Dangerous Liaisons [Sterek]

By BekkaChaos

4.2M 109K 102K

A Sterek fiction. When Derek realises that Stiles has become a trigger for him he tries to stay away. He know... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fifteen

139K 3.2K 2.6K
By BekkaChaos

A/N: Next chapter yipee! Hope you guys like!

                                                                 ~ ~ ~

Stiles spread himself out in the silky sheets the next morning, the thin layer of alcohol sweat still coating his body from the night before. As he star-fished out and pried his crusty eyes open he realised that Derek wasn’t there.

He blinked painfully and rubbed his eyes as his body creaked through his stretch. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, still half asleep, to make his way downstairs. He had slept in his clothes, never thinking to take them off, and he knew that he probably had that ‘morning after alcohol’ stink on him.

At least he didn’t have werewolf super-smell to go with his super-groggy feeling.

He headed down the staircase and into the main loft where he could see a few of the pack members still sleeping. Jackson and Lydia must have claimed the spare bedroom because neither they nor Isaac were to be seen. Erica and Allison were sleeping at opposite ends of one of the couches while Danny was slumped face-first on the other and Boyd and Scott were curled up on the floor.

Stiles heard the sound of the fridge door shutting and looked over into the kitchen. Derek looked to be mixing a coffee, God knows he was probably going to need it after last night. Stiles wondered if he could remember the things he had said before he passed out last night. If he did then he was probably going to deny it anyway, but Stiles felt like he was going to have to say something soon.

He had a feeling that the reason Derek had stormed out was because of what Peter had said, and he was gone too long to have just popped out for some booze. For a second Stiles was scared that he would get home and his dad would tell him about some thirty-something year old by the name of Peter that got attacked by a wild animal in his own apartment, but he didn’t think Derek would go quite that far.

Well, he hoped.

He exhaled heavily and walked into the kitchen.

“You’re up early for someone who polished off an entire bottle of whiskey to himself last night.” He said.

Derek didn’t turn to look at him he just took a sip of his coffee before replying. “I recover pretty quickly.”

In all honesty his head was a little sore, but he did drink a lot.

Stiles leant against the counter and sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and clamped down. The awkward pause that followed made it very clear that Derek remembered what he had said last night, or at least some of it. What could Stiles say? ‘So, how exactly did you kill this Paige girl? Why can't you let yourself feel something positive for a change?’ No, that would not go down well. Instead, he bit down on his lip to stop him from saying something the both of them would regret.

Derek turned to give him a look, his eyes were a little bloodshot and he didn’t look quite as fresh as usual but somehow he still looked sexy. Damn you Derek, Stiles thought. Derek put down his cup and walked over, slipping his hands around Stiles’ waist.

We are never going to resolve anything, ever. Stiles thought again.

Not when Derek was kissing him the way he was now. It was just the pressing of their lips together but it made every fibre of Stiles’ being alight and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“If you’re going to do it can you at least wait until we’re gone?” Jackson said as he made his way down the staircase tiredly.

“My house.” Derek said flatly, giving Stiles a sudden but shiver-inducing lick down his neck.

“Hey! I don’t know if you noticed but there are other people in this room!” Stiles mumbled, not-so-secretly loving it.

“I can smell the two of you and I wish you’d just take it upstairs!” Scott grumbled.

“What’s your problem?” Jackson griped.

“Nothing.” Scott said, mumbling into his arm.

His dreams had been troubling him all night and as a result sleep had evaded him for the most part.

Derek sighed, a grumbly look on his face which Stiles poked at with his finger. He was regretting the idea to supply them all with alcohol, now the odds were that they would be in his loft for the rest of the day.

“Hey, Derek, can we maybe talk, you know… alone, later?” Stiles whispered.

Derek’s body tensed. “If you want to talk about last night then don’t bother. I’ve said everything you needed to know.” He said a little icily and let go of his waist to go back to his coffee.

Stiles sighed and Derek closed his eyes. He knew that he would have to say something, but he would wait until they were away from sensitive ears.

Slowly the teenagers arose and Danny offered to take Boyd and Erica to some real hangover-breakfast, or so he called it. They didn’t feel as bad as their human counterparts but didn’t turn down the offer. Allison hitched a ride with them, needing to get home and clean up before her father realised what she had been doing.

Despite everything he still wasn’t totally okay with his only daughter spending her time with a pack of werewolves.

Jackson was pushing the limits and invading Derek’s kitchen to which he earned a dark scowl, but Derek was far too tired to show him who was boss today. Maybe tomorrow.

Lydia was stuck there so long as Jackson refused to leave. Obviously she still looked perfect.

“Is it just me or is Isaac taking a serious sleep in?” She said from the couch a few hours after waking up.

For some reason they all looked up at the stairs – like Isaac was going to just walk down and be all ‘it’s okay guys, I just feel like crap’ and they could all feel better. No such luck.

“I’ll go and ruin his morning.” Stiles grinned and jumped off the kitchen stool.

He headed up stairs and called out to Isaac. “Oh Isaac? Time for your wake-up call!” He sang.

When he opened the door to his bedroom he was surprised to see that Isaac wasn’t in there, and the window was propped open. Okay then, Stiles thought before wandering back down into the open loft.

“I think he may have high-tailed it out his window.” He said and Lydia raised her eyebrows with a smile.

“Why is it that you’ve discovered a fondness of wolf puns since joining the pack?” She said sweetly.

“I guess you could call it a love of putting my life in danger.” He shrugged.

“What do you mean he’s gone?” Scott said.

Stiles looked over at him and shrugged. “I mean he’s not here. And I said high-tailed. High-tailed.” Scott ignored him and looked over at Derek.

“Why would he go out the window?” Jackson asked.

“To avoid running into you down here?” Stiles offered and Jackson let out a growl.

“Enough. I’ll go and look for him.” Derek said.

“I think I should go.” Scott said, the only one who had any possible reason for Isaac wanting to avoid coming downstairs.

“Well, I’m going to take Lydia home so if I see him on my way I’ll give you a call.” Jackson said sarcastically and Derek rolled his eyes.

“You can look in town and I’ll search the woods.” Derek said to Scott.

“You know, I hate to side with this guy,” Stiles pointed to Jackson, “but maybe you guys are overreacting.”

“Maybe,” Derek said without giving it much more thought. “You can stay if you want but I don’t know when we’ll be back.”

Stiles sighed. “No, I’m leaving.”

As they all collected themselves and headed their separate ways Stiles couldn’t help but think that looking for Isaac was just something extra to keep Derek from actually talking. He had to be strong on this because usually when he tried to talk about something Derek distracted him with sex, and while he was very fond of the sex he needed to find a way to communicate.

Stiles drove himself home, tired and still feeling gross. He went straight to the shower once he was inside and thought to himself that the hot water was almost better than sex. Then his mind wandered and he thought that if you mixed the two it would be the most amazing thing ever, which led to him taking a longer shower than he had intended.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and wandered lazily into his room, rubbing his eyes.

“Hey.” At the sound of someone’s voice in his room he leapt back and made a yelping sound, clutching at the wall behind him as his eyes focussed.

Isaac lay on his bed, his hands laced together on his chest and eyes staring up at the ceiling.

“Dude! What the hell?”

“Sorry.” He smiled in a way that made Stiles scowl and he didn’t believe that word one bit.

“Seriously? I’ve been home like five minutes!”

“I think you’ll find that it’s been a little bit longer.” Isaac smiled.

“Oh, what are you now, some kind of werewolf perv?”

Isaac chuckled to himself and sat up on the edge of the bed. “You can put some clothes on, I can't see through my little werewolf eyelids.” He mocked.

“You can still hear through walls, perv.” Stiles said as he went into his closet to grab some clothes.

Once he had some jeans on he felt mildly better, albeit slightly embarrassed that Isaac knew what he had been doing in the shower.

“What are you doing here? You know that Derek and Scott are looking for you right?” Stiles said as he pulled a shirt over his head.

Isaac opened his unfocussed eyes slowly and stared off into space. “Derek and Scott…” He said quietly before leaving a long pause.

Stiles felt a little awkward. “Is it a full moon and I forgot about it? You’re acting awfully weird.”

“Nope, not a full moon. Just a regular old day.” He said.

“Okay, I have to decipher the things that Derek says on a daily basis, seriously, don’t make this a fucking mind game.” Stiles rubbed his face with his hands.

Isaac let out a breath of laughter before breaking his gaze with a patch of carpet and looked up at Stiles. He gave the bed beside him a pat and Stiles rolled his eyes like it was the hardest thing in the world to walk five feet and sit beside him, but he did it anyway.

“Can I tell you something Stiles?”

“Does it matter if I say no?”


“Okay, okay… serious matter, got it. What’s on your mind?” Isaac raised an eyebrow at the sarcasm that was still present in Stiles’ voice, but Derek is a difficult guy to deal with so he let it slide.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before he started. “You remember how I said I had a trigger?”

Stiles thought for a minute, “yeah, some freshmen at school wasn’t it?”

Isaac nodded. “Yeah… not so much.” His eyes widened and he pushed out a laboured breath before closing his eyes with a sigh. “I kind of lied, I mean, I had a trigger, but it wasn’t some girl at school.” Stiles just gave him a look and Isaac rolled his eyes. “It was Scott, okay?”

Stiles nodded slowly, holy crap, did he just say what I thought he said? His mind tried to get a grip on what Isaac was saying.

“Your trigger is Scott?” Was all he could manage in response.

Was, he was.”

“Okay, I think my brain might just implode on itself right now. What does this have to do with anything?”

“It’s the reason I left Derek’s place and slept here last night.”

“Why is that the reason? And you slept in my bed? How did you even get in?”

“I’m going to ignore your narcissism for five seconds…”

“Sorry, sorry, just tell me the whole story would you? I don’t have enough brain function to join the dots right now.” Stiles said.

Isaac started telling him about months ago when he was new to the pack, Derek’s pack, and how everything had been pretty much normal, then one day he got into class and it was like his nostrils were on fire, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t see, his entire body was ready to shift in an instant.

He left right away obviously, he couldn’t risk exposing himself to everyone in the room. It was only later when he realised that it was Scott that was causing it. He tried to ignore it but it was like it was controlling him, and when Derek started explaining to them what a trigger was he knew that it was what he was feeling, and he was determined to stop those feelings.

He talked to Derek, and he gave him tips on how to control the urges that it caused and he was able to be around Scott without trying to kill or screw him. He even let himself become friends with him.

“That made it a little easier I guess.” He said. “I mean I don’t have to explain it to you, you know what Derek’s like. I was the same. The full moon made it so much worse though, I mean I had to leave when Derek was showing Jackson that he wasn’t ready to stay unchained. I really had to leave. I didn’t want him to know, Scott I mean. Derek tracked me down and actually talked me through it. I may have yelled at him a few times because he’s such a hypocrite and totally goes against all advice given…” Stiles felt a twinge at that, a familiar but still painful pang.

“Anyway… I guess, being such good friends with Scott now… things, kind of… evolved?”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing! Well, not back then anyway…” He grumbled. “I just… somehow… I think I kind of… fell for him?” He said those last words like he was asking himself if that’s what had happened.

Stiles couldn’t help at feel jealousy at that. Isaac’s trigger had made him feel something real, and he could admit it out loud, but Derek still tried to push him away.

“… and then suddenly it was like a pressure was just, lifted.” Stiles hadn’t realised that he had stopped listening for a moment so he made sure to listen intently now. “I didn’t feel that gut urge anymore. It was gone. The only problem is…”

“You’re in love with Scott aren’t you?” Stiles said.

Isaac exhaled heavily and his lips stretched into a thin line. “I’m trying not to, I really am. I want to forget everything because I know that it could never happen.” He left out the part about kissing him last night, he didn’t want to add to his shame.

“So you’re saying that he’s not a trigger anymore?” Isaac shook his head. “But you still have feelings for him?”

“It’s hard to explain, I think you have to know what I’m talking about to understand it. And stop hoping that it’s going to be the same with Derek, can’t you focus on one thing at a time?”

“I haven’t had my Adderall today so excuse me if I’m a bit flighty.”

Isaac sighed. “I’m going to break this because it’s not good for anyone.”

“You sure about that?”

“Positive.” Isaac’s mind thought back to the speed at which Scott had left to room last night and nodded. “You need to break my nose if you can see me even thinking about saying something to him.”

“I can probably manage that, I can be Scott’s stand-in dad.”

“And if you tell anyone any of the things that I just said to you… I’m going to break your nose.” Isaac gave him a genuine smile and Stiles smirked.

“You sure you want to do that when Derek will probably kill you for it?”

“Good point.” He turned away, his smile directed at his knees.

“Can I at least text Derek to say that you’re not hanging up by your wrists or cut in half or anything?”

“Sure, but if you say that you found me in your bed, I am definitely going to break your nose.”

Stiles just laughed.

Stiles didn’t say anything about it, not even to Derek. When he asked, Stiles tried to lie but he knew that Derek could hear his heartbeat. Instead he just told him the truth; that Isaac asked him to keep his mouth shut and that’s what he planned to do. If he wanted to tell Derek, he would.

Somehow Derek seemed to take it quite well and he even forced a smile when Stiles said that he had stumbled across Isaac in his bed when he was wearing nothing but a towel. There had been a fair bit of sexual torture after that. Stiles knew that it was coming; Derek was always trying to find new and exciting ways to mark Stiles as his.

Despite that, there was still no conversation like there should have been. Stiles put it down to the fact that Derek had invested himself in the pack and making sure Isaac wasn’t dying or something. Scott was acting particularly weird around everyone else and Stiles had a feeling that Isaac wasn’t telling him something because it couldn’t just be a coincidence. Nothing around these misfit werewolves was a coincidence.

He gave himself some distance from the pack that week, he even locked his window one night, to which he was rudely awoken by Derek’s constant ringing of his phone from the roof outside. He tried to explain that he just wanted to give him some time with his pack and that the crime rate was up in Beacon Hills.

Derek had just laughed because he knew that he was probably the most dangerous thing that would be coming through Stiles’ window. Still, they saw less of one another that week than they had in a long time. In fact, towards the end of the week Stiles hadn’t even heard from Derek in two days and he was getting cranky. He had been the one to plant the seed but it was Friday afternoon and he didn’t want to spend it alone and on his computer like the last few nights.

Stiles –

I actually kind of miss Jackson being the Kanima. No seriously. I mean yeah he was murderous and a little psycho but at least things were interesting.

Okay, I think I should take some more meds, I can't believe I just thought that.

My dad got home early this afternoon, I think it had been a bad day at the office. I tried to get him to tell me about it but apparently I get too involved in the police cases in this town. Excuse me for trying to help.

We talked for a while before I headed back up to the glowing screen and began melting my eyeballs all over again. There may have been some porn involved but I can't be held responsible for that.

 I don’t know how much time had gone by between sitting down and having him call me downstairs.


“Yeah?” I yelled, not looking up from the screen.

“Get down here!”


Stiles!” I groaned and reluctantly got up to make my way down the stairs.

If he wanted to know what kind of pizza I wanted for dinner why didn’t he just yell it up at me? I trudged down each step and yawned loudly.

“Did you really need me to come all the way down here to-” I stopped when I saw Derek standing in the kitchen with my dad. “Okay, what’s going on?” I folded my arms and leant against the empty fridge.

“I’ll go and help him pack a bag.” Derek said, almost sheepishly, and walked towards me.

“Uh huh.” My dad said with one raised eyebrow and a swig of his beer.

He watched as Derek took my hand and led me up to my room.

“What’s going on? Why do you look so guilty?” I said.

He rolled his eyes. “You wanted a weekend didn’t you?” He said as we reached the door.

“Are you trying to be romantic?” I teased and he grabbed me roughly by the shirt.

He slung me against the wall behind my door and held his nose inches from mine, nostrils flared.

“Stiles… shut up.” He growled before letting me go.

“Sour wolf.” I muttered.

I saw him clench his jaw and I chuckled to myself as I grabbed a duffel bag out of my closet and threw it onto the bed.

“So where are we going?” I asked, the unexpected hint of a human soul breaking through Derek’s stony exterior was making me quite chipper.

“Warm clothes and a toothbrush. Emphasis on the toothbrush.” He said.

“Asshole. Answer my question.”

“You can wait and see.”

“Oh, so you are being romantic.” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

He narrowed his eyes. “Try it one more time.”

I chuckled, knowing that I should probably just smile and be thankful that this was happening at all.

I threw a whole bunch of things into the bag, heavily emphasising the packing of a toothbrush for Derek’s benefit and zipped it up, ready to see where it was he was taking me.

We headed downstairs and my dad gave us both cautious looks. “You be safe now,” was all he said, I could tell by the expression on Derek’s face that he had said more than he needed to earlier.

I gave him a grin and he sighed, I’m pretty sure he was just glad that I was looking so happy. Derek insisted that we take the jeep so he threw his bag into the back with mine and stole the keys.

He didn’t say much while we were driving, despite my desperate attempts to get him to reveal his secret. The sun was starting to set as we drove down a dirt track into the woods. I don’t know what he had planned but this looks more serial killer than serial lover.

We pulled up on a small patch of dirt and Derek threw my bag to me.

“You know, when I said weekend away I didn’t mean the far corners of Beacon Hills.” I said.

“Would you just shut up and follow me?” He said.

I shrugged and we walked for about a mile through the trees until we came to a clearing. I have to say, it’s better than I was expecting. The clearing sat on the edge of a steep slope and was surrounded by large trees that had to be tens of years old. The grass was thick and there was a stone circle that looked like it was once a fire pit for campers. As we walked into the middle of the flat clearing the view kind of took my breath away, as disgustingly cliché and that sounded. What looked like the entire town was visible with all the little lights starting to come on as the sun set over one of the distant hills.

“You still going to complain?” Derek said as he walked past me and dropped his bags to pull out a large two-man tent.

“I… not particularly no.”

He seemed to know what he was doing with the tent so I left him to it. He told me that there were a couple of fold out chairs in the bag so I managed to get them sorted. I pointed them towards the town and took a seat. I was kind of mesmerised by it.

Derek, Mr outdoorsman, pulled out a box of matches to light a fire with after throwing some dried bark and wood into the circle of stones. When he was done he grabbed a few hidden beers from his pack and handed me one.

“This place is amazing, how did you find it?” I asked about an hour or so later, now onto my second beer.

Give me a break, it tastes like crap, it’s beer.

He sighed as he stared down into the fire, mesmerised and the orange sparks glowing in his eyes. “We used to come here when I was a kid.”

I froze for a second. Derek just mentioned his childhood. Holy crap, what do I do? I don’t want to scare him into silence by getting too excited about it or asking too many questions, I just- holy crap.

“You mean like, like this?” I asked.

“Yeah, I had a big family, of werewolves, camping was almost second nature.” I nodded.

“You um, you been up here recently?”

His eyes grew distant, sad and mourning. My heart broke just to see how much pain he was holding back.

“No. Not in a long time.” He took a long drink and went back to staring into the fire.

“I get that.” I said, breaking the silence. “I used to go to this little coffee place on the other side of town all the time but uh, but after… after mom… I guess I just couldn’t really face going there without her you know?”

Shit, I haven’t thought about that in a long time.

I felt Derek reach out and take my hand, something in his eyes understood. It was the first time I have seen him look at me like that, and the way he squeezed my hand just made me feel… it made me feel.

His lips turned to a smile as he looked out over the glittering town. “Me and Laura carved our names in that tree over there the last time we came here. I was only about fourteen.”

I didn’t say anything to that, I kind of didn’t want to ruin the smile he had going. Instead I lifted his fingers to my lips and kissed them once, nuzzling my face into them after.

He looked back at me before he stood and stepped around to face me. As he pulled me up to stand in front of him, our fingers still laced together he kissed me gently and I found myself unable to think of anything in particular, just his soft wet lips and the scratchiness of his stubble on my chin.

We stepped slowly backward, his lips never getting more than half an inch away from mine as he led me to the tent. He had thrown in some pillows that he had retrieved from the jeep and two very snuggly looking blankets. We lowered ourselves inside and he slipped out of his jacket as he knelt over me.

I let my fingers lift the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head before letting them fall to the soft tight skin of his sides. His palms pushed my shirt up to reveal the pale skin of my stomach and he pressed his lips against it, pulling at it gently. I arched my back so he could remove my shirt completely and his hand brushed down over my chest.

His meandering lips trailed erratically and slowly up to my sternum and with a slight flick of his tongue my nipples, among other things, were standing erect. He suckled softly and I closed my eyes as I let out a low moan.

Derek smiled. “You don’t have to be reserved out here, I can assure you that no one will hear you.”

“So give me something to make some noise about.” I grinned back and he gave me a chaste kiss before unbuckling his belt.

“Take them off.” He breathed, tugging at my jeans.

He sat aside and watched as I followed his orders, his burning eyes causing me to wet my lips. I tucked myself under one of the blankets and he shook his head before slipping off his own jeans and tossing them aside.

I rolled onto my stomach, still concealed under the blanket from the waist down and I felt him climb under with me. His knee nestled between my thighs and he nipped at the back of my shoulders, knowing that it was a weak spot of mine.

I could feel his hot member pressed against me and I lifted my hips, causing Derek to chuckle to himself.

“Why are you so impatient tonight?” He said in a shiver inducing whisper.

“Are you saying that you want me to just act disinterested?” I asked.

He chuckled again and lifted his leg to roll me over. I looked up at those big alpha eyes and he positioned himself between my legs, running his hands over the top of my thighs. I closed my eyes at his soothing touch and exhaled in a shaky breath as he lifted my ankle to his shoulder and kiss the inside of my calf.

This was a side of Derek that I haven’t seen before. I don’t know what’s brought it on but I know that I like it. His fingers were firm as they circled on my inner thigh and I reached up to grab his neck with my hand.

Derek leant down into me for an open mouth kiss that sent me right back to full strength arousal and I let out a strangled groan as he ground his erection into mine.

“Did you uh… did you bring-” I mumbled into his mouth.

“Stiles… what do you think?” He said, rocking his hips softly.

I laughed as he reached over to the corner of the tent and he shook his head at me as he rubbed some on his fingers.

“Do you want me to…” I asked, trying to turn my body over.

“Stop talking and just let me do this my way.” He said solidly as he rubbed one finger gently against my entrance.

I just nodded as he pushed it slowly inside, and then another. Every movement of his was laboured and slow, and excruciatingly tormenting.

“Derek…” I breathed, and knowing what I wanted he propped himself up on his knees and for the first time lined himself up as he kissed me.

Derek wasn’t the kind of guy to show his emotions, and doing it with them on their knees was… I guess you could say more impersonal, it meant that you could distance yourself, but tonight he held his hand down on my hip, preventing me from moving, and the other was locked behind my head as he kissed me so deeply that I thought I might have been dreaming.

I let out a cry when he pushed his tip inside of me and a long drawn out groan as he filled me with his length. For the first time I could see on his face the look of pleasure as he drove himself slowly in and out of me, as he bottomed out while rocking those glorious hips ever so slightly. For the first time our eyes met as I bit down on my lip and fluttered my eyelids.

I could feel that pressure building in my stomach and I could see the sweat forming on his brow as he held himself back. His agonized grunts growing more desperate the faster he thrust and I reached down to send myself to the brink faster.

“Derek…” I panted breathlessly.

He responded with a groan and clapped a hand to my cheek, his thumb pulling down my bottom lip.

“Oh… Derek…” I had to say it, I had to.

“Don’t…” Derek said with hardly any conviction.

So I didn’t, and with a few more sharp tugs I felt the pressure release and I let myself release.

Derek cried out as my warmth tightened around him and soon enough he joined me in rapture. He held his shaking body above mine as the waves of pleasure tore through him and he opened his vulnerable eyes to look straight into mine. They were glowing red and I pulled him down to rest his forehead on mine, our damp sweaty bodies quivering as we reluctantly tore ourselves apart.

“That was…” I whispered, not even needed to finish the sentence.

Derek lay beside me and pulled my body into his, snuggling into me as if he was someone else, because tonight, it almost felt like he was.

“Derek…?” I said again and I felt him shake his head.


“You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”

“I do…” He said with sadness in his voice that I didn’t understand. “… and just… don’t.” He whispered and I just nodded.

I wasn’t going to say it if he didn’t want to hear it. It hurt to hear him shut me down like that but in a way I saw it coming.

“Hey Derek?” I said a few minutes later.

“What?” He asked.

“We’re not really going to be camping all weekend are we?” I asked to lighten the post-sex mood.

He laughed and licked at my neck, running his hand down my side. “You’re not scared are you? You should know that there aren’t any wolves in California.”

                                                                 ~ ~ ~

A/N: Okay, so this chapter is dedicated to Denice34 because I loved your idea about the two of them going camping, so thank you! I hope you like this!


Love you guys xo

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