
By PrincessQueenZ

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Famous rapper Nicki Minaj was lonely and ended up adopting eight little adorable children. But apparently ado... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 70

560 29 6
By PrincessQueenZ

A pot of coffee stood on the center table.  Garvin yawned and scratched at his chin. As he poured three cups he went over what he needed to say in his head. Tomorrow would be the first day Chloe was to tutor the kids and he wanted to brief her on as much as possible. He finally had his 'team' together. There was himself the brain, the therapist. Sophie the brilliant doctor and caretaker. And Chloe the . . . tutor.

He was ready to really start helping these kids. When he was done here they would have a plan. They would be ready to fix the pips.

"Okay so you two . . . although you aren't psychologists, you are competent enough to understand and execute the task of aiding the pips to become mentally sound and healthy." Garvin started off by saying. He looked at the two ladies sitting before him.

"How hard could it be? I mean I've got a really fun lesson plan for little Perrie. Like I mean autism isn't that much of a horrible disease if she doesn't have it severely. She seems able to respond to people and stuff so . . ." Chloe said.

"Chloe he's not just talking about Perrie's autism." Sophie said softly. She was tired these days. She'd been doing a lot of research on a lot of mental illnesses in preparation to help Garvin and his therapy since the kids seemed more willing to talk to her. Plus she had to learn a lot of stuff to be able to help Princeton execute his excersises correctly. The kid was determined and seemed to be coming along well.

"What?" Chloe said confused.

"Remember when I mentioned that they are an interesting bunch with some issues?" Garvin asked.

"Yeah?" Chloe raised an eyebrow. "I thought you just meant you know like the usual adoption depression sort of thing . . ."

"No theres more. Jesy and Princeton have different strains of schizophrenia, Leigh-Anne has an avoidant personality, Ray Ray has anger management issues and is obsessive, Jade is a tad bit sociopathic, also has anger issues yet is insecure . . ." Garvin took a breath.

"And let's not forget Prodigy and Roc Royal and their . . . lack of individuality?" Sophie said. "Not to mention how they've gone seemingly out of nowhere from disliking Jesy strongly to 'being in love with her'."

"And Nicki seems obsessed with them and can't seem to get past how 'adorable' they are. She also needs a reality check." Garvin ended.

"Huh . . . I guess they're worse off than they look." Chloe shrugged. "I'm sure we can help them. We just need the power of positivity." She grinned.

"Hmm. I hope they appreciate your perkyness more than I do." Garvin muttered. "Now we're gonna go over each kid and how they got into the state that they are in. And we're gonna try to come up with the best possible way to help them." He slammed a large notebook on the table along with a stack of pictures of the kids. "It's gonna be a long night ladies. You two are in for a few shocks. But it is important to treat the children like they are normal. Don't look at them differently because that could be hazardous to their mental states. Of course there are some instances when they need to be treated with more sensitivity or tenderness than a normal child will require but we will come to that in a bit. Lastly before I start to tell you all what I know which is not everything just what Nicki and I have gathered about them over the past months I need you to keep it secret."


Chloe sat in the living room area of Nicki's suite waiting for Perrie to come out for their first lesson. She was staring into space, her mind going on a loop as she remembered all that Garvin had told her and Sophie the previous night. Chloe couldn't believe it. She knew Sophie had known some of the stuff before but she had seemed just as shocked as Chloe was.

"Hey Chlo are you okay?" Nicki's voice floated to her. Nicki was hovering over her with a mug of something warm in hand.

Chloe looked up at her employer wondering how she slept knowing all that stuff about her kids. She wondered how she didn't worry herself to death thinking about them hurting each other. Chloe tried a smile. "I'm good Miss Minaj."

Nicki raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay if you're sure. Anyway Perrie is coming in a bit. You better look more alive than this. I'm going to Meek's suite for a bit. Call if you need anything. Sophie said she's on her way." With that Nicki headed towards the door.

"Hiya!" Perrie popped up from behind the couch startling Chloe half to death.

"Oh Perrie . . . hi." Chloe said with a hand on her chest. "Come round so we can start."

Perrie made her way to sit the couch. "Is tutoring going to be hard? Because school was hard . . . I don't like when things are hard."

Chloe was having a difficult time concentrating. She could hardly believe that Perrie was the reason for Princeton's injuries. Sophie had already known this fact so Chloe was on her own in the shock of this one.

"Is something wrong?" Perrie asked her with a tilted head.

Chloe gulped. Autistics were a lot of the time very good at reading people. She tried to perk up. "Everything is fine Perrie. Now what subject do you want to start with? I heard that you're dyslexic so do you wanna maybe read something for me?"

Perrie looked sad. "Do you hate me? Why do you look like you don't want to be my friend? I'm sorry if I did something wrong . . ."

"No no Perrie. I am your friend. I like you very much. Now let's read." Chloe practically melted. It was very hard to be apprehensive about safety when Perrie was looking that adorable and sad. She perked up considerably. She could do this.

"Okay I could read you a story. Do you have a story you want me to read?" Perrie asked her with an almost blank expression on her face.

Chloe handed Perrie a kindergarden level story book. She wanted to start off with something easy even though Perrie was supposed to be doing second grade stuff. To her surprise Perrie read the story perfectly with no hesitation or pauses. "Wow Perrie that was great. Have you read this story before?"

Perrie shook her head. "I've never seen this book but I like it. It was fun."

Chloe gave her a first grade book then a second grade one. She read them both perfectly. Chloe was confused. It didn't seem that Perrie was dyslexic at all according to her reading. She by right shouldn't have even been able to read the second grade stuff since she was only starting second grade today.

"Perrie don't the letters look mixed up when you read?" Chloe asked her.

Perrie nodded. "Uh-huh. It's weird because sometimes if I see a sentence like 'He was big.' To me it looks like 'he was pig' or maybe 'he was dig' because the p and the b and the d all look a like and get mixed up in me head. So then I have to pick the one that makes sense. It can't be 'he was pig' because if it was 'pig' there would be an 'a' in front of it like 'a pig'. And if it was 'dig' well it can't be that because it's a verb. So the only one that makes sense with the context is big so I choose that one!"

Chloe was taken aback. "Y-you do all that in your head in the span of a few seconds?"

"Well sometimes it's not that simple 'cause there might be lots of letters that don't make sense but yes I do it really quick. Sometimes I let my eyes read ahead before my mouth talks so that I can see the context." Perrie replied looking up at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Wow. Now that's what I call being a kid genius. Give me a high five Perrie!" Chloe was very impressed. This was pretty clever. It took far more effort than how a normal kid would read but Perrie did it so fast that you couldn't tell the difference. Perrie must have been a genius.

"I'm a genius? Like Jade?" Perrie asked with wonder filled eyes. It was obvious that Jade was her most favourite person in the whole world.

"Yep Pez a genius like Jade."


Chloe gave Perrie some math problems to do while she started lessons with Jade, Prodigy and Roc Royal who were in third grade.

"I think I'm too smart for third grade." Jade said before they even started. "I'm an evolved species and do not deserve to be in a class with these two Neanderthals."

Chloe giggled at this. "Okay Jade. What grade do you think you should be in?"

"Erm . . . well I think I should be studying for the SAT's so that I can actually start learning interesting things like college chemistry and calculus." Jade said fixing her glasses on her face.

Chloe shrugged. "Okay go memorise this physics text book." She handed Jade a Physics book she'd been reading for fun.

Jade seemed very excited. She grabbed the book and retreated to a corner to get started on it.

Chloe smirked at her. She reminded her of herself when she was younger . . . well except that she had an attitude . . . and anger issues . . . She shook off the thoughts. "Okay boys let's get started."

"Can we not do school today?" Prodigy asked as he coloured in a card.

"Yeah we're trying to make gifts for Jesy." Roc said adding glitter to one.

Chloe found their little crush adorable. "Why are you guys so interested in Jesy?"

Prodigy paused in his movements to answer. "We like her 'cause she pretty."

"And she's strong." Roc added.

"And she's made for us because Ray Ray already likes Jade and Princeton likes Leigh-Anne."

"Yeah that means Jesy is left for us so we love her."

Chloe smiled. "Awwww. That is so cute but I'm afraid that the other boys having the other girls is not a good enough reason to love someone. Besides you both can't share her. Why don't one of you like Perrie instead?"

"Nuh-uh. Perrie's too young for us." They said together

"Okay." Chloe shook her head. "Put the cards away. We've got work to do."


"Learning is the best thing ever . . . although I miss going to school with other people but this is good too. I can't wait to start. We can do Science and Math and English. I'm so excited." Leigh-Anne was cooing when it was time for the fourth graders to have their lessons.

"And we can write essays and solve problems and do assignments . . ." Princeton added.

"And maybe we can get rid of the annoying boy while we're at it." Jesy grumbled glaring at Princeton.

"Wow you three are an excited bunch."Chloe said getting excited too. She liked their energy –well Princeton and Leigh-Anne's energy. Jesy looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

"Just so you know me and Princeton are like really good in terms of academics. We topped our class last school year." Leigh-Anne boasted pointing at herself then Princeton with her thumb.

"My grade point average was actually a point higher than hers." Princeton said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up Prince." Leigh said.

"They also won the title for the biggest geeks in the school!" Jesy snapped in irritation.

"Jes stop." Leigh-Anne chastised.

"I'll stop when you switch seats with me. I don't like you sitting next to him. I'll sit in the middle instead." Jesy demanded.

"But I want Leigh-Anne to stay in the middle . . ." Princeton protested. Jesy growled at him and he became mute.

"Jes do you have to be so mean to Prince?" Leigh-Anne aksed.

Jesy smirked. "Yes I have to be mean to him because I hate him. Do you have to be so mean to Prodigy and Roc Royal?"

Leigh-Anne blushed. "Y-you like it when I'm mean to them. You dislike them more than I do."

Chloe was watching this attentively. They were like a mini-soapopera.

"Oh so you dislike them now. Weren't you the one who said that everyone should be nice to everyone? I thought you only had love in your heart Leigh. Hmm?" Jesy prodded.

"Can we have this conversation some other time?" Leigh-Anne asked softy.

Jesy smirked. "Humph. I consider this argument won Princess." With that Jesy reached over and slapped Princeton across the face.

"Ow Jesy was that really necessary?" Princeton cried holding his face.

"Okay could you guys like settle down so we can start the lesson please?" Chloe stopped them before things got out of hand. She was very worried about having Jesy and Princeton in the same room at the same time. She was terrified of them fighting. She wondered how Leigh-Anne was able to be kind to both of them and not be afraid.


"Well hello beautiful." Ray Ray said when it was his turn. He was the only fifth grader and so had one on one with Chloe.

She tried to smile at him but the thoughts of the things he'd done and were capable of sent a chill down her spine. Along with what she thought was fear, there was something akin to respect. She felt admiration. This kid protected and provided for all the others. Obviously most of the details were unknown to her and even Nicki but the fact of the matter was there. He almost single handedly saved the other kids.

"You're mesmerized by my beauty I see." Ray Ray smirked. "I tend to have that effect on pretty ladies like yourself."

She shook her head at his charm. Dangerous or not she liked his confident air. "So what subject would you like to do first?" She asked.

He got this mishevious sparkle in his eye. "How bout you? I'd like to know more about you." He grinned.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "How bout math?"

"Math's my favourite subject but I was thinking chemistry." He raised his eyebrows up and down.

She laughed some more. "You are too cute little man." She rubbed the top of his head.

"Huh. You won't be saying that when I . . ."

"I'm done with the math!" Perrie interrupted. She shoved the paper at Chloe proudly.

"Perrie you interrupted the adults honey." Ray Ray said.

"You mean you desperately trying to get Chloe to like you? Jade won't like that Ray Ray." Perrie said turning a confused expression on him.

"Perrie all of these are wrong sweety." Chloe said sadly. She was hoping Perrie had some genius way of figuring math out as well. She was going to have to work hard whith her.

"Now where were we?" Ray Ray asked in a smooth voice. "I think we need to spend long hours together working on my chemistry . . ."

"But you have to love US!" Roc Royal's voice screamed.

"Yeah Jesy you'r breaking the rules. Leigh-Anne loves Princeton, Jade loves Ray Ray so that mean you love us!" Prodigy screamed after him.

"But I don't. And I don't want your stupid crappy cards either." Jesy walked into the room with Prod, Roc and Leigh on her heals. "Leave me alone!"

"But you have to! It's not even fair!" Roc yelled.

"Jesy doesn't like you!" Leigh-Anne yelled. "She doesn't want you like that!"

"I don't want you AT ALL!" Jesy screamed.

"Is there a reason y'all in this room?" Ray Ray asked irritated.

"But if Leigh-Anne is taken that means you and Jade are all that's left. And Ray in love with Jade so that means you're ours!" Prod yelled. "Those is the rules!"

"Where are these rules written huh?" Leigh-Anne asked in exasperation. "And I'm not taken by anyone!"

"The rules are in our heart." They both said placing there right hands on their chests.

"Oh barf in my mouth. When I get a boyfriend he'll be more handsome and smarter than the two of you combined!" Jesy screamed. "But until then my heart belongs to someone else!"

"You in love with Ray too?" They both asked.

"She's talking about me stupids." Leigh-Anne snapped.

The two boys gasped. "Leigh-Anne you mean."

"All this time you've been nice to us but you were just mean the whole time!" Prodigy said.

"You lied and you were acting. You hate us. And you hate me." Roc said.

"N-no no guys. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." Leigh-Anne stammered as the boys started heading back to their room with hanging heads.

Jesy stuck her tongue out. "Haha! You suck! I hate you! Leigh-Anne doesn't like you. And you can't have me or her because we belong to eachother!" She gave them the finger.

"Jesy there's no need to be so vile." Leigh-Anne said sadly.

Jesy scowled. "Leigh you've gone soft again. I like it when you . . . claim me." She grumbled.

Leigh-Anne shook her head. "Jes . . . stop." She took a few sheets of paper from Jesy's hand and handed them off to Chloe. "Terribly sorry for disturbing your lesson Ray. We'll leave now." She took Jesy's hand and tugged her towards the room they came from.

"Does this happen often?" Chloe asked Ray Ray when it was just them and Perrie again.

"Well you know the kids are wild. I usually try to help Mom out when I can." Ray Ray said with a smirk. "I am the man of the house . . . Don't let that dumb Meek guy fool you." He added the last part as a whisper.

"You are such a brave little thing aren't you?" Chloe said. She was beginning to get emotional. Ray Ray obviously went through so much yet he was smiling and hitting on her. Trying his best to be a normal ten year old.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She sniffed. "I'm sorry . . . It's just that Garvin told me a lot about you . . . you're the most amazing ten year old I know." She let out a small sob.

"Uh . . . there, there?" Ray Ray said. He rubbed her back in what he hoped was a soothing gesture but he couldn't be sure. "Garvin told you about our 'issues'? That son of a cunt." He hissed.

"No no. He just wants to help you guys and your Mom. He thought I could help . . . he says that Nicki is almost as unstable as some of you. We just want to help you." She blubbered.

Ray Ray nodded. Maybe they should allow themselves to be helped. Maybe this was in Nicki's best interest. "How do we start fixing things?" He asked.

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