At Water's Edge

De JosephineDeLoncre

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A leisurely stroll through the park turns into a life changing walk into the past. Confused Nina finds herse... Mai multe

At Water's Edge- Chapters 1-4
At Water's Edge -Chapter 5
At Water's Edge -Chapter 7
At Water's Edge - Chapter 8
At Water's Edge - Chapter 9
At Water's Edge - Chapter 10
At Water's Edge - Chapter 11
At Water's Edge - Chapter 12 Part I
At Water's Edge - Chapter 12 Part II
At Water's Edge - Chapter 13
At Water's Edge - Chapter 14.1
At Water's Edge - Chapter 14.2

At Water's Edge - Chapter 6

3.6K 33 9
De JosephineDeLoncre

Chapter 6

After his discussion with Vanessa, Nicki was rather vexed that she brought him there under false pretences. As Nicolette stated she had used his affections to do her bidding. Yet he knew that Nessa would never have done such a thing unless she was in absolute need of him. So he listened to her explanation, once her pleading was over he was determined to leave. That is until he saw through the window the girl walking in the moonlight. Fascinated by the sight he reluctantly agrees to think it over and give his final answer to Vanessa in the morning.

Now he is standing hidden in the shadow of the gazebo, observing her sing and dance like no one is watching. She is an intriguing creature, perhaps she would make this season worthwhile partaking in. God only knows his mother would be pleased, she has not stopped hounding him for grandchildren.

Thought he is still not sure if that scene in the library was truthful or staged just to keep him engaged, to make him stay. It may be that she wished to make herself a victim so that they would have a common bond. But she looked utterly horrified, and she stormed out with such conviction. Who knows when it comes to the emotions of women, they are fickle foes. None the less it might be worthwhile to stay just to see how it all unfolds.

"She is delightful to watch" with that though he walks forward for a closer look, and makes the error of stepping on a branch - crack.

Nicolette stops, frozen "Is someone there?"

Damning himself for making the unwitting mistake, Nicki announces himself,

"Do not let me interrupt you Priestess."

'It's him, go figure; oh I must have made a complete fool of myself.'

Without missing a beat she quips over her shoulder "Have you enjoyed the view then? I would have thought that a true gentleman would have made his presence known."

"To interrupt your prayer to the moon and deny myself the pleasure of watching you dance in such an uninhibited manner, NEVER!!" he responds with a sexy crooked grin.

"Tell me Monsieur Devereux does such brazen adulation work on your usual victims?"

"Do not flatter yourself Mademoiselle, what I was stating was mere fact, if I was attempting to seduce you I would have made my intentions quite clear."

With a coy smile upon her lips she turns toward him and retorts

"Really, thank goodness, I can truly say that I am relieved."

"You are?" He says with a confused look on his face. "Pray tell, why is that?"

"Ahh... that is for me to know and for you to find out Monsieur. A lady must have some secrets."

With a nod of his head he concedes "Please call me Nicholas, better yet Nicki. After all that has happened I do believe we should be on friendlier terms."

"Very well Nicholas, you may call me Nicolette or Nina if you prefer. Am I to assume that you have decided to stay for the season?"

"Yes I have, though I wish not to tell Vanessa just yet. Let her conscience plague her for one night." He ends with a wink.

"Now if you shall be so kind, please allow me to escort you back to the mansion. It is unseemly for a young woman to be out at this time of night, with a man devoid of a chaperone."

"How kind of you to be so concerned for my reputation." With that she places her hand upon the crook of his extended arm and they wordlessly walk back to the manor.

Just before entering the manor she sneaks a look at Nicki, his chiseled features alight by the rays of the moon.

Seeing her watch him out of the corner of his eye, he straightens and smiles ever so slightly. Stepping over the threshold she turns and looking up at him through her lashes whispers "Thank you."

Midway up the staircase she turns "By staying for the season am I to assume that you have agreed to be my escort?"

Surprised by her bluntness he retorts "That I have not decided as of yet. Perhaps I will, would that please you?"

Contemplating the fact she answers "Let us cross that bridge when we come to it. Goodnight Nicki."

Bowing to her he bids her a good night.

Dear D,

Well it is safe to say that I have had a rather exciting day. I could not wait till tomorrow to write this so here I am. For one I have met the family physician who will be my liaison to discovering a way home. I am hoping that he will find someone to assist me, the sooner the better.

And then there is Monsieur Nicholas Devereux can we say WOW!!! If I ever doubted it I can safely say with conviction that I was soooo... born in the wrong century. Eye candy is a term that does not even begin to describe him. McSteamy and McDreamy got nothing on him.

I should have been livid with him when he just stood there watching me. Don't get me wrong I was, but then I turned to look at him; leaning there against the gazebo he walked out and stood before me bathed in the moonlight, every feature accentuated, from his nonchalant posture, to his effortless gait. My God he was like a Greek god brought to life before me. He was/is everything you could possibly want in a man; tall; broad shouldered; fair sun kissed hair; aqua green eyes brimming with cockiness' and a smile full of confidence bordering on arrogance. I didn't know whether to kiss him or slap him. Given all the provoking he did, I really just wanted to slap him and then kiss the boo boo's away.

Now let's be serious it would be a grave mistake to start anything with anyone while I'm here. It would cause unnecessary heartache for all parties involved, when I eventually left. So we can play, flirt and tease, as long as there is no emotionally involvement I think it is safe. Because I 'm no angel and I need something or someone to... well...occupy my time while I am here and he is definitely just what the doctor ordered.

Ok now I am off to sleep, I can't wait to dream.

Till morrow!!!

Just as she is about to snuggle into bed for a sweet night's dream there is an unexpected knock at the door.

'Who ever could that be? Maybe it's Nicki. Oh you are horrible; get your mind out of the gutter.'

The knocking is getting more persistent, "Hold your horses I'm coming."

Nina gets up, wraps herself in a dressing robe; checks herself in the mirror running her fingers through her hair just in case.

Opening the door she sees Kristine standing before her with a pained look on her face.


"I have come here to apologize for my actions earlier today. I hope that you can forgive me and we can have a fresh start."

"Well I can honestly say that I am shocked that you came. I will accept your apology only because I do not want to be the cause of you losing your position here. Though I pray that you will heed this as a warning and change your ways."

"Yes madam, you are most magnanimous."

With that she turns and leaves. Watching her walk away Nina thinks to herself 'Let's see how long this lasts. I trust her only as far as I could throw her.'

Nina closes the door and snuggles back into bed.

Waking Nina gets ready, dons her last gown and hurries down the stairs with a surprising spring in her step.

"Good morning everyone!" she says to all as she walks into the dining room.

Vanessa rushes over to her and embraces her. Holding on to her a tad bit longer than usual, she whispers into her ear.

"Please forgive me, I only meant the best. Do not worry I explained everything to him; he knows you had no knowledge of this. Please do not be angry. Say that you forgive me."

The last words stuck in her throat as he eyes brim over with tears.

Squeezing her tighter Nina whispers "Of course I forgive you, I know you only had my best intentions in mind."

Holding her out at arms length she looks into Vanessa's eyes and continues "I need to apologize for overreacting, it was unfair to you after all that you have done for me. I hope that you can forgive me."

Overwhelmed with emotion Vanessa just nods as the tears pour down her face.

They hug one last time, Nina wipes away Vanessa's tears and Vanessa laughs at the silliness of it all as they walk to the table to take their places.

Noticing that Nicki is not present Nina inquires of his ware bouts.

"Is Nicki going to join us?"

"Nicki will come down when he is ready, I do believe he is still upset with me."

"Oh I am sure he will forgive you just as quickly as I have."

"From your lips to Gods ears Nicolette. I would hate to think that of all things, this ruins our friendship."

As the words slip from her lips the door to the dining room opens and the butler walks in announcing that Madame Soleigh has arrived.

"She is a bit early, please have her set up in the drawing room, we will be joining her shortly."

"Yes your Grace." He replies bowing out of the room.

"Well I am done, I do not think I could eat another morsel I am giddy with excitement."

"As am I, I cannot wait to see you in them."

With that all the ladies leave the room and make their way down the hall to the drawing room.

"Nicolette mon cherie, I have quite a few treats for you today!"

"Evangeline, I cannot wait any longer the anticipation is killing me. Let me see!!!"

"Go and strip my dear, if I can say so I do believe I have out done myself this time."

As Nina is trying on the first creation, there is a knock at the door, Vanessa opens it and finds Nicki standing in the doorway.

"May I speak to..." just as he is about to finish his sentence Nina walks out in a lavender design. All turn to admire her as does Nicki, he takes a step closer completely memorized by her. Vanessa looks from Nina to Nicki and smiles.

"Nicki you were saying? What is it that you wish to discuss with me?"

"Oh it is beautiful Evangeline" Nicolette says kissing the seamstress on the cheek. As she does she sees Nicki standing in the doorway staring at her.

"I do believe that this one is perfect, it has even left poor Monsieur Devereux speechless." Evangeline replies with a giggle.

With that comment Nicki snaps out of his state and turns to Vanessa "I wish to speak to you, privately."

As he closes the door behind them, he looks at Nina one last time.

"Cheri you have that boy wrapped around your little finger, he is not going anywhere. You should reject him until he is begging you to allow him to escort you. Thinking he can pick and choose make you lay awake and wonder what his decision will be. Just you wait until he sees you in the other creation I have made for you. He will drag you to the nearest altar when he sees you in it, oui."

"They are all so beautiful but I do not think there will be any wedding bells tolling for me anytime soon."

Closing the door behind her Vanessa follows Nicki into the library. With his back to her he declares,

"I have made my decision."

"I do hope that it is favorable?"

"I have decided that it would be rather unfair that the poor girl suffer in lieu of your ill made decision. Therefore, I will gladly escort her to whichever functions she wishes to attend. Though I must warn you any additional plotting will bring on rather unpleasant consequences. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes perfectly. Nicki please say that you forgive me. Please..." Vanessa begins to weep.

Throughout his speech Nicki's face was hard as stone, but at the sight of the pain that he has caused her by being so cold and aloof, his façade crumbles and he pulls her into his embrace.

"I am so sorry, please forgive me...." she pleads turning her face up to his and he reaches to wipe her tears away.

At that moment the doors to the library are flung open as Declyn walks in with a smile on his face. A smile which quickly fades into a grimace, as he finds his wife in the arms of another man.

"Devereux get your hands off my wife!!"

Nicki and Vanessa jump away from one another. Vanessa rushes to Declyn's side and is attempting to guide him out of the room.

"My love, what a surprise I am so glad that you have returned. The children will be so happy to have you home. There is much I must tell you."

"I am sure there is, but I am not done with Devereux." walking further into the room he stops only when he is toe to toe with Nicholas.

"Wakefield whatever you think happened did not."Nicholas attempts to defuse the heated situation.

"Whatever happened or did not I am not concerned with. What I do know is do not want you now or ever in the vicinity of my wife or my family. Did you enjoy playing house while I have been gone? Did you think that you could take my place? Will you ever learn Deveroux?"

He pushes Nicholas and keeps pushing him until he knocks him into the writing table. With his hand clenched into a fist he continued "Perhaps I can make you learn once and for all."

Still in the drawing room Nina hears all the commotion "What is going on out there?"

Just as those words escape her lips she hears Vanessa cry out, "No!! Stop it Declyn!! Nothing happened!!"

Grabbing her skirts Nina jumps off the pedestal and runs out of the room. Guided by the commotion she runs into the library just as Declyn grabs Nicki by his shirt collar and pulls back his fist.

"STOP!!" yells Nicolette grabbing Declyn's arm just as it is about to connect with Nicholas's face.

"What on God's green earth is going on here?"

"Who are you?" Shouts Declyn in effort to shake her off his arm.

Nicolette slips in between the two men in attempts of separating them further.

Trystan is visibly shaken and Josephine is whimpering in the corner.

"After all the time that you have been gone is this how you wish to be reunited with your family? With a hysterical wife and frightened and crying children?"

Walking around Declyn she instructs the children's nanny, "Bridget take the children outside they need not witness this."

"Djeco, idite s dadiljom. (Children go with the nanny.) Budite bez brige sve je uredu, ovo je samo nesporazum. (Do not fret this is just a misunderstanding.)"

The children nod and follow Bridget out. Closing the door behind them she turns back to the adults.

"Who would like to explain what is going on here?"Nicolette says in an exasperated tone.

"First how about you tell me who you are?" He says to Nicolette.

Exasperated he turns to his wife "Who is this Vanessa?"

Blushing Vanessa explains.

"Well how is it that I have never heard of her?"

"Truth be told none of us have. Apparently she has kept her a secret from all of us." Nicholas chimes in.

Just as she is about to respond the doors open and Vivianne enters.

"I thought I heard your voice. Oh my boy I am so glad to have you back, now we are one big happy family. Well... almost if only your brother was here." She says wistfully.

"Big perhaps but apparently not happy." Comments Nicolette under her breath but just loud enough for all to hear.

Confused Declyn embraces his mother. "Mother, when did you arrive?"

"I have been here for several days now; I came to cheer everyone up as they were all missing you so terribly."

"Don't you fell like a fool, did you really think that I would be having a torrid affair with your mother under the same roof. As for Nicki he arrived just last night. You really have to learn to control your temper Declyn." Says Vanessa angrily.

"Yes Declyn you really have to learn to control yourself, and while we are at it how about an apology?"

With a scornful look at Nicki, Declyn turns his attentions back to his wife who seconds Nicki's statement.

"I do believe that he is right, apologies are in order, to us all. After eleven years you think you could trust me, have I not proven to you my love and devotion?"

"Of course you have my love, I should never have doubted you."

Turning to Nicki he continues "I hope that you can forgive me, it was wrong of me to assume that you would do anything to sabotage my marriage."

With a playful smirk Nicki nods accepting the apology.

Declyn continues his apologies and walks up to Nicolette, "Miss Martin I thank you for intervening and preventing me from doing something foolish. Furthermore I must ask for your forgiveness, you should not have had to witness such poor behavior on my part."

"All is forgiven, but please go and see to the children, I do believe they will be needing the most comforting."

"Yes, thank you." With that he and Vanessa leave the room in search of the children.

Gathering her skirts Nicolette turns to those remaining "Now that this is settled I must return to my fitting, if you will excuse me."

As she is walking out she hears Nicki call out her name. "Nicolette!..."

Catching up to her he takes her by the hand and continues "I also wish to thank you for intervening."

He bows before her and kisses her hand, with his lips still hovering he looks up at her and continues "though I hope you know that I did not need rescuing."

Pulling her hand away she says sarcastically "Oh, well that was some apology," turning away from him she walks away and throws her departing comment over her shoulder "next time I will just stand by and watch him pummel you, I do believe you deserve someone taking you down a peg or two."

"Is that so?" he responds back.

"Just to be clear, I only intervened because I rather not have had my escort be black and blue, while accompanying me." With that she slams the door behind her.

"I do like her spirit, I really do."

"What was all the commotion out there? asks Evangeline.

"Oh it was a showdown between Declyn and Nicholas, absolute childish behavior. If I didn't walk in and stop them they would have bludgeoned each other to death."

"Yes well mon chere they are and always will be mortal enemies. Declyn merely tolerated his presence because of Vanessa. If it was up to him he would ban him from not just his home but all of England as well."

Nicolette laughs out loud "I did not realize their hatred stems so deep. Do you think that Vanessa knows this?"

"Yes but I do think that she refuses to see it, she denies their palpable hatred for one another. She hopes that in time they will learn to coexist, for her sake anyway. Enough of that let us continue there is much for you to still try on."

With that they continue, Madame Soleigh brought more than a dozen gowns, furs and jewels. Final tweaks are performed and Olivia along with a few other maids carry it all up to her chamber.

"Well I dare say that was a rather successful appointment."

"I concur my dear. You have a keen eye for the latest fashions and the alterations that you have suggested are spectacular. Would you be interested in seeing a few sketches that I am currently working on? I would very much like your opinion on them."

"Thank you, and if I can be of any assistance I would gladly help."

"Excellent I shall send for a coach one day next week if that is all right with you."

"Yes perfectly. Au revoir Madame."

"Au voir, cher."

Walking up the stairs she enters her chamber, exhausted she plops on the bed ready for a nap. Olivia walks out of the closet and says:

"Miss, you received a note from the Doctor. It is on your nightstand."

"A note, when did this arrive?"

"During the alteration, I felt it was best if I put it up here for safe keeping. I was going to give it to you after your appointment was over."

Opening the letter Nina reads it "It is an invitation to a dinner tomorrow night at the Doctors home."

"Oh splendid, it will be a chance for you to wear a new gown. We must tell her Grace she will be so very excited. Though it is interesting there was no invitation for the rest of the family."

"It says here that if I wish I can bring an escort, though he says it is not necessary he will gladly perform that function for the night. I will discuss this with Vanessa."

"Yes I do think that is wise."

"Livy I am exhausted if you do not mind I will be taking a nap."

"Yes I will come back to wake you when it is time to ready for dinner."

With those parting words Nina is already asleep.

Chipper and elated, Nina makes her way into the dining room. Everyone is already in their seats waiting for her.

"I see everyone has decided to join us" she nods to all and finds her seat beside Nicki.

Turning to him she says "It is nice of you to grace us with your presence."

"Yes as lovely as it is for you to grace us with yours." He says smugly.

Not paying him any attention Nina turns to Vanessa "This morning I received an invitation from Nathaniel inviting me to a dinner party tomorrow. I am excited to go."

"Well isn't that lovely of the Doctor. What is the party for my dear?"

"I do believe he will be inviting a few of his colleagues and friends, I am sure it will be a rather enlightening evening."

"Oh yes well, luckily you will have Nicki to escort you."

"No need the Doctor has agreed to perform that function. I dare not inconvenience Monsieur Deveroux."

"Nonsense Nicki has agreed to be your chaperone for all events, that is if you wish to have him."

"Yes my dear do you wish to have me..." he looks up at Vanessa who blushes deeply at her blunder, and then he looks back and Nina continuing "... have me, escort you that is."

"Well how could I say no, to such a kind and heartfelt invitation."

Looking all smug Nicki picks up his wine and takes a sip, as Nina continues "But I regretfully must decline."

"You what?" Nicki sputters out unable to catch his breath.

Nina stands and slaps him hard on his back, with that his breath returns to normal.

"You decline my offer?" he chokes out.

"Yes, though I will most surely need your assistance when it comes to the balls, a simple dinner I do believe I will be able to attend by myself."

"I do believe she is right Nicki."

"Nicolette, I insist on escorting you, I did not decide to stay just to be at your beck and call."

"I have made my decision and I do hope you will respect it."

"Oh I do respect it my dear thought, I do not see what you will be doing while the Doctor and his associates have their discussions. You must be aware that most of these gentlemen will not have their spouses nor their betrothed with them. You will surely tire of their conversation quickly and be left with no means to gracefully excuse yourself of their company. I have attended such parties and I do believe I know the course the conversation will take."

"Did you just insult my intelligence by assuming that I am not astute enough to be able to partake or understand the topics discussed?"

"I..." before he could utter another syllable she cuts him off.

"Monsieur Deveroux do you know what happens when you assume? No, well let me enlighten you, you make an ass out of you and me. Therefore, I ask you not insult me by assuming that I am the typical female that you have encountered in the past."

Getting up she turns to the rest of the table "I am sorry to inform you that I have lost my appetite, and I will be retiring for the night. If you will excuse me."

As she gets up to leave Vanessa pleads "Oh, don't Nina please sit and eat, Nicki did not mean any of it did you Nicki."

"Come now Vanessa the old boy just got his ego handed to him on a silver platter. Good show Nicolette, you surely put him in his place. I can see now why Vanessa is so fond of you."

Walking over to her he guides her back to her chair and says "Nicki has no experience with women with minds of their own. For which you cannot blame him wholly, so we ask that you forgive him and allow him to make amends by escorting you tomorrow." Declyn says with a grin on his face.

"Of course if you are not satisfied, you can send him on his merry way. I have a few chaps in mind who will gladly take his place. Men who know how to treat a lady of your caliber."

"Please!" whispers Vanessa.

"Well since you asked so nicely I will allow him to escort me."

Looking like a sullen child Nicki does not utter a word throughout the whole meal. By the time desert is served no one even remembers the incident that unfolded just a few hours ago. Once dinner is over he excuses himself and leaves, and does not return for the rest of the evening. As the night comes to a close Nina says her goodnights and walks up to her chamber. Entering it she finds a note on the floor, she opens it.

Dear Nicolette,

Please forgive me for my boorish behavior this evening. I hope that we can put it behind us and you enjoy tomorrow night's festivities.

Yours truly,


'Well at least he had the courage to apologize to me. It does seem that no matter what century men never cease to amaze me with their ignorance and utter fear of a strong, intelligent, independent woman.' With that parting thought she retires for the night.

Waking up she looks at her watch only to see it is well past the breakfast hour.

What?!? Why didn't Olivia wake me?

She gets herself up and gets herself ready. Walking down the steps she goes to the sun room, but there is no one there.

"Where is everyone?"

As the words escape her lips she hears someone call out "Madame."

Turning Nina sees Bridget "Where is everyone? Why didn't Olivia wake me?"

"The family left early and Olivia went along with them. They went into the city for the day. They will be returning for dinner. I will be assisting you in your preparation for tonight. I would imagine you are famished; breakfast is being served on the veranda as it is a beautiful day."

Walking out to the veranda she sees Nicki reading the newspaper and sipping his tea.

As he sees her approach he sets the paper down raises from his chair and bows to her.

"Good morning chere. I hope that you slept well."

"Good morning to you Monsieur, yes I had a rather restful night, so restful in fact that I did not hear the family leave for the day. Did you know of their plans?"

"No I did not. I was just as surprised as you were."

Standing behind her he pulls out her chair and assists her in sitting down. As he joins her Bridget comes out with Nina's breakfast and fresh tea.

"I wish to apologize for last night, my outburst was uncalled for, and I hope that you received my note."

"Yes I did, thank you very much and I will accept your apology only if you accept mine. It was rude of me to reject your offer after you so kindly offered to stay for the me. I would be honored if you escorted me to tonight's dinner party. That is if you are still willing to take me."

"Nothing would make me happier, chere."

She smiles at him in appreciation and begins to eat her meal.

"All my plans today included the children, I am at a loss as what I will do today?"

"It is a beautiful morning if you are so inclined we could go for a ride and explore the grounds. It has been quite a while since I have been here. There are some wonderful trails on the property that I would like to show you."

"Yes that would be enjoyable, thought I must warn you am not the best rider, Tristan has given me a few lessons though I am not much of an equestrian just yet."

With a hardy laugh he responds "Do not worry chere I will take excellent care of you."

"I am done with my breakfast, allow me to don something more appropriate, I will return in a few minutes. Please tell John to ready my usual horse."

Bowing to her he retorts "Yes Mademoiselle, I will see you shortly."

Disappearing into the house she runs up to her room and puts on the new riding outfit that she designed with Evangeline's help. Examining herself in the mirror she smiles, "I can't wait to see what his reaction to it will be."

With that parting thought she glides down the stairs and out the back to the veranda; taking her time she walks to the stables. As she rounds the bend she comes into Nicki's field of vision.

"That should be illegal; no woman should be allowed to don men's chaps. Especially not one with such a figure, and here I thought that only Vanessa had the audacity to wear such attire."

The stunned look on his face brings her to a stop; standing before him she says "Tell me what you think of my new riding ensemble?" She turns to give him a three-sixty view.

Seeing her prance around him giving him quite an eye full Nicki laughs and says. "You and Vanessa are surely cut from the same cloth. She is the only other woman that I have ever known to have the confidence to wear such garments."

"Do I do it justice?" she says as she poses for him.

Shocked by her cheeky behavior he is momentarily speechless, he mounts his horse and turning back to her he answers "You do chere, you do."

"Thank you" she says with a wicked grin as she mounts her own mare.

As they ride they keep a light conversation, Nicki even gives her helpful riding hints.

After some time he asks "I am famished, how about you?"

"I am if we turn back now we should be home in time for supper."

Coming to a lovely spot Nicki jumps off his horse "Well luckily I packed us a picnic." With awe and surprise she exclaims "You did, oh that is rather sweet!"

Standing before her horse he asks "Do you need assistance dismounting?"

"No, I think I can manage, I must learn sometime."

Watching her struggle he chuckles to himself, finally frustrated she says in an exasperated tone "How about some pointers?"

With his instruction she manages to dismount flawlessly. Walking over she sees that he has already laid out the blanket and the food is served.

"I must say that I am impressed, Nicki." Standing before her he bows in thank you and attempts to assists her in taking her place.

"Oh no need for that it is far simpler to seat oneself in pants then in one of those contraptions. I am far more comfortable in pants than I am in dresses."

Taken back by this comment he sits himself across from her and begins to help himself to the feast.

"Really, and how is that?"

"Well all my life I have been something of a tom boy and have always preferred pants to a dress. Though like any woman I can appreciate a beautifully dress and how it makes me feel. But they are just not very functional, and you would not believe how heavy and uncomfortable some of those contraptions are."

Raising one eyebrow he encourages her "Really, please do enlighten me!"

As she rambles on with her explanation he cannot keep his eyes off his her lips. Once his brain has imprinted them fully his eyes travel lower, forging a path that his lips ache to follow.

"I find it rather liberating to be able to wear pants. I wish I could... Nicki why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh I am sorry I was just..."

"Just looking like you would want to eat me." "Literally" she says with a laugh.

"Well..." he thinks to himself "I did not realize that was part of the menu".

"What are you thinking? Am I boring you? Have I spoken for too long, my mother always tells me I talk too much. I am sorry."

"There is nothing to apologize for I enjoyed listening to you speak. Most women just prattle on and on about the most tiresome subjects. It is refreshing to be in the presence of someone with a mind of her own."

Coyly she thanks him for his kind words.

Rolling over on to her back she toys with a wild flower whilst dreamily staring up at the sun filtering through the tree. She kicks off her boots letting the sensation of the unspoiled wild grass tickling her feet send shivers down her spine. Rising on to her elbows she lifts one hand up into her hair and pulls the ribbon letting her hair tumble around her in rich amber waves.

Mesmerized by the sight of her luxuriating in their surroundings he can't help himself he begins to reach for her when he hears he speak.

"Ah... that is so much better."

With her eyes still closed she stretches lazily like a cat "Nicki thank you for bringing me here, this is paradise."

Snapping back to reality he returns to his side of the blanket. Not wanting to get caught up in her allure again he begins to gather their things.

"I do think it is time for us to begin the trip back to the mansion."

She opens her eyes and helps him. "Yes, let me give you a hand."

"No need I do believe that is everything. You can help me fold the blanket thought" he says with a smile.

Pulling on the riding boots and tying her hair back up she assists him. Together they carry all the things to Nicki's horse.

"Do you mind helping me up, there is no step stool and I have yet to master this."

At first he considers instructing her but as he is about to a light wind blows and a strand of her hair escapes the ribbon. Struggling against the urge to pull it away from her face he walks up to her, without a word he puts his hands around her waist and lifts her into the saddle. Looking up at her he fights the need to pull her back down and kiss that beautiful smile off her face. Returning to his horse, he swings himself up in the saddle and they are off.

The ride back is quiet; Nicki is contemplative and confused while Nina is blissfully enjoying the sensations of her surroundings. As they make their way to the stables Nina thanks him for the enjoyable day.

"Till tonight, chere" he responds and with that Nina makes her way to her chamber to ready herself for the evening ahead.

"What dress do you think I should wear Bridget?"

"Whichever you think is best Miss."

"I wish Olivia was here, I need her advice." She whispers to herself, turning to Bridget she continues "Olivia does much more than just help me dress. I need someone who can help me with every detail. I do not have much experience with such events and I need all the help that you can give me. I have an idea, how about we pick out a few dresses and you can try them on for me, so that it is easier for me to decide. A fashion show yay!!!"

"No Miss. I do not deem that to be proper."

"I do believe that it is I who decides what is proper, so go on get in there and select a few dresses and put them on. Have you ever worn such fineries? I would wager you never have, go and envelop yourself in luxury if only for a while."

With a smile Bridget walks into the closet and in the next hour she dons three dresses and revels in the beauty of them. Together the girls decide on an emerald green number which accents her eyes. After a lavish bath, Bridget intricately arranges her hair, with pearls and she is ready to go. Examining herself in the mirror she applies her scarlet lipstick "thank goodness my purse contained practically every lipstick I own" and with that parting thought she is off.

Descending down the stairs she takes her time as she rounds the bend and she sees Nicki with his back turned to her. The ruffle of skirts brings his attention to the stairs just in time to see her effortlessly glide down and stand before him.

"You are a vision, taking a man's breath away."

Coyly she smiles "Why thank you Monsieur."

"Shall we be on our way then, the coach is waiting."

Holding the door open for her he escorts her out, just as they walk down the stairs, a coach approaches. It is the family back from their outing.

"Nina you look beautiful" doesn't she Momma says Josephine as she steps out of the coach.

"You really are a stunning" agrees Vanessa.

"And where pray tell have all of you been today? Why did you not tell me, us of your plans?"

"It was a last minute decision, we did not want to wake you, and you needed your rest for tonight."

"We really must be on our way, we do not wish to be late Nina." Nicki says as he directs her to their coach.

"Have a wonderful time my dear; we will be here when you return, that is if you do not stay out too late." She says giving Nicki a look, turning back to Nina she says. "If we are asleep I want a full report tomorrow."

Hugging her she whispering "I wish to know everything."

"Have a wonderful time my dear, and Nicki you take care of her, or you shall feel my wrath."

Escorting her into the coach Nicki closes the door behind himself and they wave to the family until they are out of sight.

"Are you nervous?" Nick asks sitting across from her.

"Yes" she says with a smile.

Taking her hand he looks into her eyes and he smiles encouragingly "I will be at your side; there is no need to worry, just enjoy yourself."

Holding on just a bit longer than he should, he smiles and finally releases her hand.

The horses come to a stop in front of a home not half as grand as Vanessa's but quite beautiful in its own right. Each window is lit by a single candle giving it a warm inviting feeling. She sees different coaches depositing the patrons on the front stairs where they are then greeted by the Doctor as they walk in.

Finally it's their turn, the horses come to a full stop, the footman opens the coach door Nicki exits first and he offers her his hand, she takes it and gracefully steps out. Seeing her the Doctor comes down to greet them.

"Nicolette I am so glad that you have decided to come, you look ravishing my dear" bowing before her he exclaims.

"Monsieur Devereux it is so good to see you again old chap. I see you have decided to be Nina's escort for the evening. Splendid, though I must warn you I intend to whisk her away every now and then, there are some individuals that I would like for her to meet."

"Thank you for having me and whatever Nina wishes I shall comply with Nate."

"Excellent now in you both go, I must continue with my host duties."

With that they enter Nina's hand gently resting on the crook of Nicki's outstretched arm. Most of the guests are men of various ages, there are a few women in their company. Entering the parlor they are greeted by those already in attendance, Nicki taking great care to introduce her properly to all. At first the women were quite warm and inviting but once they have met her they gather into a corner whispering in secrecy.

Seeing her notice the women Nicki whispers in her ear "Do not fret chere, they are just envious of you. I imagine they have not a kind word to say to you, especially now that it appears that you have snagged one of the most eligible and sought after bachelor in all of England."

She whispers back with a doe eyed look "Do you really think so, that they are envious because I am here with you?"

She swats his arm and continues " really Nicki you think far too highly of yourself, you best let some that hot air out of your head otherwise it will never fit into the coach."

Nicki laughs exuberantly and continues in a matter of fact tone "My dear you don't you know that you are in presence of greatness."

They both laugh but in a more serious tone Nicki's continues "I know that Nathaniel wishes to borrow you but I beg you do not leave me to these social vultures."

"Oh really so now you need my help, well isn't this a sudden turn of events. Perhaps I will take pity on you."

"You are most magnanimous my dear." He whispers into her ear sending shivers down her spine and the women into another fit of gossip.

With his hand on the small of her back he guides her out of the parlor and into the library where the men have gathered. Entering she is obviously nervous, so much so that Nicki takes pity on her and tightens the grip on her hand giving her a squeeze. Seeing her the Doctor comes over and escorts her in, seating her beside him.

"Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Miss. Nicolette Martin."

At that all the men introduce themselves. Once they have take what she can only assume are their assigned positions they commence discussions of various topics.

Leaning towards her the Doctor whispers "Nina do you see that man by the fireplace?"

She nods "He is one of the most well known physicists in all of England I will introduce you to him shortly. He is a self proclaimed genius, for that reason I do not know how much we can trust him."

Nodding his head to a man in the corner of the room he continues "That man there almost obscured by the darkness of the room that is Ephraim Scott. He is a promising young physicist not as much a glory hound as Pangbourn. He is quiet, reserved and I believe will see this for what it is a chance to make a scientific breakthrough not personal gain. Though the choice I leave up to you, I have not told either anything, you speak to each of them and you decide. Once you do I will arrange a second meeting when we will let one of them in on the secret."

"Hmm... yes I concur. Let me speak to Pangbourn first."

The Doctor escorts her over "Pangbourn my fine fellow, I wish to present to you Miss. Martin, she has heard quite a bit about your body of work and is fascinated."

Bowing to her he eyes her appreciatively "Has she now, well truth be told it would be quite difficult not to be impressed. My experience and knowledge are intimidating to most as they are to you my dear, look you are rendered speechless by my mere presence." He adds flaunting about his jewel covered hand.

'What a repulsive ass, and I thought that Nicki was bad. Seriously look at him he looks like a gay pirate, is he wearing every piece of jewelry he owns. He is decked out like a Christmas tree.'

"Oh no Mr. Pangbourn, I am merely scrutinizing your demeanor. It does appear that your body of work is not as impressive as the size of your ego. I am currently looking for a serious man of science to assist me on working on a ground breaking theory, unfortunately it does seem that you are far more interested in the boasting of your exploits rather than achieving new ones. Thank you for your time." And she walks away before he can even respond.

"Well safe to say my dear you have a golden tongue and quite a temper, which you must learn to control. Men in this era are quite opposing to an opinioned woman. Thought I might add there a few who can appreciate a woman of your caliber. I beg you not to burn too many bridges." He adds with a chuckle. "This way to Mr. Scott my dear."

"Nathaniel, Miss. Martin" Ephraim says bowing and taking her hand for a kiss.

"What was all that about, you left Pangbourn in quite a huff." He says with genuine interest.

"Well Miss. Martin did not quite appreciate his comments. You know how full of himself he is. She wishes to contract a man of science to aid her in her quest and apparently he was not what she was looking for."

"Any assistance I can provide you with I will gladly."

Smiling at him she asks "I need a man who's intentions are pure, the theory that I have come across and need help expanding upon is not one to be monetarily bountiful. Though I imagine one day it may be of some value. Are interested in a challenge Mr. Scott?"

"Always perhaps we can discuss this at a more private location." He suggests seeing that most ears have peaked and are listening in on what is to be a private conversation.

"Yes I will make all the arrangements Ephraim." Says the Doctor.

"Very well till then Miss. Martin." He bows again.

"Thank you" she curtsies and turns to leave with the Doctor.

"Come my dear there it appears that Monsignor has yet again begun a debate with Lord Emmet."

Hearing the commotion she inquires "What about pray tell."

"What else God versus Science, it happens every time, I best go and see if I can keep the situation from escalating."

As he leaves Nicki appears at her side and ushers her to a seat.

"Have you missed me?"

"Apparently not as much as you've missed me. I see you are still in one piece, the vultures have not picked you apart."

"I have been in hiding, though I was here to witness you deflate Pangbourn's ego, and then continue on to Scott. What was that all about?"

"Do I sense a hint of jealousy?"

"Of Scott don't be preposterous."

"Yes of course." She adds seeing his face cloud with emotion.

He hands her a flute of champagne, she takes it and sips it hoping to calm her frayed nerves. By her third glass the debate has become quite heated and seems to be spiraling out of control. The library is packed and even the women have come in to listen. The room is divided thought the scientist seem to be the ones with the upper hand. Pangbourn is leading them, and Nina is happy to see that Mr. Scott is off to the side just a spectator thought he has chimed in on behalf of both sides.

The alcohol is now made her warm and fuzzy and given way to her inhabitations. After one quite vicious bout from both sides she stands to chime in herself. There is a look of horror on Nicki's face as she slips his reach to enter the no man's land dividing the room. As she begins to speak a hush falls over the room.

"Gentlemen I have been listening to the argument from both sides and I am amazed that neither side has seen what is plain as day. Why must there be only one option? Why can't the mysteries of the universe be explained by both. Where science ends God begins. Unfortunately there are some conflicting theories but that is all left to interpretation. Who here believes that the universe is only as old as what the Old Testament states?"

A few hands go up "Alright now the Old Testament was dictated by the Holy Spirit to men, am I correct?" The men nod.

"Now tell me who here knows how God measures time? Is there anywhere in the bible that states this simple fact. No, as far as I know there is not. If God is all powerful all knowing do you think that he measures years the same as we do? I think not, I wish for you all to think back to when you were children, the younger you were the longer the days, were they not, sometimes it seemed like it would take a century for one day to pass. But as you got older and acquired more knowledge the day's move quicker, now it seems that I blink and the week has passed, months fly by. Do you think it is not the same for God. Or perhaps he explained to men the time but their minds were not able to comprehend the nature of that span of time and so for their own purposes they wrote it differently."

"Yes she is correct human error is causing inconsistencies in the Bible." Yells out one scientist.

"Blasphemy, I say." Yells the Monsignor.

"But science cannot explain God out of the mysteries of life. Everything could not have come from nothing. The universe, life it all came from something, somewhere. And those parts where science is lacking for those mysteries we have to turn to the Bible, to that greater than ourselves. We are only human it is not for us to know all, if we did we would be God. It does appear gentlemen that we will forever argue over which came first the chicken or the egg."

With that the room erupts in laughter and Nicki sneaks into the circle and extract her. Escorting her out of the room he mutters to her "You are really something else Nicolette."

Exiting the room Mr. Scott follows "Miss Martin, that was educational and amusing I look forward to working with you. It is not every day that one comes across a woman who is able to tackle such an argument with such eloquence and conviction. You defused that situation beautifully. Till next time." He says bowing before her and kissing her hand.

At the sight of this Nicki is anoyed "I believe it is time for us to go, the hour is late. Goodbye Mr. Scott."

With that he ushers her out of the room and into the coach.

"It seems that you have acquired a few admirers with that speech of yours."

"Hmm... yes it appears that I have." She answers with a smile upon her lips not letting him spoil her high.

Seeing her happy with herself he smiles too and before they know it they are chatting about the nights festivities. The coach comes to a stop and he helps her out, not wanting the night to end he suggests a night cap.

"I am wide awake and the house seems to be asleep, yes why not."

"Splendid I will fetch what we need and meet you in the gazebo." With that he leaves her.

She begins her walk admiring how beautiful and mysterious everything looks under the full moon. Still buzzing from the high of the earlier events she doesn't hear Nicki sneak up beside her.

"Some sherry for my chere."

Jumping out of her seat she lets out a yelp.

Setting down the drinks he pulls her to him "Oh I am so sorry my dear, I never meant to scare you."

"It's all right I was just so caught up in my thoughts that I did not hear you." She says turning in his embrace to face him "or were you trying to be sneaky and spy on me again." she continues whilst poking his chest with her finger.

With his hands up in surrender he laughs "No I was not, you must have just been deep in thought. If I may be so bold as to inquire what were you thinking about?"

Released from his hold she picks up her drink and walks over to the column and wraps her arm around it.

"I just the events that transpired tonight, it was wonderful meeting everyone I was shocked by some and amused by others. I was surprised that there was no dancing, I guess it was more of an intellectual gathering than social."

"You wished to dance? Why did you not say so." Bowing before her he extends his hand, with his head still bowed before her he asks "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

"Here now, but there is no music."

"Ah but there is music in our hearts."

And with that he gallantly takes her in his arms and begins to waltz, shocked by his dexterity and grace she giggles in delight. The alcohol begins to take effect and she is drowning in the moment, the moonlight, and in the arms of gorgeous man holding her firmly whilst humming a haunting tune. Drunk with the sensations of the moment she lets herself go for the first time since she landed beneath the cherry tree. Holding her tightly he spins her fast enough for her feet to lift off the ground. She laughs out loud and he finally sets her down but he is still holding her close, both are panting and smiling. She looks up at him and sees a lock slipped out of his perfectly manicured hair, pushing it back in place she smiles and puts her hands around his neck. Pulling herself on her tippy toes she raises her face closer to his, Nicki's breath begins to quicken, his eyes smolder as they bore into hers, she pulls her face closer to his. He tilts his head and closes his eyes as he brings his lips down, just as he does he hears her whisper in his ear "Nicki if we are to do this..."

"Mmmmm..." he whispers as he nuzzles her neck.

"...if you are to be my escort, you must promise me one thing."

"Anything chere." He says in a deep passion drenched voice "anything."

"Promise me you won't fall in love with me." With that he snaps back into realty, he lets her go and steps back, turning away from her.

Walking after him she puts her hand on his shoulder pulling him to look at her.

"Nicki, I just wish to make this a friendly experience, not a romantic one. I need you to know that I do not intend to stay here past the season and I do not wish to hurt anyone when I leave. As long as the lines are clearly drawn neither one of us will be upset."

Turning to her he continues "You need not worry about my feelings, chere I am a grown man, who has no intention of falling in love with you."

"Good then it is settled." Standing on her tippy toes she kisses him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, I had a wonderful time thank you for everything, I shall see you in the morning" with those parting words she walks out of the gazebo and back into the house, leaving Nicki alone with this thoughts and rather surprising feelings.


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