The Coach's Son || B.B

By NiallMate

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"Come on McCartney" More



2.9K 46 3
By NiallMate

"Come on McCartney!" I hear Brooklyn cheering me on.

I rush to the player and snatching the ball away from the player on the other team and dribbling the ball as fast as I could but trying to have the ball close to me.

"McCartney!" I hear my teammate Kiki call out I pass it to her making the players chase her and she passes it back making me score on the team. Me and Kiki smile hugging each other as the ref blew the whistle to call game over. Which also means we are the number one team in the England.

"Good job ladies!" David says smiling as we all are.

"Where would you like the medals and trophies?" The man asks David.

"Right there" David says pointing at the chair, "thank you."

"Hey babe" Brooklyn says sitting behind me on the floor.

"Hey. Don't I smell?" I giggle a little.

"Yeah but that ain't gonna stop me from sitting next to you" he says and I shrug.

"I like to thank you all for this amazing season, because this is my last season teaching the team" he says

"What?" All of us chat.

"Yes I know I know, but you see you guys I'm getting older and and so do you guys. And by the time we all know it you guys are heading to uni.s! Like woah! But it's not that I don't want to stop coaching, it's just when the team is done I won't have all of you. It's not really my team without all of you. I mean 4 out 13 girls are already heading to the uni.'s." He speaks.

I think in my head, wait only Kiki, Monica, and Penelope were going to go Uni.'s and who are also the only seniors (and me).

"I say four because, McCartney here got a scholarship to UCLA soccer team" David's says and my mouth drops. I hear people cheering and Brooklyn yelling something I don't exactly know what he yelling because I'm to shock to even notice.

"Really?!" I hear my brother.

"Yeah they want to talk to her after the trophies are handed out" David responds.

Wow. I'm going to UCLA.


"Happy birthday to you. Cha cha cha! Happy birthday to you! Cha cha cha! Happy birthday dear vanessaaaaaaaaaa! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings out.

"Make a wish!" My nana yells. I thought what I was going to wish and blew out all 17 candles.

"Wooooooo" I hear my brother yell.

"Happy birthday babe" Brooklyn says quietly in my ear.

"Thank you" I say quietly.

"Let's cut the cake!" I hear Harper and Annabel yell and giggle after.

"Ok you too" Victoria says smiling.

"Here's a slice, and another slice" Maria says giving them both a slice.

"Happy birthday McCartney" I gear Jack say from behind.

"Hey you made it!" I say hugging him for a quick second.

"Wouldn't miss is it for the world, but my two other sisters came too" he said smiling at first but then looking a bit annoyed.

"It's alright more the merrier!" I say with a smile.

"Yeah, I brought you a gift" he says holding a bag.

"Aw you didn't have to" I say

"I saw something and thought of you" he says nervously.

"Hey Ramsey" Brooklyn says from behind.

"Hey Brooklyn" he says even more nervous than he was before.

"Thank you Jack I'll take it to the table" I say, "while I go you guys talk. Be right back"

I walk through the little crowd and put the gift down near the others. Soon I got caught into other conversations like, "happy birthday! Let's take a picture so I can post it on insta" or "congrats on the scholar! Sure is going to be fun in California!" And so on.

When it came to open the gifts I was surprised what they got me. Most of the girls on the team got me UCLA stuff like t-shirts. Which I don't know how they got them cause um we're in England. Well anyways, David got me a ball sighed by the whole team of MCG (Manchester Club for Girls). Brooklyn manage to get a hold of my jersey and got the WHOLE TEAM ON MANCHESTER UNITED. I almost screamed my head off. I mean if you have a football team in your town, that isn't so big to the people, it's pretty big deal (I know it's not but you know I think it is). I open Jacks gift to see this beautiful Pandora bracelet.

"Oh my gosh, Jack" I say looking at it.

"It's not nothin much" he smiles.

"This must cost a fortune" I say looking at him with the bracelet.

"My mum helped me out" he says nervously.

"Well thank you" I say putting it on.


I take a drink out of the caprisun, for the youngsters like me who can't drink some wine yet, that my nana got and I hear the screen door open to the cutest boy I've ever seen, my cat, just kidding I don't have a cat, it's Brooklyn.

"Hey Prince Charming" I say smiling.

"Hey Princess" he says kissing my cheek, "so how did you enjoy your gift?"

"Yes it's amazing I wanted to scream on how you got their signatures!" I say.

"Probably not better than Jacks" he mumbles rolls his eyes.

"What?" I ask him.

"Yeah him and his Pandora bracelet" he says is mocking voice.

"Do I hear Brooklyn Joseph Beckham jealous?" I say taking a drink out of my caprisun.

"You know it's hard to take you serious when your drinking caprisun." He says giggling and I start giggling as well. As soon as the giggling died down I hugged him from the waist.

"But Brooklyn I don't want you to be jealous of Jack, I like Jack but as friend way, your the one who I love and adore" I say staring at his beautiful eyes.

"Do you mean it?" He asks.

"Yes no gift can replace the love I have for you" I say and he pecks me on the lips.

"I'm sorry for getting jealous" he says.

"Honestly it's kinda hot" I say and he makes this 'oh really?' look. "You know Eddie isn't going to be home tonight, I'm gonna be home alone"

"Yeah?" He says switching our hugging position.

"Yeah" I say biting my lip.

"Maybe I should get jealous more" he says.

"Maybe I should hang out with Jack to make you more jealous" I say and his smile went to a straight line. "Haha that's what I thought" I giggled

"Haha" he mocks me and kisses me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love more"

"I love you the most"

"I love you to the moon and back"

"I love you to infinity and beyond" I respond.

"Not a chance" he responds.

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