Freedoms War

Galing kay shadowqueen5511

358 25 2

Fang, has lived the last year in an Empire she failed to conquer. She was the General of her mother's army an... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Part 18

Chapter 2

30 3 0
Galing kay shadowqueen5511

After tirelessly arguing all day with the war council i walked out of the heated tent with Manhands at my heel. "How in Oblivion am i supposed to help you when all your commanders question my every move and motive? The formation they have now is still not good enough if they wish to be as effective" i groaned as i began to take a walk around the camp.

I never had to argue with my commanders before. One, because they respected me. Two, i was the general. Three, we never had a war with each other.

Now that none of those factored in, i was here. Angry and frustrated at the men who would not let me change much of the formation. But the general? The old man with the wolf pelt on his shoulder? He, i gained respect for. He did not question me unless he asked how that would affect things. He listened to me and he grew to respect me. Enough to let me change the formation to what was now acceptable but could still be improved. It was just his commanders who always questioned and challenged me. Though Manhands wasn't so much, she was quite keeping an eye on me. Much like now.

"Can you blame them for being cautious? You did kill all their brothers and sons" she said bitterly towards me. I choose to ignore her as i continued walking. "They wanted my help but do not allow me to help? Which do they want? I am not here to play games with you mortals" i growled turning on my heel facing Lady Manhands. She glared right back at me, challenging me. Something no one ever dared to do. It was so different. And aggravating. "Mortals? So you are immortal then? Live for ever watching everything you love wither away? Are you going to let this plague take away what you truly care about? You are better then them Fang"

Wow. what a pep talk. I need her to be my moral commander because dam. She's hot when she's fierce. The way my eyes looked her steel armor up and down, she was relatively flat chested but i didn't really mind that. The look i gave her was obvious and gave away what i thought of her. She seemed to blush and step away though. I smirked in response. "Thanks Commander, wouldn't be here without you" i said doing a mock salute and continued walking off.

She chose not to follow me now, letting me wonder the camp aimlessly. Many men stared and whispered as i walked by. Really what i was interested in, was if they had any whisky because i sure as hell needed some. Especially if i was to enter that tent again.

I found two men with their helmets off standing by some crates, most likely guarding them. As i came by they stood up straighter and began to sweat as if i was the sun. "Got any ale?" I asked as i stood in front of one man. He was taller then me and had short black hair. "What?" He asked blinking down at me. The fear in his eyes evident. So he probably wasn't trying to annoy me. "Ale? Whisky? Mead? Rum? Anything with a kick?" I asked him and he looked to his comrade then back at me. He nodded and gestured for me to follow him.


This was a bad idea. Too late. I was already drunk and it was dusk, i was playing cards with some men. I was cheating of course. I had a few cards up my white sleeve but they were so baggy no one noticed. I was currently up hundred gold pieces and one man's leather armor and another's sword. Military issue i'm sure they weren't allowed to put on the betting table but i took them any way. A mug of strong moonshine was in my hand and my cards in the other. I put my cards down and immediately the small crowded around us cheered as the players groaned as i was now up hundred and thirty gold pieces.

I downed my moonshine and threw the mug on the floor. Before i could grab the deck to deal an iron glove caught my wrist. "Manhandsss! I'm on a roll!" I slurred as i looked up at her. She looked pissed. Shit what did i do. Shit is she going to hit me. Mommy always hit me. "If you hhit me i'll tear out sure ssspine" i growled at her and she frowned now and pulled me up. I managed to grab my pouch of gold from the table and stuff it in my pants.

She dragged me around and i was starting to get dizzy. "Were we goin' manhandss?" I asked and then i saw the large tent. Oh the war tent? Why were we going back there? Before i could ask we walked inside. Only now there was just the general.

"I caught her gambling and drinking with your men, she can barely walk right" she growled at the general but he waved her off. She seemed to get even more mad at him then me. That was good i think. She then did a small bow before leaving.

"Have fun?"  The general asked as he sat down at one of the wooden chairs by the table. I walked over to the table and almost fell, i managed to grab onto the table before i did so. I sighed and looked at the map. "This... it's all wrong. Were fighting rampids! Not unarmed peasants!" I whinned looking at the formations they had. "Pike men first for better reach than when they can't hold any longer send in the heavies" i groaned and then knocked a few pawns off the table, back handing them in my frustration. "What of the light infantry?" He asked his tactical way. I looked at the map again. "Sssend them to the flanks, flank them, there main goal isss to go forward, the bulk of the hoard won't care about it's flanksss. Now please tell me you have arrowwwss" i asked and he nodded. "The archers can shoot till dawn but will the front line hold that long?" He asked and i shook my head putting my hands on my face. My skin was so bloody smooth. I love my skin. Why did the bad man have to cut up my back? It was so soft.

"We are most definitely going to die here.... But i will be here... drinking my moonshine... the hoard does not see me" i mumbled now laying down across the table as i curled up to fall asleep. "What do you mean they can not see you?" He asked. His booming strong voice kept me from sleep. I groaned grabbing the edges of the map as blanket and rolling to cover myself with the map. I mumbled my answer in my native language before falling asleep. 

I woke to cold water being poured over my head. I barely reacted, only groaned. "My hair is wet" i growled as i then sat up. Why in oblivion was i on the war table? Why was the map over me? How come Manhands dropped a bucket of water onto me? I glared at Lady Manhands.

"What?" I growled and she glared at me. I was getting used to that look. I wonder if it was permanently on her face. I don't think i've seen her smile. "The hoard is here" she said and handed me a sword and shield. Wow, there actually arming me? I slid off the table taking the sword and shield. "The armorer is waiting for you down by where you were drinking" she said. I was drinking? Thank the gods i don't get hangovers... wait...i don't get drunk for a long time, how long was i out?

My question was answered as i walked out of the tent into the dead of night. All the soldiers were gone so i'm guessing there in their positions now. Lady Manhands made her way somewhere as i tried to remember where i was drinking at.

I stumbled around for some time before i found the man by a anvil and crates filled with armor. "I'm to be equipped my good man" i said as i approached him. He jumped at my voice. The man had dark skin and a full black beard with curly black hair. His eyes full of fear as he looked at me. Gods they really all knew what i looked like? "Yes, ser right away" he said going to find some armor of my size. I put the shield and sword down for a minute and picked up one of the breastplates in one of the many open crates.

"This is pure steel isn't it? This is the best form i have ever seen of it" i commented as he found some armor and put it down on his workbench. "Yes ser, i crafted it all back in Herlun" he answered and then slowly started to put the armor on me like he was my squire. It made me want to laugh at the man's fumbling fingers with all the straps. "My mother hired a pure iron worker, he couldn't compare to this. And my mother only hired the best. I might just recommend you to her, she pays quite well. What's your name smith?" I asked him.

"Jaron ser, i appreciate your praise" he said stumbling over the words as he finished up with the last strapp on my shoulder. I then put the sword to my belt and put the steel boots on myself. "Thank you Jaron, may we meet again" i said nodding to him as i picked up the round shield. He gave me a smile but fear was all i could really see. I turned on my heel now geared up in steel armor and walking toward the battle field. Or what would soon be the battlefield.

The armor Jaron had gave me was very strong and stylish if i may add. It did not cover me fully, just the important parts. A chest plate, some armor strapped to my thighs, a big spiked shoulder plate on my right, then steel bracers on my arms. It did not cover everything but it would do with how short of notice this was. Nothing compared to my old armor but a start.

I walked over to where the general was on his white spotted horse in the front of the army. He stood ready with all the pike men in front. Lady Man hands at his side holding his horse still. As i stopped beside her i saw the giant hoard slowly approaching. "How come we don't have catapults?" I asked seeing how this was the perfect place to use them. "Your invasion destroyed all the workshops and any that remained" he said. not angry or anything, just stating a fact. I sighed watching as the black corpses were slowly walking their way toward us.

Black walking corpses is best as anyone can describe them. They did not have much of a brain but they had claws and teeth that were just as good as any hungry wolves. Easy to kill but hard when in such numbers. Usually there was the order that held me to put these down so it would not get like this.

The Order Of the Faithful. What a bullshit name. They served the gods of light and brought down evil. There job consisted of being devoted to the gods, killing rampids and praying.... Also destroying things that are evil. In my case considered evil. Only because silver had hurt me when they subdued me. It only hurt because i was using a lot of blood magic at the time. Blood magic lead to vampire behaviors, like sleeping in the day, craving more blood than usual, silver hurting, sensitive to the light and such.

These rampids could be killed easy enough. Like any human i guess. They bleed out, stop moving when stabbed in the heart or decapitation. Lit up on fire quite nice though they still kept moving when on fire till the fire itself burned into their black flesh. That was very slow though. Already archers were knocking back fire arrows. "The valley was covered in oil yesterday" the general said which caught me by surprise when the first arrow flew in the air.

"Won't that cause a ex-" i started but already there was a hiss in the arrow then fire erupted in the valley. All the dead corpses i couldn't see anymore. The pikemen still moved into position at the edge of the fire reading there pikes. The archers shooting regular arrows into the fire blindly.

We waited. We waited for what seemed like forever. Then the first corpse emerged from the flames. Then the rest and then it was a full on battle with a lots of hissing and black blood. The general began to shout his orders and i took up position behind the pike here to help if needed. At first it seemed like it was a piece of cake to these men. Cutting through butter with long sticks with knives at the end.

Then there was just more. And more. Black blood covered the pikes and men on the front line, fire dancing all around but not enough to hurt any of the men to bad. More and more they came through the fire. Then the first casualty happened. One that was crawling bit a man and he fell. Quickly another stomped on the head of the crawler and helped his friend up but then two more slipped past biting into each of the men. I watched as the red blood splashed upon their comrades and one man looking over only to be taken down by his second of distraction. So on this went. The pike men didn't fall fast but when there were breaches there were casualties. I was able to shout out commands to get replacements in those breaches but soon i was running out of replacements. No matter what command i spoke i knew the pike men would not hold for much longer. I looked to the sky to see if they had an answer.

The stars shone bright in the cloudless sky. I saw a shooting star go across the battlefield back to the empire. Then a hawk flying overhead. I knew the sign when i saw it. Do i fight and die? Or run? I looked down at my unblooded hands. My fingers sparked with what little magic i had. I needed to end this horrid for my freedom. For once i'll do something right.

I unsheathed my sword and called in for the heavy troops to charge in as the pikemen were getting beaten to dust. 

I was soon in the fray dancing around the burning corpses slashing away at their soft bodies. Weaving and striking. I was a tornado of death killing everything around me but it wasn't enough. They just kept coming and i watched as heavily armed men got taken down beside. Me. i looked back for reinforcements but this was all we had. Where was the general? Where was Manhands? I turned my attention to the battle. The corpses moved around me. As if i was a rock. Because i was already dead. And the plague wanted the living. I quickly began again slashing at all i could.

After hours of heavy losses many men began to retreat. I looked for the general but i found nothing as i was stumbling back as the horde just kept coming. Then i tripped over something. I soon found it to be the general's horse. I noticed his body being feasted on beside it. They ate his body as if it was there life line and those that could not get a piece looked for another corpse. The things were still on fire but i think it was just scaring the men instead of hurting the beasts.

I quickly got up moving away from the slow but deadly creatures. They still kept their slow pace but yet they were so dangerous. An army whipped out.

I heard a shout to my left. One of the only human noises that i could hear. I carved my way through the hoard towards the voice. I found lady man hands fending off the devil creatures as she was staggering back. They still lit on fire in the darkness and i slashed my way over the burning corpses to her. "Commander!" I shouted getting her attention as i made my way to her side helping her get back. "You have to run! Go to the forest i will cover you. Do not stop till i come for you" i shouted at her black blood got in my mouth. The things i do for this women. She better appreciate this shit. She did heed my order and left the field as i killed off many that had her scent.

After words i watched as all the other men that remained were feasted upoun. I doubt there would be any survivors, even those that run. Thankfully The commander was running out of the direction of the horde. I killed many more before i turned heel and ran after her.

I smelled her through the smell of sulfur this black blood smelled of. I ran without stopping, i was so lucky not need to breath that much. I ended up running till sun up. That was when i found the commander at the edge of a stream silently crying.

"Commander" i spoke hoarsely do to the fact i was shouting all night. She looked back to me and then stood up. "Why did you not use magic? You could have saved them! Saved them all!" She shouted at me now getting up in my face as tears streamed down her face. And here i was almost completely covered in black blood. And she's saying this shit? Show some damn respect. "In case you forgot your kingdom was allowing me to be tortured for a damn year! You should be happy i was able to walk out of there let alone kill the thousands i killed" i shouted back at her finally done with her shit.

She turned away running her hand through her loose brown hair. "What do we do? We lost? I didn't think we would" she said and i rolled my eyes. Are all humans this idiotic? Of course they lost! There was an endless horde of them. Even when i turned heel there were more coming from the valley.

"You told me it was my job to end this horde and i would be free, even if you all died. What did you expect of me?" I asked her annoyed with this question. She put everything on me, i bet she wish i hadn't saved her. I wish i didn't then i could just turn into a  bird and just fly away. Forgot about this miserable place.

"We have to... get support from the other kingdoms... Phinox, Erisen, Decougun, velgana..." she started stateing off and i put my hands on her shoulder to bring her back. "You do realize that half of those kingdoms live on separate land masses right? Why would they want to help defeat something that will not affect them. It only affects Kerulin. You would ask the elves from Velgana to cross Storms Rage to get here? Ask the orc's who don't know shit about ships to come from Decougun? Your king better write some sweet letters, first we must go back to the capital. Herlun is our best hope of trying to do anything" i told her. She nodded now understanding this situation. "You're right, my father will have to ask the kingdoms for help. I suppose we will be his adversary's then" she said with a sigh. Sounded like she was disappointed in that. I sure wasn't giving up a free trip around the world. Mother never liked the idea.

"Well we best start walking?" I suggested and she looked at me like i was crazy. "We've been fighting all night, how are you still standing" she asked and i looked down at myself. "Well obviously i bath in the blood of my enemies" i say as i am completely covered in black blood. "We rest here for a few hours then go" she said. Oh she was calling the shots. "Fine commander, i'll just be bathing in blood if you care" i said as i went down stream.

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