Kill Me Now (Modern Cliches...

By AMLKoski

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Book One of the Modern Cliches series ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, my name is Sasha Elaine Wimbleton. I am your perfectly... More

The Beginning
The Kidnapping
The Bargaining
The Kidnapper Alpha
The Werewolves
The Hunky Beta
The Sleeping Arrangements
The Monster-in-law
The Brother
The Hunky Beta (Part 2: My Knight in Black Denim)
The Inability to Communicate
The Only Fun Day I Get
The Separation
The Escape
The (Second) Kidnapping
The Exchange of Information
The Attempted Rescue
The Unraveling of the Bond
The Reunion
The End
F*ck Me

The Jealous Entourage

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By AMLKoski

In which after I come face to face with a monster, I meet Damien's groupies. Apparently telling them to go 'all out with their balls out' on him is rude. Fancy fucking that.


It took my kidnapper twenty minutes to calm me down. Well not calm me down all the way. He managed to get me to the point where I was able to listen. It didn't stop the hyperventilating or the panic but it allowed him to actually talk to me.

"Its okay. I won't hurt you." He was trying to touch me but the last time he tried that he had fucking claws. Claws that were attached to large hairy arms that were attached to a fucking werewolf. A shaggy wolf like beast that more than likely howled at the moon.

"You turned int-"

"I know." He nodded as if he could understand what I was feeling and that made me want to fucking punch him in the throat. There was no way he could understand what it felt like to have someone turn into a fucking werewolf in front of him.

"That's impossible! There is no fuck-"

"Please do not use such language. My mate must not speak so crassly." He said it sternly and my mouth dropped open in shock. Crazy mother fucker had just tried to alter my speech nuances right after he turned into a mother fucking werewolf.

"Did you fucking forget what you just turned into?" My voice was a screech and he winced as I pointed at him with my bound hands.

This was a nightmare.

I was in a hellish nightmare. I prayed to God that he would wake me up so I could stretch on my bed and be home and away from the Fucking craziness I suddenly found myself in. The asshole more than likely wouldn't listen because he was a douche that was probably enjoying my situation too much. Sadistic bastard.

"It's okay, love. Are you hungry?" He gave me a smile and I stared at him with disbelief. I wasn't fucking hungry. I was traumatized. He couldn't expect me to simply brush it all off like it was nothing. My reality had changed dramatically. That wasn't something one could get over in an instant. "You must be hungry. Let's get you something to eat." I opened my mouth to tell him off. Fuck him being my kidnapper or a fucking beast. I was done. I was done and I wanted to return home.

However, because he was an asshole, he didn't give me an option and simply dragged me out of the bathroom. I stumbled along behind him. I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy. True, he fucking kidnapped me but this was a whole different level. Who would treat their supposed 'mate' that way? Apparently this douche. He dragged me along until we entered a kitchen. He pulled me to the table and forced me to sit down.

"You just sit there and let me take care of you." He made sure my hands were on the table and I bit my tongue. I wanted to tell him off so badly. Fear had taken a jump straight into vicious anger. As I said, I was a bit delusional. Who gets mad at their kidnapper after he turns into a huge ass beast? Apparently me.

"If you want to take care of me... take off this fucking rope!" I screeched it out as I tugged against it, rubbing my wrists more raw in the process. I was hyperventilating. It wasn't a good thing but my brain felt a little too overwhelmed about everything to stop.

"Sweety, don't curse." It was a slight reprimand that made me nearly see red.

"Take. This. Off!" I started tugging at the ropes with my teeth, trying to loosen his fucking knots.

"Until I can trust you won't run away from me, it has to stay on." He said it as if he were speaking to a child and I gave a frustrated cry that turned into a sob, to my ever lasting horror.

"I don't want it on anymore!" I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to break down but I couldn't help it. I pressed my hands to my face and cried. This was such fucking bullshit. I just wanted the fucking nightmare to be over.

"Oh, love. Don't cry. I can't bear it." He grabbed my hands and pulled them from my face as he cut through the rope with his claws. Which only made the sobbing worse because the dude had fucking claws. I kept my head down and continued my crying. It wasn't nice crying either. That shit was really ugly crying. I'm talking dripping snot and twisted face and almost animalistic sounds. It was bad. "Shhhhhhh, sweety." He pulled me into his arms but that only made the crying worse. The last thing I needed or wanted was to be comforted by the guy who was responsible for the hysterics in the first place.

"Its okay! Please stop crying. Please." And he started begging. It was almost pathetic really. I would have laughed but I was too busy crying. "I have it! You stay here. Right here." He kissed the top of my head and mercifully let me go. I rubbed at my face with my now free hands.

Unsurprisingly, with him gone, the tears stopped for the most part. It was fucking amazing. A real goddamn miracle. I looked around the kitchen and rubbed at my sore wrists.

"It smells like human in here." The voice was almost snotty and I turned to see a group of women entering the kitchen. To my surprise they were dressed much like hookers. I blinked at their attire, or lack there of, it was... strange. "Look at what Alpha Damien dragged in." The deliberate snark made me frown. Alpha Damien? They actually called him Alpha? I wanted to laugh as hysterically as I cried. I was stuck with a cult. I just had to remember not to drink the fucking kool-aid.

"She's ugly." One of the other women spoke and my mouth dropped open as I looked at her. No matter what I was feeling, that was out of blue.

"Well that is rude." That was fucking rude and uncalled for. What a bitch.

"Well I just don't see why he would choose her." Neon nails flicked in my direction and I stared intently at each woman. They reminded me of a swarm of piranhas.

"Choose me for what?" I had never seen anyone dress like they were unless they were hookers. Not even the good kind, like full on 'I'm going to suck your rancid dick for two dollars in a back alley' hookers.

"I should be Luna!" The term caught me off-guard and I looked at the speaker with a wrinkled nose.

"What the hell is a Luna?" It was literally latin for moon. In reference to fucking wolves it meant nothing.

"She doesn't even know!" One of the women snorted and the others tittered behind their hands. I didn't like being particularly laughed at, especially considering I had been kidnapped and had a very rough fucking day.

"Luna is the Alpha Female. She helps rule the pack with the Alpha. Duh." The one speaking seemed to be the ring leader and I titled my head in confusion, looking her up and down. She had overly fake blond hair and her purple strappy hooker outfit on. I didn't get it. Why dress yourself in something that skimpy so close to the mountains? Was she not fucking cold?

"Why not just call her Alpha Female?" That actually seemed to stun them into silence. "Seems like they are limiting an Alpha Female's power by refusing to call her such." I wasn't someone who was overtly feminist but that seemed to be a full on smack to a female werewolf's face. I shuddered at the reminder of the beast I had been introduced to in the bathroom. I would have asked them for help escaping but with how much they seem infatuated with 'Alpha' Damien I doubted I would get anywhere.


"Wait that makes sense." One of the women held out her hand as if to stop the others from speaking.

"Stacy!" It was getting really hard to keep track of who was speaking and who wasn't. They were blending together in kind of a dirty hooker rainbow.

"What? It makes sense!" She sounded exasperated as she threw her hands up. I couldn't keep it back any longer.

"Why are you guys dressed like that?" I looked between them and Stacy looked at me with a small smile.

"Oh, costume party. Super slutty outfits." The explanation made sense. It also explained why half of their hair looked like wigs. "Do you want to come?" She actually looked half inviting and I wanted to accept. If I could go out with them then I could fucking escape.

"Stacy! She is the one Alpha Damien chose. She is not coming with us!" One of the others spat it out and my hopes of a quick escape were dashed. I looked them over again, if I could get them on my side I could escape. I raised my hand slowly.

"If you guys want him you are more than welcome to him." I wasn't about to fight for him. If they wanted him they were more than welcome to take him off my hands. How could he resist, I quickly counted them, six women who were scantily clad?

"See?" Stacy crossed her hands as if in satisfaction and I gave her a grateful smile.

"What the fuck do you mean?" One of the women gave me an incredulous look and I shrugged.

"Go all out with your balls out on him. I don't care." I honestly didn't care. I wanted him gone from my life and fucking quickly. I didn't want to be around him any more than I needed to be.

"Sweety, that is rude! You are the only woman for me!" His voice made its way to me and the six women quickly vacated the room, Stacy giving me an apologetic look as she sauntered away on her impossibly high heels. There was only one word that came to my mind as he came further into the kitchen and that word was.


"Language, love."

I was going to fucking kill him the first chance I got. This was bullshit.

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