I'm in love with a criminal (...

By Tiateeny20

49.2K 1K 1.7K

When you're in love with someone who is on the wanted list, your moments might be short. And your secrets wil... More

Love of my life
In love with a criminal
He was a criminal, who I loved
Authors Note
It is here people!

Crazy in love

8.8K 218 557
By Tiateeny20

I got to the hot springs where Hinata said they should be there. I walked in excited to see the rest of the girls. I always wanted to see them in such a long time, now I do! I wonder what do they look like now? Have they changed at all lately? I went in the dressing area to get undressed and into the baths when I bumped into someone.

"Hey! (Y/n)! Long time no see!" Sakura greeted warmly. "Hey, Sakura! You look different." I noticed as she gave a smile. "Yea, you haven't changed at all!" She noticed me. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing, but I just accept it as that. The last time I've seen Sakura was when she cut her hair short and would be falling for Sasuke.

"So how have you been?" I asked. "Fine, Sasuke and I had a daughter, her name is Uchiha Sarada." Sakura smiled. Her too, huh? I guess everyone had a child and got to be with who they love. I fell happy for them. As for me, I don't know what I'm going to do with Deidara. Oh well, whatever happens, happens.

As we talked, we made our way to the hot springs where the rest of the girls were. "Hey, (Y/n)!" Ino called, "You made it!" Hinata cheered. "Come on!" Temari smiled. "Hey! It's been a long time, how long has it been?" I asked as you entered the hot bath. "Too long." Ino answered "finally we get to see each other." "Yea." Tenten agreed 

As I looked at each and every one of them, they all have changed. A lot. Ino's hair is longer, Sakura's hair is neater, Hinata seems larger (with no disrespect), Tenten looks way different and Temari looks more grown. Suddenly I've grown jealous of them, because they seem to have gone 10 levels higher than I am.

"So what have you've been up too?" I asked as soon as they got on the bath "any new editions going on?" It didn't take them long to answer that, they were happy that I asked the question. Their faces lit up like fireworks. "Well I don't know if you heard but, I'm finally with Naruto!" Hinata started "and now we have two children!" "Yea, so did Sai and I, except we have one son." Ino announced "don't forget Temari and Shikamaru have a son too!" 

"Heh, it's not that big of a deal, guys." Temari giggled. "Sasuke and I had a daughter." Sakura smiled. I was really happy for all of them, it's just that they're lucky enough to not have a mother who was bickering about what guy you should marry. And I really hoped that they wouldn't as the same to me. They don't know about me and Deidara. They know is that Deidara is dead (a long story). 

"So, (Y/n), what about you?" Tenten asked "do you have any family?" "Um...well..maybe?" I guessed. "Maybe? What about your loved one?" Hinata asked. "Yea, why won't you describe him?" Temari asked too. Now what am I going to do? They're just stifling me with a bunch of questions! I can't do this but neither can I tell them the truth, how will they react?

"I don't see him often, he's too busy with missions and stuff with his village." I lied. "His village?" Sakura repeated "is he from the leaf?" "Uh, no. Actually he's from the hidden..stone." I quickly answered. "Stone? Isn't that far?" Hinata asked. "Yea, he has his ways of transportation." I explained. Automatically, Tenten lost her smile and began to lose interest.

"So what does he do?" Ino asked. "He is a...member of an organization called..." I paused to think of a name, but act like I'm trying to remember. I was doing good for a moment until the truth just had to snap like that.

"The Akatsuki?" Tenten guessed coldly. Everyone turned to her right after she said the name.

"Huh, I never thought that you would do that, (y/n). Especially when you tried to lie to us." She continued. "Tenten what are you talking about?" Hinata concerned. Tenten turned to me which caused a lot more pressure than you think. "You want me to tell them, (y/n)?" Tenten frowned. I didn't know what she was talking about, then again she is married to my older brother who is in the Anbu. Anything Shi knows, I'm assuming that Tenten knows too.

I fell silent for I don't know what did I got myself into. I turned away looking at the the wooden gate that surrounded the women bath. 

"Her boyfriend is a S-rank criminal." Tenten announced "and a member of the Akatsuki." All of the young women gasped in shock and surprise. Leave it to Tenten to give the truth straight up without hesitation. "(Y/n), how could you love a criminal?!" Ino asked,"especially a member of the Akatsuki?" "Which one is it?" Sakura gasped.  Tenten looked at me first, then say turned to look at Temari.

"Temari, remember the two members who kidnapped your brother, Gaara?" She questioned. "Yeah, why?" Temari concerned. 

"You know the one who fought against him and captured him along with his partner?"

"The blonde one? Anti-stone?"

"That's the one."

Temari widened her eyes and looked at me. "Are you serious? Why are you with him?" Temari asked me. At first I was going to say something and explain myself, but I rather hear what they have to say, then explain last. I took a breath and played back, to prepare myself for the worst things they could say.

"He's a criminal. He's not worthy for love of anything!" Temari exclaimed "and that he's wanted in every village for his detonating issues." "I don't understand! Why do you want to be with him?" Sakura complained. Suddenly everyone started to complain like what my mother did. Just makes me sick to the core 😤😤.

"You don't have to understand, just accept it." I blurted "he might not be worthy for love, but that was all he needed. And that's what I provided for him. His name is Deidara by the way." "Oh (y/n), that's almost like Naruto." Hinata noticed, "all he wanted was to be acknowledged, to be loved. He was always feared by many---"

Ino interrupted her "No, Hinata. That's so different. Listen (y/n), he has a criminal record. Do you think that's just a title?" "Ino's right. Criminals are dangerous." Temari agreed "if you let them trick you, you'll just take their place."

 I seriously don't see why they're fussing about? I mean, Sakura is married to Sasuke who was a member of the Akatsuki, was wanted in every village, and a S-rank criminal, and nobody was complaining.😒😒. So hypocritical. What makes my situation any different?

"What about Sasuke? He was a criminal that was wanted in every village too." I switched the object of the conversation. "Sasuke's different!" Sakura exclaimed "at least he changed over the years unlike that monster!" 

"He's not a monster! He just wanted to be loved like everyone else!" I defended. 

"Wait, (y/n), did you say his name is Deidara?" Ino asked me as I nodded my head, "why?" 

"Isn't he the akatsuki member that killed by Sasuke?"

I fell silent and didn't say a word after she stated that fact. Well, it wasn't a fact I mean, it was false at first. "Sasuke didn't kill him, it was actually suicide." I blurted. All of the girls started to look at me with suspicion. "What do you mean by that?" Hinata asked. 

"Deidara detonated himself, therefore it was suicide. So Sasuke didn't kill him." I explained "the only thing he did was witness Deidara's ultimate art."

"So, if you knew what happened then you must know why Deidara isn't dead today?" Temari accused "if he committed suicide then he should be dead!" "But since he's not, you must have something to do with it!" Tenten added.

Usually I would tell them everything that happened, but I'd like them to figure it out themselves, then I would correct what they got wrong. I fell into complete silence once again to hear what they would say. Bowing my head, looking at the hot water that I'm in, hearing nothing but the water crashing into each other. Sakura widened her eyes, along with Hinata and Ino, I think that they figured out partially what I did.

"Did you...." Hinata  started "do the.." "Reanimation Jutsu?" Sakura added. I shock my head in disagreement. "Ruu Clan's special jutsu that's far different from the reanimation one. It's really simple." I explained "you have to use the previous body in order for the jutsu to work. However, to reborn a life, you must eliminate one." All the girls gave a ugly reaction, but I don't care. They ask for the truth, I answer with the truth.

"I can't believe you!" Temari exclaimed "why would you kill innocent people for a guilty man?" "No, actually I also kill those who kill others as a habit." I correct her "so the elimination is already done for." "But why? Why would you have the audacity to bring him back to life?" Tenten growled "just so he can bring more destruction?" "So he can hurt Sasuke again?" Sakura added. "Kidnap Gaara again?" Temari barked.

"BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE HAPPY LIKE YOU GIRLS!" I shouted. The girls finally stopped barking words and let me catch my breath before I could explain some more. "Everyone else was happy with the one they love, why can't I? Deidara's important to me and you know it!" I admitted "so I raised him from the dead, so what? Can you see that I love him?"

"I'm pretty sure that you would do anything for who you love. Hinata, you were willing to fight Pein for Naruto. Sakura, you wanted to bring Sasuke back no matter what it took. As for the rest of you, I'm pretty sure that you did the same thing!" I continue, "and here you are, saying that MY situation is different? I rejuvenated Deidara, rescue Deidara and still do. And if you think that he's just a criminal, there's nothing special then....."

I paused as I saw a bird flew over my head and exploded into thin air like a firework. I immediately realized that it was one of Deidara's and was a signal of bad news. THE ANBU GOT TO HIM! I jumped out of the bath with the girls and went to get my clothes back on. "Wait, (y/n), where are you going?" Tenten asked. "Gotta go, something came up." I rapidly explained.

As soon as I got my clothes on, I ran out the hot springs and went to the Anbu headquarters, to see what they're going to do to Deidara. This isn't good, this isn't good. 

I arrived at the headquarters and was confident to save Deidara, but the problem is that the room, where they have him in right now for judgment is high, high, high up. Seriously, how am I supposed to get down here to up there?😦😦

Then it came to me. I remembered the invisibility jutsu, Shi taught me when I was ten years old. Then I was a couple of Anbu shinobi walk to the entrance of the building. I quickly performed that Hutus and followed them to the room. But the thing is their conversation, wasn't that pleasant.

"So, did you hear about that terrorist? They finally captured him." One said to the other.

"I know. I just got back from the core, but they said that they haven't felt a force through the barrier." The other said.

"Could he went under?"

"No, the barrier covered the grounds too. So it has to mean that he's been living in the village. Blend in, I guess."

"Someone must have snuck him in before the barrier was made. But who?"

"And whoever it was, must be responsible for bringing him back to life."

"Hey! What about Shi's little sister? She always goes outside and kills criminals?"

"(Y/n)? I don't know. Every time I ask him about her, he doesn't say a thing."

"Well, anyway what do you think the terrorist would be sentenced?"

"Death, I hope. Or probably send him back to the hidden stone, let them deal with it."

"But that's where he's formally from right? Since he's from the Akatsuki."


Why do people always call him that? He has a name you know? Look, wherever Deidara is, please hurry up and get there! I can only remain invisible for two hours. 

Finally, I arrived at the court with the two in front of me. I sneaked pass them and I saw poor Deidara. With his hands tied behind his back, sitting on his knees, bruises and scratches all over his body. I was about to save him with my invisibility, but then I heard the Hokage, Naruto talk.

"So, we meet again." He spoke in a low tone.

"We do? When was the first time we met, un?" Deidara asked confused.

"Don't you remember? When you took Gaara, the fifth Kazekage? The one-tail jinjuriki."

"Oh, I remember. And you must be his friend, the nine-tails. You look a lot more different, huh?"

"Why are you here? How are you still alive?" Naruto asked.

"That......." he paused for a second to look at me, then back to Naruto. "That information is unknown, un."

"What do you mean unknown? Who summoned you?" Naruto grew more impatient as Deidara didn't answer his questions.

"I don't know okay? Even if I did I wouldn't tell you anyway, un." Deidara grew more annoyed as Naruto keeps on repeating the question.

"Grrr, his guy.....Listen, I know you know! Tell me already!" 

"Tell you what? Just give me my sentence and get this over with!"

"Everyone, please settle down." A member of the Anbu calms the situation, "Sir, what do you want to do with him?" 

"Death, have it outside the village. Since he's formally from the Stone, he doesn't have a village." Naruto gave the sentence, "and I give Anbu permission to finish him."

The five Anbu shinobi carried Deidara off as I walked next to him without anyone knowing. Deidara saw me and smiled like never before. The only one that can see me when I'm invisible, is Deidara.They walked him outside as three of them went to grab the weapons.

Meanwhile, Deidara was able to free himself and knock out the other two. I released the jutsu, allowing me to become visible and ran with Deidara outside the village. Since the barrier was released, getting out was easy.

"Follow me." Deidara said as he held my hand and ran far from the village to the point where I forgot how to get back. Then we spotted a little house that was surrounded by lots of trees and near a river. "Inside, they won't find us here." Deidara assured me.

When I got inside, it was a lot bigger than the outside. But there was only a bed with pillows and covers, and the rest was just empty space. At least there was walls, a roof and a floor.

"Deidara what are y......" I was interrupted by a pairs of lips crashing into mine with a sweet taste. Once he departed his lips, he took off his shirt and reached for mine. "I don't have much time now, (Y/n)." He whispered, "so I want to spend the rest with you. And have a family."

"Deidara, are you saying that...." I gasped, then he nodded his head as he pushed me to the bed and crawled on top of me.

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