Left For Dead

By shelbysomething

11 0 0

Based on the game left for dead and left for dead two. More

Welcome home
What's happening


2 0 0
By shelbysomething

We start to get close to Lexington. It's the same in each town we go through, people chasing one another bodies laying in the road or rising back up after the living.
"Earth's turned to shit." Josh says.
Bill chuckles "we got lucky when that mob tried to get us."
If it wasn't people trying to get into our vehicle it was these zombies getting us.
I start to mute bill and josh out and just stare out the window. People being chased, eaten, or killing each other to survive. What caused all this?
"God's punishing us" a sign says as we make it into lexington.
Bill pulls over. "Alright we are close we need a plan, we have to leave the car and walk the 6 or 7 blocks."
I nod in agreement "take as much as week can to the hotel. And get there as quick as possible."
We get out of the car and start walking.
"Watch every corner, these things can pop up out of no where." Josh whispers.
After 2 blocks we start to see some zombies. Too busy eating bodies to worry about us. I gag in disgust.
Suddenly a car alarm starts to go off and a loud roar fills the city.
Bill looks behind us "RUN!!!!"
I turn around and look and at least 2 dozen are after us.
We run into a dark alley way and hide in a dumpster. The zombies run by in search of us.
We start to climb out.
"Wait.....what's that noise?" Josh whispers.
A growl slowly starts. Kind of like a wild animal.
"Josh look out!" I grab him as a zombie lunges at him. This one is like a wild dog.
A gun shot kills the undead.
"You guys heading to the hotel?" A man says.
Bill nods.
"Yes sir!" I shout as I look away from josh to him.
He's a tall man, almost 6 and a half feet, covered in tattoos, and wearing a white shirt and black pants and boots, kinda like a biker from hells angels.
"Follow me, then."
We listen and start to follow him.
"The Name is Francis." He introduces himself.
"I'm bill, this is Zoey and Josh."
He smiles and nods at us.
"Do you know what happened?" Josh asks.
Francis shakes his head "not a damn clue, some people think it was from a new disease sent over from another country, others think it was from bugs, but there's a few that think it's god punishing the human race."
"It could be from the bugs, I know the night before this all started the mosquitoes was terrible."
Francis stops.
"Why are we sto-"
Francis throws one hand up "Shhhhh!" Interrupting me.
The ground starts to shake.
"We gotta hide!" Francis starts to run.
We follow and run into a building.
Suddenly it feels like an earthquake.
A large creature walks out in front of where we are hidden.
Josh starts to whimper but bill covers his mouth.
The creature let's out a large roar and runs off.
We come out of hiding.
"What was that?" I ask.
"We call it A tank back at the hotel. One of the strongest ones of the zombies I've seen so far. I'd rather not have to mess with it until I have to." Francis explains.
After a few minutes of walking we make it to the hotel.
"This is it." Francis says.
We walk inside and see dozens of people.
"Louis! New people!" Francis shouts.
A man walks up to us, he's wearing a white dress shirt and a red, he looks to be about early to mid 30's.
"Hi I'm Louis glad to see some others made it out also! Where you guys from?"
"Mount vernon" Bill replies.
"Oh wow! That's about 2 hours away right?"
Bill nods.
"Let me take you guys to your room." He looks at a note pad. "786! Top floor you guys get a view!" Louis says.
This guy is way too enthusiastic.
We get into our room.
"Not much of a view anymore." I say.
In the distance you can see fires and blue and red lights.
Below you can see the dead walking outside the hotel.
"We need to rest now that we are here." Josh suggests "We haven't had hardly any sleep since the night of the cook out and I think we need it."
Me and bill nod in agreement.
I lay in one bed and bill lays in the other and josh lays in the floor.
I get up and grab his hand and pull him into the bed with me.
He wraps one arm around me and cuddles me.
Maybe now we are safe for some time or at least until all this is over.

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