7:06 p.m.

By InspireMe

91.4K 2.3K 714

On January 4th, at exactly 7:06 p.m. Stacey Marone, Jordyn's best friend, died. She was shot, alongside her t... More

7:06 p.m.
7:06 p.m. (part 2)
7:06 p.m. (part 3)
7:06 p.m. (part 4)
7:06 p.m. (part 5)
7:06 p.m. (part 6)
7:06 p.m. (part 7)
7:06 p.m. (part 8)
7:06 p.m. (part 9)
7:06 p.m. (part 10)
7:06 p.m. (part 11)
7:06 p.m. (part 12)
7:06 p.m. (part 13)
7:06 p.m. (part 14)
7:06 p.m. (part 15)
7:06 p.m. (part 16)
7:06 p.m. (part 17)
7:06 p.m. (part 18)
7:06 p.m. (part 19)
7:06 p.m. (part 20)
7:06 p.m. (part 21)
7:06 p.m. (part 22)
7:06 p.m. (part 23)
7:06 p.m. (part 24)
7:06 p.m. (part 25)
7:06 p.m. (part 26)
7:06 p.m. (part 27)
7:06 p.m. (part 29)
7:06 p.m. (part 30)
7:06 p.m. (part 31)

7:06 p.m. (part 28)

2K 47 12
By InspireMe

We sat and talked, trying to lighten up the mood. We talked about home, and I filled in Stacey on what had been happening when she was gone. Not that I had much to tell, considering how occupied I had been with “Stacey” on my messenger. I tried to avoid that subject as much as possible. After about an hour, we started to run out of things to talk about.

“So, how is your mom?” she asked, trying to continue a conversation she knew was already falling flat. It wasn’t like we could gossip about school or the latest drama in our school. Neither of us knew any of that.

“Fine, I suppose. I just hope…” I trailed off, realizing I was about to mention the topic I had been trying to avoid.

“…that she’s safe. We might as well talk about it Jordyn. There’s nothing we can do about it,” she said, sighing.

I sighed, nodding in agreement. “She isn’t here with us, so that’s a good sign I suppose,” I said, looking down.  “But I don’t hear him upstairs, and I can’t help but wonder if he will go for her next.”

Stacey shook her head. “No, he wouldn’t do that. As harsh as this may sound, he wouldn’t just go out and kill her…she’s his leverage against you.”

I took a shaky breath. “I feel like I’m in a horror movie.”

Stacey looked at me solemnly. “You kind of are.”

Suddenly, as if on cue, we heard a door slam upstairs. Both of us jumped in fear, and simultaneously our eyes looked up the stairway. The sound had come from upstairs, but we could hear footsteps approaching.

I got up, sitting near Stacey. I leaned my back against the couch and braced myself. The footsteps were at the top of the staircase now.

The door flew open, and the two men hurried down the stairs. Leo quickly walked to the closet, unfolding a stepstool. He carried it up the stairs quickly.

Meanwhile, the other man, whose name had yet to be revealed to me, walked over to us in long strides, roughly grabbing my arm and yanking me upwards.

“Come, now!” he whispered harshly. I stood up quickly, looking back at Stacey. He looked over to her as well, about to grab her arm, when suddenly he stopped. His eyes widened, and he began to curse under his breath.

Stacey looked at him in confusion and panic. He looked as though he was ready to kill someone. Not that I would be suprised. He continued to curse, and finally I couldn't take it anymore.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I asked incredulously.

He sent me a glare. “We are hiding you. We planned to hide you two in the attic if this situation ever came up…but we didn’t think of that when we broke her legs god damnit!” he said, raising his voice.

Leo came back down the stairs frantically. “What are you doing!?” he asked.

“Shut up!” he said, his voice getting even louder. “We didn’t even think, after all of this careful planning, that she would have to climb a ladder!” he exclaimed, gesturing towards Stacey.

Leo froze in place, realization finally dawning on him as well.

“Search the house! Find a hiding place for her. Anywhere! We'll carry her!” He said. Leo rushed back up the stairs.

“You’re coming to the attic.” He said, looking back towards me and pulling me forward. He then proceeded to lead up the stairs. My legs were still bound, so I tripped continuously, banging my ankles painfully up the flight of stairs. I looked back at Stacey in panic, but all she could do was give me a weak, reassuring smile before he closed the door behind me.

He walked in long strides, pulling me along. I continuously tripped, until finally he stopped impatiently, pulling out a switchblade from his pocket.

“I’m going to cut the rope on your legs. Don’t try anything funny,” He said menacingly I could only nod.

He bent down, sawing through the rope until finally my legs broke free. He rapidly put away the switchblade and pulled me along again.

We passed by the front window, covered by thin curtains. As we passed, I was able to catch glimpse outside. My heart leapt with joy as I recognized a police car parked across the street.

Quickly, he opened a door and led me out into the garage, where a hatch on the ceiling was opened, the stepstool set to the side, and ladder leading up to the attic.

“Now I want you to listen,” he said seriously. “You are going up there, and you are not going to say a word or make a noise,” he whispered, holding the switchblade up to my face.

Eyeing the knife fearfully, I nodded. I then turned towards the wooden ladder, looking to the top only to see pitch black.

“How can I climb if my hands are tied?” I asked, somewhat sarcastically, but also quietly. I was afraid of what he would do if I tried to talk back to him. The memory of the last time quickly flickered in my mind, but I pushed it away quickly.

He glared at me again, taking out his pocket knife and cutting my hands free. He then took duct tape, which was sitting on a shelf, and put my hands in front of me, wrapping the duct tape around again. My hands were still tied- but they wre in front of me.

 "Yes, because this is so much more convienent," I muttered sarcastically.

“You will manage,” he said, a hard look in his eyes.

I nodded quickly, not wanting to argue. I grabbed a rung on the ladder, and started to climb. It was definitely more difficult than usual, but manageable. I leaned my weight against it, bringing my bound hands up rung by rung. Finally, I climbed into the dark attic.

The attic was only about four feet tall, not nearly tall enough for me to stand. I crouched down, looking back down to see the man staring up at me.

“Not a word,” he said. He then took hold of the end of the retractable ladder, folding it back up into the attic. I backed away from the entrance, and listened as the attic door closed with a final thud.

The darkness enveloped me.


A/N: Dun dun dunnn!!! I leave you in suspense again! The story will be coming to a close soon I'm afraid. I cant give an exact date or number of parts, but of course it will be done before December, the Watty Awards deadline. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Please don't hesitate to give feedback! Its really appreciated!!!!

Read, vote, comment, enjoy!!!!

<3 InspireMe

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to orangecow2, one of my BESTTT friends in real life and on Wattpad. She made me this amazing cover. Thanks!! :) <3

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