3: Head over to the fair. Step 4: We're going dancing! Step 5: Go eat breakfast somewhere at midnight. Got it?"

"Oh yeah!" They all yelled.

"22 is becoming real!" I shouted before we ran upstairs to get dressed up like hipsters.


"Here's your coffee, ladies," The waitress said before handing us our coffees.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed before she walked away.

"So," Dianna began, "how's the songwriting going?"

"Oh, it's going great! I'm getting into full force mode. Once I start, I can't stop." I laughed.

"Hey," Claire pointed out, "Isn't that what's-his-face?" We all turned to her direction. My eyes widened, and my heart dropped. I knew his name off the top of my head. He was nothing but trouble.

"Oh yeah, weird! I can't remember his name.." I laughed if off with a phony smile.

"He was that guy who.. never mind," Dianna trailed off when I stared at her, telling her to cut it out.

We talked for another hour before getting our check. "Step 1, done. That was really fun! Now, smoothies!" Claire cheerfully remarked before we all hopped in the car and sang We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together at the top of our lungs.


"4 strawberry smoothies, please." I told the waiter who looked upset.

"Whatever," He groaned before walking away. We all randomly started laughing.

After 1/2 of smoothie drinking and talking, I saw him again. Was he following me? He was staring at me, and smiling. I flinched and continued my smoothie and the conversation.


"Welcome to the state fair! Enjoy your time, here are your tickets!" The lady at the ticket booth exclaimed sweetly.

"Thanks!" We all shouted back.

"So.. where first?" I asked them.

"3... 2... 1..." Ashley began.

"The Ferris wheel!" We all screamed before bursting out laughing.


"Haha you guys are way at the bottom!" I yelled down to Dianna and Claire. Ashley and I's cart was happily on the tip top. "Look at the balloon rides! There's that crazy roller-coaster!"

"It's the fun house over there!" Ashley screeched.

I squinted down at the crowd of people below. Was that.. it was, I thought. He had been following us around all night. "Drop it Taylor, don't mind him," I told myself.

"What?" Ashley questioned.

"Never mind," I explained before our cart jolted downwards, making me screech in a state of surprise.


"This place is crazy!" Claire exclaimed as we walked into the new restaurant/club. The music was blaring with super cool new music, and the dance floor was pretty crowded. Obviously, he was there. Yes, the guy who had been following me around. I sighed to myself as I walked out onto the dance floor.


After dancing and chilling for a couple of hours, I noticed he was walking over to me.

"Tay Tay," He exclaimed, "How you doing?"

"Jake," I moaned, "in fact, I'm devastated after you broke up with me." Jake Gyllenhaal was my ex-boyfriend. I loved him, and he broke up with me.

"Aw, never mind that. You're looking nice these days," Jake remarked.

I rolled my eyes, "Why have you been following me around?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you."

"About what? There's nothing to talk about?" I said, annoyance in my tone.

"About this," Jake stated before kissing me.

A/N: Yay for chapter 5!

Yay I'm out of school for 2 1/2 weeks! (I tracked out of school.) You can ask me if you don't know what tracking out is?:)

Sorry if anything I've written about Joe or Jake is offfending. I know they're good people.

Red tour in 3 days!!

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