I See You... ;)

By otherviewsx

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Kelly Kelly thought she'd never forgive Randy Orton for saying what he did on that radio interview. But when... More

I See You... ;)
Chapter One: Spectator
Chapter Two: Becoming
Chapter 3: Impression
Chapter Four: Retribution
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 1*)
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 2*)
Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 3*)

Part 2 of Chapter 2: Becoming

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By otherviewsx

Part 2 of Chapter 2: Becoming 

"So I heard you chose Kelly Kelly as you're partner for tonight," Christian said to Orton. "Really, Randy? You chose 'The Barbie Doll?' The girl so nice they named her twice?'" Randy just stood there scowling as Christian burst out laughing.. 

 "God, you are hilarious, you know that? But seriously.. why Kelly Kelly? I mean, c'mon, everyone knows you hate her."

Randy got up close to his face. "It's me you need to be worried about, Christian.. Besides.. I haven't forgotten how much I hate you." Christian frowned ..and the Viper walked away from him..

In the Arena

"Introducing first...  from St. Louis, Missouri.. weighing at 245 pounds.. He is the World Heavyweight Champion.. Randyyy Ortoonn..!"

After Orton made his entrance, he stood patiently awaiting his partner... 

As soon as her theme song hit, the WWE Universe practically jumped out of their seats. 

"And his partner... from Jacksonville, Florida..she is the WWE Divas Champion.. Kellyyy Kellyyy..!" 

Kelly walked down the ramp with her title raised high in the air.. Randy watched as she touched the hands of a few of the fans on her way up the steps to the ring..

She went up on the ropes and did her signature gesture to all the people in the loud, crazy crowd then stepped down and walked over to where he was standing.. He looked at her and she looked at him but neither said anything to one another.

Next, Christian came out. With a cocky, arrogant smile, he hit his chest, trying to show superiority.. "Introducing next.. from Toronto, Ontario Canada... weighing at 221 pounds.. Christiannn..!"

Randy's narrowed eyes showed that he had absolutely no respect for this man anymore... Smile while you still can, you egotistical little bastard... I'll kick you so hard in the skull you won't remember a thing when you wake up...

Christian stopped at the end of the ramp and looked back for his partner..

Everyone waited to see who would come out...


Natalya's theme started. 

.. Kelly's heart beated faster than usual as she watched Natalya enter the ring alongside Christian with a smile.. She and Kelly were going to start things off first.

As soon as the bell was rung, they got all up in each other's faces.. Then Kelly slapped her hard in the mouth.. 

Natalya was furious and threw a punch at her, but Kelly dodged under it and boosted herself off of the ropes.. She got up on Natalya and did her swinging head-scissors move, throwing Nattie into the corner..

The audience cheered Kelly on as she double-cartwheeled over to Natalya and smashed her against the turnbuckle.

Then she yelled, "C'mon!" to the crowd and rubbed her butt in Nattie's face.. 

When she stopped, Kelly looked at Randy and held her hands out, like "What now?" 

"Get up Natalya!" Christian yelled. 

When Kelly turned around, Natalya gave her a huge clothesline.. Then she flipped her onto her stomach and sat on her back while holding her arms back..

Kelly screamed in pain.. "You like that, Barbie?" Natalya taunted her. 

Randy watched her continue to scream and... in some sick.. twisted way.. found it amusing..

Finally, Natalya eased up off of her and kelly manged to connect with a few punches and kicks and pushed her away.

Christian extendedd his hand to Natalya and told her to tag him in. She was like, "What?" at first but tagged him anyway.

He entered the ring slowly and smiled as he looked over at Kelly who was leaning on the ropes, trying to catch her breath.

"Heerrreee Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly," he teased her, acting as if she was a cat. "Come here, girl.. over hear... come to Christian... come get hit with the Killswitch, little kitty.."

Kelly finally got to her feet and looked very pissed off with him... She walked up and slapped him in the face.. 

The WWE Universe went "ooohh" and started cheering wildly as Randy Orton held his hand out and she tagged him in. 

He immediately took it to Christian, clotheslining him and scoopslamming him hurting each and every inch of "The Captain of Charisma's" body..

Then Randy got down and started hitting the ground with his fists... ready to strike.. ready for the RKO.

But when he went for it, Christian pushed him away and kicked him in the face. Then he tried to pin him, but Randy kicked out. 

For the next few minutes, Christian was in control and the Viper was in serious trouble..

Until Christian got shoved into the corner where Kelly Kelly was standing and she covered his face so that he couldn't see.. Randy smiled and took advantage of this by dropkicking him in the stomach.

The audience got behind the Viper, cheering as he picked Christian up by the hair and gave him a back-armed punch. He did it twice and then pushed Christian into the ropes, throwing him over his head when he bounced back.

Randy slid over and covered him.

"1...2..--" Nearfall..

Orton started to get frustrated...

He dragged Christian up and pretended to throw him out, but pulled him back in through the ropes..

Then -- Boom. He DDTs him to the floor.

Randy takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.. twistes his neck... 

And he's in position for the RKO.

Natalya yells for Christian to get up (more like get up and move out of the way.) Then as he was staggering, she got into the ring and blocked him.. 

Orton glared at her in disblief...

Then suddenly, Kelly Kelly rushed in and speared Natalya to the floor. That's when Christian got to his feet and turned around--

RIGHT, into an RKO.

Randy slithered over and covered Christian for the "1...2 ..3" and won the match. 

The WWE Universe was electric.

"And here are your winners.. the WWE Divas Champion Kellyy Kellyy... and the World Heavyweight Champion, Randyy Ortonn..!"

The referee handed them each their titles and raised their arms in victory.

.. Kelly smiled and went up into the corner to hold her Divas title high in the air. She felt amazing being cheered so much by all her awesome fans.. When she looked over to the left, she saw Randy climb up onto the ropes in the other corner and raise his World title, getting powerful reactions from the crowd as well.

Christian and Natalya were on their out of the arena, frowning and holding each other for balance...

Orton caught Kelly's eye and gave her what looked like a nod.. She smiled in return and looked away (because making eye-contact with his eyes- faraway or not- was very hard fo her.)

Eventually, Kelly Kelly stepped down out of the corner. Technically, it was Randy Orton that won. So, for that reason (or for something else) she exited the ring.. A few fans extended their hands and she touched them as she made her way back up the ramp. Before leaving completely, Kelly raised her Divas Championship in the air one more time, on the stage, getting a huge ovation.

Randy watched her wave to the rest of the fans and turn backstage...


He stood there... and watched as she was getting her bags...and then heading out to the parking lot.. He thought about going over to say "Thank You" ...or something... because he felt as if he should.. But..

..he decided against it.

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