
By KittyAlii

144 9 16

The planet "Merto" is a dangerous planet. Filled with dangerous "creatures" that would love to end our misera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

13 1 0
By KittyAlii

I swung my blade at Inna quickly while dodging her swings. A grin was on my face as we jumped around using all our weapons on each other, wanting to kill.

As my knife made contact with her cheek, my grin widened. I slowly licked the blood of the knife while having eye contact with her, a look of frustration on her face as blood ran down her cheek.

With a grunt she charged at me, aiming for my organs. I easily jumped away and laughed as she nearly ran into a tree.

"Having fun, Inna? Or is it little Syinnah? I can't tell~" The words sneaked out of my mouth as my eyes became smaller with mischief. "I'm not very impressed, honestly." I continued with a boring look on my face as I leaned against the tree behind me and looked at my knife as I caressed it; clearly showing no interest.

A look of anger came over Inna's features as she stared at me. My eyes looked up from my knife and I smiled gently. "How is life in Ninoena? Still terrible and filled with misery? Is Kachane still the "leader"? Or did you guys finally realise that he's an asshole and that you should get rid of him?"

Inna stopped for a moment and just stared at me. "... Are you seriously trying to have a chat with me right now...?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. Why not?" I started playing with my knife, relaxing.

Inna facepalmed. She groaned before starting to talk. "Yes it's still the same. Kachane is still our dictator and no we haven't done anything about it. Anymore things you want to know before we try to kill each other again?"

"... Is Nia still alive?" I slowed down with my knife playing and avoided eye contact. For some reason... Eli listened to my thoughts and then asked what I was wondering. Why...?

"..." Inna stared at me. She let out a sigh of exhaustion and dragged her hand down her face. "Yes. But barely. Ah... She asks about you every day by the way. You should probably see her soon."

"Yeah... But I probably can't. First off all; I'm pretty sure you want to kill me right now. And second; everyone probably want to kill me in Ninoena as well so... The situation isn't looking good." I said and shrugged.

"That's true." She responded before jumping at me, knocking me to the ground with her above me. "But I still have a wish to fulfil~" She took out her knife and stabbed me, aiming for my heart.



So much pain.



I stared up into the sky. It was cloudy. Or was it just my tears making my vision hazy?

I let out a shaky breath and slowly closed my eyes, letting myself get engulfed by the darkness.




What am I doing...?

I should fight back.

I can't die.

Not yet.


Aren't you supposed to fulfill my wish? Please do it now! Eli, save me!




Oh~ maybe I should~? Hmm. Say please? Haha just kidding! I'll save you and give you a second chance.
After all... I'm your precious  f r i e n d, right~?

Never forget that without me... You'd be dead!




Air flowed into my lungs. Confusion came over me. I was in the hallway. The dark and stony hallway.

Suddenly my ears caught the sound of footsteps.

Eli... Did she just send me back in time? To save myself...? Damn it!

I started running after the footsteps, but I didn't make any sound. I heard the hole being opened. "Shit... NOÈ!" I tried yelling after myself, my voice filled with desperation.

I noticed how past me hesitated before closing the hole again. Damnit!! Why didn't I listen to the voice??

Sighing I started running towards the hole, I had to do something! But... I probably shouldn't let my past self see me... That would cause some trouble...

I got out to the surface and started walking. I knew that there weren't any creatures out right now and it didn't seem like they could hurt me anyway. I wasn't even in my body. Right now I was in spirit mode.

You can only get into spirit mode when a Mourir blade, or something else that's magically powerful, sends you back in time. The body isn't strong enough to travel through time so that's why only the spirit leaves. If I remember correctly... I have about a quarter of a nox in my spirit form. That's not much... But hopefully it will be enough.

I started sprinting through the red forest looking for... Something. Suddenly a thought passed through my mind. How am I supposed to do this...? I can't let my past self see me... But I also can't mess with time. Somehow... I have to save myself in the last minute without me seeing it?

I... Could either make sure that Syinnah sees me instead of past me and hunts me down instead? But I don't think that would work...

Instead... I could knock out past me when Syinnah tries to stab my past self and at the same time make sure that Syinnah never stabs me? It could work... But I don't have a weapon...

... Or do I?

A smirk spread over my lips as I remembered the weapon I left in the tree while Syinnah was hunting me. I could use that... And I could just hit my past self on a place... Where I pass out...? Ouch. It's gonna hurt... But it will save me.

After forming a plan in my head I ran to the place where I knew that I had left the weapon.


It wasn't there. That could either mean that someone, of something's, already been here.., or I'm just way ahead of time.

Suddenly I saw my past self falling from the tree. After nearly getting a heart attack, but then remembering I didn't have a heart, I sighed and remembered that I also survived the fall. Damn I'm reckless.

I hid as I saw my past self jump away from the tree and doing a nice somersault before running away into the forest. Right after past me I saw Syinnah run after, a grin on her face as she shot arrows after my past self.

After reassuring me that they were gone, I got out of my hiding place and walked to the weapon.

I jumped up the tree and sat on the branch closest to the weapon. With a sigh I jumped at the weapon, taking a strong hold on the handle with my feet on the tree trunk. Then, I started to pull at the weapon trying to make it unstuck. I don't even know how I managed to make it this stuck while I fell. Magic I guess?

After a while of pulling at it I finally got it unstuck. We fell to the ground and I groaned, happy that I didn't have a body that could get hurt, but annoyed that I still felt slight pain. 

Standing up, I took the weapon with me and started running towards the direction that past me ran to. As I ran closer I started to hear a battle. Weapons clashing against each other and insane laughter. I slowed down to a jog when I came closer.

I slowly crept forward to the bushes and hid behind them as I watched the fight that had now turned into a conversation.

My hands gripped the weapon tighter as I heard them talk. "... Is Nia still alive?" My past self asked. I didn't want to hear that part again so I stopped listening. Bad move.

"That's true." My head flew up as I heard those words. Shit!

Immediately I flew up and jumped in front of Inna. I moved quickly and hit past me in a certain spot before starting to attack Inna. She started to laugh when she saw me. Good.

Every time she tried to hit me, I just made her go through my soul instead of bothering to avoid her hits. Without a body, I couldn't get hit anyway. But I could hurt Inna. Or actually Syinnah... She kind of killed me so that means that if that was her wish for her Mourir blade... She should be normal again. But, my Mourir blade fulfilled my wish as well, by making me go back in time to save myself while at the same time reviving me...? It amazes me how much power the Mourir blades have. Luckily, they are stuck in the blades and not roaming Merto, anymore.

Suddenly, Syinnah disappeared. "Oh..." I said before shrugging. Her Mourir blade apparently did fulfill her wish and now... She's taken to pay her price! But...

O h  N o.

The world around me slowly disappeared as I was engulfed in a sort of black smoke and suddenly... I was in a dark room.

It wasn't cold. But it wasn't warm either. Still, I shivered as sweat ran down my back.

Suddenly I felt a presence somewhere with me. I wasn't alone.

A chuckle rang through the room as soon as I thought that. The room flickered into light and I had to close my eyes for a moment before being able to see anything.

When I slowly opened my eyes again I got startled and immediately fell off the chair that I had, apparently, sat on.

The first thing that I saw when I opened my eyes were huge illuminated green eyes and a huge grin. Also known as the embodiment of my Mourir Blade, Eli.

"Hello~!" She sang out and jumped back, her long black locks flowing around. "It's time to talk about the price~!"

I slowly got up from the floor, watching her the whole time. Damn she's pretty...

"Oh thank you~!" She giggled and I blushed. I forgot that she could read my thoughts... That was her latest price for me. "Anyway, go ahead and sit down!"

I sat down at the chair again and she took a seat at a throne in front of me. "Hm~ I feel like you owe me a lot this time, yes~?" She said with a smug smile as she crossed her legs. "I did use my powers to let you cheat death and go back in time, did I not? Hehe~"

"... Yes. Thank you for your help, Eli. I greatly appreciate it." I responded, keeping eye contact with her the whole time while talking.

A gentle smile came over Eli's lips. "I know." I smiled back.

"Anyway!" She said loudly and leaned back in her throne. "I'll have to think about a good price for this... It was quite tiring anyway." She said and let out a yawn as she stretched. Her green eyes made contact with mine and she winked. "I know that you're checking me out, Noè." She smirked as a dark red blush spread over my cheeks. "Did you already forget about Sen? Tih? Teh? Syinnah? Anna? Alée? John? Kiki? ... Nia~?"

She knew that she had hit a vital spot. I didn't really react at first, I only realized that I couldn't breathe. After a while I let out a shaky breath and started to breathe again. It wasn't good to be this sensitive about someone, that could easily get you killed.

"You are right about that part, Noè. If anyone else finds out about your sensitivity for Nia, you'd probably die. At least you're hiding it pretty good." Eli said as she looked at me through her eyelashes. "Anyway, I think I know what I want now."

"... Go ahead." I said, looking her straight in her shining green eyes.

"I want you to have me with you wherever you go. And I want to access your thoughts all the time and for you to listen when I speak to you. It's boring to be alone and besides, then it's easier for you to know what to do! I know everything about the future anyway." She flipped her hair. "Oh and be careful in the future and don't be so scared to use me!" A gentle smile came over her features. "I want to help you, Noè. Especially during those nights~" she said playfully with a wink, making me blush, again.

"Yeah... Okay. I guess I'll... Uhm... Do that." I swallowed a lump in my throat awkwardly and looked away, a small blush tinting my cheeks.

"I accept the price and I thank you, Eli, for fulfilling my wish. I am Noè of Nin."

A bright light illuminated the room and effectively blinded me. When I was able to see again, I was back on the surface.

At least Syinnah was nowhere to be seen which was a big relief and I was in the same place that we fought in earlier. I looked around and noticed my big weapon on the ground. I walked over to it and picked it up, putting it by my other weapons.

"I guess I'll just go hunting now..." I thought out loud. I was just about to go when a voice in my head interrupted me.

"Why would you want to do something so boring? I mean yeah, everybody loves you because of it... But why don't we do something funnier~? Oh it's so fun to be able to talk in your head now~!"

"Hey Eli. I guess... We could do something else for a while. What do you have in mind?" I said in my head.

I could pretty much feel her smirk as she talked. "That's a good wisher! Well~ Don't you think we should save someone~?"

I waited for her to continue. When she didn't I asked, "Who?".

"I think we should save someone really close to us~! And I think you know who I'm talking about as well~!" She continued to say, the smirk obvious in her tone.

"Could you tell me who?" I asked her, not really knowing or wanting to think.

"You really don't have a clue? Wow. I thought she meant more to you." She said with a fake shock.

"... Please just tell me her name, Eli."

"Haha okay~! It's Nia. You should probably go see her before she dies~! And maybe even save her~? Or would you rather never see her again? As someone who knows about the future... It's my advise that you should go now if you want to see her ever again! So, what is your choice... Noè~?"

I clenched my fists and my jaw. I took a deep breath and then started running. There is a possibility that I will die while trying to see her again... But I don't really care to be honest.

After all, as I ran towards Ninoena I only had one person on my mind. Not Sen. Not Mii or any other of my friends. Not Eli. Not even myself.

I could only think about Nia.

>End of Chapter 5<
Word count: 2490

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