Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

19.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author

Chapter 32

291 29 46
By TheGayAteMySoul

Troye's POV
Three months later
Three months. God. It's been three months! I used to think of L.A as my new home, but every since I came back in March I don't think I've ever been so wrong. Perth is my home, it's where the people who matter to me are. I mean, seeing Alex, Dan and Phil was nice but I missed my family and Tyler too much, especially Tyler.

My record label wanted me to stay until the release of the album (I still have no idea why they wanted me to stay so bad) but in the end I managed to get another break.

I feel as if L.A changed me again. I did things I'm not proud of, things I don't know if I could forgive myself for.

What I did on my birthday, I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for.

How will he forgive me?

I let a tear slip past my eyes as I stared out of the window, my mind thinking of all the worst scenarios.

"Back again?" I quickly turned my head around to see a familiar lady standing in the aisle with a the snack bar thing they have on planes (great naming skills Troye).

"Who's asking?"

"I'm Lucy, I was the one who woke you up when you last flew over here. Remember?"

"Oh yeah, I terrible with faces, but yeah, I remember."

"I can't help but notice you're crying. Is everything alright?"

"I wish it was."


Luckily my phone had WiFi so I scrolled through Tumblr. I stared at the twitter and instagram app icons, I haven't been on them since I left, I didn't want to see anything that would hurt me even more.

I and Tyler tried talking but between the timezones, our jobs and schedules we hardly got to talk. That's why it hurt so much more when I looked at his instagram and twitter. There were photos of him and Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Caspar and the waiter -Korey, who supposedly was a friend of Zoe's- having fun.

Only one hour left until I got to see him again, to hold him again, to kiss him again... but the guilt would still be there.


After getting my luggage, going through security and passport checks I finally got out into the main building.

I was greeted by a large group of people holding a sign that had 'Welcome back to suburbia' on it. On further inspection the group was my family and friends, however Tyler wasn't there.

"WELCOME BACK TROYE!" The group shouted together, I erupted into laughter when they clapped and whistled.

I scanned their faces again, maybe Tyler just blended in really well. He still wasn't there.

"Miss me?" I turned around to face Tyler. He smiled as he put his arms around me.

"I missed you so much!" Without a second of hesitation I crashed my lips against his. I let go of my bags so that I could grip onto Tyler. There was a certain element of sadness, desperation, guilt, to the kiss. I held onto Tyler's jaw, whilst pulling away I kept my hands on him, making sure he still was there.

"Don't leave me again." His teary eyes looked into mine. When a drop slowly trailed down his cheek I gently kissed it away.

"I won't. I promise."


It's was nice getting to talk to my friends after such a long time apart from them. When we got to catch up a bit they said their goodbyes and left, leaving only me, Tyler and my family.

The drive home was loud and quiet at the same time. Whilst my parents kept talking and asking me how my time in L.A was I blocked everything out, focusing on Tyler's steady breaths and the way I could feel his pulse when he held my hand. You don't really realise the little things until they're no longer there.

When we reached the house I was so excited I even ran over to the door, nearly tripping over in the process. I earned a few laughs and comments from Tyler and Tyde, other than that everything felt perfect.

"I've never seen a person this excited about a door before." My dad joked, pushing the keys into the lock. When I walked inside I was greeted by another suprise.

"Suprise!" Tyler, dad, mum, Sage and Tyde shouted as I saw the decorations inside.

"Since we missed your birthday we decided to throw you a little party now. It's probably not as amazing as the party you had in L.A but we still wanted to suprise you. So suprise! We tried." Sage explained as she leaned against the wall.

"Thank you so much! Nothing could beat a day where I get to be with all of you. No matter how 'amazing' the party in L.A was, nothing compares to being with my favourite people. I love you guys!"

That was true. I'd rather have no party and be with the people I love than have a large party with people who don't mean anything to me. The party I had in L.A I wish I could forget, but it's hard to forget when every time I see Tyler it all replays in my mind. If I tell him, there might be no more 'us', and I don't want that. I want him, but maybe I don't deserve him anymore.

"It was Tyler's idea. You really found someone special." My dad patted me on the back, pointing to Tyler afterwards.

Tyler smiled replying with a bashful 'stop it'. Another wave of guilt flooded my mind.

"Let's get the cake! Troye must be starving, that right Troye?" Sage tightly hugged my arm, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Umm, yeah, I could eat." I smiled at Sage.

"Cake coming right up! A month or so late, but it's still coming!" Sage hopped away into the kitchen, shortly followed by Tyde, mum and dad.

Tyler slowly got closer, his movements gentle and swift. His hands were now on my neck, he ran his thumb in slow circles on my skin, I shivered at the ghost like touch.

"I missed you, everything about you." I gently smiled before closing the distance between us. Our lips barely touched yet the slight feeling of the contact made my whole body fill with indescribable joy. I missed him too.

Then why did I do it?

I tried shaking the thought away, instantly pulling away. Tyler looked surprised, he looked disappointed. He seemed to push all his questions down, forcing a smile to weakly spread across his face.

He knows something is wrong. I have to tell him, maybe not now, not here.

My family burst into the room with a round cake with blue frosting and two candles in the shapes of my age. The wax '21' was surrounded by even more candles.

The words to 'Happy birthday' started to fill the room, my dad's booming laugh, Sage's sweet voice and even Tyler's cute laughing voice all created the best version of the song i have ever heard.

On the last verse I blew out the candles with one blow. There was applause and cheers. Tyler swiftly kissed me for a second before he cheered alongside the rest.

My mum handed me the knife, I took it and smoothly cut through the cake. Tyde passed plates towards me and I placed slices of the cake onto them. When everybody had cake we sat together in the living room, I was the one of turn the tv on so it quietly played in the background.

"Tell us how it was. Did you do anything fun?" Tyde asked as he scooped a large chunk of cake into his mouth.

"It was... good. I worked with some different writers and we tried out a few new things. We fixed up some of my songs, made some slight changes. It was good." I took a small piece of cake on my spoon and then ate it.

"As interesting that story was, I meant what did you do apart from that. What did you do for fun?" Tyde was the first to finish his cake, he placed the empty plate on the coffee table.

"Oh... fun... yeah... I didn't do much, mostly spent time with three good friends."

"What about your birthday? You had to do something fun right? Right?" Sage excitedly asked.

Oh god.

I'd like rather not think about that. I'd rather not have to say it, I'd rather not remember what drunk and desperate Troye did on that night.

"I legally drank? That's it, I was drunk."

And it didn't mean a thing.

Okay listen. L I S T E N. I know this is short but hear me out! I want to do the other chapter from Tyler's POV so I'm just gonna end it here. I wanna make the chapter longer but when I reach the 1200 word count it just gets SO HARD! So here's another chapter a day after the previous one.

So what do you think Troye did?

On the case is doing good I would say. Thanks to everyone who checked it out, means a lot to me.

I noticed today how I've been doing this story for 6 months now! WHERE DID THE TIME GO!?

Next chapter or the one after will be sad kinda but ya know. After that... SMUT! (I seriously find it so hard to write smut so that chapter may take a TINY LITTLE BIT longer to be up).

My one shot book! Okay listen! I have two one shots I'm writing. One is another in the series of Not In Time. It's a war letter one. The other one is a online message app conversation and I really think it's cute. So for the war letter one, who would you want to be the one at war? Troye or Tyler? The endings are different depending who you choose (because I'm a little bitch), one is good and one is bad. Your choice :)

I'm having two injections! Yikes! I actually don't mind them, I'm okay with the needle, it's just when the liquid spreads.

I think that's all!

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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