Mommy Things.

By drizzychanel

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EDIT - Book is very old. I wrote it in middle school and I'm graduating next year. Please read at your own ri... More

Chapter 1 | I Love You.
Chapter 3 | Break.
Chapter 4 | Saturday It Is.
Chapter 5 | It Was Different.
Chapter 6 | Date. part 1
Chapter 7 | Date. part 2
Chapter 8 | Date. part 3
Chapter 9 | Act Like One.
Chapter 10 | Capture It Forever.
Chapter 11 | Movie Night.
Chapter 12 | On The Beach.
Chapter 13 | Realizing How Much.
Chapter 14 | Lucky To Meet.
Chapter 15 | Whatever, Babe.
Chapter 16 | You're Mine.
Chapter 17 | Do I? I Do.
Chapter 18 | He's Happy.
Chapter 19 | Sand Face.
Chapter 20 | Join Me.
Chapter 21 | Proving.
Chapter 22 | It's Over.
Chapter 23 | Daydream.
Chapter 24 | Believe.
Chapter 25 | For The Weekend.
Chapter 26 | Promise? Promise.
Chapter 27 | Pitch Black.
Chapter 28 | Someone New.
Chapter 29 | He's Safe.
Chapter 30 | My Baby's Here.
Chapter 31 | Thank You.
| E P I L O G U E |

Chapter 2 | Memory.

654 9 3
By drizzychanel

That is Amber Monte played as Madeline Mercedes.


Today was a Monday morning. I had to wake up Maria and get her ready for the day.

Last night, she had fallen asleep so I tucked her in, then went to bed.

I threw the covers off of me then walked to Maria's room.

"'s time to get ready for school." I shook her gently as she slowly woke up.

"Bath or shower?"


I ran her bath with bubbles, and when she got in I went to take myself a shower.

I changed into grey leggings with a black v-neck. I put on vans and let my hair fall down. I then put on mascara, and my nose ring was already in.

This time, I put in the small diamond. I got my nose pierced when I was like 21.

I went back to Maria's room and picked out her outfit. It was black skinny, but stretchy, jeans with a white top that had the words Princess written on it.

I dressed her in it as she got out and put lotion on her, I put on her black and white converse and I braided her hair into french braids.

She grabbed her backpack and we went to the kitchen. I made her a bowl of cereal as I packed her lunch.

"What did you want today?" I asked.
"Sandwich, chips, and juice pouch!" She replied.

"Okay, are you ready?" I asked as I gave her the lunch bag. She nodded and we walked to my car and drove to her school.

"Mommy, today we get to go on the computers! I'm excited." she said.
I smiled, "You really like computers, huh?"
"Yeah, they're fun. I like to play the dress up games!"

I chuckled, "Well maybe we are going to have to buy a computer."
I heard her gasp and I could practically feel the smile on her face, "Yay!"

I pulled into her school and got her out the car. I walked her to where the teacher always stood.

"Hello, Ms. Monte, it's nice to see you." the teacher said. I smiled, "You too, Mrs. Lawson."

I bent down to Maria's height and smiled at her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a hug, I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, be good in school, okay?"
"Okay, mommy. I love you too," she went with the teacher and I watched them walk in class.

I went back to my car and drove home.


I was getting ready for work now. It has been two hours since I dropped Maria off.

Her school starts at 8am, and I don't have to be at work until 10am, then I get off at 2pm, and Maria gets out of school at 2:20pm.

I changed into black skinny jeans with a white shirt and my name tag pinned on it. I put my hair in a nice ponytail and touched up my makeup.
I added earrings and a few rings on my hands.

I sprayed perfume, grabbed my purse, and was out the door.

"Hey, Jared!" I greeted just as I walked in. I work at a bar, just a few blocks away from my house. It was called The Jazzy Bar.

Jared was the manager here. Our boss was Kian. He smiled at me, "Hey, what you been up to?"
"Same thing I said the last time you asked me that exact question, the usual."

He laughed, "I should've known. How's Maria?"

"Awesome." I said as I put my things in the back. Jared nodded, "That's good."

"Hey, girl!" I looked over to see one of my close friends here, Janet.
I gave her a smile, "Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time, how was your trip to Hawaii?"

Last week, she wasn't here since she went on a family vacation to Hawaii for a wedding. I thought it was pretty cool.

"It was great, while they were doing more wedding plans, I was out by the water."
I laughed, "That's very like you."
She chuckled, "You know me so well."

"Amber! There's a table over there!"

I looked over to where Jared was pointing and grabbed my notepad and pen, then walked over to the table.

"Hello, I'm Amber, I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you guys?" I asked the group of guys all watching me.

"Uh, can I have a water?" One of the guys asked.

"Man, you need to stay off that water, and drink real stuff. Like alcohol." another guy said.

I did a soft chuckle. After they gave me all their orders, which was most likely alcohol, I went back to the bar area.

I gave Carlos, the guy who works the bar, the bartender, the paper. He gave me a small smile, "Look at you, those guys over there were totally checking you out." he smirked.

I raised one eyebrow, "No they were not. Besides, who cares anyways?"
He laughed, "You do." He made the drinks and put them on a tray.

I grabbed the tray, "Mm, I wonder what made you think I'd actually go for those guys?"

He shrugged, "I am not judging," he raised his hands in surrender.

"You don't have to, they're not my type."

"What's your type?"

"Gotta go!" I smirked and walked back to the table and gave the guys their drinks.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Yeah, uh can I have your number?" One guy said.

Okay, that was like really cheesy.
I just kept a straight look on my face, turned and walked away.
I wanted to laugh but I held it in.

"Dude, you didn't even get a response!"

I shook my head as I made it back to where Jared and Carlos stood. Janet was at a table.

"Did those guys say anything to you?" Jared asked.

"They wanted my number."

Carlos laughed, loudly. "Lord have mercy, I told you! See what happens when you don't listen to the one and only Carlos?"

"No, because you're not the one and only Carlos."

He dropped his shoulders, "You know what I mean."
I laughed.


It was the end of my shift, so I went to the back and grabbed my purse.

"Hey, we need to hang out sometime. I feel like I haven't been talking to you in forever." Janet said as she grabbed her purse too.

We both had the same hour shifts so it was pretty easy whenever we wanted to hang out.

"Yes, we will definitely be needing to plan something." I told her as we both walked out after waving bye to the people who had longer shifts.

Janet nodded as she opened her car door, "Call me."
"I will."

I got in my car and drove back home to change. I changed into ripped light blue jean shorts with a black peasant top. I let my hair fall down and then I went to Maria's school to pick her up.

I always loved picking up my daughter. Some people say that they can't wait for their kids to go to school, but I actually enjoy Maria's presence.

Let's see how long I'll enjoy it for.

"Mommy!" Maria had her arms spread wide as she ran towards me. I picked her up and hugged her.

"How was school?"
"Good. I missed you," she said.
"I missed you too."

I held her hand and we began walking back, until I spotted Colton, the guy I met at the park yesterday, walking towards us with a little boy holding his hand.

I smiled, "Hi, Colton. I didn't expect you to be here."
He smiled back as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Yeah, I was just picking up my nephew, Joshua."

"Hi, Maria." Joshua said as Maria waved back. I'm guessing they have the same class.

"Is she your daughter?" Colton asked.

I nodded, "Yep, this is Maria. Maria, say hi."

"Hi," she said in a shy voice. Colton smiled at her, "She's very beautiful." he said.

"Thank you." I replied.

"So, I was thinking...maybe we can go get some icecream or something." he said. I raised one eyebrow.
"For the kids." He added.

I chuckled, "Sure, but I'm getting some too."


"Can I get birthday cake on a cone?" I asked the women who was at the register.

"Maria, what did you want?" I asked.
"Cotton Candy flavor!"

I ordered her that as Joshua got chocolate and Colton got vanilla.
We sat at a table as Maria sat besides me, Colton infront of me and Joshua by his side.

"So, do you and Maria have the same class together?" I asked with a smile, even though it was kind of obvious, I just wanted to make conversation.

Joshua nodded along with Maria, "Yes."

I nodded my head with a smile as I began licking the ice cream on my cone.

"So, where's Maria's father?" Colton asked as Joshua and Maria were in their own conversation talking about animals.

I pursed my lips to the side, "He's here, just not with me." I didn't really like sharing details on how David left me and my daughter along for another women. It was personal and nobody's business.

Colton must have gotten the hint that I didn't like sharing it so he just nodded and ate more of his icecream.
I licked mine when I heard a thump from under the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked, as Colton rubbed his knee from where he hit it. He nodded and glanced at my icecream.

"I'm fine."

Well, that was strangely...odd.


We drove back home and Colton pulled his car in the driveway of his house that was literally across from mine, as I parked mine in my driveway.

I got out and helped Maria out. I held her hand and waved at Colton as he smiled and waved back.


Maria was watching tv while brushing her baby doll's hair. I was sitting besides her while reading one of my favorite books when my phone rang.

I picked it up and answered after seeing that it was my mother.


"Hey, Ambie! I was just wondering if you and Maria would like to come over for dinner. I'm inviting a few people over and would like it if you would show up."

My mom was always the one to have people over. She would make sure everything is done perfectly right.

"Okay, fine. What time?"


After saying our byes, we hung up. I looked at the time seeing how it was now 4pm.

"Maria, grandma wants us over for dinner, let's go get dressed." I told her. She looked up, her brown eyes shining, as she nodded with a big smile.

I shut the tv off and we walked to her bathroom as I ran her a bath and set her in. I went to her closet to pick out a white dress that had lace at the end and on the collar with long sleeves.

I paired it with white flats and a silver necklace that had a light pink flower on it. I went back to the bathroom and helped her wash her hair.

After she stepped out, I dried her and dressed her in her clothes. She brushed her teeth and I put the necklace and shoes on. I pulled out the flat iron and straightened her long brown hair.

"Okay, you're done."

"Wait, I want my purse!"

I grabbed her small black purse that had gold chains as the straps. She put her lip gloss and a dollar in it.

I chuckled, "Okay, don't get dirty. Make sure Mocha goes outside to use the restroom."

I left to get ready as I took a shower, and washed my hair. I changed into a white dress that was tight to my body but stretchy. It went to mid-thigh and the sleeves went to my elbows. I paired it with white heels and I also straightened my hair. I put my makeup on and sprayed perfume.

I grabbed my nude color bag and shut the lights off and walked out.

"Mommy, we're twins!" Maria smiled.
I smiled back, "Yes, we are!"

Mocha ran back inside and was now laying on the floor by the couch. I gave Maria a Capri sun and we got into my car and drove to my parents house.


"Grandma! Grandpa!"

I held Maria's hand as we walked to the front door where my parents greeted us. They hugged Maria and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, honey, you look gorgeous. Both of you," my mother gushed. I thanked her and walked in.

"Everyone is sitting at the table, we were waiting up on you."

I walked in to see everybody.

There was my mom's sister and her husband with my cousin, Erika who was the same age as me. My sister Ashley was here and even my parents' friends.

My parents had these 2 friends who had a son, Ben. He is a year older than me and he has been trying his hardest to hook up with me. It can get very annoying by just how hard he tries. I'm appreciated, but just not into him. He doesn't have to try to get me because he just doesn't seem what I'm interested in.

I hugged Ashley as she stood up and greeted me.

"I missed you, sis." She smiled.
I smiled back, "I missed you more,"
She then hugged Maria and made a conversation with her. I greeted my Aunt Cary, my mom's sister, and her husband, Uncle Carl.

"Amber, my god, you look so grown up and gorgeous. You and your daughter are lovely." Aunt Cary said. I smiled, "Thank you."

I then greeted my parents' friends. Kaylee and Sam.

"Hello, it's nice to see you guys."
"It's nice to see you too, Amber. You look very beautiful," Kaylee said.
Sam nodded, "Indeed."

I smiled, "Thank you."
I then turned, and Ben was watching me. I glanced at my parents then back at Ben. I guess it wouldn't be a crime to greet him as well. I mean, that's what my parents would have wanted.

I put a smile on my face as I walked closer. I was surprised when he pulled me close to his chest. I made a silent 'oomph' noise as his hands were on my lower back. Way too low. His hands were almost touching my ass.

I hugged him and then quickly pulled away.

"I missed you," he said.

Okay then.

I awkwardly laughed and nodded, "Yeah," I turned around and walked to the table next to where Maria sat.
Soon, everyone took their seats and we began piling food onto our plates.

"What do you want on your plate?" I asked Maria. She looked around the table and hummed.

"Cookies!" She said excitedly as her eyes landed on them. I chuckled.
"How about we have some real food, and then you can have cookies?"
She nodded and I put rice, corn, chicken, and cornbread on her plate.

"If you don't eat it all, we can save it."

I began eating my food as Maria ate hers.

"So, Amber, where do you work at?" Kaylee asked.

I cleared my throat then spoke, "I work at a nearby bar by my house. Well, just until I can find the right job. So I guess you can say it's just a temporary job."
Out the corner of my eye, I saw Ben smirk but I chose to ignore him.

Kaylee nodded understanding, "Yeah, well that's good. You got yourself a cutie there." she gestured to Maria stuffing her face with chicken.

I laughed as Maria stopped and smiled.
"I know, this little girl is my life."

"Mommy and I are twins!" They all laughed as I smiled at her.
"Yeah, I noticed you two dressed alike. It's adorable." my mom said.

After dinner, I helped my mom wash up as everybody sat in the living room. I gotta say, my mom knows how to cook!

"So, I see you and Ben hitting it off earlier." My mom wiggled her eyebrows.

I almost gagged.

"No, mom! We are not hitting it off. He just tries and I just don't give in." I shrugged.
"Give him a chance." she said.

I immediately shook my head, "No. I don't go for guys like him. He shouldn't have to try to get my attention, he probably just wants to get into my pants."
My mom sighed with a shake of her head.

"You young adults."

After cleaning a bit more, I decided to go out to the porch for some fresh air. I leaned over the railing as I looked out into the night sky.

The wind blew back my hair and it felt good as it made contact with my bare skin.
Days like this, are just when I want to sit back and relax. It felt good when I have free time where I can just relax with no worries.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and their body pressed to mine. I stood straight and looked to see Ben.
I sighed, "Yes?"

"Please, just let me hold you." he said. I shook my head, "Look, Ben, I'm sorry but I'm just not into you like that. I mean, I have things already on my mind and I don't need a man to be on it."
Ben pulled back a little just to look at me, "And I can get those things off your mind if you give me a chance."

His hands slid down to my butt as he cupped it. I moved away from him and stared at him, "Things like that is what I don't need on my mind right now." Then I walked back inside.

I walked into the living room to see everyone laughing and watching Maria sing to a song. I smiled as she sang her heart out to the song Rude by Magic.

"You go, baby!" I cheered. She caught my eye and smiled, "Mommy sing with me!"

I walked over to her and sat down. Everybody in the room sang and it sounded like a horrible, messed up choir, but it was a perfect memory.


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