Blood And Pleasure (Lesbian S...

By livingwithfun

38.6K 1.5K 239

The World we live in is just a fictional mentality of our witting. The world we live in is filled with Demons... More

1 - Silence
2 - Unforseen Reality
3 - Define : Domain
4 - Getting to Know
5 - Bloody Mary
6 - Magical
7 - The Dilemma
8 - First Kiss
9 - Research
10 - Doubt
12 - Reality Kicks In
13 - Coming Clean
14 - Happy Birthday
15 - Unpredictable Events
16 - Truth About Kendall
17 - Kendall Jenner
18 - Dancing With The Undead
19 - Alexandra
20 - Christian
21 - One Step Closer
22 - Lost in the World
Final Chapter - When It All Comes Crashing Down

11 - Tomb of The Undead

1.3K 62 10
By livingwithfun

Kendall sighed after closing the last web page she'd skimmed. She was searching for a logical conclusion to justify Cara's reaction to chicken earlier that night but no scientific answer seemed to be accurate. The closest symptom she could find was an eating disorder, more likely to be anorexia but Cara, with her strength and fitness didn't seem to be anorexic.

Kendall giggled to herself and decided to follow Gigi's unwritten rule of googling her thoughts. She recalled Gigi googling the least google-worthy matters such as Where are my car keys? Or where is my algebra teacher's purse?

After smiling at her friend's antics, Kendall typed. Cold skin, strength. She searched. She was surprised to be faced with mythic results.

They were mostly short essays written for personal amusement, she later found out. But the little beam of light about that experience was carved in her memory.


"Hey Sels." Cara called as she walked toward Selena. She was sitting with Lilly, running through the printed pages of Christian's book. The one they'd just stolen a few days ago.

"Hey Cara. I was just telling Lilly about how we managed to get this copy." Selena replied without lifting her head from the page.

"I loved it. It was so awesome I was jealous I wasn't there!" Lilly squealed.

"It's not like you weren't welcome. We just wanted it to be..." Cara pulled a chair for herself. "...secretive." She finished.

"I'm aware Cars." Lilly smiled.

Cara knew Lilly through Taylor. She was a vampire as well. She was one of the few people Cara actually trusted.

"What have you got so far?" Cara asked as she picked up a single page and glanced at it.

"A few things actually. First being Christian's way more of a badass than we think." Selena began.

"Shit." Cara chuckled.

"This is serious actually.. This man knows more black magic than you and I know words." Selena looked right in Cara's eyes. "He has a copy of every single text written about curses since the beginning of witchcraft."

"Also we learned that the snake that was sent into the house, wasn't actually sent by a witch." Selena continued.

"What creature sent it then?" Cara azked in confusion.

"It couldn't have been by a witch because then, a witch, like Selena could have killed it." Lilly explained.

"But.. But us vampires can't do any magic." Cara argued. "Werewolves can't either." She was bewildered. What creature was able to do that?

"You're right. A vampire can't do magic but what about.." Selena glanced at her fingers as she pages with her nails.

"The undead?" Cara shuddered and a cold chill ran down her spine.

"It can't be.. How can an undead even be out here?" Cara asked.

"It was an undead. And it wasn't sent to kill one of us Cara. It was a blood sucker snake." Selena showed Cara a page she'd put on the right.

"See.. This is the spell. And only an undead can do this." Selena explained. Though Cara could only understand the picture.

The page held a very confusing figure of numbers and ancient Greek alphabet.

"This snake was meant to suck out an unwaken vampire's blood. For whatever reason." Selena concluded.

"Even that doesn't make sense. Unwaken Vampires are Royal Brights
And we don't have any royal bright siders here." Cara argued.


Kendall checked the books in mythology section at the local library she regularly visits. She chose a few random ones and sat down on her usual seat.

After going through the context, she opted to read supernatural creatures section of each. Every biblical or supernatural creature had a whole chapter written in the largest book she'd picked. Kendall assumed it would be more efficient if she only read them instead of the whole text.

The list of creatures in the first of the 11th season read:

A. Angels
B. Demons
C. Spirits
D. Vampires
E. Werewolves
F. Witches
G. Shifters

Kendall bit the end of her pen. And began reading.
Page 362. Angels


"Nice try cousin but I ain't no kid."  Brandon chuckled. "The Undead can't escape."

When Cara was silent, hr glanced at her after marking his book.

"Seriously?" He stood up immediately. Cara nodded her head.

She had just walked in and mentioned an undead had fled and that they needed to go explore.

"Do we have to go like, now?" He questioned again.

"Yes we do! We need to figure some things out." Cara explained. "Just be ready in five." She walked back into Selena's room where Selena , Lilly and Zack were.

"You guys all set?" They were spread all over the room searching for possible requirements.

"Almost." Zack walked toward Cara with a knife in his hand.

"I don't think you'll need that. We're going to explore the.." Cara began but was interrupted.

"Precaution, Cara dear." He pretended to have a voice of an elder.

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna go now." Cara replied.

"Don't take too long." She rolled her eyes and walked downstairs to wait by her car.


D. Vampires

Kendall read.

Vampires are supernatural dead beings. Their only hope for survival is consuming blood. Most common indications of vampire bloodlines are:

1. Paleness of the skin
2. Extreme physical strength
3. Inability to fall asleep
4. Extreme speed
5. Colored eyes when angry or hungered
6. Extreme allergic reaction after consuming any substance other than blood
7. Coldness of body

Vampires belong to one of the three following bloodlines.
A. Dark Ones
B. Bright Ones
C. The Undead


"Where exactly are we headed to?" Asked Zack as he watched the beautiful forest carefully through the window.

"It's the hidden site of the undead coffins." Brandon explained while driving.

"Does Adam know?" Zack asked again.

"He does not, that's why we're going to investigate." Selena sighed in boredom as she replied.

"Cool it guys." Cara told them. "We need all the concentration we can manage to possibly get so." She turned her head around from the front seat. "Shhh!" She put her pointer finger over her lips, asking them to maintain the silence.

"Whatever Cara." Selena huffed playfully before turning her head back towards the window.


The car came to a stop. Everyone exit the vehicle once they noticed it did.

Cara walked up to the steep and hilly area they'd parked near to. There were several old bushy trees covering the hills. Their roots so wide, their wood so old and hard. Every one of these trees was actually a gateway for vampires to throw the undead into their coffins.

An undead is a human, whose blood contains vampire venoum. They will change into an undead vampire if they don't get buried while they're unconscious.

In this tomb, vampires put the undead body over the tree root and leave. The root itself, by the spell it contains, puts the bodies in a very hard to open coffin and protects the world from the undead.

The undead have more power than a bright or a dark vampire. Actually, no vampire nor witch can face an undead. Once awakened, the undead becomes the slave of the man awakening him. Which has never happened since 900 B.C until unfortunately, now.

With the extreme power an undead possesses, the moment it's broken free, it wildens and kills every vampire within reach. Which is probably why there are such strict rules about burying them.


"There's no trace of forcing open anywhere." Lilly reported.

"Same here!" Zack raised his hand.

"Not quite." Cara agreed.

"We need to get inside." Brandon concluded.

"What?" Cara snapped.

"Are you out of your mind?" Selena joined in.

"Cool it guys! They can't even move!" Brandon defended his idea.

"One has fled, Brandon!" Lilly reminded. "There might be another and if there is, one can't come out of there alive."

"I don't care! I'm going in. I need to know what's going on!" Brandon argued.

"Do you even know how?" Cara asked as he nodded. Everyone stood for a short while, just checking all others, wondering if they should follow Brandon's suggestion.

Brandon walked toward the tree with the largest root. "I know how to get in, cousin." He was about to lay down on the root to enter the tomb.

"Fuck it I'm going with you." Cara snapped.

"Oh come on Cars!" Zack huffed. "He's gone mad! Why are you following through?"

"Just gimme your knife!" She demanded.

"No Cara! None of you two are going in!" Selena joined in.

"We are, Selena. He's right. Someone needs to do this. And I won't let him do this alone." Cara argued.

"I just need a knife." She looked at Zack pleadingly.

"Cara you shouldn't do this." Lilly uttered weakly.

"I know." Cara smiled at her. "But I will, anyways."

"Be careful." Zack pleaded as he handed the knife to Cara.

"Thanks Zachary." Cara smiled and walked toward her cousin.

"I'm going first." She let Brandon know and laid down on the root, holding Zack's knife tightly in her hand.

The root started moving and started growing over Cara's body, assuming it was an undead body. She stood still until the root took her underground. Cara cut off every newly forming piece of the plant to keep her body free. She smacked the branches harshly as it tried to push her body in a coffin.

Cara threw herself away as she cut off the final piece of the long root. The tree closed the empty coffin and started forming a tissue around it.

Cara turned around to see a site she certainly did not expect to. "Woah." She whispered to herself as she wiped off the dust from her clothes.

The large burial was lit up by dirty lanterns hanging from the roof. The walls were made of coffins containing the undead bodies, so many Cara quickly lost count.

The ground was made of firm stones, the roof itself was nothing but soil, dripping some on the ground and over the lanterns sometimes, causing a jizzing noise.

"Lemme go you fucker!" Brandon's voice brought Cara out of her investigation. She ran towards the voice to see Brandon cutting the root with his nails. Cara helped him by throwing the knife into the largest string of the root and cutting it off. Brandon immediately smacked the tree and jumped down right before the root closed the coffin.

"Holy shit!" Brandon shuffed breathlessly. "This bitch is something." He told his cousin.

"It is." Cara looked around once more.

"Fuck!" Brandon whispered as he noticed his surroundings.

"There's no way they can flee without help." He immediately concluded.

"That's what I thought." Cara nodded as she started looking around.


"Cousin!" Brandon's voice made Cara stop absorbing and turn around.

"Yes?" She asked.

"You better come check this out." Cara walked over to Brandon.

"This is.. uhm.. just look." There was a coffin spread wide open with drops of blood around.

"Someone's fed an undead." Brandon's voice held horror. "This shit can't be real." He huffed.

"Who can that someone be?" Cara wondered. But she got no answer.

Cara took several pictures of the coffin from different angles. "We should get going before dark. I don't wanna be a werewolf's dinner." Brandon suggested.

"Literally." Cara chuckled.

"How do we get out, though?" Brandon asked.

"I have an idea.."

Cara's teeth started growing out and her eyes started getting redder. She got into her vampire form and jumped on the root of a tree. She bit down on it and injected her venoum in it.

The tree stopped moving. "This'll immobilize them for a while." Cara stated.

"Why did we not use this to get in again?" Brandon chuckled as he followed his cousin. They were climbing out the tomb.

"Because we needed it alive then to guide us in." Cara replied.

Cara's head got out of the soil first. Her body followed and she helped Brandon get out as well.

"They're here guys!" Selena screamed as she ran towards them.

"Are you okay??" She asked.

"Yep." Cara nodded. As she shook off the soil off of her clothes.

"You okay?" She asked Brandon delicately.

"I'm fine, jeez." He replied. Cara smiled at the sight.

Lilly and Zack appeared as well.

"What did you see?" Lilly asked.

"Someone's been feeding the missing undead." Cara took out her phone to show them the pictures.

"Let's get back home first." Selena suggested.


Cara looked at her shoulder to see Kendall with her eyes closed. She was a little confused before she remembered humans can actually sleep.

She carefully grabbed the remote to turn off the TV. Kendall had invited her over for a movie night. Which she had gratefully agreed to.

Cara hooked her hand in Kendall's waist as she picked the girl up bridal style. She carried the brunette to her bedroom and put her down on her bed. She tucked kendall in the covers.

Kendall looked so innocent. She was so vulnerable. And beautiful, Cara admitted.

She leaned down and pecked the girl's forhead before smelling her scent in.


Cara parked her car and started walking towards her uncle's villa. She felt her body freeze so unexpectedly.

"Thought I'd never find you? Thief!" It was Christian's voice.


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