Falling For You | Completed

By SplatteredInkJet

335K 10.3K 11.2K

Pacifica Pines; curious, adventurous and vulnerable. Dipper Gleeful; cocky, sharp and devilishly hands... More

Falling For You
01. The Tent of Telepathy
02. Fake Blonde Hair
03. Makeovers!
04. The Gleeful Twins are a Handful!
05. Unwanted Customer
06. Breaking Hearts
07. Grief-stricken Veins
08. Brown-haired Misery
09. The Journal
10. Manipulative Jerk
11. Not what he seems
12. Dipper Gleeful
13. Grocery Store Trip
14. Tears, Hugs, and Onions
15. Missing Him
16. Flickering Flame
17. Pathetic Insults
18. Knicker Tricks
19. Ovary Reacting
20. The Party
22. Butterfly Blues
23. Phases and Happy Highs
24. Dressing Up for Him
25. The Dreamy Date
26. Acidic Jokes
27. Stinging Heart
28. Ice Cream or I Scream?
29. Chaos To My Thoughts
30. Falling For You
Sequel? Sequel.

21. Future Stripper Dates

8.1K 286 568
By SplatteredInkJet

Pacifica Pines

     "How old are you again? I'm not sure if you told me," I said through grit teeth, watching them laugh their arteries out. I'll soon be ripping them apart and trying to summon some ghosts from the Journal to make sure these kids die.

     "Sixteen," said Acid in between laughs.

     "Don't seem like it, do you?" said Dipper in a cool tone. I glanced at him gratefully but he took that as a chance to strut a quick pose and wink at me. "Good luck with the future stripping career," I replied dryly.

     "I'd strip for you," he winked, turning around and blending into the crowd. I stood there agape.

     "See?" howled Grendon, doubling over in giggles.

     "That's so gay, it's not even funny," a voice said into my ear. I whipped my head around only to see Robbie with an arm slug over Wendy who was swaying to the beat.

     "I'm going to go take a walk, or somewhere out of this... bloody mess," I growled, trying to keep my emotions in check. I stomped outside, with the music fading out and my ears had finally stopped bleeding.

     I sat with a humph on the chair, beside the ticket stand. It was deserted outside, no one to be seen. The wind was chilly and angry, rushing by me and fluttering the loose hair that was falling out of my used-to-be-tight bun.

     "A kingdom of isolation, and it look's like you're the queen," said Dipper, winking at me when he said 'you're'. I tried to stay angry but the blush that warmed my face said otherwise.

     "That was so bad," I said, smiling at him as he sat on the chair beside me,  spreading his legs.

     "But you loved it," he winked again.

     "Well, someone's in a flirty mood," I said.

     "Yes, yes I am," he said, scooting his chair over to mine and squishing his body right next to mine. I went rigid, feeling really alarmingly aware of his body next to mine. I felt his arms snake around me and I leaned into him.

     He smelt really nice.


     "Come on, kids! This dirty ol' thing won't clean itself!" barked Bud, wagging a rolled newspaper at our faces. It was six in the morning and he had made us all get up and at this at six in the effing morning.

     "We heard you the first time," I growled quietly, sweeping up the pile of cans that lay on the floor. The doors to the massive room, which looked like gym doors, were opened and closed with a soft thud. Nobody looked up.

     We were too busy self pitying ourselves and trying not to blurt out any horrible words to Bud.

     "Shall I help you, m'dear?" purred a voice into my ear.

     "Do it all for all I care!" I said, sitting down and slumping.

     "I can't do all your work," he chided, but sweeping anyways. I saw somewhere behind him, where most of the garbage was, glow a hazy blue and put itself into the dustbin. "You didn't see anything," he said, smiling at me softly.

     "Sure," I drawled out, but my mood had become lighter all because of him.


     "Hi, I'm Mabel! Hi, I'm Mabel! Hi, I'm Mabel! Ugh! She's so annoying!" imitated Gideon in an angry tone.

     "Hi, I'm your future husband," joked Grendon, but immediately shut up when I whipped my head around so fast I swear my neck could have broken.

     "You're gay? I mean, I have nothing wrong with you being like that, but are you?"

     "Yeah," he said shyly. Who knew a bulky guy who looks really intimidating could be so shy? It's so adorable.

     "Hey, don't call him adorable, call me adorable! Or maybe hot, or maybe devilishly handsome," whined Dipper, tightening his grasp around my hand.

     "Dipper, go die," I replied in a monotone voice as I continued talking with Grendon.

     "This is getting really unfair Pines," warned Dipper. I was getting enough of him always annoying me when I talked to some other person of the opposite gender. He'd act like some attention deprived puppy.

      "COULD YOU STOP ANNOYING ME FOR ONCE!?" I yelled, my mind on that and the other on how attractive he looked.

     "MAYBE IF YOU GAVE ME SOME ATTENTION I WOULD!" he shouted back, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

     "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SO ANNOYING, IT'S KIND OF HOT!" I hollered, looking up at him and stomping my feet.

     "IF I'M SO HOT, THEN GO ON A DATE WITH ME!" he screamed back, leaning into my face with his cool breath fanning my face.




     I stomped one way, and Dipper stomped the other. Anger flooded through my veins, burning and scorching and firing through me. That was until embarassement took complete control, and burned my face. I opened the door to the Shack and trudged to my room with a red, tomato resembled face.

     Why had we just screamed at each other until he asked me out? I thought, groaning as I jumped onto my bed face first, with my head buried deep in the pillow.

      Then, the panic came.

     He hadn't even said where we were going!?

     What if it's fancy!?

     What if it's casual?

     What am I supposed to wear!?

     How am I supposed to walk?

     Do I talk like we're friends or something more? 

     But it's like our first date!? How do I act? 

     What am I supposed to do!?

     My heart was thundering against my ribcage and I felt really sweaty. I didn't know how to react to this. Until, my phone rung.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Wear casual, or nothing at all. I wouldn't mind :*

Published: Apr 25, 2016 | Reads: 5k | Goals: 5.5k

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